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1、句型专项复习卷时间: 60分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分考点一:There be句型一、【句型结构】根据图片内容,补全句子。(20分)1. There is a _beside the desk. There are _ on_. 2. There are some_playing on the playground. There_. 3. There_some fish in the plate. There _. 4. _ there any elephants in the zoo? Yes, there are._in the zoo? No, _. 5. H

2、ow many girls _ in the classroom? There _ fourteen girls. How many_ in the classroom? There _only one.二、【句意】读一读,用there be和have的适当形式填空。(9分)1. _ six people in my family. I _ a big family.2. Look, _ a big dog in the street. It _ big eyes and long ears.3. Do you _ any water?4. _ any water in the bottle?

3、5. _ many interesting places in China. 6. We _ many good friends.7. _ some children playing on the street.8. I _ some flowers for my mother.9. _ some flowers in the park.三、【be动词的使用】读一读,使用be动词的适当形式填空。(9分)1. There _ some juice in the fridge. 2. There _ some apples on the tree.3. There _ a big cinema n

4、ear the bookstore five years ago.4. _ there any pencils in your pencil box?5. _ there any flowers in your school before?6. There _ two bedrooms and a study on the second floor. 7. There _ a study and two bedrooms on the second floor.8. There _ not any rice left in the bowl.9. There _ no books for me

5、 .考点二:疑问句一般疑问句四、【句型转换】将下列陈述句改为一般疑问句。(15分)1. He is taller than his sister. _he _ than his sister?2. There are some books on the desk._ any books on the desk?3. We are going to play football tomorrow._you _ to play football tomorrow?4. Linda can play the piano very well. _ Linda play the piano very we

6、ll?5. You may go there by bus._go there by bus?6. They will go on a trip this summer._ they _ this summer?7. The boys often play pingpong after class._ the boys often _ after class?8. Li Ming reads a book after dinner._ Li Ming _ after dinner?9. My mother bought some food last night._ your mother _

7、last night?五、【问答交际】为下列问句选择正确的答语。(7分)A. Yes, he does.B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, I did.D. No, Im not. E. Yes, I do.F. No, I wont. G. Yes, it can.() 1. Is there any milk in the glass? () 2. Are you a doctor?() 3. Can a bird fly?() 4. Will you go to the beach this summer?() 5. Does he like to play badmi

8、nton?() 6. Do you want to buy a new bike?() 7. Did you find your car?特殊疑问句六、【句意及结构】对画线部分提问。(10分)1. I like to read books. _do you _ _do?2. These are some photos from my holiday. _ are _?3. Peter has four good friends. _ friends _ Peter_?4. Bob is the tallest boy. _is the _?5. I got up at 6: 00 this m

9、orning. _ did you _ this morning?6. We go to school on foot. _ do you _?7. This dress is fiftysix yuan. _ _is _?8. The cat is in the box. _ is _?9. I like winter because I like the snow. _ do you _?10. Tony is 1.67 metres. _ is Tony?七、【问答交际】根据答语,选择恰当的疑问词(组)完成句子。(有几项是多余的)(10分)WhatWhat colourWhat time

10、What aboutWhat elseWhat sizeHow How long How far How old How heavy How tall How much How many When Where WhoWhy Which1. _ does your father do? He is a pilot. 2. _ is it from Beijing to Shanghai? Its about 1, 200 kilometres. 3. _ are your shoes? My shoes are size 7.4. _ will the party begin? It will

11、begin at 4: 00 in the afternoon.5. _ is the panda? Its black and white. 6. _ season do you like best? I like spring best.7. _ is the Palace Museum? Its about 600 years old.8. _ is that building? Its about 200 metres. 9. _ can we swim? We can swim in the swimming pool. 10. _ is it now? Its 9: 00.考点三:

12、感叹句八、【句型转换】将下列句子改为感叹句。(5分)1. The dog is so big.What a_!How_!2. Its a hot and sunny day.What a _! How_!3. The dress is beautiful.What a _! How_!4. The little cat is very cute.What a _! How_!5. We are so tired.How _!九、【应用】读一读,选择恰当的一项。(5分)() 1. Its rainy and cold._ bad day!A. HowB. WhatC. What a() 2. _

