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1、1/56词词汇汇专专项项复复习习卷卷一一时间:60 分钟满分:100 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分考考点点一一:名名词词一、【词义、类别】读一读,将下列单词填入相应的类别中。(8 分)beefEnglishgrandpanosericefarmerChineseplanearmmathsmusicshipeyeparentlegcousinelephantpandabreadtraincoattigerdriverdressshirtmonkeycookunclesaladsweaterbusdoctor二、【可数名词的复数】写出下列单词的复数形式。(10 分)1.book_

2、2.chair_3.horse_4.photo_5.toy_6.bus_7.box_8.potato_9.sandwich_10.brush_11.baby_12.country_13.knife_14.leaf_15.man_16.child_17.foot_18.tooth_19.sheep_20.deer_三、【可数名词和不可数名词】根据提示给下列单词分类。(12 分)breadapplewatermilklakegrapeforkcomputerbeefjuiceriverteahandsoupmoneyhairwindowmouthduckchickenricecarkeymeat可

3、数名词:_Food_Body_Subiect_Family_Animal_Clothes_Traffic_Job_2/56_不可数名词:_四、【名词所有格】写出下列词的所有格形式。(9 分)1.Mike_2.Miss Smith_ 3.Amy and Sarah_4.mother_5.doctor_ 6.girls_7.teachers_ 8.children_ 9.women_五、【名词的应用 1】读一读,圈出正确的一项。(5 分)1.Would you like some(milkapple)?2.There are many(manmen)in the gym.3.The(leaflea

4、ves)of the trees are yellow and red in autumn.4.I like(tomatostomatoes)They are healthy and delicious.5.We can see some(sheepsheeps)on the farm.6.That girl is my(sisterbrother).7.Is this your(coatpants)?8.She is(Mr.Mrs.)Green,our new headmaster.9.There is a river in front of our school.We often go t

5、o school by(busferry).10.He lives in London.Thats in(the UKthe USA).六、【名词的应用 2】用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)1.Those_(horse)are eating grass in the field.2.This is my bedroom.And that is my _(parent).3.There is some_(bread)in the fridge.4.Do you like_(candy)?Yes,I do.5.I would like some_(peach)for dinner.6.Are t

6、hese your socks?No,they arent.They are my_(sister).7.How much_(pork)do you want?I want one kilo.8.The _(child)all over the world will get gifts on _(child)3/56Day.9.I can see many _(bus)on the road.10.Sarah is_(Mr Black)daughter.七、【名词的应用 3】根据句意及图片提示写出单词。(图片顺序与题目顺序不相符)(10 分)1.We can see it in the sky

7、 when it is sunny.But we cant see it at night.Its veryhot.Its the _.2.They are pretty.They are colourful.Most of them smell good.We can see themin different seasons.They are_.3.Its a part of our body.We have two.We hear with them.They are our_.4.Its a kind of food.Its long.In China,we often eat it o

8、n our birthday.We canput eggs,vegetables,meat.in it.It is the_.5.Its a country.Its very big and beautiful.Pandas live in it.The Great Wall is init,too.Its _.6.Its a kind of fruit.Its yellow.Its soft.Its sweet.Monkeys like it.Its the_.7.Its a kind of job.They send letters and postcards to us.They are

9、_.8.Its a kind of place.There are many books in it.We can borrow books and readbooks in it.Its a _.9.Its a kind of room.We make meals in it.The fridge is often in it.Its the_.10.Its a kind of class.We run.We jump.We play basketball.We play football.Its the _class.4/56考考点点二二:数数词词八、【基数词】读一读,找出规律,写一写。(

10、5 分)1.twoeightfourteen_2.onethreefive_3.tentwentythirty_4.twofoursix_5.seventeensixteenfifteen_6.twentytwotwentyeighteen_7.twentyfourtwelvesix_ 8.tenthirtyfifty_9.fivetenfifteen_10.sixninetwelve_九、【序数词】读一读,将下列数词按从大到小的顺序排列。(9 分)fifthfirst thirdsixteenthnineteenththirtietheleventheighthsecond_十、【数词的变形

