Unit 4 History and Traditions Words and expressions (ppt课件)(57张ppt)-新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、individualNo individual shall overtop the law.任何个人的权力都不能凌驾于法律之上。任何个人的权力都不能凌驾于法律之上。It is difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to children in a large class.教师在人数多的班上,很难对各个学生都照顾到。教师在人数多的班上,很难对各个学生都照顾到。n.个人,个体adj.个人的;个别的;独特的individual/personal/private individual,personal,private 这些形容词均含这

2、些形容词均含“个人的,私人的个人的,私人的”之意。之意。individual:与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。personal:指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。private:指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。的,有时含不公开的意味。知识拓展知识拓展puzzleWhat puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone.令我不解的是,他为什么悄悄地

3、离开了这个国家。令我不解的是,他为什么悄悄地离开了这个国家。The rise in accidents remains a puzzle.事故的增多仍是个谜。事故的增多仍是个谜。Im in a puzzle as to what to do next.对于下一步该做什么我也对于下一步该做什么我也很困惑很困惑。v.使困惑,迷惑n.不解之谜;智力游戏,谜puzzling adj.puzzled adj.令人困惑的令人困惑的感到困惑的感到困惑的puzzle over/about sth 苦苦思索,仔细琢磨苦苦思索,仔细琢磨puzzle sth out 琢磨出答案琢磨出答案单句语法填空1.It is

4、a (puzzle)problem for most of us.2.She was staring at her computer with a (puzzle)expression.3.The man is puzzling why she has changed her mind.puzzlingpuzzledabout/overjoinHe joined the Army five years ago.他五年前参了军。他五年前参了军。Im sure youll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.我相信大

5、家会愿意与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。我相信大家会愿意与我一起共祝特德和劳拉喜结良缘。The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。The path joins the road near the trees.这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。Well join up with the other groups later.我们以后再与其他小组会合。我们以后再与其他小组会合。v.加入,成为的一员;连接,汇合知识拓展知识拓展join:基本词义是基本词义是“加入某个党派或

6、社会团体,从而成为该党派或团体加入某个党派或社会团体,从而成为该党派或团体的一员的一员”。When did they join the conservation organization?他们是什么时候参加环保组织的?他们是什么时候参加环保组织的?join in:意思是意思是“参加某项运动或活动参加某项运动或活动”,例如参加讨论、游行、罢工等。,例如参加讨论、游行、罢工等。You can visit that page and join in the celebration.你可以访问这个页面并加入到庆祝活动中来。你可以访问这个页面并加入到庆祝活动中来。join.to.:意思是意思是“和和.接

7、触接触”、“与与.相连相连”。Join one section of pipe to the next.将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。join/join in/join to选词语并用其适当形式填空选词语并用其适当形式填空1.At the age of eight,he a group of child dancers.2.The children the English Evening and had a good time.3.The computer hasnt been the Internet.joinedjoined injoined tojoin

8、,join in,join.to.attend,join in,participate in,take part in 这些动词或词组均含这些动词或词组均含“参加参加”之意。之意。attend:侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等join in:普通用词,普通用词,参加某项运动或活动等参加某项运动或活动等participate in:正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加角色参加take part in:侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥

9、一定的作用突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用词义辨析词义辨析break awaybreak away常与介词常与介词from搭配使用,搭配使用,构成短语构成短语break away from(sb/sth)“脱离;离开;背弃脱离;离开;背弃”。Finally,in the 20th century,the southern part of Ireland broken away from the UK.最后,在最后,在20世纪,爱尔兰南部脱离了英国。世纪,爱尔兰南部脱离了英国。Cant you break away from old habits?你不能戒除旧习惯么?你不能戒除旧习惯么?知识拓展知

10、识拓展break down:出故障,坏掉;出故障,坏掉;失败失败;(健康、精神)(健康、精神)垮掉,垮掉,崩溃;崩溃;破坏,破坏,毁掉;毁掉;消除消除;把把分类,划分分类,划分;分解;分解 The telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪了。电话系统瘫痪了。Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判失败了。双方谈判失败了。Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她因工作压力身体垮掉了。她因工作压力身体垮掉了。Firefighter

