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1、Lesson 15Prose translation翻译与文体-文学翻译n文学翻译首先必须明确什么是文学。然而,要给文学下个确切的定义,却并不容易。综合中外论者对文学一词的阐释,我们知道文学具有以下主要特性:文学是语言的艺术,是用语言来反映生活、反映现实、表达思想、抒发情感的,是emotion-centered;它有审美价值,其语篇功能主要是用艺术的语言叙事、画物、言情,达到感染人、娱悦人、教育人的目的。文学的这些特性也是它有别于其它文体的地方。要说清楚文学是什么虽然不易,但人们却能很容易地告诉你:小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视等是文学。如此说来,文学语言就该是这些文学作品的语言,文学文体也就该

2、是小说文体、诗歌文体、散文文体和戏剧影视文体的总和。尽管小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视中又能分出各种流派、各种风格的作家作品,诚所谓体中有体、类中有类,但我们的注意力这里主要集中在英语各体类之间的文学共性的东西,即小说、诗歌、散文、戏剧、影视的语言特征及其翻译。E-C Translation:the translation of prosen散文的翻译:散文的翻译:n 讲求句正字端讲求句正字端n 讲究音韵之美讲究音韵之美有损译文音韵之美的几个通病有损译文音韵之美的几个通病n之一之一 句式单调,句式单调,“的的不休的的不休”nIt was a bright September afternoon.

3、n那是九月那是九月 的的 一个晴朗的下午。一个晴朗的下午。nMiggles laugh,which was very infectiousn米格尔米格尔 的的 富有感染力的笑声富有感染力的笑声之二之二 音节单一,欠奇偶对照音节单一,欠奇偶对照nSuddenly the line went limp.(引爆电线引爆电线突然耷拉下来。)nIf he should venture to forecast the results of this event(如果有人敢于预言敢于预言此事的结果)nBut shortly afterwards they heard that(可是可是不久以后不久以后他们听

4、说)nBut without Adolf Hitler(然而如果没然而如果没有有阿道夫希特勒)n5个双音节词,滴个双音节词,滴答答-滴答滴答-滴答滴答-滴答滴答-滴答滴答n打破单调(用一个打破单调(用一个音节或三个音节词)音节或三个音节词)n引爆线引爆线n敢预言敢预言n可不久之后可不久之后n但要是没有但要是没有之三之三 尾字谐韵尾字谐韵 平仄不分平仄不分nAdvancing age and deteriorating health(年纪越来越大,而且健康状况恶化)nHe who would eat the nut must first crack the shell(要吃核果,必先敲壳)nTh

5、eres no pot so ugly that it cant find a lid.(罐儿再丑,配个盖子不发愁)n译诗歌要讲求合辙译诗歌要讲求合辙押韵,译散文却要押韵,译散文却要忌讳尾字谐音。忌讳尾字谐音。n年事已高,健康恶年事已高,健康恶化化n要吃核桃先敲壳要吃核桃先敲壳n再丑的罐儿也能配再丑的罐儿也能配盖。盖。n文体特征文体特征 n 散文讲究句散文讲究句式长短开阖,跌式长短开阖,跌宕起伏,音节奇宕起伏,音节奇偶相间,轻重交偶相间,轻重交错。错。n 千万不要忽千万不要忽略原文的节奏。略原文的节奏。nThere was no snow,the leaves gone from the tr

6、ees,and the grass was dead.n 天未下雪,但天未下雪,但叶落草枯。叶落草枯。ncf.天尚未下雪,天尚未下雪,但树叶已掉光,草但树叶已掉光,草也都枯死。也都枯死。Facing South 朝南朝南By W.L.Phelps【提示:我们大多数人都喜欢朝南的房子,因【提示:我们大多数人都喜欢朝南的房子,因为,可以有更多的阳光。然而,你是否想过,为,可以有更多的阳光。然而,你是否想过,人与房,竟然也有其相似之处。人人与房,竟然也有其相似之处。人“朝北朝北”,则阴郁冷漠、无情刻薄;人则阴郁冷漠、无情刻薄;人“朝南朝南”,则积极,则积极乐观、热心助人。乐观、热心助人。“朝南朝南”

