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1、新外研book2 unit1单词听写1.I only have time for a _小吃 at lunchtime.2.The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent _烹饪.3.Thai food is hot and _辛辣的.4.She said it as loudly as she _胆敢.5.All of her childrens _婚姻ended in divorce.6.Have you been invited to their _婚礼?7.These _种类of problems are quite common.8.W

2、e had a _了不起的,极好的time in Italy.9.The weather at the moment is not _ 典型的for July.10.Many companies are _遭受from a shortage of staff.11.The whole family _ 聚集together at Rays home.12.She was _咬by the family dog.13.So you fancy yourself as the boss _有朝一日?14.White is a _象征of purity in Western cultures.15.

3、Ive got a _糟糕的 feeling she lied to us.snackcuisinespicydaredmarriagesweddingsorts supertypicalsufferinggatheredbittensomedaysymbol horrible1.An engine has many parts,each performing a different _ 功能功能.2.Could you _下载下载 some music for me?3.These problems are closely _相关的相关的.4.Shes on a very strict _日

4、常饮食日常饮食.5.People who are drug _瘾君子瘾君子 come in and steal.6.Heres a _建议建议I picked up from my mother.7.It is the _ 风俗风俗in that country for women to marry young.8.It is bad _ 礼貌礼貌to talk with your mouth full.9.Ill stay around _ _ 以防万一以防万一you need me.10.He used the old _诀窍诀窍of attacking in order to defen

5、d himself.11.She turned the _柄柄and opened the door.functiondownloadrelateddietaddictstip custommannersin casetrick handle12.French _不同不同 from English in this respect.13.Fresher greens are more _嫩的嫩的and tastier.14.Each person learns in a _略微略微 different way.15.He is _非常地非常地 lucky to be alive.16.A gro

6、wing number _ 蔬菜的蔬菜的restaurants sprang up.17.Black coffee leaves a _苦的苦的 taste in the mouth.18.This yoghurt has a deliciously _奶油的奶油的 flavor.19.The hotels new restaurant comes highly _推荐推荐.20._ 酸酸are usually sour and can often damage things they touch.21.A woman was _侵蚀侵蚀 and robbed by a gang of you

7、ths.22.You should receive a reply _在在里里seven days.differstender slightlyincrediblyvegetarianbittercreamyrecommendedAcidsattackedwithin1.It was a big change in _生活方式生活方式 when we moved to the country.2.Real power _ _属于属于the few.3.His arms _摇摆摇摆as he walked.4.If you go on like this youll _ _最终处于最终处于in

8、prison.5.We spent the evening _ _打听打听on each others news.6.Our new offices are still under _建造建造.7.Wildlife watching also creates _令人满意令人满意的的 memories.8.She had _自制的自制的 ice cream for dessert.9.Michael is a professionally-trained _厨师厨师.10.It is very _方便的方便的 to pay by credit card.lifestylebelongs to s

9、wungend up catching up constructionsatisfyinghomemadechefconvenient11.She was able to _确定确定 her attacker.12.Here is a new _食谱食谱 that tastes light.13._最初最初,we had intended to go to Italy,but then we won the trip to Greece.14.He has improved his _排名排名 this season.15.Some of the _ 官员官员have special priv

10、ileges.16.Investigators are trying to _重建重建the circumstances of the crash.17.I will say no to _咸的咸的 snacks.18.The heat turned the milk _酸酸.19.He couldnt _忍住忍住 showing off his new car.20.We have had to _适应适应quickly to the new system.21.The company will _ _购买购买the bill for your hotel room.identifyreci

11、peOriginallyrankingofficialsreconstruct saltysourresistadaptpick up 新外研book2 unit2单词听写1.The President _表示敬意us with a personal visit.2.Today is the seventh day of the seventh _ 月球的month.3.A _诗人who loves poetry writes poems in praise of _自由.4.Farmers are extremely busy during the _收成.5.She picked a la

12、rge bunch of flowers for table _装饰.6.The new participant didnt _参加 in the discussion.7.Did you _投票 for or against her?8.The weather was terrible but we carried on_.不管9.We must spare no effort to solve the problem of gender性别 _不平等.10.Hes hard at work on a new _小说.11.The possibilities were almost _无限的

