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1、 基于胜任特征的管理培训牛雄鹰对外经贸大国际工商管理学院 培训的目的 向企业雇员传授广泛的技能 利用培训强化雇员的献身精神 企业用于培训的投资 外企在员工培训上越来越重视,75以上的外企每年的培训费占销售收入的比例在15。其中内训预算没人每年为1930元,时间为8.85天/年;外训预算为1650元,时间为5.2天/年。调查显示,培训费较上一个财政年度稳中有升。2000/4/12中华英才网ChinaHR.com的外企薪资调查(北京市西三角人事技术研究所举办)IBM、施乐、MOTOROLA等公司每年将其工资总额的510用于培训。两种培训 上岗引导培训 在职开发的培训 上上 岗岗 引引 导导 培培

2、训训 新雇员上岗引导新雇员上岗引导(Orienting New Employees)定义:给新雇员介绍做好本职工作所必须的企业基本背景情况的过程。功能:减少新雇员上岗初期的紧张不安及可能感受到的现实冲击;使新雇员尽快熟悉企业的目标、价值观、工作任务、业绩期望等。程序 执行者 工作标准 新雇员上岗引导程序新雇员上岗引导程序准备 迎新 企业基本情况介绍 工作基本情况介绍 核查与补充 签订协议与合同 准备阶段的要求 执行人:部门经理 工作标准:新雇员上岗两周前,部门经理填写“人员变动通知单”并交给人力资源部;确定给新雇员介绍的内容。迎新迎新 阶段的要求 执行人:人力资源部 工作标准:新雇员上岗第一天

3、到人力资源部报到;发给新雇员工作证;雇员上岗需办手续清单”,填写所有与人力资源部有关的表。企业基本情况介绍企业基本情况介绍 的要求 执行人:人力资源部 工作标准:告诉新雇员上岗引导计划;通过视频、手册、印刷材料等手段,向新雇员介绍公司的传统和价值观、人事政策、公司组织结构及运营情况、工作绩效评价、工资发放、加薪 与晋升、雇员福利等;将新雇员介绍给其部门经理。工作基本情况介绍工作基本情况介绍 的要求 执行人:部门经理 工作标准:按“新雇员上岗需办手续清单”办理自己职责范围内的手续;准确讲解新工作的要求、期望和规则;将新雇员介绍给他或她的新同事;请新同事向新雇员介绍他们在公司工作的工作经验 让雇员

4、熟悉工作场所;向雇员讲解安全措施和规章制度。核查和补充核查和补充 执行人:人力资源部、部门经理 工作标准:核查新雇员有哪些上岗引导计划中的内容被忽略;对被忽略的部分进行必要的补充。签订协议及劳动合同签订协议及劳动合同 执行人:人力资源部、新雇员 工作标准:签创新和机密消息协议;签与知识产权有关的协议;签劳动合同。在在 职职 开开 发发 培培 训训 培训与开发培训与开发(Training&Development)定义:企业通过培训和开发项目改进雇员能力水平和组织绩效的一种有计划的、连续的过程。功能:提高企业生产率;防止企业各层次人雇员作知识和技能的退化;为完成更高层次的任务作好准备。程序 执行者

5、 工作标准 培训与开发程序培训与开发程序评估T&D需求 明确T&D目标 选择T&D方法 选择T&D媒介 实施T&D计划 评价T&D效果 评估评估T&D需求需求 执行人执行人:人力资源部T&D经理工作标准工作标准:评估新雇员的培训需求:任务分析 列出某项工作的主要任务和子任务;说明执行任务和子任务的频率;说明每项任务和子任务的完成的数量和质量标准;说明在什么条件下完成任务和子任务;准确说明每项任务和子任务所必需的知识和技能;确定是在岗学习还是脱产学习;确定在岗雇员的培训需求:工作绩效分析 评价雇员当前的工作绩效;核查当前工作绩效与要求的工作绩效之间的差距;分析产生工作绩效差距的原因;确定谁需要接

