人教版九年级全册英语Unit 10 单元测试卷(无听力含答案).docx

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1、人教版九年级全册英语Unit 10 单元测试卷( 测试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分) 本卷共七大题,分为第一卷(客观题)和 第二卷(主观题),满分为120分。 第一卷I. 单项选择 (共30分 每空1分)1. Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France ? - No , when I _ France , he had gone to China . A. had arrived to B. arrived to C. had got to D. got to2. Why didnt you give the wallet to the ma

2、n at once ? - He _ before I realized it was his . A. had been disappeared B. has disappeared C. had disappeared D. has been disappeared3. We should return the books to the library _ time . A. About B. on C. by D. For4. - _ you ever _ to the United States ? - Yes , twice . A. Have ; gone B. Have ; be

3、en C. Do ; go D. Were ; going5. Boys and girls ! Please _ your compositions after class . Oh , my God ! I _ it at home . A. hand in ; forgot B. hand in ; left C. hand out ; forgot D. hand out ; left6. During the seven-day holiday , _ families went sightseeing . A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands

4、and thousands D. thousands of7. Why doesnt Jack get his TV set repaired ? I know _ . He wants to buy a new one . A. why he doesnt B. why doesnt he C. how doesnt he D. how he doesnt8. Rick ! Your jacket is wet through . Didnt you listen to the weather report this morning ? -No , I didnt . I was in a

5、hurry , besides , it _ when I left . A. hadnt rained B. would rain C. rained D. wasnt raining9. Lots of people in our city _ the old and the disabled . They usually offer their seats to them on buses or help them cross the road . A. care for B. take care C. agree with D. take pride in10. Did you see

6、 Tom at the party ? No , he _ by the time I got there . A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 11. The film _ for ten minutes when I got to the cinema . A. had begun B. has been on C. had been on D. has begun12. By the time I reached home , my brother _ to work . A. went B. has gone C. had g

7、one D. was gone13. We _ too late last night , so we are quite exhausted now . A. showed up B. called up C. stayed up D. set up14. A quarter of the students _ interested in English now . A. is B. are C. was D. Were15. Jack , how are you feeling today ? Much _ . I think I can go to school tomorrow . A

8、. better B. worse C. brighter D. Weaker16.HowmuchdoIoweyouforlunch?_.Itsnothing.A.YourewelcomeB.ForgetitC.WithpleasureD.Thatsright17. Ifelt_whenmywifecomplainedthefoodwasterrible. A.embarrassingB.embarrassedC.excitedD.exciting18.WhyareyouangrywithMichael?BecauseIwaitedforhimfortwohourslastnight,buth

9、edidnt_atlast.A.showupB.handup C.comeupD.stayup19.WhatdidMr.Wangsayjustnow?He_theresultsofthebasketballgame. A.fledB.announcedC.createdD.developed20.HowwasyourEnglishexamination,mydear?Ididwell,mom_,Jasondidntdoverywell.Hehastostudyhard. A.casuallyB.probablyC.luckilyD.unfortunately21.Howmanypeoplear

10、ecomingtothegamenextmonth?Itshardtosay._people,Ithink. A.ThousandofB.Thousandsof C.TwothousandsD.Twothousandsof22.Whathappened_yourlittlesister_AprilFoolsDay? A.on;in B.at;on C.by;at D.to;on23. Theregoesthebell.Itstimeforhome. Sorry,itsjustmyalarmclock_. A.goingoff B.runningoff C.settingoff D.breaki

11、ngoff24. IcanseesomestudentsinClassTwoplayingintheplayground. Yeah,theyareplayinghappily.Butwhereare_students? A.others B.theother C.another D.theothers25. Therearemanychangeshere.Youcanfindmanytallbuildingson_sidesof thestreets.A.allB.eachC.bothD.either26.Whyareyousohungry?Oh,Iwasreadingabookatlunc

12、htime.Its_interesting_Iforgottoeat. A.such;thatB.so;that C.too;to D.enough;to27.Susan_herschoolbaginthelibrary,soshehadtofetchit. A.forgotB.lostC.leftD.fell28.Howlonghaveyouruncleandyouraunt_?Forthreeyears.A.married B.hasmarried C.gotmarried D.beenmarried29.Didyoureturn the book yesterday?No,thelibr

