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1、培养英语学科核心素养培养英语学科核心素养提升小学英语读写教学技能提升小学英语读写教学技能北京教育学院北京教育学院于淑卿于淑卿 Reading Reading and writing Reading and writing skillsReading and writing skills in teachingReading and writing skills in teaching English What are you?We are teachers.Questions What are the teachers?What are the students?What are the te

2、xtbooks?What do you think of teaching?Teaching is like cooking.You need to know who,what and how.You need to know who you are cooking for.That will decide the types and amount of the ingredients.Then,you decide how to prepare them.When you finish cooking,you taste the food and decide how you want to

3、 improve it next time.英英语学科核心素养语学科核心素养 由从知识为本和以技能为纲转向对核心素养的关注,由关注知识和技能的传授到更加关注培养思维品质、运用学习策略、实现创新迁移。确保教学设计情景化、问题化、活动化、体现综合性、实践性和关联性。综合语言运用能力情感态度情感态度学习策略学习策略文化意识文化意识语言技能语言技能语言知识语言知识国际视野国际视野祖国意识祖国意识合作精神合作精神自信意志自信意志兴趣动机兴趣动机交际策略交际策略资源策略资源策略调控策略调控策略认知策略认知策略跨文化交际跨文化交际文化理解文化理解文化知识文化知识话题话题功能功能语法语法词汇词汇语音语音写写读

4、读说说听听 课程目标课程目标小学英语教学中的文化意识渗透小学英语教学中的文化意识渗透 通过教学的内容和教师的文化知识、教学行为及言谈话语,潜移默化到学生。什么是文化?-根植于内心的修养-无需提醒的自觉-以限制为前提的自由-为他人着想的善良 教育要回归到原点,关注自然人(不是揠苗助长式)的发展;教学要走向服务学生学科核心素养的发展;研读文本、情景交融、知识结构化、关注内化提升、迁移创新、问题解决;课堂教学三要素与教师角色定位。小学生小学生学习语言学习语言的的过程过程Notice注意注意 Want想学想学 Inquire探究探究 Engage 参与参与Link 联系联系Succeed成功成功 附:

5、一级教学目标:附:一级教学目标:2023-2-6小学英语教师培训一级:一级:听、做听、做2023-2-6小学英语教师培训 能根据图、文说出单词或短语能根据图、文说出单词或短语2023-2-6小学英语教师培训一级:一级:玩、演玩、演2023-2-6小学英语教师培训一级:一级:读、写读、写2023-2-6小学英语教师培训一级:一级:视听视听2023-2-6小学英语教师培训 二级教学目标:二级教学目标:2023-2-6小学英语教师培训2023-2-6小学英语教师培训2023-2-62023-2-6小学英语教师培训 能正确朗读所学故事或短文能正确朗读所学故事或短文2023-2-6小学英语教师培训202

6、3-2-6小学英语教师培训2023-2-6小学英语教师培训2023-2-628二、要有教师的教学基本功二、要有教师的教学基本功小学英语课堂的特点小学英语课堂的特点 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与与互动;课堂教学是一种动态的教学,只有从组织课堂活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效的培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。活动活动氛围活跃氛围活跃内容活化内容活化活学活用活学活用动动 脑脑动动 口口动动 手手行动行动动动 耳耳互互 动动2023-2-629 小学英语教师培训小学英语教师培训 于淑卿于淑卿Children learn English 类似母语习得的自然途径 在信任接受的氛围中互

7、动 参与多种有趣的活动(模仿和重复、唱歌和诵读等)儿童的英语技能不是老师“教给”的,而是他们在参与学习活动过程中“学会”的 他们学习外语需要有利的外部条件引起小引起小学学生阅读英语的生阅读英语的外部条件外部条件External Conditions for Children Learning EnglishClear objectives 的兴趣正确的示正确的示范范Correct demonstration可理解的输入可理解的输入Understandable input轻松的氛围轻松的氛围Stress-free atmosphere有意义的互动有意义的互动Meaningful interact

8、ion积极的强化积极的强化Positive reinforcement充分的练习充分的练习Adequate practice常见的问题常见的问题 教师没能提供引起学生注意的足够机会 学生不愿努力尝试 不知如何做;词句太难;没趣味 活动不够充分难以记忆和运用 经历过多的失败失去信心 不能有效地建立联系不能活用操练太狭窄;内容难于内化;或缺乏挑战性 如何改进?如何改进?小学英语教学的三条重要原则小学英语教学的三条重要原则 Learner-Centered perspective 以学习者为中心的教育理念 Communication-Oriented approach以交际为导向的教学途径 Acti

