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1、2022年上海市长宁区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1John is _ honest student. He is often praised by his teachers.A/BtheCaDan2Could you wait for me _ a while? I will finish my work in a minute.AforBinCwithDat3Mike stayed awake for hours last night as he had too much _ before going to bed.AbiscuitBcoffeeCnoodl

2、eDchicken wing4_ of the two girls shows interest in talking about the stories on Douyin.AAllBNoneCBothDNeither5Christine wears a red dress today. She looks as _ as a Barbie doll.AbeautifullyBlikelyClovelyDsoftly6 I found a school uniform on the playground. It belong to Alice. Look! Here is her name

3、card.AcouldBmustCneedDshould7Keep a dream in your heart, _ you will achieve what you want.AandBforCbutDor8Dont always tell your partner _ to do next. Let her solve the problem by herself.AhowBwhoCwhatDwhere9Cathy and her friends 2.000 yuan for the homeless animals since the beginning of March.Araise

4、BraisedChave raisedDhad raised10The National Cartoon Exhibition _ in Shanghai every year for fans of all ages.Ais heldBwas heldChas been heldDwill be held11Peter finished_ the last chapter of the story book the day before yesterday.Ato readBreadingCreadDreads12I met Tony last Tuesday. We _ in touch

5、with each other for about 2 years.Adidnt keepBhavent keptCwerent keepingDhadnt kept13My mother expected me _a key school after graduation from the junior school.Ato enterBenterCenteringDentered14_ proud Adam felt when he was elected captain of his basketball team just now!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a15We

6、really enjoy the English film _ we dont quite understand some of the dialogues.AbecauseBunlessCafterDthough二、短文选词填空Choose the proper words or phrases in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once.(选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(本大题共8题,每题一分,共8分,每题只有一个正确选项)Aas well asBdisappo

7、intedCsuch asDspecialE. disagreeMany famous novels have been turned into movies. How did you feel about the movie adaptation (电影改编)? Often, people are _16_ by movie adaptations of their favorite books. Thats because movies are often very different from the books theyre based on. Some people feel tha

8、t a movie should be true to the book. Others _17_ saying that movie directors should be free to make their own artistic decisions. Why would a director choose to make big changes to a story and characters? Here are some reasons.Books can be very long and complicated. Movies have to put everything in

9、to just two hours. The books in J.R.R Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings, for example, are each hundreds of pages long. They include many characters _18_ lots of songs, poems and relationships. Some people feel that the songs and poems are important. They make the books unique and _19_. But if the movie

10、 included all of them, it would take days to watch!Aplaced Bdetails Caudience DdescribingE. performanceMany books include pages of information about what characters are thinking and feeling. But characters in movies cant spend hours explaining their thoughts. Sometimes _20_ about a character are lef

11、t out because there is no easy way to show a thought or feeling on the screen. For example, at the beginning of each Harry Potter book, the author spends pages _21_ Harrys feelings about his school, his home, and the people in his life. If Harry Potter spent twenty minutes in the film explaining how

12、 he feels. Most likely, youd be bored.Some books include words and ideas that are not part of todays world. Movie makers may choose to make some changes to the old stories. For example, the play and movie West Side Story took the characters and plot of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet and _22_ them in

13、modern New York City. There are many different ways to turn books into movies. Its up to the _23_ to decide whether they feel the director made choices that work!三、用所给单词的正确形式填空24Cherry missed her parents a lot after she had studied abroad for a few _. (month)25I hope that my grandmother will still b

14、e healthy and active in her _. (ninety)26Students should learn how to protect _ from different kinds of danger. (they)27You can go to the _ website to check whether the news is real or not. (officer)28Our school prepared many interesting activities to welcome the _ of spring. (arrive)29The street cl

15、eaners have to stop their work because it is raining _ outside. (heavy)30The new underground route will _ the citizens in the north of Shanghai. (service)31I know something _ must have happened, or he wouldnt be so upset. (usual)四、改写句子32Gary did a survey on volunteering in Shanghai Museum last weeke