13、ary _closedbythetimeIgotthere.A.wouldbe B.is C.hadbeen D.hasbeen30.Givemybestwishestoyourmother. _.A. Thankyouforyourkindness. B.Itdoesntmatter.C.Itsmypleasure. D.Areyoukidding.II. 完形填空 (共10分 每空1分)The United States, Great Britain took the war(战争) on Iraq(伊拉克) in late March, 2003. 1 over twenty days,

14、 American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 2 of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam. 3 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is 4 . No one knows 5 hes dead or alive.In some parts of the city, there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and

15、6 . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need hospital care. People also need 7 to find their family members.After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddams palace, government buildings and stores. They 8 many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S. soldiers didnt

16、stop the robbers. So far there is 9 no government of Iraqis. The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 10weapons of mass destruction (大规模杀伤性武器). But by June 6, they hadnt found any at all.( )1.A. to B. After C. By D. During( )2.A city B. town C. capital D. village( )3. A. Thou

17、sand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of( )4. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten( )5. A. if B. when C. how D. that( )6. A. spaceships B. flowers C. peoples D. medicine( )7. A. an idea B. a way C. a plane D. a bridge( )8. A. bought B. borrowed C. stole D. brought( )9. A. still B. ever C. ye

18、t D. already( )10. A. looking at B. looking for C. giving up D. putting downIII. 阅读理解 (共30分 每题2分) AMyfriend,adoctoratahospital,hadfinishedaphysicalexamonaneight-year-oldboywhenthemothertoldthedoctorthathissonwasalwayshavingjunkfood.Thedoctorthoughthowhemightgetthechildtoseethelightofhispooreatinghab

19、it.“So”heasked,“Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?”“Iwanttobeadoctor,”saidtheboy.“Ivegothimnow,”thoughtthedoctor.“Andwhatwouldyousaytoaboywhenhismothercomplainedthathewashavingtoomuchjunkfood?”Atonce,theboyreplied,“IalsoatejunkfoodwhenIwasachild,andlookatmenow?”1. Whatwastheboysproblem? A.Hewasoftenill

20、. B.Helikedjunkfoodverymuch.C.Hedidntwanttohaveaphysicalexam. D.Hedidntwanttoeatanything.2.Thedoctortried.A.tolettheboyunderstanditwasbadtohavetoomuchjunkfoodB.togivetheboymorejunkfood C.totestiftheboywascleverD.tomaketheboyeatnojunkfood 3.Whatanswerdidthedoctorexpecttohearabouthissecondquestion? A.

21、Itsnotgoodforyoutohavetoomuchjunkfood. BYoullbestrongerifyoueatmorejunkfood. C.Itdoesntmattertoeattoomuchjunkfood.D.Listentoyourmother,andyoullhavemorejunkfood.4.Thestorymainlytellsusthat. A.boysarecleverthanthedoctor B.junkfoodisbadforhealth C childrenhavetheirwayofthinking D.boysshouldnteattoomuch

22、junkfood 5.Whatsthebesttitle(标题)forthispassage? A. ACleverBoy B.AFoolishDoctorC.AnUnexpected(未曾料想到的)Boy D.AnUnexpectedAnswer BWhenyouwanttogoshopping,decidehowmuchmoneyyoucanspendfornewclothes,thinkaboutthekindofclothesyoureallyneed,thenlookforthoseclothesonsale.Therearelabels(标签)insideallnewclothes

23、.Thelabelstellyouhowtotakecareofyourclothes.Thelabelforashirtmaytellyoutowashitinwarmwater.Asweaterlabelmaytellyoutowashbywashingincoldwater.Thelabelonacoatmaysay“drycleanonly”,washingmayruin(损坏)thiscoat.Ifyoudoasthedirections(说明)say on the label, “you can keep your clothes looking their best.”Many

24、clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check(核实)to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed. You cansavemoneyifyoubuyclothesthatarewellmade.Well-madeclotheslast longer.Theylookgoodevenaftertheyh

25、avebeenwashedmanytimes.Clothesthatcostmoremoneyarenotalwaysbettermade.Theydonotalwaysfitbetter,Sometimeslessexpensiveclotheslookandfitbetterthanmoreexpensiveclothes.6.Ifyouwanttosavemoney,youcanbuyclothesthat_.A.dontfityou B.dontlastlongC.needtobedrycleanedD.canbewashed7. Thelabelsinsidetheclotheste