11、s had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。Each unit is broken down into several sections.每一每一单元单元都分成几部分。都分成几部分。break 短语短语知识拓展知识拓展break up:粉碎,破碎,粉碎,破碎,打碎打碎;破裂,结束;解散;破裂,结束;解散;拆拆开,开,分裂分裂 The ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁撞碎了。船触礁撞碎了。Their m

12、arriage has broken up.他们的婚姻已经破裂。他们的婚姻已经破裂。The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.会议在十一点散会。会议在十一点散会。Lets break up the whole into parts.让我们化整为零。让我们化整为零。They decided to break up the partnership.他们决定拆伙。他们决定拆伙。break 短语短语知识拓展知识拓展break out:(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)爆发,爆发,突然开始突然开始When did the war break out?这

13、场战争是什么时候爆发的?这场战争是什么时候爆发的?Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。夜间突然发生了火灾。I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them.我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。break 短语短语知识拓展知识拓展break into:破门而入,非法闯入;突然破门而入,非法闯入;突然起来起来We had our car broken into last week.我们的车上周被撬了。我们的车上周被撬了。As the Presidents car drew up,th

14、e crowd broke into loud applause.总统的座车停下时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。总统的座车停下时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。He broke into a run when he saw the police.他看见警察,撒腿就跑。他看见警察,撒腿就跑。break 短语短语用用break的相关短语填空的相关短语填空1.The two countries are going to meet to some barriers to trade between them.2.We had to the house as we had lost the key.3.In or

15、der to get some money,the man that old machine and sold some parts.4.The thief tried to the policeman,but he failed.5.The fire during the day,and therefore almost no one was injured.break down break into broke upbreak away from broke outbelong toThe car belongs to her.这车属于她。这车属于她。I used to belong to

16、 a youth club.我曾是一个青年俱乐部的成员。我曾是一个青年俱乐部的成员。Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.狮子和老虎属于猫科。狮子和老虎属于猫科。vt.属于;是成员;是(某族类或纲目)的一部分1.此词组不可用于进行时此词组不可用于进行时;2.不可用于被动语态,不可用于被动语态,其过去分词也不可用作后位定语。其过去分词也不可用作后位定语。Tipsbelonging n.归属感归属感belongings n.财产,所有物财产,所有物单句语法单句语法填空填空1.Could you tell me who the new bike belo

17、ngs?2.Youd better take your (belong)before you get off.3.Language is a gift (belong)to humans.4.Cultures give us a sense of (belong)in society.to belongingsbelongingbelongingas well as 同(一样也);和;还同(一样也);和;还 They use the same flag,known as the Union Jack,as well as share the same currency and military

18、 defence.他们使用同样的旗帜,即英国国旗,使用同他们使用同样的旗帜,即英国国旗,使用同 样的货币和军事防御。样的货币和军事防御。词义辨析词义辨析as well as/as well1.as well常用作状语,作常用作状语,作“又;也又;也”解,相当于解,相当于too或或also,常位于句末,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。无须用逗号与句子分开。I am going to London and my sister is going as well(going,too).我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。2.as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作在口语中也可用于

19、句中,作“也好,也行也好,也行”或或“倒不如倒不如”解,解,用来缓和语气。用来缓和语气。The weather was so bad that we might as well have stayed at home.天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。as wellmay/might as well do sth 做做倒也无妨倒也无妨,倒不如,倒不如,只好做(某事)只好做(某事)词义辨析词义辨析as well as/as well3.as well 可以直接用于可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为后,用作应答语(可视为 Its jus

20、t as well 的的省略),作省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。解。We were too late to see the film.我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。Just as well.I hear it isnt very good.不必遗憾。我听说电影也不怎么样。不必遗憾。我听说电影也不怎么样。as well词义辨析词义辨析as well as/as well1.用于本义用于本义as well as 用于本义,可视为用于本义,可视为 asas 结构与结构与 well 的天然搭配,其意为的天然搭配,其意为“与与一样好一样好

