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1、2022年山西省晋城市高平市野川中学校中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1My grandpa had Alzheimers disease so that he cant go to the bathroom or enjoy a meal by _.AhimselfBthemselvesCherself2Staying up late is not a wise decision. _ should come first.ASuccessBHealthCSafety3Since we knew well about the topic after two-week

2、 practice, we believed our team would win the competition _.AgreatlyBsurelyCtruly4_ my dad is busy with his job, he needs someone to look after me.AAsBAlthoughCBut5When I _ what was happening, I got really angry.AforgotBsharedCrealized6I dont play with these toys any more. Well, lets give them away

3、to the children _.Ain silenceBin needCin surprise7Shanghai is a beautiful city. I _ there twice .AwentBhave goneChave been8Who do you think will be the winner of the 21st World Cup in Russia?I guess the gold medal will _ Germany.Atake upBstick toCbelong to9The App Dingding is in control of everyones

4、 daily life. Students will hand in their homework _ they finish it.Aas soon asBin order thatCso that10I found my pet dog died on the ground. I wonder _.I think it was killed by a car because there was a lot of blood on the ground.Ahow it diedBhow it feltCwhen it was killed二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从所给的选项中选出能填

5、入空白处的最佳选项,使对话意思完整。选项中有两项为多余项。(Anna and Iris are talking about their voluntary work plans.)Anna: Do you remember that we were asked to do some voluntary work during the summer vacation? I have no plan now. _11_Iris: Yes! _12_Anna: If you go there, what will you do for them?Iris: I plan to raise some

6、money and buy some books for them.Anna: _13_Iris: What will you do for your voluntary work? And I will go to the hospital with Mary. _14_Anna: Yes, Id love to. But when will you go to the hospital?Iris: _15_Anna: I will go with you. And I can help you to raise money.Iris: Thank you, I believe we wil

7、l do well.AI plan to go to the hospital to visit the disabled children.BDo you have any plans?CWould you like to join us?DWe will go to the hospital on the third Sunday of the summer vacation.EThats a good idea.FI want to take a class on communication skills.GWhy do you refuse to help them?三、完形填空Daw

8、son was an angry old man, and everyone knew it. He had the best apples in town, but kids knew they couldnt go into his yard to pick apples _16_ he would come after them.One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her _17_ Amy. They had to walk _18_ Dawsons house on the way to Amys

9、 house. As they got close, Janet saw him sitting in front of his door. So she suggested they should cross over to the other side of the street. Like most children, Janet was _19_ of him.Amy said Dawson wouldnt hurt them and kept walking. When they got closer, Dawson looked up _20_. But when he saw A

10、my, he _21_ and said, “Hello, Amy. I see youve got a friend with you today.”Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and that they were going to play games. Dawson said that sounded fun and gave them each a fresh apple.They walked on for a while, and then Janet asked Amy, “Everyone s

11、ays hes not friendly. How come he was so nice to us?”Amy said, “When I first _22_ his house, he wasnt friendly and I was afraid of him. But my grandma _23_ told me that if I imagined he was smiling an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at him, then sooner or later he would really smile.”16Aunle

12、ssBbecauseCthough17AbrotherBcousinCfriend18AunderBbyCagainst19AafraidBfondChappy20AhappilyBangrilyCfriendly21AsmiledBcriedCshouted22Awent pastBgot intoCran away23AoftenBseldomChardly四、阅读单选阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Walking on the street, you may find pet dogs from time to time. So its importa

13、nt and necessary to know what to prepare in the daily life, how to keep safe and what not to do while keeping a pet dog. The following poster in the community will help you.Rules for Keeping a Pet DogPrepare your personal pet dog. A rope, toilet paper, plastic bags and gloves are necessary when you

14、take the dog for a walk. They make it easier for you to clean the dirty things the dog produces.Protect yourself from arguing with others. Train your dog not to bark at others or make noise at night. Keep a proper distance if you meet little kids or the old while going out. They may be frightened by

15、 the dog if it is not guarded.Choose proper time to go out with your dog. Dont go into the elevator in rush hours. Most people go to school or work at around about 6:50 p.m.Make sure the dog is tidy and healthy. Keep the habits of taking your dog to examine its body and getting it washed regularly.