26、llyou_.A.howtokeepthemlookingtheirbest B.howtosavemoneyC.whethertheyfityouornot D.wheretogetthemdrycleaned8.Thefirstthingforyoutodobeforeyoubuyclothesis_.A.tolookforwell-madeclothesB.toseehowmuchmoneyyoucanpayC.toknowhowtowashthemD.toreadthelabelsinsidethem9. Welearnfromthereadingthatcheaperclothes_

27、.A.arealwaysworsemade B.mustbedrycleanedC.cannotbewashed D.cansometimesfityoubetter10. Thebesttitle(标题)forthereadingshouldbe_.A.BuyingLessExpensiveClothesB.TakingEnoughMoneyWhenShoppingC.BeingaCleverClothesShopperD.ChoosingtheLabelsinsideNewClothes C Camilla Chomp was a strange little girl. She like

28、d to spend her time eating chocolate. Her parents were worried, so they took all the chocolate away.Camilla left her house to look for some chocolate. She found a small house full of bottles. Among the bottles, a blue bottle caught Camillas eyes. It was full of chocolate. In the bottle there was als

29、o a card with the words “Change tears(眼泪) into chocolate.”Camilla was very excited. She ran out of the house with the bottle to look for someone crying. First, she met a little boy crying hard and collected his tears. The tears were quickly changed into chocolate. While Camilla was collecting the te

30、ars, she comforted the boy. Finally, the boy stopped crying and they had a good time together.Later, Camilla met a woman and an old man crying. The woman had broken some bowls. And the old mans dog had just died. Camilla collected their tears and made them happy again.Soon, Camilla knew that making

31、people happy was much more important than finding chocolate. So she stopped collecting tears and began to help sad people. As a result, she had many friends and had a happy life.11. Camilla liked to _.A. eat chocolate B. read books C. collect coins D. eat fruit12. Camillas parent took away all the c

32、hocolate because they were_.A. happy B. angry C. worried D. Hungry13. What caught Camillas eyes?A. A nice card. B. A black dog. C. A red cup. D. A blue bottle.14. The old man was crying because _.A. he had broken some bottlesB. he couldnt find his way homeC. he couldnt find his daughterD. his dog ha

33、d just died15. How many people did Camilla help before she stopped collecting tears?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 第二卷IV. 词汇 (共10分 每题1分)A. 根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子1. Thomas Edison had 2000 i_in his life.2. He has many _(亲戚) in that city, so he chose to work there.3. She was t_, because she really wanted to ge

34、t married.4. The UFO that the young man d_yesterday was not true.5. I r_I had made a bad mistake in the English exam.B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。6. By the time I got to the bus stop, the bus had already _(leave).7. They _ (make) a lot of friends since they came to our school.8. She was so _ (embarrass) that he

35、didnt know what to say at the moment.9. They have been _(marry) since eight years ago.10. Thats the _(end) of the story.V. 同义句转换,每空一词。(共10分 每空1分)1. To work in a school is very interesting. (同义句) _ _ very interesting to work in a school.2. When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun. (同义句) _

36、 _ _ I got to the cinema, the film had already begun.3. I like basketball better than football. (同义句) I _ basketball _ football.4. Jim looks like his elder brother. (同义句) Jim _ _ his elder brother.5. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.(变为被动句) The telephone _ _ by Bell in 1876. VI. 完成句子。 (共10分 每空1分)

37、1. 我们市有成千上万的中学生将来想当老师。 In our city, _ _ middle school students want to _ teachers in the future . 2. 学生应该按时到校。The students are supposed to get to school _ _.3. 闹铃响的时候他正在读书。He was reading when the alarm _ _.4. 当我们到达电影院时,所有的票都售完了。 When we got to the cinema, all the tickets _ _ sold out.5. 我把钥匙忘在车里了。 I

38、 _ my keys in the car.VII. 书面表达 (20)写一篇短文,以”My Daily Life” 为题,介绍你的日常生活,并作出相关评价。不少于80词。 参考答案:第一卷 单选: 1-10 DCBBB DADAC 11-20 CCCBA BBABD 21-30 BDABC BCDCA完型: BCDCA DBCAB阅读: 1-5 BAACD 6-10 DABDC 10-15 ACDDC第二卷词汇:1. inventions 2. relatives 3. thrilled 4. described 5. Realized 6. left 7. have made 8.embarrassed 9.married 10. ending/end 同义句转换:1. It is 2. By the time 3. prefer to 4. is like 5. is invented完成句子:1. thousands of be 2. on time 3. went off 4. had been 5. left 写作:略第 11 页 共 11 页


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