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1、高考英语短语英译汉专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 11.look forward to ( )look down upon/on ( )2.light up ( )A smile lit up her face. ( )2.be made in China make sb.do sth. ( )make myself heard make sth into sth. ( )be made of ( )be made from ( )3.a friend of mine ( )4.make up for ( )make a bet ( )make fun of make ones way to

2、( )make sense ( )make no sense ( )make sense of ( )make out ( )5.marry sb. ( )get/be married to sb ( )marry sb.to sb. ( )6.manage to do sth. ( )7.by means of ( )区分:in this way / with the method ( )8.take the lift ( )give sb.a lift ( )9.mean to do sth. ( )mean doing ( )10.many a student ( )many stude

3、nts ( )a good/great many students ( )11.take measures to do ( )12.meet ab. ( )meet with sb. ( )meet with sth. ( )13.in the middle of ( )14.in a mess ( )15.get the message ( )16.Her eyes/face lit up. ( )light up a cigarette ( )a lighted candle ( )17.mind doing ( )18.miss doing ( )19.at the mercy of (

4、 )20.mistake A for B take sth.by mistake ( )21.mix A with B ( )mix up sth. ( )22.the moment ( )23.sb.need sth./to do sth. ( )sth.need doing/to be done ( )Theres no need to do sth. ( )24.now that ( )25.now and then ( )26.no longer=not any longer ( )27.have a nose for sth. ( )28.at noon ( )29.a large

5、number of the number of ( )30.be occupied with sth. ( )be occupied in doing sth. ( )31.It occurred to sb.that ( )32.object to =be opposed to ( )33.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb. ( )34.offer money for the car ( )35.out of breath ( )out of work ( )out of date ( )out of control ( )out of repair ( )out

6、of (ones)reach out of touch ( )36.operate on sb. ( )37.in ones opinion ( )38.order sb.to do sth. ( )order a glass of beer ( )in order that ( )in order to ( )order goods online ( )place an order ( )39.ought to do =should do ( )ought to have done=should have done ( )40.on ones own =by oneself ( )41.on

7、 sth/on doing sth. ( )42.owe sb.sth. ( )owe sth.to sb. ( )43.pack up ( )44.a pair of shoes ( )45.play a part in =play a role in ( )take part in =participate in =join in ( )46.pass away ( )pass out ( )pass sth.on to sb. ( )pass by ( )47.be particular about ( )in particular ( )48.permit sb.to do sth.

8、( )permit doing ( )ask for permission ( )49.persuade sb.to do sth. ( )50.play the piano ( )play football ( )51.pick up ( )pick out ( )52.take place ( )take ones place =take the place of sb. ( )in place ( )out of place ( )53.plan to do ( )54.plenty of ( )55.point out ( )point to ( )point at ( )56.be

9、popular with sb. ( )e to power ( )58.practice doing ( )59.prefer doing to doing ( )prefer to do rather than do ( )=would rather do than do =would do rather than do ( )60.make preparations for ( )prepare sth. ( )be prepared for ( )61.present sb.with sth.=present sth.to sb. ( )be present at a meeting

10、( )at present ( )62.pretend to do sth. ( )63.take pride in =be proud of ( )64.make great progress ( )65.protect sb.from sth. ( )66.in prison ( )67.promise to do sth. ( )68.provide sb.with sth. ( )provide sth.for sb. ( )supply sb with sth /supply sth to sb ( )offer sb sth/offer sth to sb ( )69.in pub

11、lic ( )70.put forward ( )71.a large quantity of ( )72.be of good quality ( )73.quarrel with sb.about sth. ( )74.queue up for the ticket ( )75.quit smoking ( )76.do sth.at random ( )77.range from to ( )78.be ready for ( )be ready to do ( )79.the reason for sth. ( )80.recommend sth.to sb. ( )recommend

12、 doing sth. ( )recommend sb to do ( )within ones reach ( )beyond/out of ones reach ( )80.react to ( )81.in reality ( )82.refer to ( )83.reflect on sth ( )84.regardless of ( )85.regret to do ( )regret doing ( )to ones regret ( )86.to ones relief ( )in relief ( )feel relieved ( )87.rely on ( )88.recov

13、er from ( )89.remember to do ( )remember doing ( )90.remind sb of sth ( )remind sb to do sth ( )91.regard sb as =consideras=look onas=think ofas ( )with best regards ( )92.reply to ( )93.Show respect for sb ( )94.respond to ( )in response to ( )95.reflect on ( )96.refuse to do sth ( )97.require sb t

14、o do sth ( )98.result in ( )result from ( )as a result ( )as a result of ( )99.reward sb with sth ( )100.return to Beijing ( )return home ( )附:参考答案1.look forward to 期待 look down upon/on 轻视2.light up 使发亮 放光彩 A smile lit up her face.她喜形于色2.be made in China 中国造 make sb.do sth. 让做make myself heard 让自己被听

15、见 make sth into sth. 把做成be made of 由做成(看得出原材料)be made from 由做成(看不出原材料).a friend of mine 我的一个朋友4.make up for 弥补 make a bet 打赌make fun of 取笑 make ones way to 前往 make sense 有道理/意义 make no sense 没有道理/没有意义make sense of 理解明白make out 看,听清,明白,弄清楚5.marry sb. 和结婚 get/be married to sb 和.结婚marry sb.to sb.把嫁给6.m

