2022年中考英语词法之名词ppt课件 .pptx

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1、中考词法复习 名词目录01 名词02 名词的词义辨析03 名词的数04 名词的所有格05 直击中考壹名 词名 词名词表示人、物、地点等具体的名称(如学校、大街)表示抽象概念的名称(如健康、兴趣)01020403Definition表示现象 (sunshine)表示抽象概念 (anger)表示人(man)表示事物(camera)名词nounnoun名词是各省市考试题中重要的考点之一。多数省市的中考“单项选择”题中通常含考查名词的考题。有关名词的考点主要是名词单复数形式变化;所有格的用法;可数名词与不可数名词的辨析;不可数名词的计量;名词与其他词类的习惯搭配以及在特定语境中名词的用法辨析等。由于名

2、词在英语中的重要地位,今后的中考试题中对“名词”的测试会保持一定的稳定性。考试题型通常是单选题,完形填空,单词拼写居多考点解析名词名词名 词名词的分类专有名词普通名词名词的数可数名词不可数名词名词所有格单数复数名词n分类1 分为和普通名词。专有名词是具体的人和事物等特有名称。专有名词的第一个字母要大写,人名、地名、公共节日及月份、周日的名称等等都是属于专有名词。如:Yao Ming姚明;China中国;Christmas;February;Sunday 等。n分类2分为可数名词和。可数名词可以直接计数,如 apple;book 不可数名词不能直接计数,如 water;beef名词的分类贰名词的

3、词义辨析名词的词义辨析同类名词词义辨析在中考中主要集中在词汇型完形填空中考查,所给选项的词汇均为同一话题类别。其主要涉及对地点建筑类、饮食类、时间类、职业类、称谓类、动物类等名词的考查。1.同类名词词义辨析同类名词词义辨析()1.(2020河北)In a restaurant,people usually choose food and drink from the .A.book B.menuC.newspaper D.magazine()2.(2020温州)Lucys father works in No.1 Hospital.He is a .A.teacher B.doctorC.po

4、stman D.policemanBB同类名词词义辨析()3.(2019河北)I like this song.Its by one of my favorite_.A.singers B.dancersC.painters D.writers()4.(2019武汉)Dad,what is the loudspeaker saying?It is to the .The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.A.customers B.passengers C.members D.touristsAB名词的词义辨析不同类名词词义辨析的特点是所给选项的词汇为不同的话题类

5、别。做这类试题,考生首先应分析各个选项的含义,然后结合句意及语境,找出关键词,最终选出正确答案。2.不同类名词词义辨析不同类名词词义辨析()1.(2018河北)Did you hear the _?A scientist will visit our school.A.advice B.news C.praise D.choice()2.(2020重庆B卷)I dont know how to make a speech in public.Can you give me some?A.water B.money C.food D.adviceBD不同类名词词义辨析()3.(2020襄阳)Wh

6、ats your brothers?Its about 1.75 meters.Hes the tallest in his class.A.age B.addressC.weight D.height()4.(2020江西)When you go rock climbing,you need to be careful so that you dont have a(n)_.A.chance B.accidentC.secret D.actionDB叁名词的数名词的数 1可数名词的计量 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。单数可数名词前可以用a;an;one修饰,表示“一个”。如:a ruler;

7、an apple;one ball 注意:a 用于以辅音音素(指音标)开头的单数名词前;an用于以元音音素(指音标)开头的单数名词前。如:a story,an interesting story a red apple;an apple a useful book;an unhappy boy1.可数名词的单数形式一般不能单独使用 可数名词的单数形式一般要在名词前加“a an或the”等词。例题1:()A/An _ can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,the blue sea and many other things.

8、A.actor B.scientist C.artist D.doctor 例题2:()【2017南京】I go swimming every day.Wow!Thats a good .It keeps you healthy.A.match B.task C.habit D.dream可数名词单数CC13524可数名词变复数1.一般情况,在词尾加s:desk desks pen pens room rooms2.以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的词在词尾加es box boxes bus buses watch watches dish dishes3.以 辅音字母y结尾的词先变y为i,再加es

9、 story stories family families 以f或fe结尾的词先变f或fe为ve,再加s knife knives leaf leaves 以o结尾的名词在词尾s/espotato potatoes tomato tomatoeshero heroes photo photos可数名词的不规则变化可数名词的不规则变化单数形式复数形式manwomantoothfootchildmousemenwomenteethfeetchildrenmice单数形式复数形式ChineseJapaneseEnglishmanFrenchmanGermanAmericanChineseJapan

10、eseEnglishmenFrenchmenGermansAmericans中日不变,英法a变e,其它加 s.可数名词变复数可数名词变复数a fish two fisha sheep a deer some deermany sheepfishdeersheep鱼鹿羊单复数同形a boy student two boy studentsa man doctorthree men doctors口诀:男人女人前后变,非男非女中心词变口诀:男人女人前后变,非男非女中心词变复合名词当前面的名词作为后面名词的定语时,只将后面的单数变为复数。以man,woman作定语修饰的复合名词,变复数时,前后都变可

11、数名词变复数常见集体名词和常以复数形式出现的名词policeclasspeople集体名词常以复数形式出现glassessockstrouserspantsshoes可数名词变复数1.For breakfast,Tina would like some milk and (蛋糕).2.We should brush our after getting up every morning.A.tooth B.tooths C.toothes D.teeth3._Hey,boys.Look at the fallen(落下来的)._Well,its telling us that autumn is

