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1、高考英语作文亮点句型翻译练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 1.It is/was said/ reported/believed/suggested/announced.that从句(主语从句句型)据说/据报道/人们相信/有人建议/据宣布1)据报道,中国男子足球队赢了比赛。(中国男子足球队:Chinas men football team)2)据说,她来自上海。3)有人建议我们讨论一下这个问题。4)人们相信努力学习就能成功。5)据正式宣布,她将担任我们的班主任。 (担任:work as, 班主任:head teacher)2.It is/was the first/ second time that

2、+从句(注意从句要用相应的完成时态)1)这是第一次我们一起工作。2)这是我第一次听到这个消息。3)这是我第一次和父母散步。4)这已不是我第一次听他讲英语了。5)这是我第一次在公共场合发言。(在公共场合:in public)3.It is time sb.did sth.(该做某事了)1)该是你反思你犯的错误的时候了。(反思:reflect on)2)我们该认认真真学习了。3)我们该去吃晚饭了。4.sb.was/were doing sth when某人正做某事,这时.sb.was/were about to do sth when.某人正要做某事,这时.sb.had just done sth

3、 when.某人刚做完某事,这时when 后的从句都用一般过去时1)我正要出门,这时电话铃响了。2)我正要开车离开,这时我看到这辆大卡车向我开过来。(开车离开:drive off)3)我正在听音乐,这时他进来了。4)我刚睡着,这时他就打开了收音机。5)我刚看完这本小说,他就问我借。5.I wonder if.我想知道是否;不知道是不是;我怀疑1)我不知道该不该戴帽子。2)我怀疑是否昨天吃了变质的东西。(变质的:bad)3)我不知道我能否把钱拿回来。4)不知道你能不能等我几分钟。5)我不知道他回来了没有。附:Possible version:1.1) It is reported that Ch

4、inas men football team has won the match.2) It is said that she comes from Shanghai.3) It is suggested that we should discuss the problem.4) It is believed that hard work leads to success.5) It is officially announced that she will work as our head teacher.2.1) It is the first time we have worked to

5、gether.2) It is the first time that I have heard the news.3) It is the first time that I have taken a walk with my parents.4) It isnt the first time that I have heard he speak English.5) It is the first time I have made a speech in public.3.1) It is time you reflected on your mistake.2) It is time w

6、e studied hard.3) It is time we had supper.4.1) I was about to go out when the phone rang.2) I was about to drive off when I saw this truck rushing to me.3) I was listening to music when he came in.4) I had just fallen asleep when he turned on the radio.5) I had just finished reading this novel when he wanted to borrow it.5.1) I wonder if I should wear the hat.2) I wonder if I had something bad yesterday.3) I wonder if I could take the money back.4) I wonder if you could wait for me for a mement.5) I wonder if he has come back.3


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