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1、高考英语七选五之语段过渡练习 班级 考号 姓名 总分 ARegular exercise is a vital part of leading a healthy lifestyle.1._Signs of over-training include decreased performance, chronic(慢性的) tiredness, and mood swings.Here are some advice on treating exercise-related conditions:* Take a break from exercising for 1 to 2 weeks.If

2、 you experience tiredness, mood swings, or any other symptoms of over-training, give your body a break.In most cases, 1 to 2 weeks is all itll take.You can do yoga or stretching during the time off.When you start exercising again, take it slow, and rest a muscle group for at least a day.2._* See you

3、r doctor if resting for 1 to 2 weeks doesnt help.3._ _They can diagnose an injury and recommend a treatment plan for your specific needs.They might also recommend you to see a mental health professional.It might also be helpful to get help from a personal trainer or physiotherapist.They can help you

4、 determine if you are over-training and make a healthy exercise plan for you.*4._For some people, the drugs can help get rid of feelings of anxiety or obsession related to over-training and compulsive (强迫的) exercise.You might need to try different medicines and amounts before you find the best solut

5、ion.Side effects could include nausea, constipation, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight gain.Tell your doctor if you experience these or any other side effects.* Talk to an advisor about compulsive exercise or an eating disorder.5._An advisor can help you make this distinction and, if necessary, id

6、entify why exercise has become a compulsion.A.Schedule an appointment with your primary doctor.B.However, exercising too much can cause significant health risks.C.When you begin exercising again, stick to 45 minutes or less per day.D.Ask your doctor if they need to recommend a drug to treat depressi

7、on.E.It might be tough to distinguish between devotion to a sport and compulsive exercise.F.If you think you might be overdoing it, stop exercising for 1 to 2 weeks.G.For instance, if you work out using a bicycle on Monday, exercise your upper body the following day.BInternet addiction is a common p

8、roblem that can be just as damaging as any other form of addiction.6. _There are several ways to help reduce your internet trouble.7. _Exercising, reading a book, writing, studying, knitting, and doing crossword puzzles are all better alternatives to mindlessly browsing the internet.If you want to c

9、ut back on how often you are using the internet but arent sure what to do with the extra time, identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do instead when youre feeling the urge to go online.You can also use relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety,for example, yoga, meditatio

10、n, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing.8. _Therefore, instead of reaching for your smart phone or laptop when you are feeling stressed, try using one of these techniques to calm yourself.Besides, you can reach out to friends and family to build more interpersonal connections.9. _If you

11、re eager for social interaction, call up a friend and make plans to do something fun, or arrange a family dinner or game night.Finally, watch for signs of internet addiction and seek help if you notice them.If you are concerned about becoming addicted to the internet, staying aware of the signs of i

12、nternet addiction may prevent the situation from getting worse.10. _Besides, immediate action is always the top priority.A.Sometimes you are just lonely.B.You can go for a walk in nature.C.Too worried about it?D.Anyway, every little adds up.E.You may fall back into the habit again.F.They are all gre

13、at ways to relax.G.You can do some healthy activities insteaC.CMake Your Application (申请表) Stand OutColleges and universities in the US receive thousands of applications every year from within the US and from countries all around the worlD.11_How can you make yourself more memorable among these stud

14、ents?Realize that recommended equals required.The very first thing that any applicant to a college should realize is that it is a competitive process.12. _In fact, certain parts may even be presented that way in university application materialsbut the reality is that anything that the university pre

15、sents as optional or recommended is usually seen as required in the minds of admission officers.Dont hesitate to send in extra materials.While it used to be the case that universities would make it very clear that they would not accept extra materials, that is no longer true in most cases, and in ma

16、ny cases, universities will accept all kinds of materials.13. _but it could make the difference when you are on the borderline.14. _During school breaks, make sure that you are doing something that shows your academic curiosity, your initiative, and your willingness to work harD.Bonus points if your

17、 activity produces something that could be easily understood by admission offices, and if this activity is something youve been doing for two or more years.Be eager and focus on quality communication.15. _Answer emails without delay; send thank-you letters; and ask good and thoughtful questions.Lang

18、uage that might be OK when messaging your friends is certainly not the right tone when communicating with admission officers.It is likely that all of your emails go into your admission file, so you will make sure that all of it will be able to stand close examination by the admission committee.A.One

19、 might think of many parts of the application as optional.B.You are expected to present yourself thoroughly in the process.C.Use your extra time wisely.D.Communicating well will generally be to your benefit.E.But how can you make yours stand out from the pile?F.Make sure the language you use is form

20、al and careful.G.Extra materials wont suddenly make you competitive.附:参考答案A【答案】1-5BGADE【解析】这是一篇说明文。有规律的运动是健康生活的一部分,但是过度运动会造成表现下降慢性疲劳和情绪波动,文章针对怎么治疗运动相关的疾病给出了一些建议。1.下一句提到“过度训练的迹象是表现力下降,慢性疲劳和情绪波动。”承接下文,B选项“然而,过度训练会造成重大健康风险。”切题,且选项中的exercising too much与下文的over-training呼应。故选B。2.上文提到“当你再次锻炼时,慢一点,让肌肉群休息至少一

