2022年牛津深圳版中考英语语法复习ppt课件 Preposition& Numeral 介词&数词语法知识与练习.pptx

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1、数数词介介词词Lesson 3 01词汇词汇02介词介词03数词数词04听力听力目录目录01Vocabulary 词汇.运用所给提示词的正确形式填空运用所给提示词的正确形式填空1.break:a _ vase2.British:a city in _3.culture:_ differences4.daily:China _5.educational:receive good _ 6.end:The film has a sad _.7.experience:an _ doctor8.grade:achieve good _ in the exams.使用正确的介词、冠词或动词形式填空使用正确

2、的介词、冠词或动词形式填空1.an article _ e _ Britain3._ the end of4.play _ guitar5.be glad _(visit)China6.a bit _ English7._ first8.be late _ school9.cant wait _(see)the film10.enjoy _(play)golf11.introduce sb._ Chinese food12._ weekdaysbrokenBritainculturalDailyeducationending experiencedgradesabout/onfrom/toat

3、/bytheto visit of at/the forto see playingtoon.请从下面的方框选出同义词或短语写在对应位置请从下面的方框选出同义词或短语写在对应位置a littlein the beginningbe glad to do sth.cant wait to do sth.pick sb.uphave fun doing sth.get up latego to bed lateenjoy oneselfin the end 1.at last=_ 2.at first=_3.a bit of=_ 4.collect sb.=_5.enjoy doing sth.=

4、_6.be dying to do sth.=_7.stay up late=_ 8.wake up late=_9.be happy to do sth.=_10.have a good time=_in the end in the beginning a little pick sb.up have fun doing sth.cant wait to do sth.go to bed late get up late be glad to do sth.enjoy oneself.根据解析从方框中选择恰当的词语并用正确形式填空根据解析从方框中选择恰当的词语并用正确形式填空。articl

5、ebandbellbreak culturechopstickeducationalendexchangeexperiencefantasticguest1.A(n)_ is a person that you invite to your home or to a party or special event.2._ is knowing about something because you have done it for a long time.3.A(n)_ is giving or receiving something in return for something else.4

6、._ refers to the customs,ideas and way of life of a group of people or a country.5.A(n)_ is a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.6.A(n)_ is a piece of metal shaped like a cup which rings when something hits it.7.A(n)_ is a small group of musicians who play music together.8.If you _ somethin

7、g,it goes into pieces or stops working.9.People in China and some Asian countries use _ to eat their food.10.Something that is _ is wonderful and very pleasing.11.A(n)_ experience teaches you something.12.If something _,it finishes.guestExperienceexchange Culturearticlebell bandbreakchopsticksfantas

8、ticeducationalends02Proposition介词表时间的介词表地点和方位的介词表示手段、工具或方位的介词其他常用介词介词短语表示时间的介词atat 表示某一时刻、某一钟点或假期 期间(时间点)I woke up at 7 oclock.Everyone seems happy at Christmas.onon 表示具体某一天或具体某一天的 上午、下午和晚上 I will return to my hometown on 27th of this month.The story happened on a cold winter night.inin 表示月份、季节、年份、世

9、纪、上午、下午、晚上(时间段)My birthday is in February.I was born in 2002.Life was different in the 19th century.表示时间的介词after“after+一段时间”,表示从过去某时间往后推算一段时间,用于一般过去时,“after+时间点”,常用于一般 将来时 They came back after two days.They will be free after 2 oclock this afternoon.inin+一段时间,表示从现在起往后推算一段时间,用于一般将来时 They will be back

10、 in two days.表示时间的介词fromfrom 说明开始的时间,可用于过去、现在、将来的时态We go to school from Monday to Friday.for“for+一段时间”,指动作延续贯穿 整个过程,用于现在完成时 They have been here for 5 days.since“since+时间点”,指从某时一直延续 至今,用于现在完成时 They have been here since 5 days ago.They have been here since the meeting began.untiluntil 用于肯定句时,意为“直到 为止”

11、,谓语动词为延续性动词;用于否定句时,意为“直到才”,谓语动词为瞬间动词Please stay here until the meeting is over.I didnt go to bed until my mother came home yesterday.at,inin,on,to at 表示“某一点的位置或具体位置(较 小的地方)”in 表示“在某一个范围内(大地方)”in 表示“在某一个范围内”on 表示“两地接壤”to 表示“两地相隔”He arrived at the village late last night.He arrived in Beijing 2 hours