21、”,在否定句中可用,在否定句中可用not so well as代替代替 not as well as。He speaks English as well as her.他说英语说得跟她一样好。他说英语说得跟她一样好。as well as词义辨析词义辨析as well as/as well2.用于引申义用于引申义表示表示“不但不但而且而且”“”“既是既是也是也是”、“而且而且”“”“还还”。He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花。他既种菜也种花。注:有时还可译为注:有时还可译为“除除之外,还之外,还”,与,与besides,in additi

22、on to的用的用法相似。法相似。as well as词义辨析词义辨析as well as/as well3.把握主谓一致把握主谓一致当当 as well as 连接两个成分作主语时连接两个成分作主语时,其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。语保持一致。Tom as well as his parents is going to London.汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。The captain,as well as the other players,was tired.队长和其他队员都累了。队长和其他队员都累了。as well asExerc

23、ise1.They play all kinds of instruments and sing .A.also B.either C.as well D.as well as2.Tom,Jane and Rose,going to the farm on foot.A.as long as;isB.as well as;are C.as long as;areD.as well as;is3.They travel at full speed by day .A.and nightB.and by night as well as C.as well at nightD.as well as

24、 by night4.Mrs Black writes ,if not better than,her husband.A.as well asB.so well C.so well asD.as wellCDDAdefenceA great many of soldiers died in defence of their country.很多很多战士战士为保卫为保卫他们的国家他们的国家而而牺牲。牺牲。I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.我得为她说句话,她事先并不知道此事。我得为她说句话

25、,她事先并不知道此事。The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks.城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。n.防御,保卫defend v.防御,保卫,保护防御,保卫,保护;(为;(为)辩护)辩护defend.from/against.保卫保卫以免受以免受单句语法填空单句语法填空1.What was especially important for Tims successful .(defend)in the football game?2.What talking points can be r

26、aised defence of this argument?3.Students should be trained to defend themselves .some attacks.defence inagainst/from surroundTall trees surround the lake.环湖都是大树。环湖都是大树。The lake is surrounded with/by tall trees.湖边树木环绕。湖边树木环绕。He likes to surround himself with humorous people.他喜欢和幽默的人在一起。他喜欢和幽默的人在一起。v

27、.围绕,包围,环绕surrounding adj.周围的周围的surroundings n.环境环境单句语法填空单句语法填空1.When I came to the airport,I saw that the place .(surround)by police.2.Steve arrived and sat in the front row,.(surround)by his family.3.Standing on the top,we admired the (surround)scenes.4.She was faced with a new job in unfamiliar .(

28、surround).5.As a child I was surrounded love and kindness.was surroundedsurrounded surrounding surroundings with/byevidenceThe latest evidence confirmed me in his honesty.最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系

29、。有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。Few soldiers were in evidence.几乎看不见有士兵。几乎看不见有士兵。n.证据,证明evident adj.显而易见的,显然的显而易见的,显然的It is evident that+从句从句.很明显很明显,是显而易见的是显而易见的achievementEven a small success can give you a sense of achievement.即便是小小的成功也能给你一种成就感。即便是小小的成功也能给你一种成就感。n.成就,成绩,达到achieve v.(经努力)达到,取得,实现;获得成功(经努力)达到,

30、取得,实现;获得成功To achieve his goal,he takes full advantage of his time.他为了实现他的目标,充分利用所有的时间。他为了实现他的目标,充分利用所有的时间。make an achievement 取得成就取得成就achieve ones goal/success 实现目标实现目标/获得成功获得成功locationThe importance of the town is due to its geographical location.这座城镇的重要性在于它的地理位置。这座城镇的重要性在于它的地理位置。n.地方,地点,位置locate v

31、t.找出找出的准确位置;确定的准确位置;确定的准确地点的准确地点;定位;定位;把把安置在安置在Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.救援飞机正在努力查明失踪水手的下落救援飞机正在努力查明失踪水手的下落。They located their headquarters in Swindon.他们把总部设在了斯温登。他们把总部设在了斯温登。The house is located in one of the citys prettiest squares.该房子位于市区最漂亮的广场之一。该房子位于市区最漂亮的广场之一。单句语法填

