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1、2022届陕西省榆林市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解The most common forms of live stream marketingOnline MarketplacesOnline marketplaces like Taobao and Jingdong allow users to buy and sell products without ever leaving their homes. But the addition of live video streaming is proving vital to keep buy

2、ers interested. Why? By adding live streaming to the platform, these marketplaces can deliver the closest possible experience to “being there” for online buyers. Real-time interactivity offers the urgency of a real marketplace, urging immediate action and improving community participation.Live Aucti

3、ons (拍卖)Live streaming opens up the auction items to those unable to physically attend, reaches participants with varying interests and ensures that each item sells at its proper valuation. Online auctions are big business, and real-time video delivery is critical. Whether auctioning off pets or fin

4、e art, any delay in a live stream could prevent bids (出价) from being recorded properly. Several milliseconds can translate to billions of dollars.Influencer Streaming Todays celebrities arent necessarily on the big screen. An increasing number of stars rise to fame via social media each day. With a

5、large number of faithful fans, influencers can use their personal brand and the power of live streaming to promote their favorite products in an interactive way. Influencer streaming originated on social media, but has now become commonplace across e-business sites as well.Live EventsNewsworthy even

6、ts, such as product launches and limited edition drops, increase the popularity of live stream marketing. Today, shoppable mobile streaming allows fans to purchase items in real time from the catwalks (T型走秀台) of Louis Vuitton and Victorias Secret.1How does live video streaming affect online marketpl

7、aces?AIt makes goods more popular.BIt keeps shop owners interested.CIt offers a real experience of offline shopping.DIt makes online shopping more like offline shopping.2What can we know about online auctions?AThey bring convenience for people physically attending.BThey make sure that every item can

8、 finally be sold online.CThey make it necessary to have high speed Internet access.DThey provide opportunities of making great fortune overnight.3Which works as the easiest way for Internet celebrities getting into e-business?AOnline Marketplaces.BInfluencer Streaming.CLive Auctions.DLive Events.A s

9、eries of massive thunder storms hit our area recently, causing flash flooding and knocking down tree branches and even trees. I had spent the afternoon picking up branches out of my yard and throwing them away. Then just before I was getting ready to take my dogs for their last walk of the day, the

10、warnings came on my television and over my phone that another of these storms was heading our way. I quickly took my dogs outside. Huge clouds were rolling in while thunder boomed over the hills. I knew that the stars were shining but I certainly couldnt see them. The darkness seemed darker and scar

11、ier than usual because I knew what was on the way. That was when I saw it. The tiniest blink of light, up high, at the far end of the grassland behind my house. I smiled. The first of the fireflies had appeared for the summer at just the time I needed to see his light. Soon a few others were blinkin

12、g their lights as well. It amazed me how far their light traveled in the darkness of the night and how they didnt seem bothered at all by the approaching storm. I spent an extra few minutes watching my lightening bug friends and taking in their message of light before heading in to get ready for the

13、 storm. As I did, though, I noticed that the darkness no longer seemed so scary and that my fear had been replaced with joy. Life does have its share of storms, some caused by nature and some caused by us. We cant go through life being scared of them, however. Take a lesson from the fireflies then.

14、Let your light shine. It may seem tiny but you will be amazed at how far it can be seen and how easily it can drive the dark away.4What happened when the author was about to walk the dog?AHis house was heavily damaged.BHe was encouraged to pick up the branches.CHe was broadcasting a bad weather warn

15、ing.DAnother big storm was broadcasted to be on its way.5Which of the following can best describe the huge clouds?ANormal.BFrightening.CPale.DHigh.6Why did the author smile when he saw the tiniest blink of light?AThere would be no storm at all.BHe could then walk his dog easier.CHe found great hope

16、from the dark.DHe wasnt afraid of being lost then.7What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AWe should always give off light when in trouble.BSmall light in life wont help much in our life.CSome great troubles wont be easily dealt with.DWe should avoid being disturbed by trouble.House work might

17、 seem a drag, but researchers have suggested tasks like dusting, sweeping floors and washing the windows might help adults to stay healthy into old age. Writing in the journal BMJ Open, a Singapore-based team of researchers said regular physical activity “improves physical and mental health, and rel