12、ago.Zhuhai is in Guangdong.Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.Hainan is to the south of Guangdong.地点或方位介词between,among across,past,through.between 表示“在两者之间”among表示“在(三者或以上)之中”across 表示“表面横过”past 表示“侧面经过”through 表示“内部穿过”I sit between Jane and Mary.The song is very popular among teenagers.Be careful w

13、hile walking across the street.Dont forget to call me when walking past my house.The light goes into the room through the window.表地点或方位的介词on,over,above below,under on 表示“在的表面上”,两者有接 触 over 表示“在的正上方”,多暗示 悬空,反义词为 under above 表在的上方,但不一定 在正上方,也不接触另一物,反义词 为 below below 表示“在的下方”under 表示“在的正下方”There is a b

14、ook on the desk.There is a bridge over the river.There is a bird flying above the bridge.Please do not write below this line.There is a book under the desk.地点或方位介词at,beside,by,near,next to at 泛指在某个位置 beside 常用语,表示“在旁边”by 强调“紧贴”near 表示“在附近”,比 by 表示 的距离远得多 next to 表在的旁边 Shes at the table.She sits besi

15、de John.She sits by John.She stands near John.She stands next to John.地点或方位介词by 表示用某种方法、手段或交通工具 by Internet,by selling flowers,by bike in 表示用某种方式,后可接表示语言、声音、颜色、材料等名词 in English,in red with表示用某种具体的工具或手段write with a pen on 表示用某种方式,后可接表示交通工具、手段、通讯 方式等名词 on the telephone,on the radio,on TV through表示“以,通

16、过,经由”through hard work 注意:在表示手段时,by,through,with 有时也可互换,但 with 的意思更明确 Through/By/With her efforts,she succeeded in making so many useful inventions手段、工具或方式介词其他常用介词except,besides,but except 指从整体中排除,意为“除 了(不包括在内)”,常与表示 完全肯定或完全否定的词连用 All of us went to the zoo last Sunday except John.besides 指除了之外(还有),常

17、与 also,other,another 等连用 All of us went to the zoo last Sunday besides John.but 表示“除了之外”,多 与 nobody,nothing 等否定词连用。当but前有do时,but后接动词原形 There is nothing but a bed in the room.其他常用介词against表示“反对,违背”,反义词为 for,常 用短语为 play against 意为“与 对抗或比赛”,be strongly against 意 为“强烈反对”We played against Class 9 yesterd

18、ay afternoon.beyond表示“超出,多于,为所不能 及”,用来修饰范围、水平、限度和 能力等 The problem is far beyond me.Im afraid I cant work it out.其他常用介词as表示“作为,以身份”,后面接表 示职业、职务、身份的名词 He is famous as a writer.like 表示“像一样”,用于说明相似 关系,实际上不是 The girl looks like her father.with表示“和,同,与,带着,随着”I often go shopping with my mother.without 表示“没

19、有”I cant finish the task without your help.1.一What happened to Mike?-He fell _the bike _a snowy morning.A.off;in B.down;at C.off;on2.Do you know that Mr.Zhang passed _last week?Yes.He died_illness.A.away;of B.on;from C.by;with3.Who else do you know at the party_Lucy and Lily?Kate and John.A.with B.b

20、efore C.besides4.Your dress is so nice.Is it made_silk?Yes,and it is made_Beijing,A.of;in B.by;at C.from;at5.When will your parents come back from China?_three weeks.A.0f B.In C.AtACCBA6.-I can speak English besides French.-Wow,you can speak two foreign languages.A.except B.but C.as well as7.-Did yo

21、u go to the park this morning?-No,we went to the supermarket instead of the park.A.in front of B.take place C.in place of8.-You should book the air ticket in advance if you want to leave for Shanghai tonight.A.on time B.ahead of time C.at times9.-Excuse me.Where is the post office,please?-Walk along

22、 this street and turn left at the first crossing.The post office is opposite the supermarket.A.at the back of B.at the end of C.at the other side of10.-Where did you live when you were in Shanghai?-We lived in a hotel near the airport.A.next B.close to C.far fromCCCBB Flying like a bird is the dream

23、 of most people.People have come up 1._a lot of good ideas,2._(include)making planes.But its impossible 3._most people to own a big plane.What can they do?This new vehicle(车辆)is a good choice.It can make the dream come true.The new car is called Transition(转换器).It looks very much 4._a plane.It has t

