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1、07 Unit Itinerary and Agenda 行程表与议程表?An itinerary is a plan made for a trip or journey.When a delegation or a person pays a visit,an itinerary is usually to be made,including the time to set out and return,the route of visit,the dwelling place,the main contents of the visit,etc.With the help of an i

2、tinerary,a traveler can maximize his or her potential,avoid regrettable changes and make the best of the trip.An agenda is a list of topics which have to be discussed at a meeting.An agenda can help the chairperson to structure the meeting and the secretary or minutes-taker to keep track of what is

3、being discussed.Now lets see how we should write an itinerary and agenda.1 Content and Format 3 Sample Reading 5 Your Try 2 4 Writing Techniques Useful Expressions and Sentences 内容大纲内容大纲 6 Exercises 7 Answer Content and Format What Are Itinerary and AgendaWhat Are Itinerary and Agenda?行程表和议程表(Itiner

4、ary and Agenda)都属于时间表(Schedule)一类,因为使用目的和场合的不同而区别开来。?行程表(Itinerary)是将活动进程按照时间顺序一一列出的一种文件。行程表多用于商业往来、旅行出差、会议安排等。它可以使活动内容一目了然,以便相关人员做好充分的事前准备,并严格按照日程安排进行活动。行程表可以用于提醒单个人的行程,也可以用于公司或单位内部交流,还可以用于政府、机构的集体规划。?会议议程(Agenda)是一种正式的商务文件、政府文件,它专指在会议上对各项内容的安排,须在会前由秘书拟好、存档。它可以用来解释会议政策;发布会议程序;提出会议的各项要求,也可以用来提醒参会人员在

5、了解会议流程的同时做好相关准备。由于议程表往往流通于部门之间或直接公布于网上,因此大多格式简明、语言简洁。Whats the Structure of an Itinerary and Agenda 通常情况下,行程表和议程表由以下两部分组成:开头(Heading)开头部分主要包括主题(Subject)、日期(Date)、地点(Place)三项。正文(Body)行程表正文部分的制定并没有一条固定的规则,但通常情况下应涵盖整个活动的起止时间(Starting and Ending Time)、地点、活动内容、接待人员等;而会议的议事日程一般要分项说明,以便能够让人一目了然。下面来看两个实例:Wh

6、ats the Format of an Itinerary and AgendaWhats the Format of an Itinerary and Agenda?鉴于行程表的制定者和目的都各有不同,因此行程表的形式也较为多样化。行程表的书写可以使用较简洁的铺陈式,书信式和表格式。很多公司或机构倾向于表格形式,因为它更为正式、清晰。?议程表的写法与行程表相似,不同的是议程表应按照会议的进程将会议活动、内容一一列出并标明具体的时间。如有必要,议程表应包括会议的内容摘要。它们的一般格式如下图所示:Writing Techniques 行程表和议程表在格式和语言方面具有如下的特点:1.行程表和

7、议程表的格式需清楚醒目,一目了然,句子分开排列。2.在语言表达上,行程表和议程表通常不采取连续叙述的方式,而采取单句说明。3.大量使用名词短语,以求简练,例如不写 You have breakfast at 7:30.而写Breakfast(at)7:30.又如Departure of half day to tours.4.多使用动词或分词短语以代替完整的句子,略去主语,有时还略去介词、冠词等虚词,例如:Leave by coach for Hampton Court.Arrive at Richmond Pier.Leave Beijing International Airport fo

8、r San Francisco.Change money.Met at International House.Concluding Luncheon Session.Meeting with Mr.Smith.Note:当读者为动作的执行者时用动词的基本形式。当读者为动作的承受者时用动词的过去分词形式。当仅指将来某一特定的行为如约会、社交等时用动词的现在分词或相应的名词形式。5.因行程表和议程表在活动安排上要求时间、地点、事件的准确,在写作时通常要注意以下几个方面:团体或个人出发和到达的日期和时间明确。为避免混淆,常常使用24小时制计时方法。若过程中出现时差情况,应当标注是否为当地时间。若某

