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1、2022届陕西省宝鸡市高考模拟检测(二)英语试题2学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Kochs Favorite Fitness AppsPeople spent money on gym memberships. But according to fitness and tech reporter Peter Koch, 67 percent of them never went. It may be wise then to try a fitness app, many of which are more cost-effective than going to a healt

2、h club.AaptivAaptiv allows users to choose from a variety of different workouts, including stretching classes, yoga classes,boxing and weightlifting, according to Koch. It also provides guided audio(音频) workouts, so theres no reason to look at a phone screen, he says.Nike + Run ClubNike + Run Club d

3、oesnt just track and log your runs with a GPS, Koch says, it also provides audio guided runs. “Im a runner myself since high school, and the one thing I see among inexperienced runners is that they tend to go out and run roughly the same distance at roughly the same pace every time,” Koch says. “Its

4、 easy to understand why their fitness might plateau or they might lose interest over time.”Fitbod“Whats really interesting about Fitbod is that it uses AI, or artificial intelligence,” explains Koch. “Every time you hit the weights,” he says, “its not only guiding you step by step through each exerc

5、iseincluding the weight, number of sets and reps but it also takes your performance from that day and uses it to adjust your plan going forward for upcoming sessions.”KeeloKeelo is considered a smart program, meaning the app adjusts according to users progress. The app centers on high-intensity inte

6、rval training, looks at users exercise history and adjust each workout accordingly, says Koch. “Thats a huge aspect of these newer training apps,” he says. “They use this artificial intelligence.”1What type of app works best for a yoga lover?AKeelo.BFitbod.CAaptiv.DNike + Run Club.2Who would most pr

7、obably download Nike + Run Club?AThe new runners.BMarathon athletes.CWalkers.DCyclists.3What do the Fitbod and Keelo have in common?AThey are designed for newcomers.BThey learn from what youre doing.CThey record users health condition.DThey offer many different workouts.Tash was waiting in line at t

8、he supermarket when she noticed the young mum in front of her struggling to pay her bill. Tash knew it was only a matter of time before the womans young child became fussy (难缠的), and she felt for the mum, who appeared upset and embarrassed.Having been in a similar position in the past, Tash didnt he

9、sitate to jump in and pay for her shopping. Her reasoning was simple: “Pay it forward.” “It was just really nice to help her out,” Tash says. “It was only $ 50 or something like that, it wasnt a huge amount. But afterwards, the woman gave me a hug and had tears in her eyes. and I got a bit emotional

10、 as well.”“In todays day and age, with what were all going through, just to get that feeling of, Oh wow, there is good out there. its nice to hear there is a bit of humanity,” Tash says.People start to help others by doing things for other people. But you dont have to break the bank, or even open yo

11、ur wallet, to give paying it forward a go. Psychologist Dr Lishman says offering compliments or praise to strangers, or hand-making items or food for those in need, can serve the same purpose. Alternatively, donating clothes or books to a charity or mentoring (指导) a student can also be considered wa

12、ys to get involved. All you need is to set out with the intention of helping someone you dont know, without any expectation of reward, acknowledgement or payback.That can lead to an increased sense of connection and a rise in feel good hormones, which floods us with positive emotions. Knowing that o

13、ur good deeds can make a “massive difference” to someone elses mental health and mood can also boost our own wellbeing.4What did we know about the young mum?AShe felt annoyed in public.BShe couldnt afford to pay her bill.CShe knew Tash before.DShe bore burden of childcare and life.5How did the woman

14、 feel after getting Tashs help?AAnxious.BMoved.CConfident.DRomantic.6According to Dr Lishman, which of the following is an example of help?AJenny donated clean clothes to a nursing home.BBob received a reward for his part in the rescue.CMary shared homemade food with her friends.DTom charged me half

15、 price for unlocking the door.7What message does the author seem to convey in the text?AOffering a helping hand is a must.BTash is always willing to help others.CGood things often come out of bad situations.DActs of kindness for strangers bring great joy.Topher White spends a lot of time walking in

16、the forest and thinking about how quickly were losing it. He is making an effort to stop global deforestation (滥伐). Founder of the San Francisco based Nonprofit Rainforest Connection, White has developed a simple but ingenious strategy: using old cell phones to listen for the sound of destruction.Fo

17、rests are disappearing worldwide and fast, which not only harms wildlife, including many species that live nowhere else, but also contributes to climate change. “I didnt know any of this stuff when I started,” says White, who began his journey in 2011, when he traveled to Indonesian Borneo to help d

18、ecreasing gibbons (长臂猿). Between 50 and 90 percent of the logging (采伐) that happens in the worlds rain forests is illegal, according to White, yet detecting that activity can be tough. So he has developed a system in which he uses a cell phone staying charged by solar cells and an extra microphone.