32、空单句语法填空1.Modern science has given clear (evident)that smoking can lead to many diseases.2.The woman scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for those great (achieve)made by her.3.China (locate)in the east of Asia with the area of 9,600,000 square kilometers.evidenceachievementsis locatedfa

33、scinateCats never fail to fascinate human beings.猫总能引起人们的极大乐趣。猫总能引起人们的极大乐趣。vt.使着迷,迷住,深深吸引fascinating adj.令人着迷的,迷人的,极具吸引力的令人着迷的,迷人的,极具吸引力的fascinated adj.着迷的,被深深吸引的着迷的,被深深吸引的fascination n.魅力;极大的吸引力魅力;极大的吸引力;入迷,着迷;入迷,着迷The scenery there is so fascinating that it is totally beyond description.那里的风景太引人入胜

34、了,美得令人无法形容。那里的风景太引人入胜了,美得令人无法形容。Ive always been fascinated by his ideas.我总是对他的想法极感兴趣。我总是对他的想法极感兴趣。Water holds a fascination for most children.水对多数孩子都有极大的吸引力。水对多数孩子都有极大的吸引力。单句语法填空单句语法填空1.Listeners were (fascinate)by his story.2.The girls listened in (fascinate)as the story unfolded.3.It is (fascinate

35、)to talk with such an interesting person.4.The idea of travelling through time always .(fascinate)me when I was a kid.fascinated fascination fascinating fascinated“eye”的的相相关关短短语语keep ones eyes open(for)留心,留意,密切关注,提防留心,留意,密切关注,提防keep an eye on 照看;留神;留意照看;留神;留意have an eye for sth 对对有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力)有鉴赏力(或

36、识别力、眼力)catch ones eye引起某人的注意引起某人的注意look sb in the eye 直视某人直视某人in ones eyes 按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看through ones eyes 从从某人某人的角度看的角度看完成句子完成句子1.我很抱歉,所以我无法正视他的眼睛。我很抱歉,所以我无法正视他的眼睛。I am sorry,so I couldnt .2.我在街上走着,一只鸟吸引了我的注意。我在街上走着,一只鸟吸引了我的注意。I was walking in the street when a bird .3.到达那里时,你要留

37、意观察。到达那里时,你要留意观察。Youd better when you get there.4.我对我对时尚时尚从来没从来没有有鉴赏力。鉴赏力。Ive never fashion.5.设身处地站在她的角度想想这事吧。设身处地站在她的角度想想这事吧。Try looking at it for a change.look him in the eye caught my eyekeep your eyes openhad an eye for through her eyes chargeThe restaurant charged 20 for dinner.这家餐馆收了这家餐馆收了20英镑

38、的餐费。英镑的餐费。He was charged with murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。他被指控犯有谋杀罪。Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。免费送货。He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。vt.收费;控告;充电n.收费;指控;掌管charge(sb.)+钱钱+for sth.为某物向某人收取费用为某物向某人收取费用charge sb.with(doing)sth.控告某人控告某人(做做)某事某事in charge of 控制控制/管理管理in

39、 the charge of 受受的管理的管理单句语法填空单句语法填空1.(charge)with stealing that car,the young man was taken to the police.2.He charged me 20 yuan mending my shoes.3.I am happy to know you are in charge a teenager art exhibition next month.4.She charged him stealing her car.Charged for ofwith完成句子完成句子翻译句子翻译句子1.这个组织提供

40、一些免费服务。这个组织提供一些免费服务。The organisation offers some service .2.他会在今年年底接管这个公司。他会在今年年底接管这个公司。He will the company at the end of this year.同义句同义句转换转换It is said that the factory is in the charge of a young woman.It is said that a young woman is the factory.free of charge take charge of in charge ofamountHe