6、受培训;确定需要进行哪种培训;明确明确T&D目标目标 执行人:人力资源部T&D经理、直线经理 工作标准:详细说明圆满完成培训计划后受训者能够达到的知识和技能水平。选择选择T&D 方法方法 执行人:人力资源部T&D经理 工作标准:根据培训和开发的特定对象和内容,选择适当的方法和技术。选择选择T&D媒介媒介 执行人:人力资源部T&D经理 工作标准:根据培训和开发的特定对象和内容,选择适当的媒介,如:多媒体、录象带、电影胶片、闭路电视、幻灯机、投影仪、挂图和黑板等。实施实施T&D 计划计划 执行人:人力资源部T&D经理 工作标准:选择合格的培训人员;根据培训目标和选定的方法、媒体进行培训;对培训过程

7、进行监控。评价评价T&D效果效果 执行人:人力资源部T&D经理 工作标准:评价受训者对培训计划的反应;确定他们是否学到了预期应学到的原理、技能和事实;搜集受训者工作行为的变化情况;确定预先设定的培训目标的完成程度。一 个 例 子对销售部经理的培训 职业心理素质总要求职业心理素质总要求 能表现出专业技巧、自信和专业技能;具有较强的竞争性、对待工作比较热心和积极;能积极努力地达到个人、团队、地区和公司的目标与目的。职业心理素质的具体要求职业心理素质的具体要求 在与客户交流沟通过程中表现出自信和自尊,能提供清晰、正确、真实的信息。即使是在处理困难的业务过程中,也能保持积极的心态 在销售过程中,能克服

8、各种困难,顽强地追求实现既定的销售目标 能够为自己建立有挑战性的销售目标,有成为最优秀的销售人员的强烈愿望 为了促进地区销售和公司整个销售的成功,能热心地做出牺牲 对基于胜任特征的工作规范的考 察 Customer service in sales l Keep a customer first attitude l Use practical skills to create and keep customers l Recognise customers needs and know how to satisfy them l Find positive solutions to cust

9、omer complaints l Recognize different customer personality types and the best way to handle them Consulting Skills in sales l Anticipates customers needs l Establish customer partnership l Identify needs l Recommends and leverage solutions l Facilitates customer decision making l Establish success i

10、ndicators l Meet commitment/follow through Needs Identification Definition:Identifies,monitors,and measures the client or project needs.Behavioral Characteristics Know the clients business Know the clients organization goals or the goals of the project Analyze the goals and assess what it would take

11、 to attain them;assess current ability to meet those needs Ask clients what they would like;survey clients Product knowledge Definition:Know the companys products and services;keeps knowledge current;knows the products/services features and benefits Behavioral Characteristics Consistently review com

12、pany newsletters and other information sources Develop relationships with co-workers who are experts in other products/services Regularly review industry data/information for general trends Attend seminars Prospects Clients Definition:Recognizes clients that are possible candidates for our services;

13、refers these clients to a skilled professional that is able to service their needs Behavioral Characteristics Foster open communication with potential clients Assess specific areas of expertise of co-workers/professionals Maintain current and appropriate skilled professionals Build and maintain rela

14、tionship with skilled professionals Introduce client and appropriate skilled professional;follow-up Client service Definition:Meets and exceeds the expectations&requirements of internal and external clients;gets first had client information and uses it for improvement in products and services;talks

15、and acts with clients in mind Behavioral Characteristics Anticipate or ask what the client wants and try to provide Initiate action/response to any client complaint/inquiry Act and respond in a timely effective manner,even if just a follow-up Consider every client interaction important,whether inter

16、nal or external client Cross-selling Definition Persuades and influences the client to accept other products and services Behavioral Characteristics Have thorough knowledge and understanding of applicable products and services Provide consistent exceptional support for existing products and services