7、的人可亲、可敬、的人可亲、可敬、可靠、可爱。面朝南,让我们都来做一个播撒可靠、可爱。面朝南,让我们都来做一个播撒阳光的人吧!】阳光的人吧!】nAn old friend used to say to me,“When you are thinking of taking a new house,go and see it on a dismal day.If you like it then,you need not doubt about liking it in fine weather.”We all enjoy the sun.The sun is the source of heat

8、 and life to the earth.Yet people are still to be found who deliberately shut out the sun from their rooms,and are unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does.A succession of dull days damps down the spirits.In this country,especially,we know the value of“facing so


10、朝南”的价值。的价值。n点评:点评:Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does.一句非常精一句非常精彩,其中的彩,其中的where the sun does not go the doctor does是一句意大利的俗话,因是一句意大利的俗话,因此翻译时,便应该考虑措辞之简洁上口。此翻译时,便应该考虑措辞之简洁上口。原译是原译是“太阳走,医生至太阳走,医生至”,不太上口,不太上口,且无韵感。现改译:且无韵感。现改译:太阳不到,医生到太阳不到,医生到。nAre we not like houses?We have e

11、yes instead of windows,but we face south,north,east,or west.Who does not know the men and women facing north?Hard and cold,never letting a ray of sunshine into their souls,they stand pitilessly away from all the cheers and warms of our poor humanity.They are the people who pour cold water on all our

12、 enthusiasms,have no faith in human nature,no sympathy with human suffering;who leave the lame dog at the stile.We know the futility of approaching them in the hour of distress or trouble.nhelp a lame dog over a stilenIf you help a lame dog over stile,you help someone who is in difficulty or trouble


14、狗遗弃在台阶旁。我们知道,在把瘸腿的狗遗弃在台阶旁。我们知道,在身陷困境之时求助于他们,必定徒劳而返。身陷困境之时求助于他们,必定徒劳而返。n点评:此段始让我们感到作者的比喻之妙。有点评:此段始让我们感到作者的比喻之妙。有两点可以商榷,一是,原句的两点可以商榷,一是,原句的but we face south,north,east,or west之原译是之原译是“只是只是我们朝向东西南北我们朝向东西南北”,此译给读者以,此译给读者以“气短气短”的感觉,译笔是否能更加细腻一些?译文的韵的感觉,译笔是否能更加细腻一些?译文的韵律是否可以更强一些?如现译:只是我们可以律是否可以更强一些?如现译:只是我

15、们可以朝南、朝北、朝东、或者朝西。二是,原句中朝南、朝北、朝东、或者朝西。二是,原句中的定语从句的定语从句who leave the lame dog at the stile.原译将它译成原译将它译成“对别人的困难不闻不问对别人的困难不闻不问”,译文是否能够保留原句的形象呢?如译:甚至译文是否能够保留原句的形象呢?如译:甚至把瘸腿的狗遗弃在台阶旁。(注:这个定语从把瘸腿的狗遗弃在台阶旁。(注:这个定语从句具有递进的状语从句功能。)句具有递进的状语从句功能。)n nMost of us,it is to be feared,face either east or west.Part of us

16、 is in the sun,part in the shadow.We are easily depressed or exalted.We talk of our dual personality,and do nothing to cultivate the better part.But there are a few people who,like an attractive house,face south.One never goes to them in vain.They look on the sunny side of things;they see obstacles

17、only to surmount them.Coming into their presence is like coming into a sunny room.The dull care or the throbbing trouble disappears.“Gods in His heaven,alls right with the world”is their motto.ndull care:care(n.)worry or anxietyndull(adj.)not very severe,but continuous 隐隐约约的;隐隐约约的;ndull care 隐忧隐忧nth

