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1、2022年江苏省徐州市贾汪区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Hey, boys! Look at the sign _ over there. Please keep off the grass.OK. We will.ABCD2Monkeys are so funny that many children like _.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs3As a child, I would sit for hours by the river doing _ simply daydreaming.AsomethingBanythingCevery

2、thingDnothing4What a great _ Zhong Nanshan is! He led his team to fight against COVID-19 and cure many patients.ApolicemanBplayerCdoctorDactor5Grandma is busy learning to use her smart phone. Its never _ to try new things.Ayoung enoughBtoo youngCold enoughDtoo old6My new classmate is very shy. She s

3、peaks so quietly that I can _ hear her.AnearlyBhardlyCsimplyDmainly7After the match last week, all the players _ for their wonderful performance.ApraiseBpraisedCare praisedDwere praised8Why do you often wear white?Well, I think white can help me _ when I feel stressed.Alook downBfall downCcalm downD

4、come down9Tom cant play football with us. He _ the classroom.Ais cleaningBwas cleaningChas cleanedDcleaned10How time flies! I have been a teacher for twenty years _ I graduated from university.AwhileBsinceCuntilDwhen11My family will go on a trip to Chongqing this summer, but we havent decided _.Why

5、not take the high-speed railway?Awhen to leaveBhow to go thereCwho to go withDwhat to do there12We should learn to _ ourselves when our parents are away.Athink ofBworry aboutClook afterDagree with13Its very cold outside, dear. You have to _ your warm coat!OK. I will. Mum.Atake onBtake offCput onDput

6、 off14Shall we go camping during the May Day holiday?_. Lets make a plan first.ANo wayBGood ideaCIts nothingDI dont think so15Amy, could you tell me _?Id like to join the drama club.Awhich club you are going to joinBwhether there are any clubs in our schoolCwhy do you like the drama clubDhow many cl

7、ubs are there in our school二、完形填空Most of my friends have never been to China, however, I have been _16_ enough to make at least thirteen trips there, some on business, others for pleasure. I have _17_ about two years in China and I have always enjoyed myself and met nice people. One of the things I

8、liked best was the _18_.We have Chinese restaurants here in Canada and most of _19_ are very good, mainly because they are managed _20_ Chinese people. I also try to cook Chinese-style food at home, _21_ Im not very good at it. When in China I had the _22_ to eat in many different restaurants, rangi

9、ng from the large and fancy to the small and pedestrian. What I really miss but cant get here is the Chinese _23_ food. Years ago, while working in Beijing, I would walk each _24_ from the place I was living to the office. My route took me _25_ hutong and I always passed a man making food. The man r

10、olled a small piece of dough (面团) into a ball, then into a long strip, and brushed oil, and then made it into a patty (小馅饼), and continued to cook on the hot top, turning it over constantly. Then the patty began to _26_. At the same time, he was whipping an egg in a little bowl, _27_ some onion and

11、salt. When the patty was puffy (膨起的), he would pour in the egg mixture from one side, continuing to turn the patty over on the very hot stove until the eggs was _28_. It was a really delicious breakfast, although I cant remember _29_ it is called. We have street food in Canada and it is very tasty b

12、ut no one is making the things I got in China and _30_ of the restaurants here serve it, either.16AcleverBluckyCkindDhelpful17AspentBpaidCcostDtaken18ApeopleBworkCfoodDplace19AusByouCthemDyours20AforBbyCtoDon21AsinceBbecauseCasDalthough22AchanceBtimeCmoodDchange23AfastBstreetCtake-awayDhome-cooked24

13、AmorningBafternoonCeveningDnight25AintoBontoCthroughDacross26AraiseBriseCdropDlift27AcuttingBeatingCtryingDadding28AcookedBbrokenCeatenDpoured29AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhere30AnothingBneitherCnoneDnobody三、阅读单选Many schools have stopped lessons because of COVID-19. This is a weeks timetable of a school. Week

14、Eight(Apr. 3-Apr. 9)Sun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.7: 30-8: 00 a. m.Morning Exercise8: 00-8: 30 a. m.Morning Reading9: 00-11: 00 a. m.Qingming Festival HolidayOnline Lessons2: 30-5: 00 p. m.NATMusicNATArtNATHelp with houseworkNAT: Nucleic Acid Test核酸检测31How many days do they have online lessons this we