24、wo long wings.In fact,it is a real plane.It can run on the road and fly 5._the sky.We can call it a flying car.The inventors 6._America love flying very much.They wanted to make a new vehicle.7._many failures,they have invented this car 8._last.The flying vehicle can fold its wings which make it pos

25、sible to run 9._the street.The driver can make the wings straight,and then the vehicle can fly.Its so cool to drive the vehicle.The speed 10._the vehicle can be as fast as a plane.Its true.Though the Transition weighs about 600kg,it can take off and fly easily.How much is the Transition?It costs 194

26、,000 dollars.If s not so expensive for some flight lovers.Please dont be suiprised and afraid when you see the car in your city.Do you like the transition?语篇填空语篇填空inatin/onofwithlikeforincludingAfterfrom基数词:表示数目多少的数词基数词:表示数目多少的数词序数词:表示顺序次序的数词序数词:表示顺序次序的数词03数词数词基数基数词词1)112,独立成词。独立成词。one two three fou

27、r five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve2)13-19,由由39+teen构成。构成。14fourteen 特殊拼写特殊拼写:13 thirteen 15-fifteen 18eighteen 3)2090,以以-ty结尾。结尾。60-sixty 特殊拼写特殊拼写:20twenty 30-thirty 40forty 50fifty 80-eighty 4)2199(两位数两位数)十位与个位之间有十位与个位之间有“”。21 twenty-one 55 fifty-five 99 ninety-nine基数词的构成基数词的构成4)百hundred

28、千thousand 百万million十亿billion5)2199,两位数,十位与个位之间有“-”。21 twenty-one 55 fifty-five 99 ninety-nine6)101999,三位数,百位与十位/个位之间加and,十位和个位用“-”连接。101 one hundred and one 840 eight hundred and forty7)1,000以上数目以上数目,从右向左每三位用从右向左每三位用“,”分开分开,分别读为分别读为thousand,million,billion 基数词,不难记,找出规律很容易零至十二形各异,一个一个单独记。后加-teen 为“十几

29、”thirteen,fifteen看仔细,eighteen只有一个t.表示“几十”要加-ty,twenty,thirty是例外,forty,fifty 更厉害,和eighty一样搞例外。表示数字“几十几”,连着符号要切记。若要表示“几百几”,and 常把百、十系。还有一点要注意,几百后别把-s立。基数词构成规律序序数数词词的的构构成成1)13,独立成句独立成句 first,second,third 2)419,相应基数词相应基数词+th,fourth 特殊拼写特殊拼写:fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth。4)2090,y变成变成ie+th,如如:twentieth5)2199

30、,只把个位的基数词变成序数词只把个位的基数词变成序数词 如如:twenty-first3)序数词缩写序数词缩写-数字最后两字母数字最后两字母 如如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th基变序,有规律一二三,特殊记,加th从4起,八去“t”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。序数词缩写记清楚,数字后跟两字母。序数词构成规律(1)序数词作定语,前面要加the;John lives on the fifteenth floor.如果序数词前已经有物主代词或名词所有格时,不可再加定冠词。Its Monday,and its my

31、fifteenth birthday.Is it Lilys fifteenth birthday,too?(2)有时加a/an,“再一”,“又一”的意思 Well have to do it a second time.Attention!数词用法单位词单位词:hundred thousand million billion表示不确定数目表示不确定数目,用复数。用复数。hundreds of(数百数百)thousands of(数千数千)millions of(数百万数百万)+名词复数名词复数可以用可以用many/several修饰,但不与具体数连用。修饰,但不与具体数连用。There ar

32、e three _(thousand)students in our school.After the war,_(thousand)of people became homeless.thousandthousands010203表示具体数目表示具体数目,hundred,thousand,million不用复数不用复数倒读法:先分后时倒读法:先分后时,表示表示“几点过几分几点过几分”半小时以内半小时以内:介词用介词用past 分钟数分钟数+past+钟点数钟点数 表示表示“几点差几分几点差几分”半小时以上半小时以上:介词用介词用to,60减原分钟减原分钟+to+(下一个下一个)钟钟点数点数

33、整点:整点时间(基数词)整点:整点时间(基数词)+oclock特殊读法:特殊读法:15分钟:分钟:a quarter 30分钟:分钟:a half two and a half hours=two hours and a half 顺读法:先时后分顺读法:先时后分,“几点几分几点几分”6:20 six twenty表达时刻0203年份、日期年份、日期编号编号年 用基数词表示,两位一读,介词用in日 用序数词表示,介词用on1999 nineteen ninety-nine2008 two thousand and eightOctober 1st,1999(日用缩写,月-日-年)October