16、nd.(改为否定句)Gary _ _ a survey on volunteering in Shanghai Museum last weekend.五、划线部分提问33The network in the company will be ready in less than ten minutes.(对划线部分提问)_ _ will the network in the company be ready?六、改写句子34Susan seldom goes out for travelling during the rainy seasons.(改为反意疑问句)Susan seldom go

17、es out for travelling during the rainy seasons, _ _?七、同义句转化35The new store on the corner is crowded with customers these days. (保持句意基本不变)The new store on the corner is _ _ customers these days.八、改写句子36The doctor gave the old man some medicine for his cough.(改为被动语态)Some medicine _ _ to the old man fo

18、r his cough.37“When did you begin to take up skating as your hobby?” Mary asked George. (改为间接引语)Mary asked George_he_to take up skating as his hobby.九、将所给单词连成句子38him, Jacks mother, as his birthday present, yesterday, a new book, bought.(连词成句)_.十、阅读单选People can travel without much money by staying in

19、 other peoples house. Sometimes the travelers may sleep for a few nights on other peoples couch (沙发) for free. This way of travelling is called couch surfing.Couch Surfing.org is an organization that connects travelers all around the world. Members of it can find a place to stay when they travel or

20、share their homes and hometowns with travelers from other places. In this way strangers can help strangers in order to make the world a better place.The organization has millions of members in 238 different countries and it has changed the way of travel forever. Jamie from Australia has traveled in

21、this way all over the world. “When I travelled before, I used to find a cheap hotel to save money, now I stay in really nice houses and apartments. But the best thing isnt the free living condition, its the people you meet. A couch surfing host will usually cook you a meal which helps break the ice.

22、 Then theyll often introduce you to their friends and take you to the places they enjoy. Couch surfing allows you to experience a country and its culture.”_62_ Delphine, an experienced host from Paris, has an answer. “They say that money makes the world go round but I try to help people go round the

23、 world without much money!” she says with a smile. So far she has received more than 100 travelers. “I enjoy meeting people from different cultures and Ive made friends from all over the world,” says Delphine, who is also a professional cook. “And of course, I like sharing French food with them. Usu

24、ally my guests love trying it but Ive had problems sometimes. Once I cooked roast lamb for a guest but unfortunately, when she got here, she told me she was only used to eating vegetables!”The idea of travelling the world for free has even been made into a TV series. Alex and Zsolt from the US set o

25、ut with no money at all. They relied on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter to ask for help. They say, “wherever we went we were always provided with food. All over the world, food is a common bond.”They travelled sixteen different countries and the results were turned into the TV s

26、how Around the World for Free.39Couch surfing is a way for people_.Ato make money from their couchesBto meet other travelersCto travel with less moneyDto get food from the locals40According to Jamie, you can _when you couch surf.Alearn how to cook from the hostBstay in a dear hotel and make friendsC

27、always get a great mealDknow different people and their cultures41The underlined words “break the ice”(in Para.3, Line 5)probably means_.Ahit the ice into piecesBmake people feel at homeChave icy drinksDenjoy their free living condition42What question can be filled in this blanket in Para.4?AWhy do

28、people agree to let a stranger sleep on their couch?BHow do you prefer to eat when youre on a holiday?CWhat does a traveler gain from couch surfing?DHow can you make more money from going round the world?43Delphine is a couch surfing host because she _.Aenjoys cooking for peopleBwants to provide veg

29、etablesCwants to help people go round the worldDexpects to be a famous cook44Alex discovered that all over the world_.Apeople drink fine wineBfood brings people togetherCit is important to bring your own foodDits not easy to travel without money十一、完形填空Amy Purdys challenges began when she was 19. She

30、 was working, snowboarding as much as possible, feeling independent and happy. Then she developed a serious illness, bacterial meningitis (脑膜炎). At the hospital, doctors said she had a 2% chance of survival. When Amy _45_ came home two and a half months later, she had lost both of her legs below the

