2023年中考英语二轮复习:阅读理解 专项练习题汇编(含答案解析).docx

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1、2023年中考英语二轮复习:阅读理解 专项练习题汇编How will your dream city look in 100 years time?What kind of city do you hope our children, grandchildren or great grandchildren will be living in?Now paint your very own idea about our city & youll have a chance to win 5,000 dollars!What: The ides of your painting must be

2、your won. Write down the idea behind your painting in 100 words.Where: Send your painting to A Picture of My Own City9F, No. 168, Swan Road, Swan City.When: Send your painting before June 30, 2022.Prize: 1st Prize: $5,000 (3winners)2nd Prize: $2,500 (5 winners)3rd Prize: $1,000 (10 winners)4th Prize

3、: $500 (20 winners)To learn more, please visit: http:/picturemyowncity.swancity.gov/.1What does the ad ask people to do? ATo paint a future city.BTo live with their children.CTo offer 5,000 dollars.DTo write a 100-word story.2How much do you get if you win the third prize? A$5,000.B$2,500.C$1,000.D$

4、500.3Which of the following is most probably a picture for the competition? A BCDAs we all know, too much trash is a big problem for our environment. A woman in Indonesias Java island has come up with a great idealending books to children in exchange for trash. Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50 years o

5、ld, is a librarian in Muntang village. She started a trash library, hoping to make children read more as well as make them realize the importance of environment protection. Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (三轮车) and rides to Muntang village. There, childre

6、n line up to exchange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Radens mobile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back all the trash. In the library where Raden works, there are thousands of books. Every time she shows up, children run to her trash library. They all carry tr

7、ash bags, and Radens three-wheeler quickly fills with trash as the books fly out. Raden collects about 100kg of trash each week. It is then sorted out (分类) and sent for recycling or sale. She is happy that children spend less time on online games because of the books. Raden plans to take the mobile

8、library service to neighboring areas as well. She says, We all should take care of our trash in order to fight climate (气候) change and save the earth.4What does the underlined word trash mean? AplasticBrubbishCpaperDinformation5Which of the following shows how Radens idea works? She rides to Muntang

9、 village.She carries back all the trash.Children line up to get books for their trash.She puts books on her three-wheeler.ABCD6How much trash can Raden collect each weekday? AAbout 100 kg.BAbout 50 kg.CAbout 25 kg.DAbout 20 kg.7Whats Raden going to do next? ATo ask her neighbors for help.BTo give th

10、e mobile library to her neighbors.CTo exchange books for trash in more villages.DTo tell children to spend less time on online games.When you first meet Meggie, you may think shes strange. She often tells people which word tastes good and who has a delicious name. But shes not crazy. She has synesth

11、esia (伴生感觉), something only one in 2,000 people has. People who have synesthesia experience the world differently. For some people, different words taste differently, for some, numbers or letters have colors, and for some, music touches parts of their bodies. Many of them experience more than one ki

12、nd of synesthesia, while some have just one, like Meggie. Each of them has their own experience- two people with synesthesia may both feel music, but they almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, one may feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the other may feel it o

13、n her ankle (脚踝). And ones experience of synesthesia is always the same. If they see the number 5 in the color blue, then 5 is blue every time they see it. Theres one thing about synesthesia: it cant be turned off. If you have synesthesia, youll experience it all the time. Meggie once met a guy and

14、his name made her think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun guy, but after thinking about his name all night, she felt too sick to be friends with him. Even so, she still likes this gift because thats what makes her different.8What do you learn about Meggie from the first paragraph? AShe has a st

15、range name.BShe is a good person.CShe is a crazy person.DShe is special in a way.9What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us? APeople with synesthesia experience the world differently.BFor some people with synesthesia, different words taste differently.CFor some people with synesthesia, numbers or letters

16、 have colors.DMany people with synesthesia experience more than one kind of it.10What did Meggie stop being friends with the guy? AHe often played jokes on her.BHe enjoys eating bad eggs.CShe couldnt stand his name.DShe did not like his gift.11Which of the following might be said by Meggie? AThe sou