9、一城市中有不止一个机场或车站,应将出发和抵达的机场名称或车站名称标示清楚。须指明交通方式。若乘坐飞机需要说明航空公司和航班班次,若乘坐火车需说明车次。提供住宿的详细情况,如宾馆详细地址、联系电话、房间类型(单间、双人间、套房等)、房间号、餐饮情况等也应一并标注。Sample Reading 1.行程表(Itinerary)1.1 下面是一份详细的为个人制定的旅行出差用的行程表。文中不仅列出了具体的活动时间和地点,详细指明了交通和住宿情况,并提供了具体的会议安排和接待人员等。2.议程表(Agenda)2.1 下面是一所大学董事会的会议议程表(Agenda of Board Meeting)。该议

10、程表列出了会议进程,并对各项讨论内容做了简单陈述,使与会者参会前就能了解会议步骤,以便适时做出回应。Useful Expressions and Sentences Useful ExpressionsUseful Expressions 1.roundtable 圆桌会议 2.host(作为主人)招待;主持 3.tentative itinerary 暂定的旅行计划 4.open to alteration 允许更改 5.make for 动身前往 6.leavefor 离开某地去 7.charitable giving 慈善捐助 8.arrive in Shanghai 抵达上海 9.tr

11、ansfer to the hotel 转至宾馆 10.return to Conference Venue 返回会议中心 11.depart from 从出发 12.depart for 前往 13.check-in 入住登记 14.check-out 退房结账 15.Room Registration 登记房间 16.getting to know everybody 认识大家 17.Call to order 宣布开会 18.Preparation for 为.的准备 19.Lobbying 休会 20.Adjournment 闭会,休会,休庭 21.Amend 修改,更正 22.Ado

12、ption 采用,采纳 23.Adopt a resolution 通过决议 24.Bylaw 章程,法规 25.Confirmation 确定,证实,确认 26.Board of Directors 董事会 27.Expected attendee 参会人员 28.Regular meeting 常务会议 29.Special meeting 专门会议 30.Executive meeting 行政会议 31.Agenda item 会议议程 32.A matter of high priority 非常需要优先考虑的事情 33.Call the roll 点名 34.Apologies f

13、or absence 为缺席而道歉 35.introduction and welcome remarks 介绍和欢迎致词 36.coffee break 休息 37.close and departure 闭幕离开 Useful SentencesUseful Sentences 1.Fly to Beijing in the morning and visit the Summer Palace in the afternoon.早上乘飞机前往北京,下午参观颐和园。2.This itinerary is open to adjustments.本次行程允许变更。3.The rest day

14、 is free.其余时间自行安排。4.Chengdu to Beijing by flight,stay in a four-star hotel.乘飞机从成都前往北京,入住四星级宾馆。5.After breakfast at the hotel,the tour will terminate/be finished.宾馆早餐后,旅程结束。6.Self-arranged transportation to the airport for exit.去机场的交通自理。7.You are to inspect Economic and Technological Development Zone

15、 this afternoon.今天下午您将视察经济技术开发区。8.The meeting was called to order by Zhang Ming at 10:30 a.m.上午10:30张明宣布会议开始。9.Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting.通过先前会议记录。10.Apologies were received from Peter.皮特请假。11.Matters arising from last meeting.上次会议产生的一些问题。12.Those present included.参会人员包括 13.The next m

16、eeting was provisionally arranged for Thursday,July 18.下次会议暂定在 7月18日,星期四。14.The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 15,at 2:30 p.m.下次常务会议定于 5月15日,下午2:30。15.The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.下午四点会议结束。16.There being no further business,the chairman closed the meeting.没有其他事务,主席宣布休会。Your Try T