31、 knee.Soon Amy got her first pair of artificial (假的) legs. They were so painful and ugly. Amy wondered how she would ever be _46_ again. She knew she had to figure out how to live with her new challenges. She asked herself this question: What if her life were a book, and she were the author? How wou

32、ld she want her story to go?The question made her start daydreaming. She _47_ herself walking, helping others, and snowboarding again. Having such a dream was the first step on her new journey. Four months later, Purdy was snowboarding again with _48_. She needed better artificial feet and legs, but

33、 she couldnt find anything that worked. In order to live her dream, she had to be creative: she decided to design a pair of legs herself.Instead of trying to _49_ what she calls the “borders” in her life, Amy pushed off them, using them to force herself to reach higher and farther. Its a strategy(策略

34、) that has worked very well. In 2011 and 2012, Purdy won back-to-back World Cup championships in snowboarding. And that same spring, she inspired millions with her performances on the TV show Dancing with the Stars. She made it all the way to the finals, and got a medal. _50_ writing a book about he

35、r experiences, Amy has founded an organization to help others with disabilities enjoy sports. She gives talks encouraging people to meet challenges, just as she has done.45AcompletelyBsuddenlyCfinallyDcarefully46AactiveBsuccessfulCcreativeDconfident47AcontinuedBpracticedCrequiredDimagined48Apleasure

36、BbreathCdifficultyDpatience49Amake sureBbreak downCget tired ofDpoint out50ABecause ofBWith the help ofCBased onDIn addition to十二、短文首字母填空Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Most people are enjoying their happy family life, but it is not all smiles and laughter. Tr

37、y to make your family life better with hard work and determination following three s_51_ to make your family life better with hard work and determination.Spend time together as a family.Some people are too busy for family time. Every day it should be eating at least one meal together. Make the c_52_

38、 around the table pleasant and caring; maybe ask each person how their day was happening in their school or work life. Doing housework together also helps; they have got to be done to use teamwork and build relationships at the same time.Respect your family members feelings and ideas.Allow members o

39、f your family to e_53_ their own feelings and ideas. Maintain eye contact and dont interrupt when someone is talking. Listen carefully to what they are saying before you judge or disagree. Each family member has his or her own opinions. Try not to be angry at someones opinions. They are allowed to h

40、ave views that differ from y_54_. Even if you think that they are wrong, listen with an open mind to show that you care and remember that no one is p_55_.Dont scream or shout.Always talk politely. Try to stay calm and dont let anger build up in you until you burst out in anger. Uncontrolled anger an

41、d screaming or shouting will get you nowhere. Do not fight with your brothers or sisters. Your time with them is s_56_ than you think; soon you both will be out of the home and grown up. If someone in your family has done something wrong, explain to them g_57_ why you are hurt and give them time to

42、see your opinion.十三、阅读回答问题Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)Last year a boy of four was visiting the museum named Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich with his family when he accidentally knocked the historical jug which was worth up to $2000 off a window ledge (边缘). The jug was broken into 65 pieces and

43、the boy was extremely upset. Later a duty officer took many hours to repair it.Is his family facing a heavy fine or needing to pay the repairs? No, the museum staff told the boy that the jug had been fixed and that all was well now. Yesterday a museum spokesman said: “We have received a call from th

44、e boys mother who told us the little boy and his family were delighted that the puzzle jug had been repaired but they wished to remain anonymous (匿名的).”Many people wrote letters to the editor to show their opinions. Below are some of them.To the editorThe fault (错误) here lies with the museum. They s

45、hould have made sure that the jug was in a secure place where it could not be knocked over. If they have people walking through the museum, they should set up the exhibitions in such a way that they are safe. They are being careless with important historical artifacts (人工艺术品).From TomLondon, UKTo th

46、e editorParents do not teach children how to behave these days. When we were children, we werent allowed to touch anything. It is not the responsibility of the museum to put everything into cabinets (展览柜). The aim of Christchurch Mansion Museum is that the items are seen where they would have been in the house as in the past. It is the PARENTS responsibility to _. The parents were lazy and careless.From SaraNewYork, USATo the editorHow happy to read g


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