18、ieves the risks and effects of chronic diseases among older adults”.The team randomly chose adults from the town of Yishun in Singapore, and asked them to complete cognitive function tests as well as activities to assess their physical capabilities, such as standing up from a chair as quickly as the

19、y could. Participants were also quizzed on their levels of physical activity, including the amount of light housework and heavy housework they did, and were assessed for their risk of having a fall based on measures such as knee extension strength. The study involved 249 participants aged 21-64 and

20、240 participants aged 65- 90. Most of those who reported doing high levels of heavy or light housework were women.After taking into account factors including age and sex, the team found cognitive scores and attention scores were 8% and 14% higher respectively for older adults doing high amounts of h

21、eavy housework on average 131 minutes a week compared with low levels, which appeared to amount to none at all. Sit-to-stand times were lower for older adults reporting high amounts of heavy housework compared with low amounts,while they were also assessed as being at lower risk of having a fall.Dr

22、Shiou-Liang Wee, the co-author of the research, said health messaging on staying active should not just be about recreational physical activities. “Housework is a purposeful activity performed by many older adults. Independent of recreation, commuting and other work-related physical activity, heavy

23、housework is linked to sharper memory and better falls protection in older adults,” he said.8What does the team find?AHousework is a drag to the aged.BHealth is connected with regular exercise.COnly doing housework can the aged stay healthy.DRegular physical activity is dangerous for the aged.9What

24、is paragraph 2 mainly about?AThe research procedure.BThe research result.CThe research purpose.DThe research institution.10What was considered in the study?AIntelligence and age.BEducation and sex.CAge and sex.DFamily and income.11What may Shiou-Liang Wee agree with?ACommuting is linked to sharper m

25、emory.BHeavy housework equals recreational activity.CPeople only need recreational physical activity for health.DRecreational physical activity shouldnt replace housework.When sorting through the apples at the grocery store, you see an ugly, strange-looking apple. Whether its a strange color, has sp

26、ots, or is a strange shape, you wonder how it made it onto the shelves. Who would buy and eat this? Most people would not buy ugly produce. That is why it is rare to see ugly-shaped fruit or off-colored vegetables. So what happens to this produce?Data have shown that 20%40% of fruits and vegetables

27、are rejected even before they reach grocery stores. And even more are rejected on site, because grocery stores and companies have incredibly high standards for what their produce should look like. That includes color, shape, size, weight, and length. And the food that doesnt meet these standards is

28、thrown away. There are incredibly strict laws about food donation that actually makes it illegal to donate food that doesnt meet standards that are similar to those of the grocery store as well as laws that restrict this food from being used as animal feed.Besides, 10% of rich countries greenhouse g

29、as emissions come from food that was grown and never eaten. Food waste not only contributes to climate change, but also food insecurity and extreme poverty. As stated above, in the greatest food wasting countries, there are laws that confine produce from being donated to people in need.By reducing f

30、ood waste, a third of the worlds entire food supply could be saved. Thats enough to feed 3 billion people. Also, by reducing food waste, farmers all over the world could sell more of their produce and inspire their rural, agricultural economies. There are many ways to get involved in ending food was

31、te! You can participate in advocacy events hosted nearby like with Feedback Global, who hosts an event called “Feeding the 5000” where they seek to feed 5000 people with food that would have otherwise been wasted. Encourage your local grocer to sell ugly produce. Food is food!12Why is ugly-shaped fr

32、uit rarely seen at the grocery store?AIt is not tasty or nutritious.BFarmers would not plant it.CMost people are not fond of it.DFew people choose to purchase it.13What happens to ugly-shaped fruit or off-colored vegetables?AThey are consumed.BThey are donated.CThey are wasted.DThey are buried.14Wha

33、t does the underlined word “confine” in paragraph 3 probably mean?ARefuse.BRestrict.CContact.DProtect.15What would be a suitable title for the text?AUgly fruit could lead to a prettier worldBFood waste makes 3 billion people in povertyCFeedback Global is seeking to feed 5000 peopleDMore people shoul

