Unit 4 单词讲解(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Words and expressions P49-531._ adv.永远2._adj.熟悉的sb be familiar with sth.(某人)熟悉某事物=sth be familiar to sb.(某事物)为某人所熟悉 He is familiar _ this city.=_ is familiar to _.3._ n.冒险_n.灾难,事故foreverfamiliarwithThis cityhimmisadventureadventure4._v.更喜欢prefereg.I prefer cooking myself to eating out.=I prefer to c

2、ook rather than eat out.5._ v.点击(鼠标)6._ 不了解.情况,失去联系u keep track of 与.保持联系 clicklose track of7._v.递送,传递;发表 deliver8._ 归功于.;多亏了thanks to 9._ n.进步,进展&v.前进,提前advance10._adv.重大地,显著地_ adj.重大的;显著的_ n.意义;重要性11._社交媒体significantlysignificantsignificance social media 12._ v.保持13._ n.无线网络14._ adj.数字的15._v.使可能,使

3、发生16._adj.异常的,不平常的_ adj.通常的;往常的_ adv.通常;经常17._ n.网站maintainwi-fidigitalenableunusualusualusuallysite18._ v.易于做某事utend to do sth.易于做某事,倾向于做某事uintend to do sth 打算做某事19._n.最新消息20._ n.格言,谚语eg.As the saying goes,the early bird catches the worm.tendupdatesaying21._ n.罪犯_ n.罪行 22._ n.洗澡水Eg.Dont throw the b

4、aby out with the bathwater.23._ v.获得24._ n.商品criminalcrimebathwateracquiregoods25._ v.证实,证明26._ v.说明,阐述27._ n.图解,示意图proveillustratediagram1.Many people living in cities actually prefer _(live)in the country.2.I prefer reading books to _(watch)television.3.They preferred the money to be used for buil

5、ding schools.4.He was so absorbed in reading that he lost track of time.5.They delivered books to this book store.6.The professor _(deliver)a speech yesterday.7.Id be happy if you could inform me _ _(提前).1.To master the _(advance)skills,start from the basic skills.2.Though tired,they advanced toward

6、s the house.3.He proved himself _(be)a better driver than the doctor.4.Just give me a chance and Ill prove it _ you.5.In a word,good listening can really _(能够)us to get closer.6.I _ _(更倾向于)see pictures in my mind when I am reading or listening.7.I have certain standards to maintain.Words and express

7、ions P54-571._ adj.鼓舞人心的inspiring2._ n.青少年,十几岁的孩子3._ v.灌,注,倒4._ n.锅5._ n.克_ n.千克6._ n.小盒,小包 v.打包teenagerpourpot gramkilogrampack7._ n.安慰,慰藉 v.安慰(反义词)_n.不适 v.使不安_ adj.舒适的_ adv.舒适地;自在地uturn to sb.for comfort 向某人寻求安慰ucomfort sbcomfortdiscomfortcomfortablecomfortably8._ n.耐心 adj._耐心的9._ n.热情,激情_ adj.热情的

8、10._n.慷慨,大方 adj._慷慨的,大方的11._n.片,薄片12._n.幽默感_adj.幽默的 passionpassionatepatiencepatientgenerositygenerousslicehumorhumorous 14._ adj.焦虑的,担心的anxious13._ n.素质,品德;质量quality15._ v.使.延期,推迟upostpone doing sth.推迟做某事upostpone to Wednesday 推迟到周三 postpone 16._v.使.保持距离,撇清和.的关系distance 1.It will take time and _(耐心

9、)to maintain real friendship.2.The book proved to be really _(鼓舞人心的).3.I have a significantly good sense of _(幽默)and enjoy life.4.What good _(品质)does a great person have?5.Love what you do,because success requires _(激情).6.Youd better _(保持距离)yourself from those computer games.1.Laughter is the shorte

10、st distance between two people.2.Her childhood seemed to be a _(distance)memory.3.He is more _(comfort)with computers than with people.4.Her trust in me has inspired me _(do)things that I never imagined possible.5.Im so anxious _ the coming exam that I can hardly fall asleep at night.Words and expre

11、ssions P58-631._ adj.普通的 2._ n.伤 疤3._ v.进餐4._ n.好朋友5._ n.小伙子,家伙 ordinaryscardinechumchapordinarily adv.平常地 dinner n.晚餐;宴会6._ n.C大笔的钱,巨款;U运气;机遇umake ones fortune 发财useek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会 fortuneFortune 500“世界500强”是中国人对美国财富(Fortune)杂志每年评选的“全球最大五百家公司”排行榜的一种约定俗成的叫法。公司盈利多是跻身世界500强的先决条件,而fortune有“(大量

12、)财产;大笔钱”的含义,这也是用Fortune 500来表达世界500强的原因。7._ v.拖,拉8._ 应该,应当uought to do sth.应该做某事uought not to do sth.不应该做某事 dragdragged(过去式/过去分词)ought to 9._ n.命运,天命 10._ v.通信;相一致ucorrespond with sb.与某人通信 ucorrespond with/to sth.与相符destinycorrespondFor the next three years,they corresponded with each other regularl

13、y.11._ n.事业,生意12._ v.拼命干,努力干13._ adj.坚定的,忠实可靠的14._n.伙伴,搭档propositionhustlestaunchpartner15._ 出现【归纳拓展】turn around 转身 turn down 拒绝;调低 turn to 转向;翻到 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn up 16._ n.摘录,节录17._ adj.约定的,指定的u appoint v.任命,委派u appointment n.约定,约会;任命excerptappointed18._ v.划(火柴);侵袭;突击;击打;给以某种印象Strike whi

14、le the iron is hot.趁热打铁趁热打铁 strikeuJust as I was going downstairs,it struck me that I had left the door unlocked.uThe boy fell,striking his head on the stone.19._ n.雪茄烟20._ adj.简单的,朴素的 21._ n.场景cigarplainscene22._ adv.痛苦地,愤恨地ubitter adj.苦的,怨恨的23._ adj.感到难为情的u be ashamed of 对感到羞愧或难为bitterlyashamed 24

15、._ v.展开,打开25._ n.地点,位置26._n.周围的事物,环境27._ n.个性,性格 28._ n.气氛,氛围 fold v.折叠unfoldlocationsurroundingspersonalityatmosphere1.A rather worrying thought(strike)me then.struck2.I(fold)the book and went on reading it.unfolded3.Despite their different(personality),they became friends.personalities4.She felt(f

16、ortune)in being able to live in a comfortable place.fortunate1.We ought(get)her some flowers for her birthday.to get2.What you said didnt correspond her words.with/to3.It is unusual for him to turn at the party,for he has not been invited.up4.The place is(know)for its high quality wine.knownThanks for listening!


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