Unit 3 The Internet 词汇(ppt课件) --2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Words and Expressionsunit31.chat vi.聊天,闲谈 chatted 过去式 过去分词 n.闲聊,聊天 chat with/to sb chat about sth/sb chat room 聊天室 chat show 访谈节目 on WeChat 在微信上他和朋友在微信上聊英语学习有两个小时了。_2.stream n.小溪,溪流,人流,车流,气流,流vi.流动;一个接一个地移动;流播 stream films and music 传输电影和音乐Tears streamed down his face.他泪流满面People streamed across the

2、 bridge.过桥的人川流不息A stream of blood flowed from the wound.一股血从伤口流出3.identity n.身份,个性 identify vt.鉴定,认出,发现Identity card=ID card 身份证identify sb/sth as 认出The bodies _those of two suspected drug dealers(嫌疑毒贩.He has been chatting with his friend about English study on Wechat for two hours.were identified a

3、s4.convenient adj.方便的,近便的 adj.inconvenient n.convenience Its convenient(for sb)to do sth for the convenience of If convenient at ones convenience _by credit card.我们用信用卡付款很方便 _如果方便的话,call me back after you receive the letter.We have provide seats _为方便顾客our customers.Can you telephone me _在你方便时to arra

4、nge a meeting?5.stuck adj.动不了的,卡住的,陷住的stickbe stuck in 陷于 被困在The wheels were stuck in the mud.轮子陷到泥里了We were stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour.我们堵了1小时车6.keep sb company 陪伴某人company n.陪伴,公司 商行 _你等车时我会陪着你的。in company with 与 一起;a pleasant evening in company with friends 与朋友一起的美好夜晚It is convenient

5、 for us to pay If convenientfor the convenience of at your convenienceI will keep you company while you are waiting for the bus.7.benefit n.益处,好处vt.使受益 vi.受益于,得益 adj.beneficial 有益的be of benefit to for ones benefit/for the benefit of sb benefit sb benefit by/from The new regulations will be _ to ever

6、yone.The teacher meant no harm,and what he did was _为了你好。You will _ regular exercise.8.distance n 距离,间隔,远方,冷淡,疏远 distant adj.遥远的,远处的,远房的,疏远的at/from a distance in the distance a distant memory/a distant cousin/look 遥远的/远房的/冷漠的_这幅画离远一点更漂亮_有人在远处喊我们呢9.inspire vt.鼓舞,激励;使产生(某种情感或反应),激起;给(某人)创作灵感 n.inspira

7、tion adj.inspired adj.inspiring inspire sb to do inspire sthHe inspired many young people_(参与这项活动)An apple falling from a tree inspired Newtons theory of gravity.of benefitfor your benefit/for the benefit of you.benefit fromThe picture looks more beautiful at/from a distanceSomeone is calling us in

8、the distance to take part in the activity.10.access n.通道,(进入、接近、使用)机会或权利 v.获取(电脑数据)accessible adj.易进入的,易获得的,易接近的access to 通往的路have access to sth.能够进入,接近,使用某物be accessible to 能为某人接近的 _到河边的唯一通道 is across the field.The public dont 进入_the site.The library is _all the students on Friday.周五学生可以去图书馆11.go t

9、hrough 经历,经受;穿过;用光;被通过;在某物中查找When we are going through a crisis,it often helps to talk to someone._We went through five pints of milk last week._Dave went through his pocket looking for the key_Go through the red door and you will see a passage_12.plus prep.加 Three plus six equals nine.Six minus thr

10、ee equals three.n.有利因素(条件)Some knowledge of Spanish is a plus in this job.The only access to the riverhave access tois accessible to经受用光在某物中找穿过conj.并且,而且 He has been studying hard for months,plus he has been working in a bar at night.adj.有利的,好的,多的,在零上的,正的 plus 513.function n.功能,作用In your new job,you

11、 will perform a variety of _.v.起作用,正常运转Flights in and out of Taipei are functioning normally again.function as.起.作用;具有.功能A trained dog can_a guide to help the blind.14.confirm vt.证实,证明;肯定 n.confirmation It is/has been confirmed that 据/已证实.It has been confirmed that the final exam will take place nex

12、t week.Could you confirm the dates we discussed?15.press v.按,压;拥挤着,移动极力劝说,催促 pressure n press sb to do press a button under pressure to do sth 迫于压力做某事The police pressed her to remember all the details.functions function as 16.in shape 健康状况良好;状况良好She has bought an exercise bike to keep_.in good shape

13、 in bad shape in the shape of.形状 out of shape 走形shape v.形成(某种信仰或看法);使成型Peoples beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.17.keep track of 了解.动态,情况;与.保持联系 Parents should _their childrens use of social media.lose track of 不了解.动态,情况18.discount n.打折,减价 v.打折,忽视at a discount 打折Employees can buy th

14、e books _.19.target n.目标,靶子(攻击的)对象 v.瞄准 以.为目标achieve ones target target.on/at.be targeted at.The programme _improving the health of women of all ages.in shapekeep track ofat a discountwas/is targeted at20.particular adj.尤其的,特定的,讲究的,挑剔的 particularly=in particular be particular about 对挑剔 be particular

15、 to 对是特有的She is _clothes.The plant is_deserts.She is _busy.=She is busy _21.embarrassing adj.embarrassed adj.embarrass vt.embarrassment n.What _us was his _words.His _words made us _.To our _,he sat there saying nothing.22.make fun of 戏弄,开玩笑 类似:laugh at tease make a fool of play a joke on 开别人玩笑是不礼貌的

16、_.is particular aboutis particular toparticularly in particularembarrassedembarrassingembarrassingembarrassedembarrassmentIt is rude of you to make fun of others.23.upset adj.烦恼的,心烦意乱的,不快的She was really upset about the way her father treated her.v.(upset,upset,upsetting)使烦恼,生气,打翻,搅乱Dont do anything

17、that would upset him.He upset a bowl of soup.24.familiar adj.熟悉的be familiar with.be familiar to.Are you _ this type of machine?Is this type of machine_ you?25.keepin mind=bear.in mind 把.记在心里You must keep the readers in mind when writing a report.26.case n.事例,情况,案件,箱子,容器in that case 那样的话 in any case

18、无论如何,不管怎样in case(of)以防万一 in case of 在.情况下in no case 任何情况下也不familiar withfamiliar to Take an umbrella _ it rains.I dont see why I couldnt do it._ I am going to try._ fire,break the glass._can you speak to your mother that way.27.rude 粗鲁的,无礼的他那样说太粗鲁_28.give sb tips on surf the internet open an account give an account of sth in cash false names click the mouse in caseIn any caseIn case of In no caseIt was rude of him to spoke like that


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