13、 wonderful the park is! I want to go there.A. How B. What C. What a() 3. How _!A. an interesting film B. interesting film is C. interesting the film is() 4. What _!A. delicious food B. delicious the food is C. a delicious food() 5. _ funny show it is!A. How a B. What a C. What考点四:祈使句十、【句型结构】连词成句。(5分

14、)1. gotolets play pingpongtogether(.)_2. swimdontinpleasetheriver(.)_3. havealways your breakfastplease(.)_4. quietpleasebethe in library(.)_5. the noinsmoking restaurant(.)_十一、【应用】根据语境选择恰当的句子。(5分)()1.你会这样委婉给朋友提出恰当的建议:A. Dont watch TV too much!B. No swimming!C. Please eat more fruit. () 2.你会这样对朋友发出邀

15、请:A. Play football with us! B. Lets play football together. C. I like to play football.() 3.我们常会在公共场合看到这样的提示:A. No smoking! B. Open the door, please.C. Sit down, please.() 4.迟到的你会在门口跟老师说什么呢?A. Let me come into the classroom! B. May I come in?C. Dont be late again!() 5.体育老师通常会怎样整队呢?A. Can you stand u

16、p? B. I want you to stand in a line. C. Line up!句型专项复习卷一、1. chair; some books; the desk2. children; is a girl talking with a boy(答案不唯一)3. is; is some chicken in the plate4. Are; Are there any pandas; there arent(答案不唯一)5. are there; are; boys are there(答案不唯一); is 点拨:There be句型用来描述人或事物的位置,表示“某处有某人或某物”

17、。其结构是“There be某人或某物表示位置关系的介词短语”。二、1.There are; have2. there is; has3. have4. Is there5. There are6. have7. There are8. have9. There are点拨:have, has表示“有”, 用来表明物品的所有权,而there be结构只描述位置。三、1. is2. are3. was4. Are5. Were6. are 7. is 8. is 9.are 点拨:There be句型中be动词的形式跟与其相邻的人或事物的数量相关,单数使用is或was,复数使用are或were。

18、四、1. Is; taller2. Are there3. Are; going 4. Can 5. May I6. Will; go on a trip 7. Do; play pingpong8. Does; read a book9. Did; buy any food点拨:陈述句中含有be动词或情态动词时,改为一般疑问句需要将be动词或情态动词放到句首。含有实义动词的,实义动词保持原形,在句首加Do/ Does/Did。五、1. B 2. D 3. G 4. F 5. A 6. E 7. C六、1. What; like to 2. What; these3. How many; do

19、es; have 4. Who; tallest boy5. When; get up 6. How; go to school7. How much; this dress 8. Where; the cat9. Why; like winter 10. How tall七、1. What 2. How far 3. What size 4. When 5. What colour 6. Which 7. How old 8. How tall 9. Where 10. What time八、1. big dog; big the dog is2. hot and sunny day; ho

20、t and sunny the day is3. beautiful dress; beautiful the dress is4. cute little cat; cute the little cat is5. tired we are点拨:以What引导的感叹句结构: Whata(an)(形容词)单数可数名词(主语谓语)!或 What(形容词)可数名词复数或不可数名词(主语谓语)!以How引导的感叹句结构是:How形容词(副词)主语谓语! 九、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B十、1. Lets go to play pingpong together. 2. Pleas

21、e dont swim in the river. 3. Always have your breakfast please. 4. Please be quiet in the library. 5. No smoking in the restaurant. 点拨:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告或禁止等语气的句子。它的主语多是You(通常不说出)。 祈使句可分为肯定、否定两种形式。其中肯定形式的祈使句由动词原形开头,分两类:be动词(连系动词) 表语(如:形容词、名词等) 或由行为动词开头。否定形式的祈使句也有两类:Dont动词原形或No动名词(名词)。以let引导的祈使句结构为: Let 宾语 动词原形 其他。十一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 9 / 9


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