9、vity-Based interaction 以活动为基础的互动模式以学生为中心以学生为中心 Learner-Centeredness 学习者的需要和兴趣 needs and interests 学习的个性化 individualization of learning 学习者的自主性 learner autonomy 让学生担任愉快和积极的角色 Offer enjoyable and active roles in the learning experience 让学生充分发挥主动性,体现学生的首创精神;给学生多种机会在不同的情境中应用所学的知识(知识“外化”);让学生能根据自身行动的反馈信息

10、来建构意义和进行有效交际(实现自我反馈)。交际为导向交际为导向 Communication-Orientedness 用英语教学Teaching in English 可理解输入Understandable input 提供“脚手架”支持 Scaffolding 真实的语言Authentic language 有意义交流Meaningful communication“信息沟”的互动 Info-gap interaction 口语为基础的技能发展Speech-based skill development 提供明确的学习目标和业绩反馈 Provide clear objectives and

11、feedback on performance活动为基础活动为基础 Activity-Basedness 采用多元智能和主题为基础的教学活动 Use multiple intelligence and topic-based activities 活动/任务型教学 learning by activities/tasks 全身反应Total physical response(TPR)任务型学习Activity/Task-based learning 做中学Learning by doing 创新课堂活动 Creative classroom activities 合作学习 Cooperati

12、ve learning 在教中学Learning by teaching(LBT)解解决小学英语教学问题的有效策略决小学英语教学问题的有效策略 如何提高输入的可理解性?如何正确地示范?如何保证练习的有效性?如何使课堂互动有意义?如何积极地强化?如何创设轻松的学习氛围?如何促进学习的积极参与?如何维持学生的积极性?如何提高大班的教学效果?如何有效地进行学习评价?1 1)如何保证语言输入的可理解性?如何保证语言输入的可理解性?利用直观教具呈现新内容(图片、动作示范)使用简单易懂的课堂用语 正确:Now listen and repeat.简单:(少用复合句、长句)Books out,please.

13、伴随情景、表情和手势动作:Eyes to the front,please.Back to the class.Work in twos/pairs.Well done.I like it.清楚:Face the class.重复:Speak up.Say it louder.Just the girls.The girls only.2 2)如何正确地示范?)如何正确地示范?发音 音素:Whats your name?Im Sarah.Show me your pencil.This is my nose.Many 音节:sharpener,连读:I have a pencil.Look a

14、t me.失去爆破:pink ball,Act like a cat.重音:thirteen,thirty,Chinese,语调:May I have a look?(用手势)对话 注意使用自然、真实、得体的表情和体态语 书写 位置、笔顺、单词间隔、字体的规范性 活动指令/规则 让某几个学生在课前做好准备 任务范例 教师课前做好示范,在课堂上展示3 3)如何保证练习的有效性?)如何保证练习的有效性?有效性:针对新学的内容,结合原有知识 难易适度:保证绝大多数学生能轻松完成 避免要求过高;让学生体验成功 有意义:避免机械操练 多样化、趣味性:避免单调乏味 自主性、灵活性:适应学生的个体差异 积累

15、性、周期性:巩固以前所学的内容、建立新旧知识的联系4 4)如何使课堂互动有意义?)如何使课堂互动有意义?重视课堂教学过程中的真实交际 组织“信息沟”(information gap)活动 交际性任务和活动 问答、采访 谈论图片 竞猜游戏 听指令行动 角色表演 5 5)如何积极地强化?)如何积极地强化?欣赏学生积极的态度和取得的进步 及时对学习过程和结果进行评价和反馈 给学生充分展示学习进步的机会 纠正错误策略 根据任务的目的决定纠错的方式 准确性还是流利性(accuracy or fluency?)强化正确范例;消除错误影响 让学生自我认识错误并自行改正6 6)如何创设轻松的学习氛围?)如何创

16、设轻松的学习氛围?没有紧张感和压力 学生不用担心和焦虑 教师积极鼓励学生参与 教学过程伴有音乐、歌曲、游戏 开展组间竞赛,但竞赛只是手段 表扬成绩,但不批评学习中出现的错误 形式踊跃,但活动有序7 7)如何促进学生积极参与?)如何促进学生积极参与?教师应具备尊敬(Respect)、体谅(Empathy)、真诚(Authenticity)的个性特征。真诚对待学生,真正尊重学生,多从学生的角度考虑教学问题。创设友好、轻松的学习氛围,减少焦虑。多提问少解释,减少不必要的TTT(teacher talking time),增加STT(Student Talking Time)。多问特殊疑问句(如:wh

