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1、中考语法复习专题六 数词目录定义分类01考点清单02考点知识归纳03考点过关04中考真题05(一)数词表示数量多少或顺序先后的词称为数词。英语中的数词分为基数词和序数词两类。基数词表示数目“多少”;序数词表示顺序“第几”。考查重点:日期的表达方法;某些数词的特殊表达形式;数词单位hundred,thousand,million的用法。011.Womens Day comes in the _ month of the year.(three)2.She spent four _ dollars on the new house.It is so expensive.(million)3.Im

2、twenty-eight this year.So next year will be my _ birthday.(twenty-nine)4.There are _ seconds in a minute.(sixtieth)5.-Which is the _ day of a week,Thursday or Friday?(five)-Thursday,of course.(二)考点知识清单考点知识测练(填上恰当的数词)thirdmilliontwenty-ninthsixtyfifth02考点知识归纳0303考点一 基数词数字基数词形式例词0 01212各自独立zero 0;one

3、1;nine 9;twelve 1213131919(十几十几)39+重读teen结尾特殊:thirteen 13;fifteen 15;eighteen 18一般:fourteen 14;sixteen 1620209090(整十)以ty结尾twenty 20;thirty 30;forty 40;fifty 50;sixty 60;seventy 70;eighty 80;ninety 90两位数(几十几)整十位数-个位数twenty-one 21;thirty-five 35;ninety-eight 98三位数(几百几).hundred and+两位数seven hundred and

4、 eighty-five 785;two hundred and ten 210多位数从右向左数起,每隔三位数加一个逗号,依次为thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿),逗号中间三位数76,832,154,968seventy-six billion eight hundred and thirty-two million one hundred and fifty-four thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight 考点二 序数词数字序数词变化规则例词1 1、2 2、3 3不规则变化first第一;second第二;third第

5、三4 41919基数词词尾加th特殊:fifth 第五;eighth 第八;ninth 第九;twelfth第十二一般:fourth第四;nineteenth第十九2020、30 9030 90ty变为tie再加thtwentytwentieth第二十ninetyninetieth第九十两位数或多位数(整数除外)只变个位数(hundred,thousand等只在词尾加th)twenty-third 第二十三;one hundred and fifty-ninth 第一百五十九;hundredth 第一百注意:(1)序数词要加定冠词the,但若序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时省略the。

6、例:It was Toms third time to make the mistake.(2)序数词前加a/an表示“又一,再一”。例:Even though the Greens have 3 children,they still want a fourth one.(3)序数词可以用阿拉伯数字和序数词拼写的最后两个字母简写。例:1st第一,2nd第二,3rd第三,4th第四。考点三 日期表达名称表 达 法例 词年份日期 美式表达:月,日,年(日用序数,年用基数)1997年3月21日March the twenty-first,nineteen ninety-seven英式表达:日,月,

7、年(the+序数词+of+月,年)2007年3月21日the twenty-first of March,two thousand and seven特别提示:年份的读法可先读前两位数,再读后两位数,读日时要加the考点四 年代/年龄表达在.年代in+the+数词的复数形式或者in the+年代(数词的复数形式)in the sixties.在18世纪20年代in the 1720s/1720s读作:in the seventeen twenties表达“几十多岁”in ones+整十基本数词in her thirties在她三十多岁时 考点五 时刻(时间)表达名称表 达 法例 词 时刻顺读法

8、:时在前,分在后10:15 ten fifteen逆读法:分在前,时在后“几点过几分”用past,分钟数须小于半小时(包括半小时在内)7:05 five past seven7:15 fifteen past seven 7:30 half past seven“几点差几分”,用介词to,但分钟数须在半小时以内(不包括半小时在内)7:57 three to eight11:46 fourteen to twelve2:40 twenty to three 几刻钟 一刻钟:a quarter三刻钟:three quarters九点一刻:a quarter past nine考点六 编号/分数/倍

9、数表达名称 表 达 法例 词编号给东西编号时,序号在前用序数词,序号在后用基数词lesson twelve=the twelfth lesson分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词记忆口诀:分子基,分母序,分子大于1,分母加s 特别提示:通常用a/one half表示。通常用a/one quarter表示 one third two thirds three fourths 带分数:当分数前面带有整数时,要用连词and连接two and two thirds倍数英语用twice表示两倍,两倍以上用基数词加times表示This river is twice longer than that one.