16、anage to do sth.成功做成了.7.by means of .以方式区分: in this way / with the method8.take the lift 乘电梯 give sb.a lift 给搭便车9.mean to do sth.打算做 mean doing 意味着做10.many a student 许多学生(做主语谓语单数) many students 许多学生(谓语复数)a good/great many students 许多学生11.take measures to do 采取措施12.meet ab.遇见某人,接某人meet with sb.与会晤mee

17、t with sth.遭遇,经历13.in the middle of 在中间14.in a mess 乱糟糟15.get the message 领悟,理解16.Her eyes/face lit up.喜形于色。light up a cigarette 点燃烟a lighted candle 点燃的蜡烛17.mind doing 介意做18.miss doing 错过19.at the mercy of 任凭 摆布20.mistake A for B 把A错当B take sth.by mistake 错拿了某东西21.mix A with B 把A与B混合 mix up sth. 弄乱2

18、2.the moment 一就23.sb.need sth./to do sth. 某人需要sth.need doing/to be done 某事需要做 Theres no need to do sth.没必要做24.now that 既然25.now and then 不时地26.no longer=not any longer 不再27.have a nose for sth.对敏感,善于发现28.at noon 在中午29.a large number of 许多 the number of 的数量30.be occupied with sth. 忙于be occupied in do

19、ing sth.忙于31.It occurred to sb.that 某人突然想到32.object to 反对=be opposed to33.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.给提供34.offer money for the car出价买车35.out of breath 上气不接下气out of work 失业 out of date 过时out of control 失控 out of repair 失修out of (ones)reach 够不着 out of touch 失去联系36.operate on sb.给做手术37.in ones opini

20、on 在看来38.order sb.to do sth.命令 order a glass of beer点了一杯啤酒in order that 为了 in order to 为了做order goods online 网上订购货物 place an order 下订单39.ought to do 应该=should doought to have done=should have done 本应该40.on ones own =by oneself 靠自己,独自地41.on sth/on doing sth.一就42.owe sb.sth.欠,把归功于 owe sth.to sb.43.pac

21、k up 打包(行李)44.a pair of shoes 一双鞋45.play a part in 在起作用,扮演角色=play a role in在起作用,扮演角色take part in =participate in =join in参加46.pass away 去世 pass out 昏迷pass sth.on to sb.传递 pass by 路过47.be particular about 对 挑剔in particular 特别地48.permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做permit doing 允许做ask for permission 请求允许49.persu

22、ade sb.to do sth.说服某人做50.play the piano 弹钢琴 play football踢足球51.pick up 拾起,偶然学会,恢复好转, 染上(疾病),开车接载 pick out 挑选出52.take place 发生take ones place 代替=take the place of sb.in place 在对的位置,适当,准备就绪out of place不在对的位置,不恰当53.plan to do 计划做54.plenty of 许多55.point out 指出point to 指向 point at 指着56.be popular with sb

23、.受欢迎e to power当权上台58.practice doing 练习做59.prefer doing to doing 宁愿而不愿prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do =would do rather than do60.make preparations for 为 作准备prepare sth.准备某事 be prepared for 作好了准备61.present sb.with sth.赠与 =present sth.to sb.be present at a meeting 出席会议 at present 目前

24、,现在62.pretend to do sth.假装63.take pride in =be proud of 为 骄傲64.make great progress取得很大进步65.protect sb.From sth.保护免受66.in prison 坐牢67.promise to do sth.许诺做68.provide sb.with sth.给 提供 provide sth.for sb.supply sb with sth /supply sth to sboffer sb sth/offer sth to sb69.in public 公开地70.put forward 提出71

25、.a large quantity of 大量的 +可数、不可数72.be of good quality 质量好73.quarrel with sb.about sth.就 与 争吵74.queue up for the ticket排队买票75.quit smoking 戒烟76.do sth.at random 随意做,任意77.range from to从到不等78.be ready for 准备着 be ready to do 乐于做79.the reason for sth.的理由,原因80.recommend sth.to sb.向推荐recommend doing sth.建议

26、做recommend sb to do 建议某人做within ones reach 够得着beyond/out of ones reach 够不着80.react to 对作出反应81.in reality 实际上82.refer to 参考,查阅,提及,指的是83.reflect on sth 思考,反思84.regardless of 不管不顾85.regret to do遗憾地要做regret doing后悔做过to ones regret令某人遗憾的是86.to ones relief 令人欣慰的是in relief 如释重负地 feel relieved 感到轻松87.rely o

27、n 依靠88.recover from 从恢复89.remember to do 记得要做 remember doing 记得做过90.remind sb of sth 让想起remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做91.regard sb as 认为是=consideras=look onas=think ofasWith best regards 致以诚挚的问候92.reply to回答93.Show respect for sb 尊敬某人94.respond to 对做出反应in response to 以回应95.reflect on 反思96.refuse to do sth 拒绝做97.require sb to do sth 要求某人做98.result in 导致 result from 由于引起as a result 结果 as a result of 由于,因为99.reward sb with sth 以回报某人,酬谢400.return to Beijing 回到北京 return home 回家7


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