17、nd of drums touches my back.BThe number zero tastes like an apple.CThe name Shakespeare is in bright purple.DThe music of the violin lightly brushes my face.When I got up this morning, I was so surprised to find a new watch on my desk. I couldnt help crying. I lost my old watch last Monday. It was a

18、 present from my father for my thirteenth birthday. I still dont know where or how I lost it. I felt really sad when I couldnt find the watch. I stayed at school to look for it until very late. When I came home, no one was there. At nine oclock, Mom called back and told me that Dad was hit by a car

19、on his way to look for me. He was sent to the hospital. I went to the hospital that night and told Dad I was sorry. I also told him I lost my watch, but he did not get angry. Dads left leg was badly hurt, and he stayed in the hospital for several days. He just came back home yesterday, and this morn

20、ing I found the new watch. Thank you, Dad, for loving me so much.12Why did the writer start crying this morning? ABecause she got up too late.BBecause she had lost her watch.CBecause her dad was in hospital.DBecause she was moved by her dad.13Where did the writer lose her watch? ANobody knows.BIn th

21、e hospital.COn the playground.DOn her way to school.14What happened to Dad while he was looking for her? AHe suddenly fell ill.BHe lost his way.CHe was hit by a car.DHe hit someone.15Who most probably bought the new watch? AHer mom.BHer dad.CHer friend.DHer teacher.二、阅读单选This is a typical(典型的) day f

22、or Yang Jinlong.At 9 a. m. , he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xian, Shaanxi Province, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban. It is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling to the rhythm(节奏) of bamboo clappers(响板), which the art form is named after. Sometimes, he helps students

23、prepare for competitions. Usually, his classes run until about 6. p.m. , and then he returns home to prepare classes for the next day.On June 10, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced 325 national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) items in Beijing, increasing the list to 1, 557 items. Sh

24、aanxi kuaiban, which appeared during the late Qing Dynasty, has been included. The art form has been introduced to local schools as part of their art education.Yang has been teaching young people the art form since 2003 after graduating from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing. H

25、e studied quyi there. Quyi is general term for Chinese folk art forms, including storytelling, crosstalk and clapper talk.Art education is important for students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments like the piano and violin, there are many people learning tradit

26、ional Chinese folk arts, including Shaanxi kuaiban, which Ill work for my whole life, he said.Kuaiban is popular in northern China, including Beijing and Tianjin. According to Yang, Shaanxi kuaiban was influenced by the art of different areas. The art form can be played by a group of players or only

27、 one. With one or two pairs of kuaiban of different sizes in hand, the players speak in the local dialect(方言) while telling stories, which are usually about heroes. The player tells stories while playing kuaiban, and its easy for the watchers to remember the stories since all the lines rhym.Thanks t

28、o artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country.16Why is today a typical day for Yang Jinlong? AHe is teaching students about kuaiban as usual.BHis work starts at 9 and lasts 6 hours like every day.CHe is preparing for a kuaiban competit

29、ion today.DHis life today is as busy and boring as every day.17Which of the following about Shaanxi kuaiban is TRUE? AIt is named after the Shaanxi dialect.BIt is listed in the national intangible cultural heritage.CIt is more popular than the piano and violin in northern China.DIt is played to tell

30、 stories usually about common people.18Which of the following best describes Yang Jinlong? ADevoted.BStressed.CGenerous.DCurious.19Why does the writer report Yang Jinlongs story? ATo show how to play Shaanxi kuaiban in the local dialect.BTo tell the difference between Chinese and Western arts.CTo pr

31、ove that kuaiban players are living a busy life.DTo praise the work of spreading traditional Chinese art.Researchers are using an underwater drone (无人机) to get information on carbon dioxide (CO) levels in the ocean. It is believed to be the first time that such a device (装置) has been used purposely

32、to test CO levels.The device, which the team also calls a glider, is designed to go down to 1,000 meters in deep ocean areas and can operate for weeks at a time.The purpose of the research is to provide scientists with data (数据) about how climate change is influencing the oceans chemistry. The self-

