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1、中考英语复习中考英语复习连词什么是连词?连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分。只起到连接词与词、短语与短语以及句子与句子的作用。连词从属介词并列连词时间:when,while.条件:if,unless,as long as目的:so that,in order that结果:so.that.,such.that.比较:than,as.as.并列:and,as well as.原因:because,as,since让步:though/although.因果:so,for转折:but,while方式:as if,as though地点:where,whereever选择:or,either.or

2、.考点一:从属连词类别连词例句when(当.时候),while(当.时候),as(当.时候,一边.一边),before(在.之前),after(在.之后),until(直到.),since(自从.),ever since(从.以来)as.as(一.就)When the UFO landed,I was walking in the street.当飞碟着陆的时候,我正在街上散步。She didnt go to sleep until she finished her homework.她直到做完了作业才去睡觉。时间条件if(如果),unless(除非;如果不),as long as(只要)If

3、 you dont get up quickly,you wont catch the early bus.=Unless you get up quickly,you wont catch the early bus.如果你不快点起床,你就赶不上早班车。考点一:从属连词类别连词例句because(因为),as(由于),since(由于;既然)Since this method doesnt work,lets try another.既然这种方法不行,咱们就试另一种吧。原因目的so that(以便.),in order that(为了.)She sat in front so that sh

4、e could hear the teacher clearly.她坐在前面以便能听清老师的话。结果so.that,such.that(如此.以至于.)Your brother is such a lovely boy that we all like him.你的弟弟是一个如此可爱的男孩以至于我们都喜欢他。考点一:从属连词类别连词例句though/although(虽然,尽管),even if/though(即使),whatever(无论什么),wherever(无论在哪里),whenever(无论何时)Though he is very tired,he is still practici

5、ng the piano.=He is very tired,but he is still practicing the piano.尽管他非常累了,但他还在练习弹钢琴。让步比较than(比),as.as.(和.一样.),not so/as.as.(不如.)I hope she will make as much progress as you have done.我希望她取得的进步和你一样大。方式as if,as though(仿佛,似乎,好像)He looked so calm as if he hadnt known it.他看起来很镇定,好像他不知道那件事一样。地点where(在/到

6、.地方)wherever(在/到任何地方)Sit wherever you like.请随便坐。试题演练()1._she is 3 years old,_ she can dress herself.A.Though;but B.Because;so C.Though;/D.Because;/()2.I was watching TV_she cme back.A.while B.if C.when D.although()3.-The local food may taste a bit strange.-Well,_we are here,why not give it a try?A.t

7、hough B.unless C.since D.becauseCCCwhen和while的区别还在于:while引导的时间状语从句多用进行时态,而when引导的时间状语从句多用一般时态.试题演练()4.-Im afraid e-book might be bad for our eyes.-Hmm,but they will be helpful for us_ we put them to good use.A.as soon as B.as long as C.even though D.so that()5.Our eyesight will become poorer and poo

8、rer _we keep playing with phones.A.though B.unless C.if()6.-May I go and play with Dick,mum?-No,you cant go out _ your homework is being done.A.before B.as C.unlessBCC试题演练()7.Youd better take the map with you _you wont get lost.A.so that B.as soon as C.now that D.as long as()8.-Did you call Michael

9、back?-I didnt need to,_Ill see you tomorrow.A.unless B.because C.when D.though AB考点二:并列连词类别连词例句and(和;又;而且),as well as(也;和),both.and.(.和.都),not only.but also.(不仅.而且),neither.nor.(既不.也不.)Neither my parents nor my sister has been to Guangzhou.我父母和我妹妹都没去过广州。并列转折but(但是),while(但是,然而),yet(可是,然而)He is very

10、young,but he is tall.他虽然很小,但是各自很高。因果so(因此;所以),for(因为),Bill is ill,so he doesnt go to school.比尔病了,因此没去上学。选择or(或者),either.or.(或者.或者.),Nick is either in London or in Paris.尼克不是在伦敦就是在巴黎。试题演练()1.-Would you like to tell me something about Yuan Longping?-Hes called“father of hybird rice”and he helped save_

11、 China_the world from hunger.A.not only;but also B.either;or C.neither;nor()2.-Work hard,_ your dream will come true.-Well.I will do my best.A.so B.but C.and D.orAC试题演练()3.Which club do you prefer to join,the chess club_the dancing club.A.so B.but C.or D.for()4.Mike and Jims room is tidy,_their sisters is not.A.but B.and C.orCAThank you!


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