19、From there, the device can detect the sounds of chainsaws (电锯) nearly a mile away.Because its unfeasible to have people listening to the devices all the time, he added some “old-school data analysis,” so that the cell phones computers can distinguish a chainsaws sound from others in the forest. This

20、 way, his device can automatically detect logging activity and send a text alert to authorities who can determine if its illegal and then stop it.So far, his monitoring system has been used in Cameroon, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil and will soon be deployed in Bolivia. Its not just about listening for

21、logging. Also, it can pick out the sounds of specific birds, which is why White sees the forest recordings as a potential science tool. He is urging biologists and ecologists to use his monitoring system anywhere, whether its a remote forest or a park in London. “The more we learn about these places

22、,” he says, “the easier it will be to protect them.”8What made Topher White decide to stop global deforestation?AThe problem of global climate change.BThe association of Nonprofit Rainforest Connection.CThe experience of travelling to Indonesian Borneo in 2011.DThe desire to find new uses for old ce

23、ll phones.9What does the underlined word “unfeasible” in paragraph 4 mean?AImpractical.BUnwilling.CImpassive.DUnnecessary.10In Topher Whites opinion, we can protect nature more easily through _.Aupdating advanced technologyBour better understanding of itCdeveloping strong teamwork spiritDgrowing env

24、ironmental awareness11What could be the best title for the text?AA Creative Way Is Used to Protect WildlifeBMeasures Should Be Taken to Preserve NatureCForests Are Disappearing WorldwideDYour Old Cell Phones Can Help Save the Rain Forest“Best space tacos (玉米卷饼) yet,” American astronaut Megan McArthu

25、r wrote on social media Twitter on Oct 30, with a photo of her smiling from ear to ear. The taco feast celebrated the first time peppers were successfully grown on the International Space Station.“Growing colorful vegetables in space can have long-term benefits for physical and psychological health,

26、” said Matt Romeyn, project scientist at NASA, in a statement. The benefits of growing vegetables in space are obvious, but how are they grown?Though astronauts have been growing plants in space for decades, cultivating edible (可食用的) food without the benefits of gravity and natural light has been di

27、fficult. A plant growth system called. Veggie has been used to grow plants on the space station since 2014, according to The New York Times.The Veggie garden is about the size of a piece of luggage and typically holds six plants. Each plant grows in a “pillow” filled with clay and fertilizer. The “p

28、illows” are important for distributing water, nutrients and air in a healthy balance around the roots. Otherwise, the roots would either drown in water or be swallowed by air because liquids in space tend to form bubbles (气泡), according to NASAIn the absence of gravity, plants use other environmenta

29、l factors, such as light, to guide growth, LEDs above the plants produce a light suited for the plants growth. According to NASA, Veggie typically glows (发光) pink, which enables plants to use both blue and red wavelengths more efficiently. Other spectrums of light, like greens, yellows or oranges, a

30、re less useful for plants.So far, US astronauts have successfully grown 10 different crops, including lettuce and radish, on the space station since 2015, according to CNN.Why pick peppers?According to CNN, peppers were chosen for multiple reasons. Peppers provide a great source of vitamin C, as wel

31、l as other key nutrients. Pepper plants self-pollinate (自授花粉的), so they are easy to grow. And they are a pick and eat crop that doesnt have to be cooked. They also contain low microbial levels, so they are safe to eat raw.12Whats the Matts attitude to planting in space according to paragraph 2?AIndi

32、fferent.BCautious.CFavorable.DAmbiguous.13What can we learn about Veggie in the text?AIt has been used for planting in space over one decade.BIt helps to form more bubbles for the plants roots.CIt absorbs the harmful light for the plants growth.DIt provides an adjustable plant growth system.14Why we

