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1、2022届江苏省淮安市高三下学期5月模拟测试英语试题 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Learn Python Programming MasterclassDescriptionWhether you want to: build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job move to a more senior software developer position get started with machine learning, data science, or other hot area

2、s that Python specializes in or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills fast.This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as w

3、ell as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.The fact is, Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. By the end of the course youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. An

4、d yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before.Will the course teach me data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence?No, it wont do that All of these topics are branches of Python programming. And all of them require a solid understanding of the Python language.Nearly all

5、 courses on these topics assume that you understand Python. By the end of the course you will be ready to apply for Python programming positions as well as move on to specific areas of Python, as listed above.RequirementA computer Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Setup and installation ins

6、tructions are included for each platform.Your enthusiasm to learn this go-to programming language is a must. Its a valuable lifetime skill which you cant un-learn!Everything else needed to start programming in Python is already included in the course. Enroll (报名) now!1Who is this course targeted at?

7、AA software developer.BA Python specialist.CAn existing programmer.DAn absolute IT beginner.2What can you learn from this course?AData science.BPython programming.CArtificial intelligence.DMachine learning.3What is required of enrollers?ABuying an Apple Mac computer.BMastering a valuable lifetime sk

8、ill.CBeing expert at computer programming.DBeing enthusiastic about programming.It was the middle of a night in 1979 when Bibi Bahramis father awoke her and the rest of the family, telling them they must flee their home immediately. Not knowing what was happening, Bibi and her family of 12 began a d

9、ifficult two-day journey on foot to Pakistan, where Bahrami and her family spent the next six years living in a refugee (难民) camp.“Because of security, girls did not have school there. But my brothers did, and I was very eager to learn and studied with my brothers,” said Bahrami.Despite the hardship

10、s, the camp did bring a new light into her life. Its where she met her future Afghan husband.Bahrami and her husband, Saber, moved to Indiana, raised six kids and eventually brought her parents to the US. Being out of Afghanistan provided Bahrami with lots of experiences that wouldnt be available to

11、 her back home. Deep inside, Bahrami had her dream to help the women and children back in Afghanistan.Then, the events of September 11, 2001 took place.“I have to do something now,” said Bahrami. Thats when her foundation, AWAKEN (Afghan Womens and Kids Education and Necessities), began to take shap

12、e. In 2005, AWAKEN built a vocation center for women that taught reading and writing.And in August 2021, Bahrami started a new project, MARRC (Muncie Afghan Refugee Resettlement Committee). Its an all-volunteer group that helps Afghan refugees find housing, jobs and support.“In Afghanistan, and in m

13、any countries alike, women have suffered and have not been paid equally,” said Bahrami. “God created all of us with equal rights and opportunities. There might be barriers but we have our rights. It is time for the world to recognize the values of women to ensure a better future!”4What do we know ab

14、out education in the refugee camp?ABoys could help girls in school.BBoys would learn security lessons.CGirls didnt attend school for safety.DGirls used to learn together with boys.5When was Bahramis foundation AWAKEN born?AIn 1979.BIn September 2001.CIn 2005.DIn August 2021.6What can Afghan refugees

15、 benefit from MARRC?ABuilding houses.BChanging jobs.CActing as volunteers.DHaving houses to live.7What can we learn from the last paragraph?AWe ought not to ignore womens values.BWe need to recognize barriers to womens future.CWomen in Afghanistan enjoy equal pay for equal work.DWomen worldwide have

16、 equal rights and opportunities.A wearable interactive display made of a flexible, breathable electronic fabric can display simple maps and text messages, potentially for use in future smart clothing, a research group reports in their latest paper.Previous research has developed flexible thin-film d

17、isplays that are rollable, foldable and stretchable. However, such electronics have not yet been successfully integrated into clothing. This is because it has proven challenging to design fabric displays that are both durable over time and easy to assemble over a large area.Now, Chinese scientists h