17、ask 1 Group discussion Q1.Whats the purpose of writing the Itinerary and Agenda?Q2.What are the relationships between itineraries and agendas?Q3.What points should be included in the Itinerary and Agenda?Q4.How to list the points in a logical order?Q5.How to make up any other necessary information?T

18、ask2 Situational Task Suppose you are the secretary of the Eastern Communication Co.,Ltd.and youare required to draw up an agenda of the 5thMeeting of the Second Board of Directors.Do it yourself.Task 3 Classroom activity Directions:Select a place of interest in your province and prepare an itinerar

19、y for a three-day trip.Before you settle down to the writing task,please discuss with your classmates so that you can try to make your plan practical and economical.In your itinerary,you must include the following particulars.Set the exact time;Take your budget into account;Give the exact time and d

20、uration of stay;Give detailed arrangement of activities.Answer:?Task2?Eastern Communication Co.,Ltd.?Agenda of the 5th Meeting of the Second Board of Directors?Date:Jan.15,2007?Time:9:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.?Place:Meeting Room 201?Nominating Committees changes in Presidency of Eastern Communication Co.,Lt

21、d.?Nominating Committees changes in Secretary of Board of Directors of Eastern Communication Co.,Ltd.?Income Committees report on the income of Senior Management of Eastern Communication Co.,Ltd.?Income Committees report on the subsidy of Absolute Directors of Eastern Communication Co.,Ltd.Exercises

22、.Translate the following sentences into English.1.您将乘飞机从北京前往重庆,入住四星级宾馆。2.布莱克先生和史密斯小姐接机,驱车至假日旅馆。3.宾馆地址和联系电话见附页。4.所有参会人员将乘车前往会议举行地点。5.我们确定下次会议的时间和地点吧。6.下次董事会定于 2005年2月23日-24 日在科罗拉多(Colorado)大学举行。7.上次会议产生了些问题。8.如有其他议题请在会议开始之前以书面形式通知公司秘书。9.我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议所产生的问题开始?10.会议将于下午六点前结束。.Fill the blanks of the fo

23、llowing itinerary in a letter with the words given below.Change the form when necessary.Answer You will leave Beijing for Chongqing by flight,and stay in a four-star hotel.Mr.Black and Miss Smith will pick you up at the airport and drive to Holiday Inn.Hotel addresses and phone numbers are on attach

24、ed sheet.All the attendees will take buses to Conference Venue.Lets settle the date and place of next meeting.Next board meeting is scheduled on February 23-24,2005,at University of Colorado.There are some matters arising from last meeting.Items of other business must be notified to the Company Secr

25、etary in writing before the start of the meeting.Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?The meeting will end not later than 6 p.m.Sending finalized arrive invitation hosted Confirmation believe honor arrangements present Mr.Blacks Itinerary in Japan Tokyo-Nagoya-Beijing Tue

26、sday,April 3(Tokyo Head office)9:20 a.m.All the Branch Managers meeting 2:00 p.m.All the Sales Managers meeting 5:30 p.m.Company dinner at Hilton Hotel Wednesday,April 4(Tokyo to Nagoya)9:30 a.m.Bill,Manager at Tokyo,will pick you up at Hilton Hotel and drive to Haneda Airport.12:00 a.m.Leave Haneda

27、 Airport on Japan Airline Flight No.95(First class,lunch)1:10 p.m.Arrive in Nagoya Tommy,Office Manager at Nagoya Branch,will pick you up at the airport and take you to the Hotel.Stay at New Nagoya Hotel(Double room with bath booked)3:00 p.m.Conference scheduled at Branch Company 5:30 p.m.Company dinner will be held at New Nagoya Hotel Thursday,April 5(Nagoya to Beijing)9:30 a.m.Tommy will pick you up at the hotel and take you to Nagoya International Airport 11:40 a.m.Check in at air terminal.12:40 p.m.Departure.Japan Airline Flight No.117(First class,lunch)


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