17、 Know the clients business to see the applicability and value of other certain products/services Ask the client for the sale;customize the product/service if appropriate Handles difficult clients Definition Handles and resolves clients complaints and problems.consistently probes client to identify a

18、 compromise or“win win”situation.Initiates follow-up communications to insure problem or compliant resolved Behavioral Characteristics Treat client with respect;show concern Listen attentively,do not interrupt to accept other calls Present options/multiple solutions for the client when possible Foll

19、ow through and take action;communication situation and steps for resolution to others as appropriate Relationship management Definition Manages client relationships with the organization.Understands and plans clients portfolios.Insures maintenance of relationship of relationship and optimizes sales

20、opportunities.Behavioral Characteristics Build relationship with clients;communicate effectively Anticipate or ask about their needs;maintain open two-way communication Have thorough knowledge and understanding of applicable products/services Follow-up with accurate and timely information and propos

21、als Sales closing Definition Presents the product to the client.Brings the client to conclusion,acceptance,and purchase of the product.Behavioral Characteristics Review client needs and areas of strength that relate in the proposal;emphasize strengths Make any possible modifications to suit client n

22、eeds Ask for the sale Address any issues or concerns in a timely,efficient manner 编制三个问卷 组织分析问卷 人员分析问卷 任务分析问卷 常见的培训技术 在职培训 工作指导培训 讲座 视听技术 远距离培训 程序化教学新雇员模拟培训 制定培训开发方案并实施一一 种种 五五 部部 教教 学学 法法 Five Teaching StrategiesnCooperative LearningnInquirynQuestions and AnswersnSimulationnDemonstration 1.Cooperat

23、ive LearningCL refers to a set of instructional methods in which students work in small mixed ability learning teams.Each student responds for not only for learning material in class,but also for teamwork learning.Six characteristics of CL)Heterogeneous)Positive Interdependence)Face-to-face interact

24、ion.talk to,listen to,connect with,ask.others)Individual accountability)Social and academic goals,Identification)Group processing Teachers ResponsibilitySelect topicsArrange groupPrepare materialsGive a task statement and set up goalsSet up judging criteriaAnticipate and solve problems Group Working

25、 Behavior Participating in group activities Staying in the group Listening Asking questions 2.InquiryInquiry approaches begin with questions and rely on them heavily thereafter as ways to stimulate students exploration,discovery,and critical thinking about subject matter.(Question is the basic metho

26、d.)An Inquiry Approach is built around:Hypothetical casesEntrapmentTracing consequencesQuestioning authority The classroom climate is very open for students questioning.The procedure may vary from one situation to another The major objectives of Inquiry:To develop experience;To explore;To discover f

27、acts,generalizations,and techniques.Alternative predictions are encouraged.Tracing consequences helps students gain better understanding.3.Questions&AnswersMain reasons for questioning:To get students to participateTo check on students comprehensionTo track students attentionTo test students knowled

28、ge of a topic.To diagnose students weaknessesTo break the ice(let the discussion going)To allow a student to shine in front of his classmatesTo establish explanationTo review workTo build up the students securityTo learn about students themselvesTo discuss a specific topic Characteristics of good qu

29、estionsClearPurposefulBriefNaturalSequencedThought provoking Stimulation (a powerful strategy):Stimulation activities can engage students in ways that intrinsically motivate them to do matter in school.3.Demonstration A good demonstration:Focus attentionGive a general orientation or overviewLabel th

30、e new objectives/conceptsGo through the process step by stepPerform each action slowlyHave a student repeat the demonstration and give feedbackCorrect mistakes by redemonstration The trick of good demonstration:Tailor the demonstration to learners needsDemystify the processEmphasize the general principles 培训效标 受训者对培训计划的反应 受训者知识的增加 受训者行为的改变 受训者绩效的提高 McKinseys“7 S”theoryStrategyStructureSystem Shared ValueStyleStaffSkill Thanks for listening TogetherTogether we can change we can change the world!the world!Wish you a Wish you a happy new year!happy new year!


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