18、ave woven bands of a new fabric display roughly 20 feet long by 10 inches wide. To make the new fabric, polymer scientists Peining Chen and Huisheng Peng at Fudan University in Shanghai and their colleagues weave electrically transparent fibers into a flexible, breathable fabric. The fabric is about

19、 as bright as the average flat-screen TV. The researchers noted their prototype (雏形) was also significantly more durable than conventional flexible thin-film displays, making it more suitable for practical use. One likely application for this is wearable displays. The researchers integrated a touch-

20、sensitive 16-button fabric keyboard, solar-energy-harvesting threads and battery fibers into their fabric to add interactivity and a power supply. They added electronics to wirelessly link it to a smartphone via a Bluetooth connection so users could send and receive messages on their sleeves, as wel

21、l as see their real-time locations on a map.In the future, smart clothing might help display messages from people with voice, speech and language problems. And it might even work in concert with devices that can decode (译解) complex brain waves to figure out what these people would like to say but ca

22、nnot. However, “putting displays with 36 volts (伏特) directly on the body may potentially be a concern,” cautioned Bao, chemical engineer at Stanford University in California.8What does the underlined word “assemble” mean in the second paragraph?AFit together.BTake in.CBuild up.DPut out.9What is para

23、graph 3 mainly about?AThe making of a fabric display and its potential use.BThe novel application of Bluetooth to wearable displays.CThe introduction of a unique fabric and its future.DThe contrast between conventional displays and wearable ones.10What can we infer about smart clothing from the last

24、 paragraph?ASuch clothing poses no danger to wearers.BSuch clothing can get wearers ideas across.CIt can receive and send complex brain waves.DIt enables people with voice problems to speak.11Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?ASay No to Conventional Flexible Thin-film DisplaysB

25、Wearable Electronic Displays Is to Appear on ClothingCSay Yes to Wearable Electronic Displays on ClothingDWearable Electronic Displays May Get Your Ideas acrossThe idea of dressing for success used to be relatively straightforward; wear formal clothes, the smarter the better. In traditional offices,

26、 those at the top of the pyramid would invariably be found in a suit.The rise of the tech sector shifted this fixed idea. Picture Silicon Valleys most high-profile leaders, and the clothes that spring to mind are jeans, hoodies and black turtlenecks. In 2020, the widespread switch to remote work ove

27、rturned work dress codes altogether. With so many different dress codes at play across companies, is it possible to dress for the job you want?“Youre sending a message about where you position yourself and what you want to,” says career confidence coach Sarah Archer from London. “We might dress simi

28、larly to our peers to help us feel like we belong. Or if youre wanting to move forward in your career, you might dress as you perceive the leaders dress to show that youre ready to move into this group.”However, getting the balance wrong by overdressing can send a negative message. An estimated 79%

29、of workplaces in the US now have a casual dress code. Turning up in a suit to signal ambition or promotion hopes could actually damage your reputation. “Youre going to look and feel like a fish out of water,” says Archer. “Overdressing shows that you havent read the culture, or you havent been obser

30、vant, and that you dont necessarily fit in.”Still, dressing the part can help position you for success and the key to getting it right is careful observation. The right outfit might look very different in different workplaces, and showing you understand the unspoken rules of dress code could give yo

31、u an edge.“Dressing for the job you want is still good advice,” says Joey Price, founder of Jumpstart. “As long as you have to impress somebody on the way up, your appearance really does play a role in that.”12How does the author introduce the topic?ABy making comparisons.BBy listing examples.CBy st

32、ating arguments.DBy giving descriptions.13What might be the reason behind dressing like the leaders?ATo value the job.BTo earn peers respect.CTo move up the career ladder.DTo be a fish out of water.14What matters most about dressing the part?ADressing more formally.BDressing as one is told.CIgnoring

33、 the unspoken rules.DWatching closely.15Whats Prices attitude towards “dressing for the job”?ADoubtful.BUnclear.CApproving.DCautious.二、七选五Becoming a positive thinkerSome people seem to be born with positive attitudes. _16_ Developing a positive attitude is typically a process of replacing old habits