34、d get involved in ending food waste二、七选五Fall is our favourite hiking season. Its not too hot. The bugs are gone. Solitude (无人居住的地方) is easier to find. But fall hiking has its own complications, especially when it comes to weather. _16_Protect your feet. Pamper your feet, and theyll take you around t

35、he world. _17_ A pair of suede or synthetic shoes will offer great comfort, without a big “breaking in” process. They dry fast, and arent tough on the wallet. If youre going for longer treks (跋涉), then youll want footwear that offers support, comfort, weather resistance, and durability.Backpacks. _1

36、8_ Size. For a short hike, a daypack is best. Its light, practical, and big enough to carry the essentials (youve looking for something between 15 and 35 L). For longer hikes, look for a pack between 30-50 L with an integrated frame (to prevent the bag from putting too much pressure on your back and

37、 shoulders).Stay hydrated (含水的). Yes, the heatwaves of summer are probably gone for the year, but packing enough water is vital in any season. _19_ For longer treks, consider a hydration reservoir, which can carry anywhere from 0.5 to 10 L. No need to search in your pack for your water bottle; just

38、enjoy a sip from the handy tube._20_ Changeable fall can transform a sunny morning into a wet, cold afternoon. After a forest hike, the wind atop the lookout can bite. Dress in layers. If its warm, you can take a layer off to prevent sweating. If its cool, you can add a layer back on. Softshells are

39、 easily packable and light. They keep wind and water off, and are easy to take on and off as needed. Dressing for your trek? Check the forecast before hitting the trails.ANumber one criterion?BKeep warm and dry.CLike only cheep shoes?DJust going short distances?EHaving enough water will keep you ene

40、rgetic.FBefore heading out, check out this handy fall hiking checklist.GFor shorter hikes, this might just mean filling up your favourite water bottle.三、完形填空For Adam Harvison, it all started with an electric wheelchair. He _21_ from his Army career in 2013 with one goal: to work with other veterans

41、(老兵). He got a job helping _22_ veterans in Las Vegas find housing.Then came a phone call about the _23_. Someone wanted to donate his wheelchair only to veterans in need. Adam made sure it happened. From there, word _24_. “People just started calling me,” Adam says. Hospitals and other organization

42、s are saying, We have a _25_ one. Can you use it? It all _26_ the founding of Harvison House.”Adam _27_ this nonprofit organization in 2017 to provide low-income veterans with _28_ for their homes. Adam and his team of volunteers _29_ the donated items, clean and repair them, and then send them to v

43、eterans.While other organizations can provide the veterans with _30_, they cant always provide them with sofas, beds and kitchen tables, which are _31_ parts of a home. “If someones just staring at four walls, they feel like they have nothing to _32_,” Adam says, “We give them a place where they fee

44、l _33_.”Veterans connect with Harvison House through the organizations that provide housing _34_. The organizations list what will be _35_ needed in a new place. Then the team immediately cross-checks that list of the donated furniture. Sometimes theres a waiting period if whats needed isnt _36_.Aft

45、er the donated furniture has been _37_, a photo of it in its new home is sent to the person who donated it, along with a letter of _38_. Adam believes that personal touch makes a difference. “We dont _39_ at all,” he says. “But within 20 minutes, I could get some phone calls with _40_ for furniture.

46、”21AretiredBbenefitedCescapedDlearned22AelderlyBdisabledChomelessDhopeless23AtelevisionBjacketCequipmentDwheelchair24AexplodedBspreadCclarifiedDextended25AwornBbrokenCusedDstolen26Aadapted toBresulted fromCleft behindDbrought about27ApromotedBfoundedCdesignedDdescribed28AfurnitureBtoolCinstrumentDde

47、coration29AappreciateBpurchasedCcollectDtransform30AaccommodationBcompetenceCapproachDaccess31AemotionalBfundamentalCidenticalDadequate32AforgetBmissCloseDdoubt33AconsiderateBcalmCthoughtfulDwarm34AexhibitionBsuggestionCrepairDassistance35AurgentlyBnaturallyCnormallyDgradually36Aon boardBon handCin sightDat ease37AsoldBexpectedCdeliveredDsignaled38AthanksBinvitationCcreditDapplication39AforgiveBhesitateCadvertiseDapologize40AordersBoffersC


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