(教材同步复习)第1部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Unit 1~2 2021年中考英语复习ppt课件(云南).pptx

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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 8Book 2Unit 12中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲考点考点1Whats the matter?怎么了?【怎么了?【Unit 1 P1】常见生病就医的表达句型(1)询问病情常用语:重点重点突破突破(2)回答病情常用语:“havea名词”eg.have a fever/cold/cough/headache 发烧/感冒/咳嗽/头痛“hurt(s)身体部位或反身代词”意为“受伤”。eg.He hurts his leg/himself.他伤了腿/自己。“There is something wrong with ones 身体部位”。eg.There is so

2、mething wrong with my right eye.我右眼有问题。得知某人生病或者住院时,通常回答“Im sorry to hear that./Sorry to hear that.”。拓展拓展C 单项填空1Are you all right?You look unhappy all day long.There is something wrong _my right hand.Ato BfromCwithDby活学巧活学巧练练2You dont look well.Whats the matter with you?_.AI won the gameBMaybe I have

3、 a feverCThats too badDIm sorry to hear that3My brother broke his leg yesterday.And he is in hospital now._.AIm sorry to hear that BThats all rightCNot at all DYou are welcomeB A 考点考点2This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.这意味着处于一个你似乎无法解脱的困境中。【这意味着处于一个你似乎无法解脱的困境

4、中。【Unit 1 P6】mean的用法重点重点突破突破eg.My new job will mean traveling all over the world.我的新工作将意味着环游世界。She means to go to Dali for a visit.她计划去大理游览。“Buy Nothing Day”means“No shopping”on that day.“不消费日”意味着在那天“不购物”。B 单项填空1Even if I said that,I didnt mean _ anyone in this room.AhurtBto hurtChurtingDhurts2Takin

5、g this job means _ in another city without my family around.AliveBto liveClivingDlivedC 活学巧活学巧练练3The“teacher-free exam”means_ students take their exams without teachers.Awhen Bhow Cthat Dwhich词形转换4I mean_ my grandparents this weekend.(visit)5Missing this train means_for another hour.(wait)C to visit

6、 waiting 考点考点3Yeah,a lot of old people are lonely.是呀,许多老人都很孤是呀,许多老人都很孤独。【独。【Unit 2 P10】辨析lonely与alone重点重点突破突破考点词性、含义及用法lonely形容词,意为“孤独的”,强调心灵上的孤独与寂寞,常在句中作表语形容词,意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”,修饰表示地点的名词,只能作定语alone形容词,意为“独自的;单独的”,表示无人陪伴,只陈述一个客观事实,在句中作表语副词,意为“独自;单独”,用在实义动词后,相当于by oneself,在句中作状语My father went to America al

7、one and lived in a lonely village;he was alone but he didnt feel lonely.我父亲独自去了美国,住在一个偏僻的村庄,他无人陪伴却不感到寂寞。一言辨异一言辨异D 单项填空1Does your little baby sleep_ at night?Yes,I hope he can be independent from a young age.AcrazyBlonelyChungryDalone2.She feels very_ because she has no friends to talk with.AlonelyBa

8、loneCpatientDproudA 活学巧活学巧练练词形转换3When she first went to the university,she felt very_ because she knew no one there.(alone)4I know an old man who lives _ in my hometown.(lonely)5They have to leave their little boy_in the house when they go to work.(lonely)lonely alone alone 考点考点4For example,we can m

9、ake plans to visit sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people.比如,我们可以制订计划到比如,我们可以制订计划到医院去看望生病的孩子或者为无家可归的人筹钱。【医院去看望生病的孩子或者为无家可归的人筹钱。【Unit 2 P12】辨析raise与rise重点重点突破突破考点含义及用法示例raise(及物动词)“上升”,后接宾语,强调“某人把某物举起来”raise weight 举重raise ones hand 举手增加;提高raise salaries提高薪资考点含义及用法示例raise(及物

10、动词)筹集(资金);征集(人员)raise money筹钱raise an army招兵抚养,养育raise pets养宠物rise(不及物动词)“上升”,后不能接宾语,强调“某人/某物自己站/升起来”The sun rises.太阳升起。The river rises.河水上涨。“增长”,后不能接宾语The price rises.价格上涨。A 单项填空1He _ his voice so that everybody in the hall could hear him clearly.Araised Brose Cincreased Dimproved2They are _ clothe