11、】数一数,写出对应的基数词与序数词。(4 分)1._ _2._ _3._ _4._ _十一、【数词的应用】读一读,选择正确的一项。(10 分)()1.Look,the girl in a red Tshirt is the _.A.oneB.firstC.three()2.Fifteen and fourteen is _.5/56A.nineteenB.ninthC.twentynine()3.There are_ days in a week.Wednesday is the_day.A.seven;fourthB.seventh;fourC.seven;four()4.There are

12、 _minutes in an hour,and _ hours in a day.A.six;twentyB.sixty;twentyfourC.twentyfour;four()5.Teachers Day is on September the _.A.tenthB.tenC.first考考点点三三:冠冠词词十二、【冠词的应用 1】读一读,用 a/an/the 填空。(注意大小写)(5 分)1.There is _ elephant over there.2.Lets put_“S”in the blank.3.Would you like_hamburger or_ice cream?

13、4.He puts on _ Tshirt and _pair of trousers.5.You have _ hour to finish it.6.This is _ old sweater.That is_new orange sweater.7.Linda likes music.She can play _ piano well.8.January is _ first month of a year.9._West Lake is in Hangzhou.10.Beijing is_capital of China.十三、【冠词的应用 2】读一读,选择恰当的一项。(8 分)()1

14、.Can you play _violin?A.aB.anC.the()2.I have _ egg for breakfast._ egg is delicious.A.a;TheB.an;TheC.an;A()3.Im _ tallest boy in our class.A.aB.anC.the()4._ Great Wall is very famous in _China.A.The;/B.A;theC./;the()5.His birthday is in_ July.That is_seventh month of ayear.6/56A.the;theB.a;theC./;th

15、e()6.Look,I see _monkey._monkey is jumping up anddown.A.a;TheB.an;TheC.the;A()7._Beijing is_ capital city of China.A.The;aB./;theC.The;/()8.There is_kite in _ sky.A.an;aB.a;aC.a;the7/56词词汇汇专专项项复复习习卷卷一一答答案案一、Food:beefricebreadsaladBody:nosearmeyelegSubject:EnglishChinesemathsmusicFamily:grandpaparent


17、applelakegrapeforkcomputerriverhandwindowmouthduckchickencarkey不可数名词:breadwatermilkbeefjuiceteasoupmoneyhairchickenricemeat四、1.Mikes2.Miss Smiths3.Amy and Sarahs4.mothers5.doctors6.girls7.teachers8.childrens9.womens五、1.milk 点拨:some 后可接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式,此题应选择不可数名词 milk。2.men 点拨:many 后接可数名词的复数形式。3.leave

18、s 点拨:通过句中的系动词 are 可判断此处应为复数。4.tomatoes 点拨:此处应使用可数名词的复数形式,tomato 的复数形式为tomatoes。5.sheep 点拨:sheep 的复数形式与单数形式相同。6.sister 点拨:由 girl 可是此处为 sister。8/567.coat 点拨:通过句中的 Is this,可判断此处应为单数形式。8.Mrs.点拨:由 She 可知此处用 Mrs.。9.ferry 点拨:通过第一句我们可以判断出 ferry 应为正确答案。10.the UK 点拨:伦敦为英国的城市。六、1.horses2.parents3.bread4.candy/

19、candies5.peaches6.sisters7.pork8.children;Childrens9.buses10.Mr Blacks七、1.sun2.flowers3.ears4.noodles5.China6.banana7.postmen8.library9.kitchen10.PE点拨:完成此题,先要观察十幅图片分别代表什么内容,再认真阅读句子,抓住关键信息进行匹配。如第 1 题根据晚上看不到、热等信息我们可以确定答案为太阳。八、1.twenty2.seven3.forty4.eight5.fourteen6.sixteen7.three8.seventy9.twenty10.f

20、ifteen九、thirtiethnineteenthsixteentheleventheighthfifththirdsecondfirst十、1.fivefifth2.nineninth3.ten tenth4.thirtythirtieth十一、1.B2.C3.A4.B5.A十二、1.an2.an 点拨:字母 s 的发音是以元音音素开始的。3.a;an4.a;a5.an 点拨:hour 虽然以辅音字母开始,但 h 不发音,其第一个音素为元音音素。6.an;a7.the8.the9.The10.the十三、1.C点拨:表示演奏某种乐器时,要在乐器前加 the。2.B点拨:在文中第一次提到某