17、ere,what,who,why,how,when 等);少问一般疑问句。注意wait time,给学生留足听问题、思考和回答所需的时间。认真地听学生回答,允许学生讲述完整,并根据回答及时调整教学。在学生思考的时间不要多谈,保持安静。利用分组或对子的同时活动扩大学生说英语的机会。鼓励学生之间的互动,多给学生提问的机会。鼓励合作,减少竞争。多鼓励学生互相交流各自的想法,互相学习。培养学生对自己学习的责任感,让他们有自主决定学习的机会。当一个学生发言太轻时,不要走进,应该走远些,同时鼓励她(他)说得大声点。8 8)如何维持学生的积极性?)如何维持学生的积极性?培育成就感:赞扬、鼓励、引导学生体验成

18、功 提供表现机会:让展示学生的学习成果 布置弹性、个性化的任务:小组、对子、手工活动、画画等自主性较强的活动 培养学习自主能力:让学生有选择和决策的机会 变换教学方法:根据学生的特点和需要,采用多种教学方法(多元智能),寓教于乐 更多支持中下学生:让尽可能多的学生跟上 注意反馈的策略:避免不恰当的纠错 慎用奖励机制:避免偏离学习的目的性9 9)如何提高大班的教学效果?)如何提高大班的教学效果?建立四人小组(组内异质heterogeneous groups)促进合作学习 cooperative learning 鼓励互教互学 peer teaching 多用集体练习 more choral pr

19、actice 激励全体学生 activating students roles(both low and high achievers)有效利用差异 making use of individual differences10 10)如何有效地进行学习评价?)如何有效地进行学习评价?以评促学:把评价作为促进学习的一种手段。目标导向:以教学目标为评价的依据。分步评价:根据小学生的认知发展特点,循序渐进地分步骤评价学习效果。重视口语评价:以学生的口头交际能力为重点。重视过程评价:有效的学习的过程保证好的结果。重视自我评价:促进学生的自主学习能力。在互评中进一步巩固强化学习。重视准备:让学生体验成功

20、、树立学习的信心。语言学习活语言学习活动动 Language Activities Listening 听听读读Listen and repeat 听听猜猜Listen and guess 听听做做Listen and act(match/find/draw,etc)Speaking 画图提问Draw and ask questions 轻声传话Whisper a sentence 寻找对子Pairs finding 连环说话Speaking chain 讲故事Story telling 猜谜游戏Guessing games 采访调查Interview/survey Reading 认读方法

21、Phonics 阅读图色 Read and colour 阅读配对 Read and match 阅读画图 Read and draw 单词游戏 Word games Writing 拼词比赛 Spelling bee 多种听写 Enriched dictation 描述图片 Describing the picture 记日记 Journal writing Chant with TPRPoint to the window.Point to the door.Point to the ceiling.Point to the floor.Chant with TPR提供提供“脚手架脚手架”

22、Scaffolding 激发儿童们对任务的兴趣 Getting children interested in the task 简化任务、化整为零 Simplifying the task;breaking it down into smaller steps 保持儿童们参与,给予目标提示Keeping children on task;reminding them of goals 指出重点 Pointing out what is important 预防/化解挫折Preventing/managing frustration Teach listening by listening Te

23、ach speaking by speaking Teach reading by reading Teach writing by writing Tell me,I just forget.Show me,I only remember.Involve me,I will learn.If I learn,I will use what I have learned.2023-2-6英语教师培训How do students learn to read?词汇教学词汇教学 给予词汇教学足够的重视给予词汇教学足够的重视 注重从应用的角度学习词汇注重从应用的角度学习词汇 重视常用短语及其用法重视

24、常用短语及其用法 适当增加词汇练习适当增加词汇练习 重视在语境中学习词汇重视在语境中学习词汇 区分主动词汇和被动词汇区分主动词汇和被动词汇 采取多样化的教学方式(词汇游戏,实物或课件采取多样化的教学方式(词汇游戏,实物或课件)避免讲解一个词,引出一大串,增加学生负担。避免讲解一个词,引出一大串,增加学生负担。如何呈现词汇如何呈现词汇实物呈现实物呈现图片图片&照片呈现照片呈现动作呈现动作呈现表情呈现表情呈现反义词反义词&近(同)义词呈现近(同)义词呈现定义呈现定义呈现例子呈现例子呈现描述呈现描述呈现情境(景)呈现情境(景)呈现图表呈现图表呈现翻译呈现翻译呈现直观、生动、方便直观、生动、方便对学生

