Unit3 How do you get to school?SectionB (2a-2c)(ppt课件)(共39张PPT)+视频-2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》.rar

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  • Unit3 How do you get to school?SectionB (2a-2c)(ppt课件)(共39张PPT)+视频_2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》
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Unit 3 How do you get to school?SectionB(2a2c)新目标新目标(Go for it)版七年级下册版七年级下册1.To find out how the students in the small village go to school.1.根据图片信息预测文章主要内容。2.通过略读、扫读等方式,能够理解文章主旨大意,提取细节信息。2.To learn to write an email about how you get to school.How do you get to school?Do you or?walkride a bikePrereadingDo you take the or the to school?car subwayDo you go by or?busby trainIt is easy(便利的)(便利的)for us to go to school.But in the village,it is to go to school.n.村庄;村镇村庄;村镇difficultnot easyIts difficult for them to go to school.Are you afraid of taking a ropeway?adj.害怕的;畏惧的害怕的;畏惧的Its dangerous危险的危险的 for them to go to school.Its difficult and dangerous for them to go to school.They go to school on a ropeway.Enjoy a videoWhy do they go to school on a ropeway?There is a big river their school the village.There is bridge.So they have to go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.between andno2a Guess(猜猜)what the passage is about.What do they do?They cross the river.Where do they go?They go to school.Crossing the River to SchoolThe students cross the river to go to school.不定式表目的不定式表目的 Whilereading2bTip1:文章标题和图片,文章标题和图片,帮助帮助理解文章大意。理解文章大意。Read and answer the questions.P441.It is easy to get to school for .A.few students B.many students C.all students D.nobody2.Its very difficult for the students to get to school.A.in a big city B.in one small villageC.in a town D.in the countryside3.There is a between their school and the village.A.bridge B.bus station C.train station D.riverBBD Fast readingTip2:圈题眼圈题眼看选项看选项扫读原句扫读原句定答案定答案Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.4.Liannliang is not afraid to cross the river because he loves .A.school B.his classmates C.lessons D.both A and B5.()What is the villagers dream?A.To have a bridge.B.To leaave the village.C.To be a teacher.D.To have money.DA Fast reading1.How do the students in the village go to school?They go on a ropeway to cross the river to go to school.Careful readingRead Para.1 and answer the question.Tip3:圈疑问词圈疑问词关键词关键词在原句基础上修改在原句基础上修改正确句子回答正确句子回答2.Why do they go to school on a ropeway?Because there is a big river between their school and the village.There is no bridge,and the river runs too quickly for boats.Read Para.1 and answer the question.Careful readingTip4:关注关注连词连词答案在答案在上下文上下文3.How old is he?4.Is he afraid of taking a ropeway?Why?LiangliangHe is 11 years old.No,he isnt.Because he loves school.Read Para.2 and answer the questions.Read Para.3 and answer the questions.4.Do many of the students leave the village?5.What is the villagers(村民村民)dream?Their dream is to have a bridge.No,they dont.It is their dream to have a bridge.Listen and follow.Crossing the River to School Complete a report.Reporter:How do you to school?Liangliang:I go on a ropeway to the river to school.Reporter:Are you?Liangliang:No,Im not.Because I my school and my teachers.I like to with my classmates at school.Reporter:Is it for you to go to school?Liangliang:Yes,it is.Reporter:Do you want to have a?Liangliang:Yes.Its our dream.Reporter:Im sure your dream can come .2cgetcrossafraidplaydifficultlovebridgetrue短文填空。短文填空。How do you get to school?Some of you get to school by bike.Some get to school 6.foot.You have different 7.to get to school.All in all,its easy 8.many students to get to school.But,for the students in one small9.in China,its difficult.There 10.a very big river between their school and the village.There is no 11.And the river runs so 12.that boats cant go across it.So the students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.onwaysforvillageisquickly bridge短文填空。短文填空。Liangliang is 13.11yearold boy.He crosses the river every school day.But he is not because he loves school.Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.It is their dream to have a bridge.Can their dream come?anafraidtrueDiscuss in groups:How can we help them?Everyone needs help.Everyone can help.Lets help each other and make the world more beautiful!Group workraise money to help thembuild建筑 a bridge for them build建筑 a school in their village回忆课文,完成下面表格。