41、needs that amount of money to survive.他需要那笔钱来维持生活。他需要那笔钱来维持生活。A large amount of money is spent on education every year.=Large amounts of money are spent on education every year.每年在教育上花大量的钱。每年在教育上花大量的钱。n.金额,数量 a large/small amount of+不可数名词不可数名词+谓语动词单数谓语动词单数=large/small amounts of+不可数名词不可数名词+谓语动词复谓语动词

42、复数数 大量的大量的/少量的少量的the amount of+不可数名词不可数名词 的数量的数量单句语法填空单句语法填空1.Joe has spent quite amount of energy on his English.2.Large amounts of water (waste)every day.3.A large amount of money (have)been wasted.4.The amount water in this bottle is unknown.5.We shouldnt waste large (amount)of time in playing co

43、mputer games.an are wasted of amountshas approachWe will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。At their approach,the little boy ran away and hid.当他们走近时,那个小男孩跑开了并藏了起来。当他们走近时,那个小男孩跑开了并藏了起来。Spring is approaching.春天春天就要来临。就要来临。He approached me to create

44、 and design the restaurant.他来找我创办并设计那家餐馆。他来找我创办并设计那家餐馆。Whats the best way of approaching this problem?什么是处理这个问题的最佳方式?什么是处理这个问题的最佳方式?n.方法;途径;接近;道路vi.靠近vt.接近;与接洽;着手处理approachable adj.亲切的,易理解的,亲切的,易理解的,可接近的可接近的词汇词汇用法用法approach侧重指待人接物或思考问题的方式、方法;侧重指待人接物或思考问题的方式、方法;the approach to(doing)sth.way使用范围很广,但较多

45、地用在具体的事情上或口语中;使用范围很广,但较多地用在具体的事情上或口语中;常用于常用于the way to do/of(doing)sth中中method指有条理的、系统的办法,尤指新的办法;指有条理的、系统的办法,尤指新的办法;the method of(doing)sth.means指实现目的的任何手段,或使用某种交通工具的方式;指实现目的的任何手段,或使用某种交通工具的方式;the means of(doing)sth.manner做事的做事的方式、方法,与方式、方法,与行为、举止、行为、举止、动作有关动作有关同义词辨析同义词辨析单句语法填空单句语法填空1.(approach)the

46、city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.2.All the approaches the palace were guarded by troops.3.Facing up to your problems is the best approach to .(work)things out.4.People are busy shopping the approach of the Christmas Day.5.The village is only (approach)from the south.App

47、roaching to at approachableworking generousAlthough he was poor,he was quite generous to his needy friends.他虽穷,但对贫苦的朋友很慷慨。他虽穷,但对贫苦的朋友很慷慨。Jack is generous with his money.杰克杰克在金钱方面慷慨大方。在金钱方面慷慨大方。He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge.他一直不吝分享自己丰富的知识。他一直不吝分享自己丰富的知识。The car has a genero

48、us amount of space.这辆汽车的空间很大。这辆汽车的空间很大。adj.慷慨的,大方的;丰富的generosity n.慷慨;大方;宽宏大量慷慨;大方;宽宏大量 He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.他待他们宽容大度、体贴周到。他待他们宽容大度、体贴周到。单句语法填空单句语法填空1.These volunteers are very generous the old man.2.The young man is very generous his time inhelping others.3.It was gene

49、rous him to offer to pay for us both.4.(generous)is part of his character.towithGenerosityofpositionFrom his position on the cliff top,he had a good view of the harbour.他在悬崖之巅,海港景色一览无余。他在悬崖之巅,海港景色一览无余。Is everybody in position?大家都就位了吗大家都就位了吗?Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position.工作

50、时一定要保持舒适的姿势。工作时一定要保持舒适的姿势。She has made her position very clear.她明确表示了自己的立场。她明确表示了自己的立场。She quickly positioned herself behind the desk.她迅速在桌子后面就位。她迅速在桌子后面就位。n.位置;姿态;处境;职位;立场v.放置;安装;安置in position就位;就位;在适当的在适当的位置位置out of position 位置没放好位置没放好;不得其所不得其所单句语法填空单句语法填空1.All parking signs have now been placed p


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