13、.12.Dont _认为 _幻想 as truth.13.He was passionate about all _文学.14.He stuck a stamp on the _信封.15.Five members of Scotts expedition found _极地的bears in the South _地极.16.There is a _经常的 bus service to the airport.17.Im going to _抱怨to the manager about this.18.Doctors issued a _警告警告against eating any fish

14、 caught in the river.19.Apart from anything else I was_.饿死Clouds enveloped the mountain topshonoredlunarfreedomharvestdecorationparticipatevoteregardlessinequalitypoet novellimitlessregardfantasiesliteratureenvelopepolarPoleregularcomplainwarningstarving1.Research _显示显示 that eating habits are changi

15、ng fast.2.They made a _请求请求for further aid.3.She got the highest score in _ 花样花样diving.4.At the end of the film the bad _男子男子 gets shot.5.My mother was crying as I _挥手挥手her goodbye.6.I had always been _吸引吸引by the idea of working abroad.7.It is our custom to fire _烟花烟花 during the Spring Festival.8.Th

16、ey _装饰装饰the room with flowers and balloons.9.Most businesses face plenty of _竞争比赛竞争比赛.10.He wore _ 真实的真实的evening dress.11.Our _主人主人 shook each of us warmly by the hand.indicatesrequestfancyguywavedattractedfireworkdecoratedcompetitionformalhost1.Ive met him on several _场合场合.2.He was an _编辑编辑 of the

17、literary magazine in the 1930s.3.She _拥抱,欣然接受拥抱,欣然接受 her son warmly.4.He _承认承认 all his mistakes yesterday.5.We should spare no _力气力气to protect our environment.6.I want to report the _失去失去 of a package.7.I gave her a surprise on Christmas _前夕前夕.8.Children must be accompanied by an _成人成人9.I think life

18、 itself is a learning _过程过程.10.Since she _退休退休 shes kept herself very busy.11.The problem only _存在存在in your head,Jane.12.Nearly half the students come from _海外海外.13._全球全球 warming is a real problem.14.I dont appreciate being treated like a second-class _公民公民.15.Asked his _民族民族,he said American.16.The

19、 _关注关注 was/were clapping for 10 minutes.17.You need to _互动互动 with others in order to make friends.18.To his great _愉悦愉悦,she accepted.19.These _现象现象 are very universal.occasionseditorembracedadmittedeffortlossEveadultprocessretiredexistsoverseasGlobalcitizennationalityaudienceinteractjoy phenomena新外研

20、book2 unit3单词听写1._冲浪,上网the Internet is fun,but its also a time waster.2.The competition attracted 50 contestants _代表 8 different countries.3.The _基础of a good marriage is trust.4.All the _设备 should be cleaned down regularly.5.He had to be _满意 with third place.6.The pipes should be made of _塑料塑料.7.Rem

21、ember that confidence is the key _因素 in success.8.All our officers are trained to _防卫 themselves against attacks.9.The story has taken another _反转.10.He behaves like a well-trained _士兵.11.She found herself in _冲突冲突with her parents over her future career.12.He died a slow and painful _死亡.13.We were _

22、确信that everything possible was being done.14.This beach is _理想的for children.15.The details of todays flights are _显示器,展示on the _监视器.16.The performance of the engine was tested at different _档,调节点.17.The height of the bicycle seat is _可调节的.18.This was the only room _可用的,可获得的.Surfingrepresentingbasise

23、quipmentcontentplasticfactordefendtwistsoldierconflictdeathassuredidealdisplayedmonitorsettingadjustableavailableSurfingrepresentingbasisequipmentcontentplasticfactordefendtwistsoldierconflictdeathassuredidealdisplayedmonitorsettingadjustableavailable1.Try to keep a _平衡 between work and relaxation.2

24、.All the ground floor windows were fitted with _横木.3.There is an _上面的 limit of 20 000 spent on any one project.4.Many of the crimes _包含 drugs.5.They lived in fear of their _大师.6.She made no _答复.7.The students were asked to _解释the poem.8.This _数据was collected from 69 countries.9.The washing instructi

25、ons are on the _标签.10.The aim is to give people more _力量over their own lives.11.We laughed and that helped ease the _紧张.12.Lisa watched until the train _消失 from view.13.Many animals would lose their homes and maybe _ _消失.14.He felt all hot and _满是汗水的.15.Her eyes _疼痛 from lack of sleep.16.The actors