33、swimming drone was placed in the Gulf of Alaska this spring. Reporters from The Associated Press recently joined researchers on a boat in Alaskas Resurrection Bay to see the drone in action.The team says the project could be a major step forward in measuring(测量) the environmental health of oceans. T

34、he scientists are most interested in levels of ocean acidification(酸性). This happens when CO emissions(排放) in the air make their way into the ocean. Ocean acidification can harm or kill some kinds of sea life.Scientists have connected CO emissions with global(全球) warming caused by human activities.I

35、n a way, oceans have given humans a helping hand by taking in(吸收) some of the CO. If there were no oceans uptake, there would be much more CO in the air. This would trap more of the suns heat and further warm the Earth.But the problem now is that the ocean is changing its chemistry because of this u

36、ptake, said team member Claudine Hauri.One of the best ways to measure ocean acidification is to collect CO measurements. Until now, these collections were mostly done from ships or with devices floating at the ocean surface or on the ocean floor.20What is probably this passage?AAn advertisement.BPa

37、rt of a news report.CPart of a science fiction.DA text from a chemistry textbook.21What do we know about a glider? AIt must be used together with floating devices.BIt is used to measure ocean acidification.CIt is used to stop CO from entering the ocean.DIt is used to measure CO levels in the air.22W

38、hat does the underlined word uptake in Paragraph 6 most probably mean? AThe act of covering an area.BThe act of slowing something down.CThe act of taking something in.DThe act of killing or harming something.23What is troubling the scientists? AThe underwater drone cant swim by itself.BThe drone can

39、 only last one week at a time.COceans are stopping taking in CO from the air.DToo much CO is making its way into oceans.Being sad or in a low mood is a normal (正常的) part of life. Many people feel down from time to time. For example, when people face challenging events in their lives, such as financi

40、al(经济的) difficulty or major changes, its common to feel down. But in most cases the bad feelings slowly disappear.As for depression(抑郁症), however, the bad mood lasts for weeks, months, or ever longer because it is a mental(精神的) illness. As the World Health Organization (WHO) noted, depression is a m

41、ood disorder. It shows in different ways, including loss of interest in normal activities and feelings of low self-worth. It often lasts for a long time and greatly harms a persons ability at work or school or in the daily life. People with depression usually dont like to talk about their problems w

42、ith others. More seriously, depression may even lead to the act of killing oneself.Depression is not just a bout(一阵) of sadness or a sign of weakness, and you cant just simply stop feeling depressed. said the health news website .But depression is not a persons problem. Its also more common than mos

43、t people think. It is hurting about 280 million people around the world, according to WHO.Though depression is worrying, we dont have to be afraid of it. Depression can be treated by getting professional(专业的) help, taking medicine or a mixed treatment of both. In fact, when you begin to feel the dan

44、ger of depression, you can try to deal with it early by yourself. Listening to music, doing some sports and drawing some pictures might help you feel better. Another useful way is talk therapy. When we are attacked by a low mood, having a conversation with others is of great help. Being honest about

45、 how we feel does not make us weak, it makes us human.24Who is most probably experiencing depression? ALily, who is going to have an important exam and hasnt slept well for 3 days.BMay, who dislikes her new school and has complained to her parents 3 times.CBen, who thinks life worthless and has crie

46、d alone over 3 times a week in the past month.DTom, who finds subjects hard and has talked to his teacher about it 3 times this week.25What does the writer think of depression? ANormal and nothing serious.BUncommon although harmful.CUnavoidable and untreatable.DTreatable although worrying.26Whats th

47、e passage mainly about? AKnowledge of depression.BWays of treating depression.CReasons for depression.DResults of depression.Project in SingaporeThe fantastic man-made forest is a Singapore landmark. It is made from steel and concrete(水泥) covered in local flowers and plants. At night, 18 solar-powered tree-like towers which get their energy from the sun often light up the city. The project was awarded the World Building of the Year and its designer said the idea was to create a city in a garden. Clearly, the special way of building up the


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