18、robbing(n./adj.)pounding or beating strongly or violently nthrobbing trouble 揪心的烦恼揪心的烦恼n译文:译文:恐怕,我们中的大多数人不是朝东,就恐怕,我们中的大多数人不是朝东,就是朝西。有些人在阳光底下,有些人却在阴影是朝西。有些人在阳光底下,有些人却在阴影之中。我们的情绪易起易落。我们谈论自己的之中。我们的情绪易起易落。我们谈论自己的双重性格,却从未想过要扬长避短。但也有一双重性格,却从未想过要扬长避短。但也有一小部分人,他们像让人欢喜的房子一样,面朝小部分人,他们像让人欢喜的房子一样,面朝南方。向这些人求助,决不


20、较粗糙。如:粗糙。如:The dull care or the throbbing trouble disappears被译成:你的忧虑和麻被译成:你的忧虑和麻烦都会烟消云散。烦都会烟消云散。dull care不仅仅是不仅仅是“忧忧虑虑”;throbbing trouble也远非也远非“麻烦麻烦”。nSunny people are not necessarily well-to-do people.The best relative the writer recalls,was an aunt who lived in a tiny country cottage and maintaine

21、d an old-world dignity on ninety pounds a year.In hours of ease a well-read,charming companion,she was a veritable tower of strength and a refuge in times of tribulation.She would create cosmos out of the chaos of a broken household;she literally bound up the wounds and salved the sickness of innume

22、rable kinsmen and neighbors;every delicate child in the family passed through her hands;and at the appropriate seasons she would produce from her store some wondrous little gift.nwell-read:well informed or deeply versed through reading 博学的博学的ntower of strength:a person who can be relied on to give a

23、 great deal of support and comfortnsalve:apply a salve to,usually for the purpose of healing 在在上敷药膏上敷药膏 n译文:阳光乐观者未必有万贯家财。笔者记译文:阳光乐观者未必有万贯家财。笔者记忆中最可亲的人是我的姑妈。她住在乡下一忆中最可亲的人是我的姑妈。她住在乡下一间小小的农舍里,靠一年九十英镑的收入维间小小的农舍里,靠一年九十英镑的收入维持着她旧式生活的尊严。在生活安逸的时候,持着她旧式生活的尊严。在生活安逸的时候,她是一个博学迷人的伙伴;在艰难困苦的时她是一个博学迷人的伙伴;在艰难困苦的时候,她

24、是我们名副其实的靠山和避风港。她候,她是我们名副其实的靠山和避风港。她能够将破裂混乱的家庭变成和谐的整体;她能够将破裂混乱的家庭变成和谐的整体;她替许多亲友邻里悉心疗伤治病;她亲手照料替许多亲友邻里悉心疗伤治病;她亲手照料过家里每一个弱小的婴儿;而且在节日来临过家里每一个弱小的婴儿;而且在节日来临时,她总从她的储备中拿出一些精美的小礼时,她总从她的储备中拿出一些精美的小礼物。物。n点评:原译的精彩之处在于:点评:原译的精彩之处在于:she was a veritable tower of strength and a refuge in times of tribulation被译成了被译成了

25、“她是我她是我们名副其实的靠山和避风港们名副其实的靠山和避风港”。原句里的。原句里的tower of strength是一常用成语,意思是是一常用成语,意思是“非常可靠非常可靠得力得力的人的人”,译成,译成“靠山靠山”,恰到好处。恰到好处。refuge者,避难所也,译成者,避难所也,译成“避风港避风港”,也更上口。,也更上口。nYou must know such people.They are not rich people,perfectly healthy,or people without sorrows.On the contrary,they have had a full mea

26、sure of misfortune.But they have never faltered in their outlook on life,in their supreme faith in all things working together for good,in their belief that they are in this world to help where help is needed.What a consolation such people are!We go to them in entire confidence.We leave them the bet