26、enthusiasm _鼓舞the kids.17.Try to _说服 him to come.18.She held the title of world _冠军 for three years.19.Our _ 最终的goal must be the preservation of the environment.barsupperinvolvedmasterresponseinterpretdatalabelpowertensiondisappeareddie outsweatyachedinspiredpersuadechampionultimatebalancebarsupperi

27、nvolvedmasterresponseinterpretdatalabelpowertensiondisappeareddie outsweatyachedinspiredpersuadechampionultimate新外研book2 unit4单词听写1.An evening at the _ 歌剧歌剧isnt everyones cup of tea.2.There was a sudden _ 运动运动in the undergrowth.3.The book aims to cover all _方面方面 of city life.4.He swore to take(his)_

28、 报复报复on his political enemies.5.A _王子王子turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.6.There are two_版本版本of the game,a long one and a short one.7.There are four_ 弦弦on a violin.8.He looked at me with_夸张的夸张的 surprise.9.The performance consisted of dance,music and_哑剧哑剧.10.Your meaning didnt really _ _解释清

29、楚解释清楚.11.Two of the candidates must be_.女的女的12.He cracked his _鞭子鞭子 and the horse leapt forward.13.The artist combines different _技巧技巧 in his painting.1.2.1.opera2.movement3.aspects4.revenge5.prince6.versions7.strings 8.exaggerated9.mime10.get across11.female12.whip13.techniques1.It was an event tha

30、t would _转化转化,改观改观 my life.2.Scientists disagree about how the _宇宙宇宙 was created.3.It seemed _难以置信难以置信that she had been there a week already.4.a _特别吸引人的特别吸引人的display of football5.He was hardworking and _精力充沛的精力充沛的.6.The audience cheered and _拍手拍手.7.The game had the crowd on the _边缘边缘 of their seats.

31、8.They expressed mixed _情感情感at the news.9.He was filled with _愤怒愤怒at the way he had been treated.10.She was overcome with _ 悲痛悲痛when her husband died.11.Several factors had _结合结合 to ruin our plans.12.I had little acquaintance with modern _诗歌诗歌.13.The _爆炸式的爆炸式的 device was timed to go off at the rush

32、hour.14.This is a movie that _all the right boxes迎合众人迎合众人.1.transform2.universe3.incredible4.dazzling5.energetic6.clapped7.edge8.emotions9.anger bined12.poetry13.explosive14.ticks 1.She was _鼓掌鼓掌 as she came on stage.2.I am _感谢的感谢的 to all the teachers for their help.3.She found it_极度的极度的 difficult t

33、o get a job.4.She _克服克服 injury to win the Olympic gold medal.5.She seemed totally _专心致志专心致志 in her book.6.The movie is a _ _ 浪漫的喜剧浪漫的喜剧7.This is a drama,not a_.纪录片纪录片 8.He made it _完全地完全地 clear.9.The final _一集一集 will be shown next Sunday.10.The local drama club is_ _上演上演Macbeth.11.1.applauded2.grate

34、ful3.extremely4.overcame5.absorbed 6.romantic comedy7.documentary8.absolutely9.episode10.putting on 1.Spending the holidays in Britain wasnt _有吸引力有吸引力.2.I _确切地确切地remember sending the letter.3.The book is well organized in terms of _情节情节.4.Why are you so_粗鲁粗鲁 to your mother?5.His bike is his only mea

35、ns of _运输方式运输方式.6.Ill make _安排安排 for you to be met at the airport.7.She once made a _短暂的短暂的appearance on television.8.The result was a leap forward for _电影的电影的realism.9.His latest movie is a real _失败之作失败之作.10.Little kids learn a lot including _讲故事讲故事and music.1.appealing2.definitely 3.plot4.rude5.tr

36、ansport 6.arrangements7.brief 8.cinematic 9.turkey10.storytelling 1.Two prisoners have _逃离逃离.2.They were bitterly _失望的失望的at the result of the game.3.He couldnt wait to write an _史诗般的史诗般的 poem.4.He failed to _ _ _不负不负 his parents expectations.5.To some _程度程度 what she argues is true.6.Shes also a jazz

37、 musician in her own_靠自己靠自己.7.I think you should go back to your _最初的最初的plan.8.Almost all_虚构的虚构的detectives are unreal.9.Youve put me in an _不舒适的不舒适的 position.10.They _表现表现 very badly towards their guests.11.Its _正常的正常的 to feel tired after such a long trip.12.Thats too much_责任责任 for a child.13.In the