25、有吸引力对学生有吸引力不适用于抽象词汇不适用于抽象词汇缺乏学生的思考缺乏学生的思考学生得到的语言少学生得到的语言少提供复习已有知识的机会提供复习已有知识的机会有利于听、说能力的有利于听、说能力的提提得得到更多的语言输入到更多的语言输入不够直观生动不够直观生动对教师、学生语言对教师、学生语言能力有一定要求能力有一定要求省时省事,特别方便省时省事,特别方便对抽象词汇进行解释对抽象词汇进行解释缺乏学生思考,学生得不缺乏学生思考,学生得不到关于单词用法任何信息到关于单词用法任何信息 呈现时应注意适时适度,与其教学环节自然衔接。(举一个老师们太不熟悉的内容来感受当学生的感觉)词汇教学技能之一:词汇教学技

26、能之一:复现复现 复现大体分为两种:即时复现和延时复现。即时复现通常在学习新词汇的当堂进行。延时复现则是在随后的课堂学习中进行。即时复现即时复现 即时复现一般以三次为宜:第一次:呈现词义、读音。第二次:呈现用法、词性。第三次:让学生尝试应用。Early paper cuts can date back to the time of Northern and Southern Dynasty(386-589).Word bank 第一次呈现A temple is a place for religious activities.Word bank The apples are offerings

27、 to the dead.Paper cuts can also be used as offerings.Word bank They are made of the same material but they are different in colors and patterns.Word bank jewelleryWord bank pronunciation date back to dynasty temple religious offerings pattern jewellery Do you still remember the meanings of these wo

28、rds?The _ of Heaven is a place of interest in Beijing.Temple Check your memoryA temple is a place for religious activities.第二次呈现Paper cutting is a folk art,which _ the Northern and Southern _.Check your memorydates back toDynastyThere is a dragon on the _ box.jewelleryThe _ on the T-shirt is paper c

29、utting.patternCheck your memoryTalk about the pictures 第三次呈现Talk about the pictures Talk about the pictures Talk about the pictures Talk about the pictures 与延时复现同时进行的是延时检测。第二天课上的复习:图片、联想、词串等 随后课堂教学中的有意识使用:讲解、例句等。词汇教学策略之一:复现 请看下例延时复现例一 学习过程中使用图片,并以matching 的形式让学生有所思考后再确定词义。延时复现时则采用brainstorming 的方式进行

30、。既检测图片选用的效果又检测学生记忆的数量和准确意义。学习时在语境中理解记忆。复习时以相同的图片让学生回想话题及相关的词串。这种复现方式使学生回想的内容更丰富,更开放。既复现词汇又复现话题。(再举例)延时复现例二Learning the new wordsGlobal warming not only affects the life of polar bears but also causes world flooding.词汇学习global warmingaffectclimatefloodwater levelthe North Poledisastermelt延时复现学习时用分类,延

31、时再现时综合。使用(不同的)相关图片引发学生联想,检测学生对词场的理解,同时提供选择空间,照顾到学生间的差异。(有些老师在教学中从始至终都用一样的图片,是不科学的,对深化教学不利。我们再来看一个接近我们教学的例子。)延时复现例三These are Chinese festivals.traditionalthe Spring Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festivalthe Lantern Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festivaldumplingzongzisweetdumpling moon cake 词汇学习Some of the western

32、 festivalsMerry Merry ChristmasChristmasThe pictures remind me of these words延时复现词汇教学策略之二:积累 积累不仅是一种习惯也是一种方法。因为词汇积累的目的并不仅仅是追求数量,更重要的是讲求其应用价值。即,为用而学。课堂教学过程的特点课堂教学过程的特点 Pre-learning:交流目标,激发兴趣,调动已知,创设语境,呈现必要语言知识(话题准备、情感态度和语言准备)While-learning:明确任务或目的,语言整体输入与分层输入,意义/信息的提取,加工、整理及重组,新知识建构、分层/有结构输出,体现内化为表达奠

33、定基础;After-learning:知识与技能的巩固、新旧知识整合、理解力进一步提升,发展深层思维、体现综合运用,反思学习过程,展示评价结果。Anecdote 1 Liu Jiaxin is a five-yea-old Chinese girl.She is not a student yet.One day,she told her mother that she saw the symbol 艺“on the advertisement in the street.She could not read the other words except that one.She said t

34、hat one of her little friends was杨艺琳”.Q1.Why could the little girl recognize the symbol艺”?Q2.What helped her remember the symbol艺”?1.Because she recognized that the symbol 艺“is the same as the symbol in her friends name 杨艺琳”.2.She saw 艺“on her friends clothes in the kindergarten every day and she co

35、uld remember the shape of 艺”.So she could remember it.Anecdote 2The following sentences are from a 12-year-old childs homework.They are about the story The Seven Little Men.Long long ago,there were seven litter men.One day,the saw a litter girl.Q1.Why did the child write little as litter?Q2.From the

