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1、2023届广东省惠州市高三上学期第三次调研考试试题英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解We are always looking for people who have the same interest to join our community. We always value an extra pair of hands and would love for you to come along and help us at the first Run Alton Towers 5k, 10k or Half Marathon on October 30th!Not onl

2、y will you be guaranteed a fabulous day out, but also receive some incredible benefits!A free entry into the Alton Towers Resort on either Saturday or Sunday to enjoy the rides after the event. A FREE Run ThroughKit Technical T-Shirt(RRP:22)!On the race day, you could be:Placed in charge of a water

3、station, meaning that you will ensure that runners passing by can quickly grab some water on their way! You will also be cheering the runners as they pass by!Supporting fellow runners on the course is a role like no other. You will be ensuring all runners follow the race route, assisting them with a

4、ny issues they may have during the race and also cheering them on every step of the way! In this role, your smiley face can change a runners race from a good run to a great run. Lucky enough to be right in the middle of the finish line! As a finish line assistant, you will have the job of giving all

5、 our amazing runners their one-of-a-kind event medals! You may also be in charge of handing out post race goodies, including snacks and water.1Who are the intended readers of the text?ASpectators.BSponsors.CParticipants.DVolunteers.2What is a benefit of taking part in the activity?AGet a T-Shirt fre

6、e of charge.BEnjoy free snacks and water.CTake free rides on weekends.DChange the route of the race.3What are you supposed to do in the finish line?ALead the way for the runners.BCheer up the runners warmly.CAward runners special medals.DAssist the runners with the run.It was a bright May afternoon

7、along the Maryland coast. Jonathan Bauer, and his 13-year-old daughter, Ava, were driving with the windows down as they headed home on the bridge. Suddenly, the calm was disturbed by the squeal of tires. Not far ahead of them, a pickup(皮卡车) was drifting from one lane to the other. It slammed into a

8、concrete barrier, flipped over the car directly ahead of them, and came to rest hanging over the railing of the bridge. Bauer hit the brakes in time, but another car came sliding backward toward him and struck his cars fender(挡泥板). Bauer stopped his car. “Ava, are you OK?” he asked. She was shaken,

9、but otherwise unhurt. And then a scream came from the pickup above the waters of the bay. The driver dashed to the railing. Bauer ran up beside him. The man pointed down, saying something in Spanish. There was a car seat in the water. Struggling next to it was a girl, about two years old, terrified,

10、 floating on her back and crying. Matters quickly went worse when the girl rolled over onto her stomach. “Ava! Stay by the car!” Bauer yelled, drooping to remove his shoes. Would he get hurt? Could he reach the girl in time? No time to wonder. All he had in mind was the faith that she must be saved

11、immediately. A moment later he was bouncing off the sandy bottom-unhurt! Bauer swam to the girl and lifted her out of the water: mouth half open, eyes nearly closed, not breathing. Standing, he laid her against his shoulder and hit at her back with the flat of his hand. Water came streaming from her

12、 mouth and slowly her eyes were opened. He pulled her close, hugging her to shelter her from the cold. A boat pulled up and hauled them aboard. Ava Bauer was so inspired by her fathers actions that four months later she became a firefighter so that she, too, could save lives. “That girl is going to

13、live a whole life because of him,” she says. “Its incredible.”4What can we learn about Bauer and his daughter from the first two paragraphs?AThey had a great time along the Maryland coast.BThey crashed their car into others on the bridge.CThey suffered a severe hit and hung over the railing.DThey wi

14、tnessed a terrible accident on the way home.5Why did Bauer run forward next to the pickup driver?AHe saw a girl struggling in the water.BHe was asked to help the pickup driver.CHe was caught by the cry from the pickup.DHe was concerned about the falling of the pickup.6Which words can best describe B

15、auer?AWarm-hearted and modest.BStrong-willed and optimistic.CDetermined and considerate.DGood-tempered and intelligent.7What can be a suitable title for the text?AA Leap of FaithBAn Unexpected CrashCA Moment of InspirationDA Well-organized RescueMorogoro, Tanzia, British research scientist, Dr. Donn

16、a Kean is training 170 rats to be sent into earthquake ruins to do vital work in finding earthquake survivors. The project has trained about seven rats to date, taking around two weeks to get the rescue rats up to speed. These rescue rats are sent into mock(模拟的)earthquake ruins with tiny backpacks t