Its _ for some students to go to school.Theres a big river _the school _the village.Theres no_.The river runs _for boats.Liangliang Students have to_.Hes an _ boy.He isnt afraid to _.He _ school.Like many students and villagers,he hopes to_.difficulttoo quicklygo on a ropeway11yearoldcross the riverhave a bridgeSummary1bridgebetweenandlovesCrossing the River to School 过河去上学过河去上学词语词语词性词性意思意思用法用法例子例子cross 同义词同义词_ 过马路过马路_across搭配搭配_过马路过马路_1.1.辨析辨析cross,across,acrosscrossv.v.从表面从表面横过横过cross the road介词介词go acrossgo across从表面从表面横过横过go across the road用用cross与与 across 填空。填空。1.Look careful before you the road.过马路前要细心看!过马路前要细心看!2.Please watch out when you go the street.crossacrossFor many students,it is easy to get to school.对许多学生来说,到校是容对许多学生来说,到校是容易的。易的。2.It isadj.(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是(对某人来说)做某事是的的形容词是描述形容词是描述_特征的词,如:特征的词,如:difficult,important等等eg:eg:对我们来说对我们来说,学好英语是重要的。学好英语是重要的。_is important for us to learn English well.It is important _us to learn English well.It is important for us _ _ _ _ English well.事物事物Itfor to learn There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村子之间有条非常大的河。在他们的学校和村子之间有条非常大的河。3.3.there be 句型句型 There be+某人某人/某物某物+某地某地.“某地有某人或某物某地有某人或某物”There be句型遵循句型遵循_,即,即be动词取决于离它动词取决于离它最近的名词最近的名词的单复数。的单复数。教室里有一位老师和十名学生。教室里有一位老师和十名学生。There a teacher and ten students in the classroom.“就近原则就近原则”is 小村庄里有许多村民。小村庄里有许多村民。There many villagers in the small village.are介词介词在在之间之间between me and him在在之中之中between.and.among us词语词语词性词性意思意思用法用法例子例子between 在在和和之间之间(两者)(两者)_在我和他之间在我和他之间_among三者或三者以上中三者或三者以上中 在我们之中在我们之中_4.4.辨析辨析between 与与amongI sit _ Lily _ Lucy._us,I am the tallest.between and Among One 11yearold boy,Liangliang,crosses the river every school day.亮亮,一个亮亮,一个1111岁男孩,每天过河上学。岁男孩,每天过河上学。5.11yearold adj.十一岁的十一岁的 +n.她是她是一个八岁的女孩。一个八岁的女孩。She is 8yearold girl.She is an 8yearold .She is an girl.A.eight years old B.eightyearsold C.eightyearoldangirlC连字符与“s”水火不相容 But he is not afraid because he loves school.但是他不害怕但是他不害怕,因为他喜欢上学。因为他喜欢上学。6.6.afraid adj.“adj.“害怕的害怕的”,在句中作表语。,在句中作表语。1 1)be afraid of sth.“害怕某物害怕某物”eg:eg:Mary Mary害怕蛇。害怕蛇。Mary _snakes.2 2)be afraid to do sth.“害怕做某事害怕做某事”eg:eg:Mary Mary害怕晚上外出害怕晚上外出.Mary is afraid _(gogo)out at night.3 3)be afraid+that从句从句“恐怕恐怕.”eg:eg:明天我怕他不能来明天我怕他不能来。I am afraid _ _ he cant come tomorrow.is afraid of to gothat Hes like a father to me.他他就就像父亲一样像父亲一样对我对我。7.7.like 介词介词“像像”反反 unlike 不像不像be like “像像.”.”指性格指性格;品质方面像。品质方面像。look like“看起来像看起来像”,”,指外貌上像。指外貌上像。eg:eg:Kate Kate(性格)像她的妈妈。(性格)像她的妈妈。Kate_ _ _her mother.eg:eg:我和我爸长得特像我和我爸长得特像.I _ _ _ my father very much.举例子举例子 You should eat healthy food,_ fruit and vegetables.2 2)v.v.“喜欢喜欢”反反 dislike v.不喜欢不喜欢 like/dislike doing/to do sth.is like look likelikeSummary21.cross v.=go across介词介词 2.It isadj.(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是(对某人来说)做某事是的。的。3.There be+某人某人/某物某物+某地某地.4.between A and B(在两者之间)(在两者之间)5.11yearold adj.+n.6.afraid adj.“害怕的害怕的”7.like 介词介词 v.喜欢喜欢like doing/to do sth.“就近原则就近原则”be afraid of sth.be afraid to do sth.be afraid+that从句从句be likelook likelike 举例举例一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1Jane is _(像像)a mother to me.2Mr.Smith likes to live in the small _(村庄村庄)3I sit _(介于介于之间之间)my parents.4My _(梦想梦想)is to be a musician like Lang Lang.5Alan _(离开离开)home and goes to school at 7:00 every morning.villagebetweendreamleavesExerciselike二、单项选择。二、单项选择。()1.All of the _ want to have a new life.A.rivers Bvillagers Cdreams Dbridges()2.Its difficult _ me _ the violin well.A.for;play Bof;play Cfor;to play Dof;to play()3.She has a _ sister.A.sixyearold Bsixyears old C.sixyearsold Dsix years oldBCA()4.How do they _ the river?By boat.A.find Bacross Cthink Dcross()5.We need to buy some fruit _ apples,pears and bananas.A.about Bwith Clike DforDC二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。1.她通常在早饭和午饭之间吃水果。她通常在早饭和午饭之间吃水果。She usually eats fruit_ breakfast _lunch.2.我确信你的梦想会实现的。我确信你的梦想会实现的。Im sure your dream can _ _3.对我来说对我来说,做晚饭很容易。做晚饭很容易。_easy for me _ _dinner.4.简对我来说就像母亲一样。简对我来说就像母亲一样。Jane _ _a mother to me.5.河上没有桥且河水湍急河上没有桥且河水湍急,不宜小船摆渡。不宜小船摆渡。There is _bridge and the river runs too _ _ boats.betweenandcome trueItsto make is like noquickly for ExerciseHomework完成本课时的课后作业完成本课时的课后作业
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