34、 of negativity with confidence. While some may be hard to break, no habit is too fixed to be changed.Accept your accomplishments. _17_ Our attitude is often the difference in whether we consider the cup half-empty or half-full. Practice celebrating the victories even the small ones such as meeting a

35、 deadline, accomplishing a task you dislike or solving a difficult problem. Consider obstacles (障碍) as problems to be solved by recognizing the knowledge gained through failure.Turn capacity into capability. Humans are born with an enormous amount of capacity ones innate (与生俱来的) physical, intellectu

36、al, and emotional abilities but little capability without learning and practice. _18_ The Einsteins and Hawkings of the world do not know “E equal MC squared” or theories about black holes at birth. Their insights were the result of years of study and boring mathematical calculations. In other words

37、, they transformed their capacity for intellectual breakthroughs into capability._19_ When your inner monologue starts suggesting that you will never get your assignments done on time or that the work is too hard, find a way to take a more positive view of the situation. For example, if you are stru

38、ggling to finish a research paper on time, look for ways that you can rearrange your schedule to make more time for the project rather than giving in to hopelessness.Being a positive thinker is not about ignoring reality in favor of hopeful thoughts. _20_AFocus on your thoughts.BWatch carefully for

39、negative self-talk.CEvery life is filled with wins and losses.DIt is more about taking a proactive approach to your life.ESelf-blame is another common type of negative thinking.FFortunately, those not so lucky can learn to be positive thinkers.GFor example, a child has two legs but needs training to

40、 master the skill.三、完形填空My father has been called cheap for most of his life, by family members, friends, colleagues, and me.I remember him _21_ around the house to turn lights off all the time, even if the rooms occupant had just left to make a _22_ phone call. He doesnt like to use the _23_ on his

41、 car because he doesnt want to wear them out. So he coasts (靠惯性滑行) when hes _24_ a red light, which he believes minimizes brake wear and tear. Dad also prefers to use hand signals out the window instead of the cars _25_ lights.As cheap as he is, my father is also one of the most _26_ people I know.

42、All my life, he has given time and money to the _27_ he cares about, from homelessness and hunger to AIDS campaigns. He _28_passes a panhandler on the street without giving him the coins. When it came time for my sister and brother and me to _29_ college, we were never told to limit our _30_ to a st

43、ate school or other lower-cost options. _31_, our parents sent us to some of the best and most _32_ schools in the country. Neither our father nor our mother ever complained about the high tuition. That was not only generosity in the extreme, but also a(n) _33_ of my parents priorities.I _34_ my fat

44、hers compulsive frugality (节俭) a lot, but as I got older, I realized that I had internalized a lot of his _35_ about money.21AskippingBspringingCrushingDmarching22AbriefBremoteCnormalDlong23AlightsBwindowsCwheelsDbrakes24AleavingBapproachingCfacingDwaiting25AturningBflashingCredDyellow26AgenerousBor

45、dinaryCfamousDcommon27AhobbiesBschedulesCcausesDinterests28AsimplyBoccasionallyCusuallyDrarely29AvisitBattendCleaveDfinish30AsightsBsupportsCwishesDneeds31AOtherwiseBBesidesCInsteadDHowever32AexpensiveBcomprehensiveCindependentDdistant33AoriginBideaChopeDsign34Ashowed offBlooked atClonged forDcompla

46、ined about35AconcernsBattitudesCfindingsDmistakes四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinas double-reduction policies aimed at easing education-related pressure are _36_ (effect), according to the figures based on the feedback from 108,000 primary and middle schools across the country abou

47、t changes ever since the reforms._37_ the respondents, 96.3% said they are providing after-school services to benefit working parents. More than 77 million students have signed up for such services.Fifty-seven million parents were also involved in a random survey. 99.6% said that thanks to the policies, they are bearing _38_ (few) responsibilities such as checking their childrens homework. As many as 97.5% expressed _39_ (satisfy) with the policies.As part of the reforms, the government has sough


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