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1、初中英语语法初中英语语法第三章第三章数词数词数词数词表示数词表示数目的多少数目的多少或或顺序先后顺序先后,分为,分为基数词基数词和和序数词序数词。基数词基数词高频考点高频考点1.hundred1.hundred、thousandthousand、million million 等在等在表示确切数量时表示确切数量时,其前一般有,其前一般有a a或基数或基数词。用单数形式,且不能与词。用单数形式,且不能与ofof连同。如连同。如two thousand people“two thousand people“两千人两千人”。2.hundred2.hundred、thousandthousand、mi

2、llion million 等在等在表示不确切数量时表示不确切数量时,要用复数形式,要用复数形式,且与且与 of of 连用,如连用,如thousands of people“thousands of people“数千人数千人”。3.hundred3.hundred、thousandthousand、million million 等可被基数词修饰,也可被等可被基数词修饰,也可被 several several、a a few few 等词修饰等词修饰,如如 three thousand yeas“three thousand yeas“三千年三千年”、a few hundred a few

3、 hundred books“books“几百本书几百本书”。基数词基数词1._v1._visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.isitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.A.Thousand B.Thousand of C.Thousands D.Thousands of A.Thousand B.Thousand of C.Thousands D.Thousands of 2.2.In our school every stu

4、dent has to choose a club to join,so about In our school every student has to choose a club to join,so about one_students have joined the Sporaone_students have joined the Spora Club.Club.A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundred D.hundreds A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundred D.hundreds 序数词序数词20-9920-99

5、的序数词表达的序数词表达1.20-901.20-90整十序数,将基数词词尾整十序数,将基数词词尾y y改为改为i i,再加,再加-eth,-eth,如如thirtieththirtieth、seventiethseventieth等。等。2.21-992.21-99非整十序数词,仅把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变,如非整十序数词,仅把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变,如twenty-firsttwenty-first、twenty-fifthtwenty-fifth等。等。3.3.序数词的缩写形式是在数字后直接加上序数词的最后两个字母,如序数词的缩写形式是在数字后直接加上序数词的最后两个字母,如21

6、st,22nd,34th21st,22nd,34th等。等。序数词序数词He got_He got_birthday cakes on his_birthday cakes on his_birthday._birthday.A.second;fifteen B.two;fifteen C.second;fifteenth D.two;fifteenth A.second;fifteen B.two;fifteen C.second;fifteenth D.two;fifteenth 数词的用法数词的用法一、表示编号一、表示编号编号可用序数词或基数词表示:编号可用序数词或基数词表示:定冠词定冠

7、词+序数词序数词+名词名词 the NO.556 Room the NO.556 Room名词名词+基数词基数词 Room 556 Room 556二、表示日期、年代二、表示日期、年代19971997年年:1997:1997 读作读作 nineteen ninety-seven nineteen ninety-seven20092009年年1010月月 25 25日日:读作读作 October the twenty-fifth,two thousand and nine October the twenty-fifth,two thousand and nine2020世纪世纪 90 90 年

8、代年代:the 1990s:the 1990s 或或the 1990s the 1990s,读作,读作 the nineteen nineties the nineteen nineties数词的用法数词的用法英语中月份的缩写形式英语中月份的缩写形式January-Jan.January-Jan.February-Feb.February-Feb.March-Mar.March-Mar.April-Apr.April-Apr.MayMay一无缩写形式一无缩写形式 June-Jun.June-Jun.July-Jul.July-Jul.August-Aug August-Aug Septembe

9、r-Sept.September-Sept.October-Oct.October-Oct.November-Nov.November-Nov.December-Dec.December-Dec.数词的用法数词的用法三、表示年龄三、表示年龄数词表示年龄一般用数词表示年龄一般用”基数词基数词+year(s)old”+year(s)old”不用序数词表示,也不在基数词前加冠词。不用序数词表示,也不在基数词前加冠词。例如:例如:thirteen years old 13thirteen years old 13岁岁 at the age of four/at four/at age four/at

10、the age of four/at four/at age four/在在四岁时四岁时 Its my daughters birthday today.Shes_Its my daughters birthday today.Shes_years old.years old.A.eighteen B.eighteenth C.the eighteen D.the eighteenthA.eighteen B.eighteenth C.the eighteen D.the eighteenth数词的用法数词的用法四、表示时刻四、表示时刻1.1.七点整七点整Its seven oclock.It

11、s seven oclock.Its seven.Its seven.2.152.15分钟常用分钟常用a quartera quarter表示,半小时常用表示,半小时常用halfhalf表示。表示。1010:4545可读作可读作a quarter to elevena quarter to eleven11:3011:30可读作可读作half past elevenhalf past eleven3.3.am/pm am/pm不能和不能和Morning/afternoonMorning/afternoon同时用同时用上午上午8 8:0000数词的用法数词的用法五、表示分数、小数、百分数五、表示

12、分数、小数、百分数1.1.分数分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词分子用基数词,分母用序数词分子大于分子大于1 1,分母用序数词的复数形式,分母用序数词的复数形式1/2one half,a half(1/2one half,a half(不读作不读作one second)one second)1/3one third,a third1/3one third,a third2/3two thirds2/3two thirds注意:表达分数时,基数词与序数词之间常加注意:表达分数时,基数词与序数词之间常加“_”“_”,“_”“_”有时可省略,如有时可省略,如Two-thirdsTwo-thirds或或t