34、 1,1999(日用数字)/1st October,1999日-月-年编号在前,名词在后,用序数词,前面有the编号在后,名词在前,用基数词,注意首字母大写房间号码和电话号码要一个一个分别读Classroom 312Class Four,Grade SixRoom 3=the third roomUnit 9=the ninth unit04百分数的用法百分数的用法:percent(百分之百分之)15:120:one hundred and twenty percent小数的用法小数的用法:(点点)3.1415926:05070608“几十几十”的复数形式的复数形式几十多岁几十多岁 in+on

35、es+基数词复数基数词复数 年代年代 in+the+基数词复数基数词复数1)He died in his.四十多岁四十多岁 2)In the nineties 90年代年代 在在20世纪世纪30年代年代:in the 1930s 09基数词基数词+名词名词”的合成形容词作定的合成形容词作定语语,中间有连字符中间有连字符“-”,当中的名词当中的名词用单数。用单数。eg.a 3-year-old girl a seven-day holiday 10表计量表计量-“基数词基数词+度量单位度量单位+形容词形容词”eg.The classroom is 7 meters long,6 meters w

36、ide.11加减乘除的表达加减乘除的表达:“等于等于”用用is,make,equal等词表示等词表示加plus,and或add2+3=5 Two plus three is five.Two and three is equal to five.Two and three makes five.If we add two to/and three,we get five.减minus/substract10-6=4 Ten minus six is four.乘times(介词)或multiply34=12 Three times four is twelve.Multiply three b

37、y four,we get twelve.Three multiplied by four makes twelve.除divide的过去分词形式164=4 Divide sixteen by four,we get four.Sixteen divided by four is equals/gives/makes four.1.To finish the task,weve tried three times,and after dinner well try_time.Good luck to you.A.the fourth B.a fourth C.fourth2.How old i

38、s your son?_.We had a party for his_birthday last Sunday.A.Twelve;twelfth B.Twelfth;twelve C.Twelve;twelve3.Some scientists think that it will take_of years to make robots do most of work for humans.A.hundreds B.hundred C.thousand4.Jackie Chan has donated_dollars to charity.Yes.He is an example to u

39、s all.A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of5.Almost_ the students in our school usually surf the Internet and get information.Well,I think we teenagers should learn how to use the Internet.A.60 percents of B.60 percent C.60 percent of单项选择单项选择BAACC Nelson Mandela was 1.(first)of the greatest leader

40、s of the 2._ (twenty)century.He was bom in Transkei,South Africa on July the 3._(eighteen),1918.What bad news!He died on December the 4._(five),2013.He died at the age of 5._(ninety-fifth).Nelson Mandela was an important person all over the world.When Nelson Mandela was young,he went to school and s

41、tudied at school.In the 6.(1950),almost all black people didnt go to school.Only a few black people had rights to go to school.Nelson Mandela was lucky.He went to school and finished 7._(he)schoolwork successfully.After graduation he became a lawyer.Nelson Mandela was elected President in 1994.He be

42、came his countrys 8._(one)black president after spending 9._ (twenty-seventh)years in prison.He loved his country and served it with ail his heart.He tried to bring people of different races together.He once won about one 10.(hundredth)prizes.The most important prize was the Nobel Peace Prize.He won

43、 the prize in 1993.语篇填空语篇填空onetwentietheighteenthninety-fivefifth1950shistwenty-sevenhundredfirst04Listening 听力extension/kstenn/n.延长;延期deadline/dedlan/n.截止期限,最后期限delay/dle/v.延期;耽搁run into 遇到Press KitPress KitI.Fill in the blanks while you are listeningA:So,Casey,how are things going with the photos

44、for the press kit(新闻包)?B:Yeah,Ive been 1._ to talk to you about that.I might need to ask for an extension on that deadline.A:Youve had over a month to get this finalized!Why are things delayed?B:Well,the thing is,we ran into a lot of problems.A:Im not looking for 2._ here.I just want to get this 3._

45、 on time.B:I know,and I apologize for the delay.But some things were just beyond my 4._.I had trouble booking the photographer,and then Michael was sick for three weeks,so I couldnt include him in the photos,and the design team lost all the files,so I had to re-do the pictures.A:Im not going to put this 5._any longer.Casey!I want those photos ASAP!meaningexcusesfinishedcontroloffII.Listen to the conversation again and have a role play.观观看谢谢谢谢Thank you!


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