21、事物,用不定冠词 a 或 an,再次提到用the。3.C点拨:形容词的最高级前用 the。4.A点拨:Great Wall 为专有名词,前面要加 the,国家名称前一般不加9/56the。5.C点拨:月份名称前不加 the,表示“第个”,序数词前加 the。6.A7.B点拨:Beijing 为城市名称,其前不加 the。8.C10/56词词汇汇专专项项复复习习卷卷二二时间:60 分钟满分:100 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分考考点点一一:形形容容词词和和副副词词一、【词性转换】按要求写出下列单词。(5 分)1.sun(形容词)_2.cloud(形容词)_3.rain(形容词)

22、_4.snow(形容词)_5.good(副词)_6.friend(形容词)_7.happy(副词)_8.careful(副词)_9.quick(副词)_10.sad(副词)_二、【形容词比较级】写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(5 分)1.tall_2.young_3.thin_4.big_5.heavy_ 6.easy_7.nice_8.late_9.good_ 10.bad_三、【词性辨析】读一读,选出每组词中不同类的一项。(5 分)()1.A.snowyB.sunnyC.wind()2.A.happyB.wellC.nice()3.A.betterB.coldC.cool()4.A.quie

23、tB.slowlyC.shy()5.A.biggerB.thinnerC.beautiful四、【词义】选出与画线单词意思相对的一项。(5 分)()1.We like the same colour.A.busyB.interestingC.different()2.He is very weak.He needs to play sports.A.youngB.strongC.tired()3.Its cold and rainy.We should stay at home.A.hotB.warmC.cool11/56()4.My father is very thin.A.fatB.lo

24、ngC.short()5.I think your new schoolbag is expensive.A.importantB.prettyC.cheap五、【应用】读一读,选择正确的一项。(10 分)()1.How_are you?Im ten.A.oldB.tallC.heavy()2.How_are you?Im 1.65 metres.A.oldB.tallC.heavy()3.I can play football _.A.beautifulB.niceC.well()4.I like _days.A.the rainB.rainyC.sun()5.Winter is comin

25、g.The weather is getting_.A.colder and colderB.warmer and warmerC.hot and hot()6.I want to buy_for my son.A.blue somethingB.something blueC.nothing blue()7.Dont be _again.Please get up_.A.early;lateB.late;lateC.late;early()8.I think you are the _.A.bestB.betterC.good()9._food can make our body _.A.H

26、ealth;healthB.Health;healthyC.Healthy;healthy()10.The film is _.We are all _.A.exciting;excitedB.excited;excitingC.exciting;exciting12/56考考点点二二:代代词词六、【代词的类别】读一读,发现规律,完成下列表格。(17 分)Imeminehehisusourselvesshehersherselfyourthemtheirs七、【代词的应用 1】读一读,选择正确的一项填空。(9 分)1._(IMy)have a pen._(IMy)pen is blue.2._

27、(HeShe)is a girl._(HisHer)name is Lucy.3._(WeOur)like blue._(WeOur)favourite colour is blue.4.My father is washing_(hisher)car.Lets help_(herhim).5.Is this Dannys pencil?No,its not _(myhis)pencil.八、【代词的应用 2】读一读,选择正确的一项。(6 分)()1.Its not _bike._is blue.A.my;MyB.your;YourC.my;Mine()2.Let _ help _.A.me;

28、youB.you;IC.I;you()3._want to buy some flowers for _grandmother.A.We;youB.They;theirC.He;his()4._likes playing football very much.A.SheB.WeC.They()5._bag is this?A.WhoB.WhoseC.Whos()6.Look at the hat.Is that_,Lily?No,its not_.A.your;meB.yours;meC.yours;mine13/56考考点点三三:介介词词九、【介词的应用 1】判断下列句子是否与图片内容相符,

29、相符写 T,不相符写 F。(5 分)()1.The pen is on the desk.()2.There are some trees behind the house.()3.The cat is in the box.()4.The children are in front of the tree.()5.The picture is on the desk.十、【介词的应用 2】读一读,选择正确的介词补全句子。(10 分)atonforofwithinfromaftertoby1.Would you like some milk _breakfast?2.I often do my

30、 homework _dinner.3.Please get up _6:10 tomorrow.4.Whose birthday is _July?5.Is the new park far _the supermarket?6.We will go to Shanghai _ August 10th.7.Are you afraid _ the big dog?8.I like to play pingpong_ my cousin.9.They usually go to school _bike.10.Danny is so excited.He runs _the bus quick