10、这条河是那条河的两倍长。twice两倍three times三倍forty times四十倍考点六 特殊用法表达“一两天/周/月/年”a week or two=one or two weeks 一两周 表达“一个半”one/an hour and a half=one and a half hours 一个半小时“数词+名词(单数)”作定语 an eight-year boy 一个八岁的男孩a five-minute walk 步行5分钟的路程 序数词(+名词)+to do sth James was the first to arrive.詹姆斯是第一个到达的。与最高级连用表示“第几长/宽

11、/高/”Guangzhou is the third largest city in China.广州是中国的第三大城市。与数字相关的表达数字数字(或或several)+several)+单位单数单位单数(hundred,thousand.)+hundred,thousand.)+名词复数名词复数例:There are two hundred people in the hall.大厅里有两百人。与数字相关的表达单位复数单位复数(hundreds,thousands.)(hundreds,thousands.)ofof+名词复数名词复数例:There are hundreds of peopl

12、e in the hall.大厅里有成百上千人。1.My brother has collected eight _ stamps from all over the world.A.thousands B.hundredsC.hundredD.thousand of2.-Has he been back?-Not yet.He will come back _ the evening of June _.A.at;firstB.to;thirtiethC.on;the twelfthD.on;the nineteen3.Each of the students has to keep a _

13、 diary every day.A.two-hundred-wordB.two-hundreds-word B.Two-hundreds-wordsD.two-hundred-words4.There are _ books in the library.A.thousandsB.thousands ofC.thousand ofD.two thousands of5.The boy is about _.A.1.50 metre tallB.1.50-metres tallC.1.50 metres in heightD.1.50-metre-high考点知识过关(单项选择)04中考真题过

14、关训练051.This is very different from the situation _ years ago when people could only use their eyes.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of2.He was tired of staring at _ pigs,hens,cows and sheep.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundredthD.hundreds of3.At the end of every growing season,_ potatoes were d

15、ug out of the ground,and readied for market.A.thousand withB.thousands with C.thousand of D.thousands of中考真题精选(单项选择)1.We all think that the _ century will bring us more hopes.A.twentieth-firstB.twenty-firstC.twentieth-oneD.twenty-one2.-What is the damage(损失损失)of the goods?-About _.A.five seventhsB.f

16、ifth-seventhC.five seventhD.fives sevenths3._ people want to get the job,but only two _ of them will be employed(雇用)(雇用).A.Thousands;thousandsB.Thousand;thousand C.Thousands of;thousandD.Thousand of;thousands4.He set up his own company in _.A.his twentiesB.his twentyC.the twentyD.the twentieth5.-I c

17、ant work out the problem.-Dont give up.Try a _ time.A.twoB.secondC.the secondD.the two中考考点精练精测(单项选择)6.Eight _ students in our school are from countryside.A.hundreds B.hundred C.hundreds of D.hundred of7.He wrote his _ novel when he was _.A.five;fifties B.fifth;fifty C.fifth;fiftieth D.five,fifteen8.

18、Kangkang is a school boy.He got a good gift on his _ birthday.A.fourteenth B.fortieth C.the fortieth D.the fourteen9.I dont believe that this _ boy can paint such a nice picture.A.five years old B.five-years-old C.five-year-old D.five years old10.Do you have enough students to clean the school hall?No,I think we need _ students.A.another B.two others C.more two D.two more Thank you very much


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