38、 _缺乏缺乏of parents company in their childhood,these children will lack of confidence.1.escaped2.disappointed3.epic4.live up to5.extent6.right7.original8.fictional9.awkward 10.behaved 11.normal12.responsibility13.absence 新外研book2 unit5单词听写1.At last,they arrived at their _目的地目的地.2.There is no entrance f

39、ee to the _美术馆美术馆.3.the _追求追求 for happiness/knowledge/truth4.He_离开离开the show last year because of bad health.5.She was at the very top of her _专业专业.6.No_以前的以前的 experience is necessary for this job.7.Motorists are advised to find an alternative_路线路线.8.He was already _在船上在船上 the plane.9.The natural _风

40、景风景 of Tibet is worthwhile to visit.10.They watched _激动人心的激动人心的pictures on TV.11.If the weathers fine,well go _远足远足 this weekend.12.The islands were formed hot spot _火山火山.1.destination2.gallery3.quest4.quit 5.profession6.previous7.route8.aboard9.landscape10.dramatic11.hiking12.volcanos 1.Iran reopen

41、ed its_大使馆大使馆 in London.2.Do you need a _签证签证for the USA?3.We decorated the house on a tight _预算预算.4.He is the owner of a restaurant _连锁店连锁店.5.Passengers are_转乘转乘from the airport to the hotel by taxi.6.Theres room for one more piece of _行李行李.7.Youll need some cash in local_货币货币.8.We bought the dishw

42、asher on _ _信用卡信用卡.9.I bought the ring as a _纪念品纪念品 of Greece.10.How much _现金现金 do you have on you?11.We met on a_ from London to Paris.12.The farmhouse is _偏远的偏远的 from any other buildings.13.He continued to _参与参与 in criminal activities.14.He coaches basketball and _足球足球.15.She loved the African_洲洲.

43、16.Are you the driver of this _?17.Images of _鹿鹿 and hunters decorate the cave walls.18.I began looking through the _大量大量 of evidence.1.embassy2.visa3.budget 4.chain5.transferred 6.luggage7.currency8.credit card9.souvenir10.cash11.flight12.remote13.engage14.soccer15.continent16.vehicle17.deer18.mass

44、新外研book2 unit6单词听写1.The heavy rain has caused _ 洪水 in many parts of the country.2.The south of the country was worst _ 影响by the drought.3.The water _供应 is unsafe.4.Such kindness _恢复 your faith in human nature.5.All three teams _采取different approaches to the problem.6.Weve talked recently about the i

45、mportance of _ 可持续的energy.7._可再生的sources of energy must be used.8.Humans take in oxygen and breathe out _碳 dioxide.9.We should lower the use of fuels that _释放_温室 gases.10._可重复使用的 plastic bottles 11.The _小册子should give you a good idea of the hotel.12.Costs have been _减少 by 20%over the past year.13.Ca

46、rs cause pollution,both _烟雾 and acid rain.14.The plane crashed in thick _雾.15.His injuries are _严重的.16.A healthy diet should help your body resist _传染.17.Todays _ 讲座is about the popularity of English.floodsaffectedsupplyrestoresadopted sustainableRenewable carbonrelease reusablegreenhousebrochure re

47、ducedsmogfogsevereinfectionlecture1.He asked _许可 to leave the room.2.Eric lost his footing and began to _滑倒 into the pit3.The _大多数 was/were in favour of banning smoking.4.She gave _ 错误的information to the insurance company.5.Ive got a terrific _大量的of work to do.6.It is a new _设备 that warns drivers of

48、 traffic jams ahead.7.I was studying and my phone was on the silent _模式.8.More details are now beginning to _漏out.9.When people discover that an _家用电器 is broken,they often stop using it.10.It may help _ 移走all their worries.11.Check that the _插头 has not come loose.12.The company takes environmental i

49、ssues into _考虑进去.13.He withdrew his support for our _活动.14.I desperately fought the _ 督促to giggle.15.I like the _食堂 very much!16.We are _担忧 about the childs welfare.17.Medical negligence was said to have _促成 to her death.18.I was just an _一般,平均 sort of student.permissionslidemajorityfalseamount devicemodeleak appliance plugremoveaccountcampaignurgecanteenconcernedcontributedaverage


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