15、ek?AThreeBFourCFiveDSeven32What do the students probably do on Wednesday afternoon?AListening to musicBDoing houseworkCDrawing picturesDHaving an online lesson33What can we know from this timetable?AThe students only do morning exercise on weekdaysBThe students do some reading every morning this wee

16、kCThe students have Nucleic Acid Test four times a weekDThe students have four days off during Qingming FestivalTests can be stressful. You worry that you haven t studied enough. You worry that you wont know the right answer. You worry that you do know the answer but will still get it wrong on the t

17、est. Dont worry! Youre not alone! Tests have been stressing people out for thousands of years. Heres one mans story about test stress. During the Tang Dynasty there lived a man named Meng Jiao. Meng Jiao loved poetry when he was very young. He loved studying it. He loved writing it as well. He gave

18、all of his life to the art. His hard work showed. It helped him become talented poet. Writing poetry was not a good paying job at that time. When he got older, he realized this had to change. He needed to earn more money. He decided to take the imperial competitive exams (科举考试). The imperial competi

19、tive exams was the official test system of China. The exams were open for anyone to take. Anyone from a farmer to a scholar could take an exam. The imperial competitive exams gave everyone an opportunity. Whoever passed it could get the job of an official. Meng Jiao studied hard for the tests. He to

20、ok them several times. Each time, he failed. But Meng Jiao never gave up. He studied harder and harder. He took the tests over and over and over again. Finally, when he was 46 years old, Meng Jiao passed the test. Meng Jiao put on new clothes. He tied on red flowers to celebrate. Then he rode on a h

21、orse through Changan City. During his ride, Meng Jiao wrote a poem, “Horseback riding swiftly through the spring breeze, while seeing all the sights and flowers of Changan in one day.” Meng Jiaos poem tells about his feelings on that exciting day. The poem was passed down through the years. It becam

22、e famous.34What can we know from the underlined sentence “Writing poetry was not a good paying job” in the third paragraph?AWriting poetry was a good job.BMeng Jiao made little money by writing poetry.CWriting poetry was not popular.DMeng Jiao didnt love writing poetry at that time.35Which of the fo

23、llowing is TRUE according to the passage?AMeng Jiao was not stressed about tests.BMeng Jiao rode a horse to take an exam.CMeng Jiao passed the exam in his forties.DMeng Jiaos poem was forgotten by people.36How did Meng Jiao feel when he wrote the poem in the last paragraph?AStressed.BWorried.CCrazy.

24、DHappy.I RememberLooking back at these past three yearsI remember many thingsTying to be on time for morning readings_ when the lunch bell ringsI remember the excitementOf the school sports day each yearThe many long hours of trainingPride of overcoming fearI remember starting day oneThe shyest in m

25、y whole classNever speaking to anyoneAnd thinking I would not passThen slowly I made some new friendsTo remember foreverHelping each other with homeworkGetting better togetherPreparing for art festivalsAnd making a great big messHave fun at New Years partiesWishing everyone the bestWe have learned a

26、 different languageThat is from a foreign landEnglish brings many challengesWe work hard to understandAnd now its time to graduateWe will leave our lovely schoolI cant believe it has been three yearsIm trying to keep my coolBut its difficult not to cryIll miss the school trees and flowersAnd our kin

27、d and caring teachersWonderful memories of ours37What kind of writing is this?AA story.BA poem.CA letter.DA song.38Who do you think the writer is?AA student.BA teacher.CA mother.DA father.39Which is the best word for the blank?ALaughing.BChatting.CRunning.DHelping.40What is the main idea of this wri

28、ting?ASad moments of graduation.BExciting moments of starting day one.CColorful memories of school life.DWonderful memories of the childhood.I am Jim Hawkins and my story begins many years ago, when my father worked at the Admiral Benbow inn. One day a tall man with a scar (伤疤) on his face arrived.