12、 coming.A.leaf B.leafs C.leafes D.leaves4.Id like some and .A.banana;tomato B bananas;tomatos C.bananas;tomatoes D.banana;tomatoes 5.Many foreigners came to our school last week,including three and four .A.Japanese;German B Japaneses;Germans C.Japanese;Germans D.Japaneses;German 中考链接cakesinventions

13、markets 中考链接diaries characters 中考链接不可数名词常见的不可数名词常见的不可数名词物质类water,milk,tea,juice,meat,bread,beefA抽象类news,advice,time,fun,information,weatherB不可数名词不可数名词数量的表达不可数名词数量的表达piece 片 1 1glass 玻璃杯2bottle 瓶3kilo 千克 4cup 杯5box 盒6two bottles of milka cup of coffeethree pieces of bread不可数名词前加量词,量词可数可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和

14、不可数名词的修饰词的修饰词可数不可数many/too manymuch/too mucha number of a bit of few little a few a little a lot of,lots of,plenty of,some,tons ofa/an名词的数1.a little:“一点点,一些一点点,一些”,接不可数名词(表肯定,接不可数名词(表肯定含义)含义)There is in the glass .a littlewater a little money.I haveIm thirsty,but there is water.littleI want to buy s

15、ome juice,but I have money.little2.little:“几乎没有几乎没有”,接不可数名词(表否定含义),接不可数名词(表否定含义)teaorange juicecoffeeThere is tea in the glass C.ABCThere is a little orange juice in the glass A.There is a little coffee in the glass B.a little“一点点,一些”后接不可数名词(肯定含义)。little“几乎没有”后接不可数名词(否定含义)little 1.There is _ milk in

16、 the bottle.I will buy some.2.John has _money and he can buy some things he wants.A.little B.a little C.few D.a fewABLets try!There are a few oranges in the basket.There are a few notebooks on the shelf.3.a few“一些,几个”,后接可名复(表肯定含义)Tom got many stickers,but Jenny got stickers.few 4.few“几乎没有”,后接可名复(表否定

17、含义)十字记忆法接可数接可数接不可数接不可数a fewa little few little表肯定表肯定表否定表否定 1.He has _friends so he feels lonely.2.He has _friends and he often play with them.A.few B.a few C.little D.a littleABPractice大显身手1.Please give me _ paper.A.one B.a pieces C.a pieceD.a piece of2.This table is made of_.A.many glass B.some gla

18、sses C.glasses D.glass3.What can I do for you,sir?Id like two_.A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks4.We can do the work better with_money and _ people.A.less,fewer B.fewer,less C.little,little D.few,few DDCA中考链接肆名词的所有格s 所有格of 短语所有格双重所有格名词的所有格s 所有格s 所有格Lucy and Lily

19、s parents共有与分别拥有共同拥有:A and Bs Lucy_ and Lily_ brother.分别拥有:As and Bs Lucy_ and Tom_ uncles./s s s _1.June 1st is _Day.All the Children enjoy it very much.A.Children B.Childrens C.Childrens D.Child2.The two bedroom are the _.A.twins B.twins C.twins D.twins3.Lucy is _ sister.A.Mary and Jack B.Marys an

20、d Jacks C.Mary and Jacks D.Mary and Jacks4.Its _from our school to my home.A.ten minutes walk B.ten minutes walk C.ten minute walk D.ten minutes walkCCDA中考链接房间的窗户 the window_the room 门的钥匙 the key_the doorofto易错点无生命的名词所有格无生命的名词所有格A of the B:“B 的的A”注意:注意:s 所有格双重所有格双重所有格 of+名词s 或of+名词性物主代词。如:A book of

21、my daughters 我女儿的一本书 我其中的一个朋友 One of my friends A friend of mine名词的所有格所有格teachers minutes Mothers childs governments 1:He is a friend of my _(brother).Is she a daughter of _(you)?2:()【2017甘肃白银】Mr.Black is a teacher of_.She and her classmates like him very much.A.my sister B.my sisters C.my sisters D

22、.my sisters3:()【2017长沙】Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?No,its my _.He left it there just now.A.brother B.brothers C.brothers【注】有时两种所有格均可使用,但所表达的意义不同This is a photo of my mothers.这是我母亲收藏的一张照片。This is a photo of my mother.这是一张我母亲的照片。brothersyoursBB名词的所有格所有格伍直击中考名词nouns可数名词可数名词不可数名词不可数名词可数名可数名词单数

23、词单数可数名可数名词复数词复数规则变化规则变化不规则变化不规则变化既可数又不可既可数又不可数的名词数的名词不可数名词不可数名词的数量表达的数量表达名词所有格名词所有格有生命的有生命的无生命的无生命的双重所有格双重所有格专有名词专有名词Summary直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考1.(2019临沂)In America,95%of pet owners think of their animals as family_(member)2.(2019宿迁)It is reported that the number of working _(wife)is

24、 becoming larger and larger.3.(2019淮安)Andrew often does DIY with different _(knife)in his free time.4.(2019武汉改编)Our hometown has left many soft and sweet _(memory)in our heart.5.(2019武汉改编)They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good _(wish)memberswivesknivesmemorieswishes直击中考直击中考直击中考直击中考4.(2020江苏苏州)These a(艺术家)design won an international award.5.My dream is to be a famous doctor and save p(病人)lives.atientsrtistsThank You


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