31、ly.考考点点四四:动动词词十一、【动词的分类】将下列单词按要求归类。(10 分)14/56readdancewascandodoesplayamdidlistenismayshouldshallwatchwouldseeeataremakebe 动词:_情态动词:_助动词:_实义动词:_十二、【词义】看图,选出与图片内容相符的选项。(写序号)(5 分)A.sleepB.swimC.flyD.runE.walkF.playG.jumpH.cryI.talkJ.sing()()()()()()()()()()十三、【应用】读一读,选择正确的选项。(8 分)()1.These_ my shorts

32、.They_white.A.is;areB.is;isC.are;are()2.He_quiet before.Now he _ active.A.is;isB.was;isC.was;was()3._you have Chinese class on Tuesdays?No,I _.A.Do;dontB.Are;arentC.Did;dont()4.He _work hard to be a scientist.A.shouldntB.doC.should()5.Li Hua _ swim five years ago.But he is good at swimming now.A.cou

33、ldB.couldntC.cant15/56()6.We _ have a football match next week.A.willB.will beC.would()7._smoke here!A.CantB.DontC.Wouldnt()8._Mike_his homework yesterday?A.Do;doesB.Did;doC.Does;do16/56词词汇汇专专项项复复习习卷卷二二答答案案一、1.sunny2.cloudy3.rainy4.snowy5.well6.friendly7.happily8.carefully9.quickly10.sadly二、1.taller

34、2.younger3.thinner4.bigger5.heavier6.easier7.nicer8.later9.better10.worse三、1.C2.B3.A4.B5.C四、1.C2.B3.A4.A5.C五、1.A点拨:由答句可知是在询问年龄。2.B点拨:由答句可知是在询问身高。3.C点拨:此处应为副词,修饰说明 play football。4.B点拨:名词 days 前应用形容词,表示某一种天气。5.A点拨:两个比较级用 and 连接,表示“越来越”,再由 Winter 可知答案。6.B点拨:形容词修饰 something 时要放在它的后面。7.C点拨:此题应按常识来选择。8.A点

35、拨:the最高级。9.C点拨:名词 food 前应使用形容词,make某人或某物形容词,表示“使某人/某物怎么样”。10.A点拨:exciting 意思为“令人兴奋的,使人激动的”,主语是物或事;excited 的意思为“兴奋的,激动的”,主语是人。六、Imymeminemyselfhehishimhishimselfweourusoursourselvessheherherhersherselfyouyouryouyoursyourself17/56theytheirthemtheirsthemselves七、1.I;My2.She;Her3.We;Our4.his;him5.his八、1.

36、C2.A3.B4.A5.B6.C九、1.T2.T3.T4.F5.F十、1.for2.after3.at4.in5.from6.on7.of8.with9.by10.to十一、be 动词:wasamisare情态动词:canmayshouldshallwould助动词:dodoesdid实义动词:readdancedoplaylistenwatchseeeatmake十二、DGCBJIHAFE十三、1.C2.B3.A4.C5.B6.A7.B8.B18/56句句型型专专项项复复习习卷卷时间:60 分钟满分:100 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分考考点点一一:There be 句句型型一、【

37、句型结构】根据图片内容,补全句子。(20 分)1.There is a _beside the desk.There are _ on_.2.There are some_playing on the playground.There_.3.There_some fish in the plate.There _.4._ there any elephants in the zoo?Yes,there are._in the zoo?No,_.5.How many girls _ in the classroom?There _ fourteen girls.How many_ in the

38、classroom?There _only one.19/56二、【句意】读一读,用 there be 和 have 的适当形式填空。(9 分)1._ six people in my family.I _ a big family.2.Look,_ a big dog in the street.It _ big eyes and long ears.3.Do you _ any water?4._ any water in the bottle?5._ many interesting places in China.6.We _ many good friends.7._ some ch

39、ildren playing on the street.8.I _ some flowers for my mother.9._ some flowers in the park.三、【be 动词的使用】读一读,使用 be 动词的适当形式填空。(9 分)1.There _ some juice in the fridge.2.There _ some apples on the tree.3.There _ a big cinema near the bookstore five years ago.4._ there any pencils in your pencil box?5._ t