29、He opened the door of the inn, singing the song I know so well: “Fifteen men on the dead mans chest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”“A glass of rum,” he said when he came inside. “This is a pleasant inn.” he said. “Do you have many customers?”“Not many,” my father answered. “Well, this is the place f

30、or me. You can call me captain,” he said. Then he asked a man to carry his large sailors chest to his room. “Im a simple man,” he told my father. “Rum and bacon and eggs is all I want. Here are four gold coins to start. Tell me when I have to pay more.”During the day he went to the cliffs (悬崖) with

31、his telescope and in the evening he sat by the fire drinking rum and water. He asked about sailors every day. We soon understood that he wanted to keep away from them. When a sailor visited the inn, the captain was always very quiet. One day he asked me, “If you see a sailor with one leg, tell me as

32、 soon as he arrives.”When the captain drank too much rum, he sang sea songs and told the other customers terrible stories about his life at sea. He stayed month after month, but he didnt give my father any more money. My poor father was too frightened to ask. Everyone was frightened of the captain a

33、nd his stories. The only person who was not afraid of him was the local doctor and magistrate, Dr. Livesey. “If you keep drinking rum like that, you will very soon be dead,” he warned the captain. Selection of Treasure Island41Where did the story happen?AIn the sea.BIn the hospital.CIn the inn.Din t

34、he mountain.42How did Jims father feel about the captain according to the story?AHe was afraid of him.BHe was interested in him.CHe was angry with him.DHe was worried about him.43Why did the captain stay in the inn for months?AHe enjoyed the rum of the inn.BHe thought the inn was nice.CHe wanted to

35、avoid the sailors.DHe could see the local doctor.44What was the captain like in the story?AHe was a tall man.BHe was a kind man.CHe was a simple man.DHe was a quiet man.45Which of the following is RIGHT according to the story?AJims father was very poor.BLivesey wasnt afraid of the captain.CMany cust

36、omers visited the inn.DThe captain was always quiet in the inn.四、多句选词填空选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。repeatpridelead totrueworthreply46The Science Museum is certainly _ a visit.47Many children like to _ the same question again and again.48The womens volleyball team has been the _ of the Chinese peopl

37、e.49The film was based on a _ story about two young men during the war.50Eating too much sugar can _ health problems.五、语法填空用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文内容完整、正确。As the third solar term in the lunar year, The Awakening of Insects refers to the fact that animals _51_ (sleep) in winter are awakened by spring thun

38、der and that the earth begins to come back to life. It is the key time for spring farming activities. An old Chinese saying goes: “If the first spring thunder crashes before the Awakening of Insects solar term, there _52_ (be) unusual weather that year.” The Awakening of Insects falls after the end

39、of winter and before the _53_ (begin) of spring. Wind during this period is an important point in weather report. During this period, most parts of China experience the _54_ (quick) rise in temperatures, with the average level reaching above 10C, and there is more sunshine, which _55_ (provide) good

40、 natural conditions for farming. Old Chinese sayings such as “Once the Awakening of Insects comes, spring ploughing (耕) never rest” show the _56_ (important) of this term to farmers.When practicing this old custom, people draw the white tiger on paper, and then smear (涂抹) pigs blood and pork on _57_

41、 (it) mouth. This means the tiger _58_ (feed) so that it would not bite people, avoiding bad luck. This period is also the best time to fish. Fishing can make people _59_ (relax). Driving around, fishing in a lake, bathing in the sunlight, and enjoying the singing birds, beautiful flowers make for a

42、 perfect weekend in spring. Eating pears around the Awakening of Insects is a widely-practiced custom in China. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes drier, people can eat more sweet pears _60_ (avoid) colds or coughs.六、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使对话内容完整、正确。Kate: How was the welcome par

43、ty for foreign students last night?John: Great! I made some new friends. But a funny thing h_61_.Kate: What?John: I met a Japanese boy called Sato, and as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed (鞠躬).Kate: Thats how people in Japan are expected to greet each other. Its i_62_ if you dont bow. John: I do

44、nt know that. So I just stood there with my hand out. Finally, I r_63_ the bow. Kate: I remember when I first met Marie last year, I did the s_64_ thing. I held out my hand, and to my surprise, she k_65_ me on both sides of my face!John: I wouldnt mind that!Kate: Very funny. Later I found out French

45、 people are supposed to kiss when they see each other.七、多任务混合阅读阅读短文,按要求回答问题。How important is music? When they are asked this question, some students and parents usually answer that music is nice, but not very important. It is often considered only as entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is shortsighted. In fact, music education is necessary and important for all students._. Music shows the creators thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. For example, just as Mozart m


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