27、ter and the brighter,with a firmer step,and the determination to win through our difficulties.They are“facing south”.n译文:你们肯定认识这样的人。他们并不富有,译文:你们肯定认识这样的人。他们并不富有,并非身强体健,也非无悲无痛。相反,他们曾并非身强体健,也非无悲无痛。相反,他们曾经遭遇过形形色色的不幸。但是,他们从未动经遭遇过形形色色的不幸。但是,他们从未动摇过自己的人生观,他们崇尚一切都会变得更摇过自己的人生观,他们崇尚一切都会变得更好,相信他们在这个世界上就是为了帮助那些

28、好,相信他们在这个世界上就是为了帮助那些需要帮助的人。这样的人能给我们多大的安慰需要帮助的人。这样的人能给我们多大的安慰啊!我们信心十足地投奔他们,离开时,我们啊!我们信心十足地投奔他们,离开时,我们豁然开朗、步伐坚定,并带着战胜一切困难的豁然开朗、步伐坚定,并带着战胜一切困难的决心。他们是决心。他们是“朝南朝南”的人。的人。n点评:点评:We go to them in entire confidence.We leave them the better and the brighter一句写得何等酣畅淋漓!一句写得何等酣畅淋漓!译者将原句的译者将原句的go to them译成译成“投奔投奔


30、均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏着的名曲。nMoonlight is like flowing water,pouring peacefully onto the leaves and flowers.Filmy mists rise in the lotus pond.The leaves and flowers are as if washed in cows milk,like a dream covered with light yarn.Although it is a full moon,there is a thin layer of cloud in the sky.

31、The moon cannot get through to give full light.But I think its just about perfect-although sound sleeps are necessary,naps also have a special flavor.Moonlight is passing through trees.Bushes from higher ground cast irregular black shadows,like ghosts.The beautiful shadows of bending willows are spa

32、rsely drawn on the lotus leaves.Moonlight in the pond is not even,but lightness and shadows are in harmony,like sublime music played on a violin.n江南的春天素称多雨,一落就是七八天。住在上海的人们,平日既感不到雨的需要,一旦下雨,天气是那么阴沉,谁也耐不住闷在狭小的家里;可是跑到外面,没有山,没有湖,也没有经雨的嫩绿的叶子,一切都不及晴天好;有时阔人的汽车从你身旁施过,还得带一身污泥回来。nSpring in the south is known t

33、o be rainy.During this season,it never rains there but it remains wet for seven or eight days on end.Dwellers in Shanghai,who usually do not feel the need for rain,will be bored with having to confine themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain.While in the open,seeing to

34、mountains,nor lakes,nor rain-drenched soft green leaves,youll find nothing comparable to a fine day.Sometimes,worse still,a rich mans car flashing past may splash you all over with mud.(二)汉译英(二)汉译英 1.RushSwallows may have gone,but there is a time of return;willow trees may have died back,but there i

35、s a time of regreening;peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.Now,you,the wise,tell me,why should our days leave us,but never to return?If they had been stolen by someone,who could it be?Where could he hide them?If they had made the escape themselves,then where could they stay at t

36、he moment?文学的翻译文学的翻译 I dont know how many days I have been given to spend,but I do feel my hands are getting empty.Taking stock silently,I find that more than eight thousand days have already slid away from me.Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean,my days are dr

37、ipping into the stream of time,soundless,traceless.Already sweat is starting on my forehead,and tears welling up in eyes.Those that have gone have gone for good,those to come keep coming;yet in between,how swift is the shift,in such a rush?When I get up in the morning,the slanting sun marks its pres

38、ence in my small room in two or three oblongs.The sun has feet,look,he is treading on,文学的翻译文学的翻译 lightly and furtively;and I am caught,blankly,in his revolution.Thusthe day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands,wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal,and passes away before my day-dreamin

39、g gaze as reflects in silence.I can feel his haste now,so I reach out my hands to hold him back,but he keeps flowing past my withholding hands.In the evening,as I lie in bed,he strides over my body,glides past my feet,in his agile way.The moment I open my eyes and meet the sun again,one whole day ha

40、s gone.I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh.But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh.文学的翻译文学的翻译 p 经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量p Study Constantly,And You Will Know Everything.The More You Know,The More Powerful You Will Be写在最后Thank You在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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