21、天。”承接上文,G选项“例如,如果你周一骑自行车,接下来的一天就可以锻炼上肢。”切题。骑自行车是锻炼的下肢,锻炼上肢就是在休息下肢肌肉群。故选G。3.前文提到“如果休息1到2周还是没起作用,就要去看医生。”承接上文,A选项“与你的主治医生预约。”切题。前文的See your doctor与选项Schedule an appointment with your primary doctor呼应。故选A。4.下文提到“对一些人而言,药物可以帮助摆脱与过量训练和强迫训练有关的焦虑和困扰。”承接下文,D选项“如果他们需要推荐治疗抑郁症的药物,咨询你的医生。”切题。下文的the drugs与选项中的dr

22、ug呼应。故选D。5.下文提到“咨询师可以帮你区分,而且,如果有必要的话,也能帮你找出为什么锻炼变成了一种强迫”,承接下文,E选项“也许,区分热爱运动和强迫运动很难。”切题。选项中的distinguish与下文中的make this distinction呼应。故选E。B【答案】6-10 CGFAD【解析】这是一篇应用文。针对网瘾,文章提出了几种有效的解决方法。6.根据下一句There are several ways to help reduce your internet trouble.有几种方法可以帮助你减少上网的麻烦。可知,此处内容与对网瘾担忧有关,因此选项C“太担心了?”符合题意。

23、it指代前文,故选C项。7.根据下一句Exercising, reading a book, writing, studying, knitting, and doing crossword puzzles are all better alternatives to mindlessly browsing the internet.锻炼身体、读书、写作、学习、编织、做填字游戏都是比漫无目的地浏览互联网更好的选择。可知,此处内容与可以做一些健康活动代替上网有关,因此选项G“你可以做一些健康的活动来代替。”符合题意。故选G项。8.根据上一句You can also use relaxation

24、techniques to reduce stress and anxiety,for example, yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing.你也可以使用放松技巧来减少压力和焦虑,例如,瑜伽,冥想,渐进式肌肉放松和深呼吸。可知,此处内容与使用一些减少压力和焦虑的放松技巧有关,因此选项F“它们都是很好的放松方式。”符合题意。故选F项。9.根据下一句If youre eager for social interaction, call up a friend and make plans to do

25、 something fun, or arrange a family dinner or game night.如果你渴望社交互动,你可以打电话给朋友,计划做些有趣的事情,或者安排一次家庭晚餐或游戏之夜。可知,此处内容与做一些减轻孤独的活动有关,因此选项A“有时候你只是孤独。”符合题意。故选A项。10.根据上一句If you are concerned about becoming addicted to the internet, staying aware of the signs of internet addiction may prevent the situation from

26、getting worse.如果你担心自己会对网络上瘾,那么留意网络成瘾的迹象可以防止情况变得更糟。可知,此处内容与注意网瘾的迹象并采取行动有关,因此选项D“无论如何,积少成多。”符合题意。故选D项。C【答案】11-15 EAGCD【解析】本文是说明文。文章开篇提出美国的大学每年要从国内外收到成千上万的大学申请,如何让你的申请脱颖而出?作者提出了四个方面的建议:准备材料的时候要意识到文件中提到的“建议”其实等同于“必需”;要毫不犹豫地递交额外的材料;有效利用假期时间积累课外活动材料;与校方保持有效的沟通。四个建议相对独立但又互相关联,四个建议都有醒目的主题句,便于学生理解并理清段与段之间、句与

27、句之间的逻辑关系。11.该段的第一句说到美国的大学每年收到成千上万的大学申请。而下文开始论述如何使你的申请脱颖而出。因此,此处句子是“But how can you make yours stand out from the pile?”,设问句起到承上启下的作用。句中的“pile”对应。上一句中的“thousands of application”。因此,答案为E。12.根据前句“The very first thing that any applicant to a college should realize is that it is a competitive process.”,学

28、生有可能会误选B。但后文提到了“In fact, certain parts may even be presented that way in university application materials”,意为“有些申请材料可能会以那种方式递交”。句中的“that way”是关键信息,指代前句所提到的做法。接着文章进一步解释“but the reality is that anything that the university presents asoptionalorrecommended.”(但是大学所提到的“选择”或“推荐”,实际上是)。读到这里,学生应该能判断出答案是A。13

29、.根据该段的中心意思“要毫不犹豫地提交额外材料”以及破折号后面的解释“but it could make the difference when you are on the borderline(但是在关键时候还是能起很大的作用)”可以判断,答案为G。14.本题是主旨概要题,尤其是第一句“During school breaks, make sure that you are doing something that.”可知,这段要谈论的是如何利用好课余时间。因此答案为C。15.根据小标题可知,本段内容主要讲述如何与大学保持有效的沟通。下文举了一些例子,因此空格处要表达的意思是“良好的沟通将对你整体有益”,因此,符合该语境的是D。5


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