11、s and food to help the people in the flood-stricken area(洪灾地区)AtakingBraisingCrisingDputtingB 活学巧活学巧练练3They decided to reach the top of the mountain before the sun_.AraisedBshowedCtookDrose4Many young couples find it far more difficult to_ a child now than in the past.AcarryBcutCraiseDrise词组翻译5Its v

12、ery kind of you to _ to help the student whose family is in difficulty.(筹钱)D C raise money 考点考点5Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.或者想象或者想象一下你不能走路或者不能容易地使用你的双手。【一下你不能走路或者不能容易地使用你的双手。【Unit 2 P14】imagine的用法重点重点突破突破eg.Jane imagined the serious man to be a good doctor.简想象那个严肃的男人是一位好医生。I c

13、an hardly imagine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.我几乎无法想象彼得在五天内就横渡了大西洋。I couldnt imagine why he would want to be alone in the Spring Festival.我无法想象他为什么在春节想要独处。B 单项填空1Can you imagine _ two to three months completely inside your house?AspendsBspendingCspendDto spend2Everybody arou

14、nd him imagines him _ a scientist but he would rather be an artist.AbeBisCbeingDto beD 活学巧活学巧练练3Mary looks young and beautiful.Its hard to_that she is already a mother of two children.Aimagine BinfluenceCprepare Dunderstand词形转换4He imagines everything _ easy.(be)5She couldnt imagine _ in a place like

15、 that.(live)A to be living 语法知识语法知识 梳理梳理 1用have谈论健康问题Whats the matter?怎么了?I have a stomachache.我胃痛。【Unit 1 P1】2情态动词should的用法(见本书P140)(1)What should I do?我应该做什么?【Unit 1 P2】(2)Should I take my temperature?我应该量体温吗?【Unit 1 P2】(3)I think you should lie down and rest.我认为你应该躺下休息。【Unit 1 P2】3反身代词的用法(见本书P99)

16、But the driver didnt think about himself.但是司机没有考虑他自己。【Unit 1 P3】4.不定式作宾语、目的状语和宾语补足语(见本书P151)(1)作宾语I hope to work outside.我希望在外面工作。【Unit 2 P9】(2)作目的状语She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.她仍然每周在那里工作一次,来帮助孩子们学习阅读。【Unit 2 P11】(3)作宾语补足语We could each call up 10 students and ask the

17、m to come.我们每人可以给10个学生打电话请他们来。【Unit 2 P10】5情态动词could表建议The boy could help to clean up the city park.那个男孩可以帮忙清扫城市公园。【Unit 2 P9】核心素养核心素养 专练专练用钩针编织的未来“Hello,crochet(钩针编织)friends!”Thats how Jonah Larson,12,starts his popular online crochet classes.Living in Wisconsin,America,Jonah has been crocheting si

18、nce he was 5 years old.Jonahs interest in crochet all started when he accidentally found a hooked needle in his aunts bag of crafts(手工艺).Showing deep interest in it,Jonah started watching how-to-crochet videos online.His talent for crocheting was soon discovered.指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平。思维品质With

19、his parents help,Jonah started a business called Jonahs Hands and began selling his works.It got the attention of the La Crosse Tribune.After the paper printed a story about him,Jonah got about 4,500 orders.Success has its challenges.Jonah found he couldnt keep up with the requirements for his work.

20、After all,his main job is schoolworkand,as Jonah points out,“I only have two hands!”So he developed other ways to run his business.Jonah now works together with yarn companies(纱线公司).He also partners with some stores to create clothing.Jonah also does a lot of charity work.He has given away some of t

21、he money from Jonahs Hands to Roots Ethiopia,an organization that helps children and families in Ethiopia,an African country where Jonah was born.In the future,Jonah hopes to help even more people,but in a different way.He wants to become a surgeon(外科大夫).“Being a surgeon requires hand skills and pat

22、ience,”says Jonah.“Crocheting has taught me both of those skills!”A()1.Paragraph 2 mainly explains _.Ahow Jonah began crochetingBwhen Jonah began crochetingCwhy Jonah started his businessDwhere Jonah found a needle()2.The underlined word“orders”means“_”in Chinese in this passage.A命令B订单C要求D结构B D()3.W

23、hat difficulty did Jonah once meet?AFew people showed interest in his works.BHis business got in the way of his study.CHe was asked to give more crochet classes.DHe found it difficult to complete the orders.()4.According to Jonah,both crocheting and being a surgeon need _.Amoney and timeBskills and energyChand skills and patienceDinterests and timeC B()5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?AJonah has been crocheting for 5 years.BJonah is a warm-hearted young boy.CJonah learned crocheting from his aunt.DJonah will be a businessman in the future.


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