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1、 中考完型中考完型 Clozecloze(15 points)=word:+article:meaning(词意词意)phrase(搭配搭配)distinction(辨析辨析)contest(上下文上下文)8 minutesGet the main ideaFind clue words(线索词线索词)get the answersCheck your answers 1.通读全文,了解大意。通读全文,了解大意。2.瞻前顾后,逐步填空。瞻前顾后,逐步填空。3.认真复查,适当调整。认真复查,适当调整。What skills can we use?1.Set phrases or structur

2、es and grammar(固定搭配和语法结构固定搭配和语法结构)3.Meaning of Words and phrases(词义辨析词义辨析)2.context(上下文暗示上下文暗示)1.Set phrases or structures and grammar.(固定搭配和语法结构固定搭配和语法结构)1.Have you ever had a day when everythinggoes wrong?Not too long ago,I was having one of those days.In low spirits,I was unhappyand 1.A.excited B

3、.angry C.pleases D.sad 2.We just talked 2 a few minutes on the phone.My parents got worried and asked a lot of questions.A.for B.about C.with D.to talk with/to sb.与某人交谈与某人交谈talk for+一段时间一段时间 谈论多久谈论多久3If I am a parent,how will I 2 along with my child?Well,I think there are many ways.(2014成都成都)A.give

4、B.get C.talk D.chat withget on/along with sb.与某人相处得好与某人相处得好 3.Li is studying in one of the first all-boy classes in Shanghai.The classes were started _2_September,2012.A.at B.in C.on D.to4.Everyone wants to have healthy teeth.WhenYou laugh,you will open your mouth and 1(show)your teeth.The healthier

5、 your teeth are,The 2 you feel.A.happy B.happily C.happiest D.happier the+比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级the healthier,the happier 越健康,越开心越健康,越开心2.“Thats easy,”said Robert,“Youd better go to Moscow.Snow and ice are covering theground now.”Mr.Evans agreed 3 his friend.He boughtan air ticket and soon 4 Moscow.3.A.

6、to B.with C.at D.about 4.A.arrived B.arrived in C.reach D.reached inagree with sb.同意某人的观点同意某人的观点agree to+物物 同意某种观点同意某种观点arrive in+地点地点=reach+地点地点 2.Context(上下文暗示上下文暗示)1.First,Ill encourage my child to do thingshe or she likes.The things should be good 4 him or her.If it is not good for my child,Illt

7、alk to him or her about the disadvantage of the thing in a patient way.A.for B.about C.before D.at2.If he or she gets good grades,Ill say something like this,“Well down!I m very proud of you.”These words will both make my child and me very 8 .A.happy B.strange C.sad D.hard1.Brush your teeth 5 a day,

8、after getting up and before bedtime.A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times2.You also need to care about what you eat and 10 .Eat lots of fruits and vegetablesand drink water instead of drinks.A.play B.make C.drink D.eat3.As she loved _1_ much more,she went to Wuhan University to study Chinese lan

9、guage and literature in 1983.She chose _2_ as her profession(专业).During the 1980s,Chi wrote many works full of love1.A.medicine B.traveling C.literature D.maths2.A.teaching B.writing C.nursing D.drawing 3.Meaning of words and phrase.(词义辨析词义辨析)1.Some sports or games can go back to 2 years,like runnin

10、g and jumping.Lots of people take part in sports and play games.But some people like to watch 5 do sports.When theirplayer gets the first or their team wins,they often get very 8 .2.A.thousand of B.thousand C.thousands of D.thousand5.A.the others B.others C.other D.the other8.A.excited B.excite C.ex

11、citing D.excitement4.It may 7 some time to find the missingplane and even more time to get to know thetruth of what happened.A.spend B.take C.get D.waste5.A boy always 9 stories to the girls next to his class.And another boy enjoys teaching girls to dance.A.tells B.says C.talks D.announces5.We shall

12、 be trying to 30 more about howmusic works.We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.A.ask for B.find out C.turn out D.come out6.When she_,she saw a man waiting for her at the bus station.A.reached B.arrived at C.got to D.arrivedRule:Try to remember more words and phrases,the more,the

13、 better.What have we learned?successthree skillspracticePractice makes perfect!three steps Mary had a dog named Lucky.Lucky liked to take a lot of things to his toy box.1 Mary would like her friends not to 2 their bags open when they visited her home.One day,Mary found out that she was 3 .She though

14、t that she was going to die and had to go to hospital.1.A.Because B.So C.After D.Before2.A.put B.find C.think D.leave3.A.feeling better B.feeling sad C.terribly ill D.lightly ill1.context(上下文)(上下文)2.leave sth.adj.让某物停留在某种状态让某物停留在某种状态The night before she went to hospital,she 4 Lucky.A thought stuck h

15、er.“What will happen to lucky if I die?”The thought made her even sadder than thinking about her own 5 .Mary stayed for two weeks.Finally the day came for Mary to go home,4.A.played with B.argued with C.talked with D.listened with5.A.money B.friends C.death D.happinessMary was 6 tired that she could

16、nt even go to her bedroom.Lucky stood there,watching Mary,but he didnt come to her when she called him.7 made Mary sad,but she soon fell asleep in the sofa.When Mary woke up,she couldnt move and her body felt heavy and hot.But she6.A.very B.too C.so D.such7.A.That B.This C.She D.Oneso that 如此如此以至于以至

17、于began to laugh when she realized the problem.She 8 everything that Lucky had.While she had been sleeping,the sad dog had covered his 9 with all his favorite things.He had covered her with his love.Mary forgot about dying.She and Luckybegan to live 10 again.8.A.covered by B.covered with C.was covered by D.was covered with9.A.owner B.guest C.child D.parents10.A.carefully B.terribly C.happily D.politelybe covered with 被被.盖着盖着be covered by 被被覆盖覆盖全文理解全文理解


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