17、hat contain microphones, video gears, and location trackers. These tools will allow the rescue teams to communicate with earthquake survivors in real-time. “I train these clever creatures to save victims trapped in collapsed buildings after earthquakes. We kit them out with a rat backpack, and train

18、 them to activate a switch when they find a victim and come back for a tasty treat. ” posted Dr Donna Kean on Twitter on May 26, 2022. Dr. Kean expressed how the rescue rats are ideal for this type of work saying, “Rats would be able to get into small spaces to get victims buried in rubble. ” The hi

19、ghly swift rats never set off landmines and their natural swiftness makes them ideal for use in hard-to-navigate disaster zones. Their suitability for this work goes further, with rats being good at surviving in different environments and living off of anything. The rescue rats are even being traine

20、d to respond to beeps that call them back to their base. Dr. Keans team collaborates(合作) with the non-profit organization APOLO for their “Hero Rats” project. These “Hero Rats” are set to start working with a search and rescue team in Turkey, joining earthquake rescue efforts in the high-risk area.

21、The group of 170 rats is being trained for additional projects involving landmines, tuberculosis (肺结核), and even sniffing out Brucellosis, an infectious disease that impacts farm animals. Dr. Kean feels hopeful about her projects promising results and is excited to be the only organization in this s

22、pace working with this species.8Why are the rescue rats equipped with backpacks?ATo monitor the rats.BTo locate the survivors.CTo record the rescue process.DTo keep track of the survivors.9According to the passage, what can a trained rescue rat do?ASet off landmines accurately.BDig out those buried

23、in rubble.CFigure out the signal from beeps.DComplete the task without a reward.10What make(s) rats outweigh other animals in this project?ATheir efforts in training.BTheir nature of rescuing.CTheir eagerness for survivals.DTheir adaptability to environments.11What can be inferred about the “Hero Ra

24、ts“ project?AThe results fail to prove the potential.BThe rats have to be trained repeatedly.CThe project probably pioneers in the space.DThe rats have been widely used in various fields.When the Titanic sank, approximately 1, 509 of its 2214 passengers passed away. A majority of them died because t

25、he ship carried lifeboats for only half of the people on board. By all accounts, most died either by drowning or of hypothermia, since the temperature of the water was -2 C (28 F), in which death occurs in about fifteen minutes. The survival rate for men was 19%, for women 72%, and for children, 50%

26、. Most survivors were first class passengers, followed by second class, and finally third class. Six of the seven children in first class survived, and all of the children in second class survived, but only about 31 percent were saved in third class. In short, the available evidence from the Titanic

27、 disaster suggests that we often care for others, even at some cost to ourselves. But why? Do we in fact psychologically tend to be altruistical? Or are we blank slates (白板) on which culture and education draws our character, for better or worse? The survival rates of women and children appear to su

28、pport the former explanation; but the culturally prejudiced explanations of those facts appear to support the latter. Is there a way to judge between them?The blank slate theory of human nature is related to the seventeenth-century English philosopher, John Locke. He argued that the mind should be c

29、onsidered as a blank sheet of paper until it is furnished by experience, which varies from person to person. Lockes theory was a particularly effective way to weaken the influence of the church and of kings right to rule, both of which were held to be self-evidently true. The belief of the blank sla

30、te has proved to be greatly influential, extending far beyond the field of political theory. The social sciences generally have tried to explain human behavior as a product of the socialization of children by culture and education.12Which group has the highest survival rate in the Titanic accident?A

31、Men in second class.BMen in third class.CChildren in first class.DChildren in second class.13What does the underlined word “altruistical” in paragraph 2 probably mean?ABenefiting others.BHurting oneself.CReceiving education.DMaking explanations.14Why does the author mention the survival rate?ATo mak

32、e a survey.BTo describe a scene.CTo provide evidence.DTo summarize the event.15Which of the following would John Locke probably agree with?ACulture and education shape our character.BAdult minds are like a blank sheet of paper.CHumans are born kind and willing to sacrifice.DA powerful government wil