40、here any flowers in your school before?6.There _ two bedrooms and a study on the second floor.7.There _ a study and two bedrooms on the second floor.8.There _ not any rice left in the bowl.9.There _ no books for me.考考点点二二:疑疑问问句句一般疑问句四、【句型转换】将下列陈述句改为一般疑问句。(15 分)1.He is taller than his sister._he _ th

41、an his sister?2.There are some books on the desk._ any books on the desk?3.We are going to play football tomorrow._you _ to play football tomorrow?4.Linda can play the piano very well.20/56_ Linda play the piano very well?5.You may go there by bus._go there by bus?6.They will go on a trip this summe

42、r._ they _ this summer?7.The boys often play pingpong after class._ the boys often _ after class?8.Li Ming reads a book after dinner._ Li Ming _ after dinner?9.My mother bought some food last night._ your mother _ last night?五、【问答交际】为下列问句选择正确的答语。(7 分)()1.Is there any milk in the glass?()2.Are you a

43、doctor?()3.Can a bird fly?()4.Will you go to the beach this summer?()5.Does he like to play badminton?()6.Do you want to buy a new bike?()7.Did you find your car?特特殊殊疑疑问问句句六、【句意及结构】对画线部分提问。(10 分)1.I like to read books._do you _ _do?2.These are some photos from my holiday._ are_?3.Peter has four good

44、 friends._ friends _ Peter_?4.Bob is the tallest boy._is the _?5.I got up at 6:00 this morning.A.Yes,he does.B.No,there isnt.C.Yes,I did.D.No,Im not.E.Yes,I do.F.No,I wont.G.Yes,it can.21/56_ did you _ this morning?6.We go to school on foot._ do you _?7.This dress is fiftysix yuan._ _is _?8.The cat

45、is in the box._ is _?9.I like winter because I like the snow._ do you _?10.Tony is 1.67 metres._ is Tony?七、【问答交际】根据答语,选择恰当的疑问词(组)完成句子。(有几项是多余的)(10 分)WhatWhat colourWhat timeWhat aboutWhat elseWhat sizeHowHow longHow farHow oldHow heavyHow tallHow muchHow manyWhenWhereWhoWhyWhich1._ does your father

46、do?He is a pilot.2._ is it from Beijing to Shanghai?Its about 1,200 kilometres.3._ are your shoes?My shoes are size 7.4._ will the party begin?It will begin at 4:00 in the afternoon.5._ is the panda?Its black and white.6._ season do you like best?I like spring best.7._ is the Palace Museum?Its about

47、 600 years old.8._ is that building?Its about 200 metres.9._ can we swim?We can swim in the swimming pool.22/5610._ is it now?Its 9:00.考考点点三三:感感叹叹句句八、【句型转换】将下列句子改为感叹句。(5 分)1.The dog is so big.What a_!How_!2.Its a hot and sunny day.What a _!How_!3.The dress is beautiful.What a _!How_!4.The little cat

48、 is very cute.What a _!How_!5.We are so tired.How _!九、【应用】读一读,选择恰当的一项。(5 分)()1.Its rainy and cold._ bad day!A.HowB.WhatC.What a()2._ wonderful the park is!I want to go there.A.HowB.WhatC.What a()3.How _!A.an interesting filmB.interesting film isC.interesting the film is()4.What _!A.delicious foodB.d

49、elicious the food isC.a delicious food()5._ funny show it is!A.How aB.What aC.What23/56考考点点四四:祈祈使使句句十、【句型结构】连词成句。(5 分)1.gotoletsplaypingpongtogether(.)_2.swimdontinpleasetheriver(.)_3.havealwaysyourbreakfastplease(.)_4.quietpleasebetheinlibrary(.)_5.thenoinsmokingrestaurant(.)_十一、【应用】根据语境选择恰当的句子。(5

50、分)()1.你会这样委婉给朋友提出恰当的建议:A.Dont watch TV too much!B.No swimming!C.Please eat more fruit.()2.你会这样对朋友发出邀请:A.Play football with us!B.Lets play football together.C.I like to play football.()3.我们常会在公共场合看到这样的提示:A.No smoking!B.Open the door,please.C.Sit down,please.()4.迟到的你会在门口跟老师说什么呢?A.Let me come into the


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