13、wo thirdstwo thirds 数词的用法数词的用法五、表示分数、小数、百分数五、表示分数、小数、百分数2.2.小数小数67.89:sixty-seven point eight nine 67.89:sixty-seven point eight nine 或或 six seven point eight nine six seven point eight nine 0.05:zero point zero five 0.05:zero point zero five 或或 point zero five point zero five 3.3.百分数百分数3.5%:three p

14、oint five percent3.5%:three point five percent 46%:forty-six percent thirds 46%:forty-six percent thirds数词的用法数词的用法五、表示分数、小数、百分数五、表示分数、小数、百分数特别提示特别提示表示表示“整数整数+一半一半”“基数词基数词+and a half+and a half+可数名词复数可数名词复数”one and a half hoursone and a half hours;t;two and a half kiloswo and a half kilos“不定冠词或基数词不定冠

15、词或基数词+可数名词可数名词+and a half”+and a half”an/one hour and a half;an/one hour and a half;two kilos and a half“two kilos and a half“两千克半两千克半”。数词的用法数词的用法五、表示分数、小数、百分数五、表示分数、小数、百分数1.1.About_of the students in Kaili_to school by bus.About_of the students in Kaili_to school by bus.A.two fifth;go B.two fifths;

16、go C.two fifth;goes D.two fifths;goes A.two fifth;go B.two fifths;go C.two fifth;goes D.two fifths;goes 2.2.-How many students in your class get to school on foot?-How many students in your class get to school on foot?-About_-About_of them do.of them do.A.three fifths B.two third C.first four D.one

17、seconds A.three fifths B.two third C.first four D.one seconds 数词的用法数词的用法六、表示倍数六、表示倍数表示倍数时表示倍数时,两倍用两倍用twice/double,twice/double,三倍以上用三倍以上用“基数词基数词+times”+times”。数词表示倍数多见。数词表示倍数多见于如下五种句式于如下五种句式:1.1.倍数倍数+as.as.+as.as.We have produced We have produced three three times times asas many computers many comp

18、uters asas we did last year.we did last year.2.2.倍数倍数+the size of.+the size of.用法与用法与size size 相同的名词常见的有相同的名词常见的有 weight(weight(重量重量)、height(height(高度高度)、depth(depth(深度深度)、width(width(宽度宽度)、age(age(年龄年龄)、length(length(长度长度)等。等。.China is almost.China is almost five times the size of five times the si

19、ze of Mexico in area.Mexico in area.数词的用法数词的用法六、表示倍数六、表示倍数3.3.倍数倍数+what+what从句从句.The length of the road is.The length of the road is twice/double what it was three years ago.twice/double what it was three years ago.4.4.倍数倍数+比较级比较级+than+than I am twice older than you.I am twice older than you.我的年龄是你的

20、年龄的两倍。我的年龄是你的年龄的两倍。5.5.比较级比较级+than.+by+than.+by+倍数倍数The line is The line is longer thanlonger than that one that one byby t twicewice,这根线比那根线长两倍。,这根线比那根线长两倍。数词的用法数词的用法七、七、“数词数词-可数名词单数(可数名词单数(-形容词)形容词)”用作定语用作定语a three-month-old babya three-month-old babya two-month visit to Japana two-month visit to

21、Japan-Look at the girl in the square!-Look at the girl in the square!-Oh.Im surprised that a _ girl can dance so well!-Oh.Im surprised that a _ girl can dance so well!A.thrcc-ycars-old B.three-year-old C.three years old A.thrcc-ycars-old B.three-year-old C.three years old数词的用法数词的用法八、序数词前不用八、序数词前不用th

22、ethe或省略或省略thethe的情况的情况1.1.序数词表示序数词表示“又一,再一又一,再一”时时 a second time a second time 2.2.序数词前有物主代词时序数词前有物主代词时This is my twenty-fourth birthday.This is my twenty-fourth birthday.3 3.“.“序数词序数词+名词名词”构成合成形容词构成合成形容词This is a second-hand bookstore.This is a second-hand bookstore.4.4.用于固定搭配时用于固定搭配时first of all f

23、irst of all 首先首先 at first at first 起初起初 every third dayevery third day每隔两天每隔两天 数词的用法数词的用法八、序数词前不用八、序数词前不用thethe或省略或省略thethe的情况的情况其他情况其他情况(1)(1)在日、月表达中。在日、月表达中。March(the)eighthMarch(the)eighth三月八日三月八日 October(the)first October(the)first十月一日十月一日 (2)(2)并列使用两个序数词时并列使用两个序数词时,后面序数词前的定冠词省略。后面序数词前的定冠词省略。the twentieth and twenty-first centuri the twentieth and twenty-first centurieses(3)(3)在某些短语动词中在某些短语动词中take/win/get/gain(the)first place take/win/get/gain(the)first place 获得冠军获得冠军come out(the)first come out(the)first 获得第一名获得第一名thanksTHANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE


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