33、l change the culture.二、七选五Being “outdoorsy” can stir up images of big beautiful national parks, snowy slopes or thick forests. _16_. They dont require the time, money or physical mobility of a big trip. Here are some steps you can take to get closer to nature. Think of time in nature as a “multivita

34、min”its best to take it every day. _17_. If youre spending hours staring at a computer screen, you might feel pretty exhausted afterward. But if you get breaks or even micro restorative moments by getting outside, you recover some energy to use that mental muscle so you can do things that are hard t

35、o do. Find the people who enjoy the same activities. It takes some of the pressure off trying to explore the outdoors alone. _18_In a world where were constantly flooded with images of what an “outdoorsy person” should look like, finding your people might feel like a challenge. _19_. You can bring t

36、he outdoors into your world. We are a part of nature, and nature is a part of us-regardless of where we are. Need a quick break from your “work screen time” for some “fun screen time”? Theres a nature fix for that: Check out the Find That Lizard game on your phone, where you have to find a lizard ca

37、mouflaged (伪装) in its natural environment. _20_You can barbecue in your yard or the park, or open a window to get some fresh air. These are great options if youre living in a city, or if youre on a budget.ATrying to get off screens?BNeeding a low-budget outdoor break?CSo nature is actually what you

38、need to function well.DBut smaller moments in nature have been just as valuable.EIts also an important way to stay safe in more remote areas.FGetting your daily amount of nature is vital to your well-being.GRemember, you dont have to be outdoors to experience nature.三、完形填空“New Recruits Wanted!” The

39、sign caught my eye. It revived my _21_ of becoming a firefighter. I just retired and was getting sixty already. But years spent as a First Aid Attendant had built a certain “rescue _22_”in me that gave me the confidence to fill out an application. To my delight, I was _23_ for training, as the oldes

40、t recruit, though. It was _24_. We were required to crawl around with extremely heavy devices on our backs, searching for victims in the dark. Afterwards, my poor old knees screamed, my back ached, and I thought about _25_ . One day, my friend paid a visit and _26_a book to me as a present, which wa

41、s illustrated with firefighters in action. And it was signed with a personalized message of _27_, encouraging me to follow my dream. As I _28_ through the pages, I marvelled (使惊叹) at the courage and dedication of these _29_ individuals. It gave me strength to _30_. I knew then what mattered were my

42、attitude and perseverance, not my age. Over the next few weeks, the training continued to be _31_, but I never lost focus again. _32_, I was certified as a firefighter. I found a place where I fit in. Then came my _33_moment in 2014, when my peers voted me Firefighter of the Year. Now, Its been almo

43、st ten years since I walked into the fire hall, wondering if I was being _34_. Here I am, rapidly approaching seventy. I know that you are never too old to _35_your life; never too old to take on a new challenge; never too old to follow your dream.21AtaskBdreamCmomentDhabit22AmentalityBpurposeCpatte

44、rnDstyle23AdelayedBneededCacceptedDrespected24AsimpleBinterestingCtoughDexciting25AdisappearingBcomplainingCquittingDchanging26ApassedBlentCshowedDgifted27AhelpBloveCinspirationDwarning28AcountedBcameCgotDleafed29AbraveBenergeticCconfidentDcommitted30Atry outBcarry onCcheer upDback off31AirregularBp

45、rofessionalCunexpectedDintense32AAccidentallyBUndoubtedlyCNormallyDEventually33AproudestBluckiestCpurestDmaddest34AfoolishBfragileCkindDpatient35AobserveBredefineCrewriteDappreciate四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入. 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I finally had the opportunity to visit the city I am going to study in

46、. The first thing I needed to do was to buy some daily _36_(necessity). Some local chain supermarkets could be seen everywhere, so it was extremely _37_(convenience) for my roommates and me to purchase household goods. _38_surprised me most was that WeChat and Alipay are both widely used here to pay

47、 for bills, whether in a large supermarket _39_in a small restaurant. I first learned about these places through Hong Kong movies and TVB dramas. When truly _40_(walk) into the places that I had only seen on screen, I felt like I was experiencing the lives of those characters in the film again. The people were mostly friendly and easygoing. When I talked to them in Mandarin, sometimes, I _41_(ask)which province I am from, and there were several times I ran into fellow townsmen. I was extremely grateful _42_(receive) much warm help from them. Once I cou


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