36、se two examples,can we see anything that helps children read?1.Because the shape of little and litter are quite similar.The child had learned litter before.2.These children were recognizing and remembering the whole shape of the words.The second child was not quite correct in her remembering,but nea

37、rly.From this we know:Children remember the written form of words by recognizing the whole shape of words.If they know the meaning of them,they can remember better.The searchlight of using grammar Read the story and guess the meaning of Hedgehog.Ten in the Bed There were ten in the bed and the littl

38、e one said,Roll over,roll over!So they all rolled over and Hedgehog fell out.Bang!”There were nine in the bed and the little one said,Roll over,roll over!So they all rolled over and Zebra fell out.Ouch!There were six in the bed and the little one said,Roll over,roll over!So they all rolled over and

39、Rabbit fell out.Oof!There were two in the bed and the little one said,Roll over,roll over!So they rolled over and Sheep fell out.Plop!There was one in the bed and the little one said,Im cold!I miss you!So they all came back and jumped into bed-Hedgehog,Mouse,Nellie,Zebra,Ted,the little one,Rabbit,Cr

40、oc,Bear and Sheep.Ten in the bed,all fast asleep.1.Hedgehog is _.A.a verb B.a noun C.an adjective2.Hedgehog is _.A.A name of a number B.A name of a place C.A name of an animal3.What helps you work it out?The structure of the sentence with the same pattern can help to guess that Hedgehog is a noun an

41、d it is a name of an animal.From this we know:When we teach reading,we make students use some grammatical knowlege to work out the possible meanings,e.g.different parts of speech,the order of the words helps them to predict the meaning in the context.The searchlight of using sounds of letters Read t

42、he following anecdotes and the questions with your partner.The following notes are on a book of a 8-year-old girl,named Li Dan from Shekou Primary School,Shenzhen.Before the class,the teacher asked the children to pre study the words.Children had listened to the recording before they had the class.s

43、e kou si gui er cuai ni gou si da a circle a square a triangle a starQ1.Why did the little girl write the pinyin notes above the English words?Q2.What did you notice on her notes?1.She tries to use pinyin to remind herself the pronunciation of the new words.2.The pinyin was written seperately accord

44、ing to the syllables,So when we teach children read aloud the words,we can help them divide the long words into syllables.This will make it easier for the children and build up their confidence in reading English.When children begin to read English words,they may use some other words or pinyin in Ch

45、inese to help them remeber the pronunciation.As they get to know pinyin,they will feel easier to read aloud the English words.They use their strategy of sounds.Anecdote 4 A ten-year-old child is reading the verse from Hand in Hand.See the fire in the sky.We feel the beating of our hearts together.Ch

46、ild(in mother tongue):How to read this word?(Point at the wordtogether.)Teacher:(in English)How do you say this?(write the word today and underline to.)Child:Today.Teacher:How do you say this?(write the word get.)Child:Get.Teacher:How do you say this?(wrtie the word father and underline ther.)Child:

47、Father.Yes,I know.Together.Teacher:Do you remember the song The more we get together?Child:Oh,yes,together.Q1.Why did the teacher write three more words to help the child?Q2.Do you think the child has heard of together before?How does this help childrens understanding in reading?请分析一下课堂互动请分析一下课堂互动8种

48、模式种模式 教师讲学生听 教师问学生答 学生问老师 学生们问老师 一些学生问另一些学生 两个学生活动(互相问答讨论)一个学生问一些学生 一些学生问另一个学生2023-2-6107大班教大班教阅读阅读的的措施与方法措施与方法低 小 多快 2023-2-6108 低 起点 小 步子 多 练习 快 反馈2023-2-6109 低低 起点 (抄底式)一个都不能少 小小 步子 (搭台阶)降低难度 多多 练习 (学生练)复练一百分 快快 反馈 (会不会)堂堂清 低起点低起点 Hello,hello,hello,hello,I am glad to meet you.I am glad to meet yo

49、u.Hello,hello,hello,hello.小梯度(小步子)小梯度(小步子)An apple for you.An apple for me.An apple for the monkey Up in the tree.No!No!No!A banana for you.A banana for me.A banana for the monkey Up in the tree.Yes!Yes!Yes!Spring is warm.Summer is hot.Autumn is rich.Winter is cold.Spring is warm and green.Summer is

50、 hot and long.Autumn is rich and yellow.Winter is cold and white.Spring is gay with flower and song.Summer is hot and days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain.Winter is cold and a new year again.Level 1 Two little birds are in the tree.One is Jack,One is Kate.Fly away,Jack.Fly away,Kate.Com


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