33、re peppers picked to be grown on the space station?AThey contain key nutrients for astronauts.BThey have been grown in space for a long time.CThey meet all requirements for planting in space.DThey are the safest ingredients for space tacos.15In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?AFood

34、.BScience.CHealth.DEntertainment.二、七选五Life Skills Start in the HomeI started my kids on household chores young because I refuse to send any of them into the world without being able to provide the most basic care for themselves. We started small such as teaching them how to crack an egg or load the

35、washing machine. We made a game: of it and let it get messy. _16_, the kids were able to eventually get comfortable with the chore, gain competence and then finally achieve confidence.If there is unwillingness or lack of enthusiasm, _17_. Consistency and patience is the key. Keep at it. Years into t

36、his experiment, my 13-year-old son can cook a basic meal and is in charge of cooking on Sunday nights. That means planning, shopping and meal preparation. My 15-year-old daughter has her own night Saturday with the same responsibilities. She also does a lot of car maintenance with me. _18_Jessica La

37、hey, author of “The Gift of Failure,” advocates that we teach our kids autonomy so they will be more motivated to engage in the business of their lives and learn how to be competent. In order to do this, we give our kids clear expectations and _19_. This allow our kids to take ownership of the task,

38、 and they learn to solve problems and deal with failure.Yes, we have had some magnificent disasters in this house. Each one was a moment where we could come together as a family, figure out the solution and deal with the consequences._20_, so they are better prepared for adulthood. It not only gives

39、 them responsibilities around the house but it can be a great bonding activity for the whole family.Adont worry about itBWith these exposuresCPay attention to that problemDThey try to live up to our expectationsEthen step away after we have taught themFEveryone is responsible for their own laundryGK

40、ids start doing chores around the house from a young age三、完形填空There were few areas of science which Robert Hooke didnt risk trying. This 17th century scientist was _21_ for contributing to our knowledge of everything from mathematics and mechanics to biology and astronomy.Robert Hooke began his seri

41、es of interests as a keen _22_. He lived with his parents until the age of 13. Being a sickly child, he was a latecomer to _23_. Instead of attending school, he spent much of his childhood drawing. But his lack of an early education didnt _24_ Hooke realizing his genius. It was his later entrance to

42、 Westminster School that would _25_ him down a scientific path. Here he discovered that his talents lay beyond _26_, particularly in mathematics, mechanics and languages.Hookes _27_ scientific interests helped set the society in motion during its early years. Many people are _28_ of Hookes work in m

43、icroscopy, but in 1653, at the age of 18, Hooke _29_ Christ Church College at Oxford, where he spent much time building telescopes. Shortly after in 1660, he discovered a physical law that would later be _30_ after him: Hookes law. Hooke is best known for discovering and _31_ the living cell. He bec

44、ame the first to examine different fossil types with a microscope and he _32_ how mosquitoes suck blood.After the Great Fire of London in 1666, Hooke was given the opportunity to try his _33_ at architecture to design a monument and decided to _34_ some practicality to the aesthetic (美学). _35_ this

45、60-metre-tall structure, Hooke built an underground _36_ where he could conduct science experiments, while the central passage was built to _37_ a large telescope.Since his death in 1703, scientists continue to be _38_ and benefit from Hookes findings. As he quotes in his book Micrographia, “By the

46、means of _39_, there is nothing so far distant but maybe represented to our view; and by the help of microscopes, there is nothing so _40_ as to escape our inquiry.”21AgratefulBresponsibleCreadyDcareful22AartistBarchitectCinventorDeditor23AresearchBastronomyClanguageDeducation24AhelpBprotectCstopDpu

47、zzle25AtakeBsetCcatchDturn26AsportsBpaintingCphysicsDbiology27AbasicBbroadCcloseDrough28AashamedBtiredCawareDcapable29AleftBnoticedCfoundedDattended30AnamedBmodeledCwrittenDplaced31AformingBobservingCcountingDremembering32AdesignedBaskedCestimatedDuncovered33AhandBfortuneCorderDpatience34AleadBrestrictCaddDrefer35AOnBAmongCUnderneathDOver36AlibraryBstadiumChallDlaboratory37AhouseBmakeCstoreDdisplay38Aspread outBinspired byCfaded awayDi


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