16、They prevent it spreading some possible diseases.24What should be put in the personal pet bag?APaper bags.BDirty gloves.CToilet paper.25Which of the following should the pet dog be trained to know?ANo barking at its owner.BNo arguing with other dogs.CNo making noise at night.26When is it proper to t

17、ake the pet dog for a walk?AAt 7:25 a.m.BAt 5:15 p.m.CAt 6:50 p.m.27What can we learn about the pet dogs health?AIts necessary to examine its body.BIts helpful to shower it as often as possible.CTaking it for a walk regularly keeps it away from illness.28As a resident(居民), what can we learn from the

18、 poster?AWe should look after the pets well.BWe should try to be civilized neighbors.CWe should examine whether we have pets regularly.阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Growing up in a village in Sichuan Province, 25-year-old Zheng Huan has had a deep love for nature since she was a child.“Sunshine,

19、 fresh air, water, all kinds of plants and animals. they are the most valuable things on our planet. However, without a price tag (价签) on them, not many people have realized this,” Zheng said. “Whats worse, climate change is affecting biodiversity (生物多样性) and the environment around us.”Zheng decided

20、 to make a change. She set up the Youth Leader Fund under the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation. They work with game companies, artists and programmers and make climate change a thing that can be seen, felt and dealt with.Zheng has been working on a game called Guardia

21、ns of Earth, which is like a biodiversity version of “Pokemon Go”. Players take pictures of different kinds of living things to earn points. The more points they get, the more they know about the earth. Zheng remembered one teenage users words. The kid said, “The game has changed my ideas toward pla

22、nts and animals. They have all become alive and meaningful to me because now I know them.”Another project Zheng is helping with is on digital (数字的) artworks about climate change. She invited artists around the world to create pieces based on each chapter of sci-fi writer Chen Oiufans new book, AI 20

23、41, which talks about how artificial intelligence (人工智能) will influence the environment in the future, “Paintings are a direct form of art and online paintings can reach more people in a shorter time,” Zheng said, “I want to make people know more about climate change in beautiful and futuristic ways

24、, and to increase peoples understanding of nature,” she added.Zhengs work has gotten wide attention and praiseshe has been participating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference since 2016. She hopes one day biodiversity and climate change will become old ideaslike something that is rooted in

25、 peoples hearts.29What is one of the most valuable things on the earth?AFresh air.BPrice tags.CClimate change.30Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe Youth Leader Fund was set up to help game companies to make more money.BThe artists and the programmers often work together to

26、create works.CZheng Huan has taken action to call more peoples attention to climate change.31What does the underlined word “earn” mean?A重视B赚取C消除32Why did Zheng Huan invite the artists to paint something in the future?ABecause they are talented in describing what the future will be like.BBecause Chen

27、 Qiufan wanted the artists to learn about artificial intelligence.CBecause their online paintings can spread more widely and more quickly.33Whats the passage mainly about?AThe new way of working together.BThe decision about how to make a difference.CThe action to make people understand our planet be

28、tter.五、阅读还原7选5请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。With the current world conditions forcing us to stay longer indoors, youve likely tried to pick up a new skill. If you arent an active learner, you may feel like its taking you too long to pick up that new skill. _34_ But slow lear

29、ning often has more to do with our ability to focus and our attitude towards learning than our innate (天生的) ability to learn. Lets take a look at three reasons why you may be learning slowly.Lack of focus makes learning slow. But once you improve your focus, youll be surprised by how much faster you

30、 can gain new knowledge and skills. So try every mean to improve your focus. _35_ Choose a quiet environment to do your learning and ensure you wont be interrupted.Unrealistic expectations make us believe were slow learners. Whenever we want to pick up a new skill, we assume that the learning proces

31、s will go smoothly. _36_ When we dont meet our unrealistic expectations of how fast we should be learning, we think we dont have any talent or that we arent smart. So we must keep our expectations realistic._37_ The person whos already a good surfer and skater has a foundation of board sports to tra

32、nsfer into snowboarding, which will make him learn the new skill faster. We may think were slow learners when we compare ourselves to others, but they may already have knowledge and skills that allow them to pick up the new learning much quicker. _38_ The more we learn, the faster we can learn new t

33、hings.ABeliefs have a strong influence on learning.BYou might even think that youre a slow learner.CWe dont know what theyve learned in the past.DFor instance, remove as many distractions as possible.EPrevious learning affects how quickly we learn something new.FThe strategy here to become a faster

34、learner is to never stop learning.GBut the reality is that learning is sometimes frustrating, stressful, and slow.六、阅读补全短文请阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming, at just 18 years old, is already a household (家喻户晓的) name in China because of his excellent performance

35、at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.Su made history for China by winning the mens snowboard slopestyle silver and the mens snowboard big air gold medal at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Su won the first place with 89.5 points in his first round and 93 points in the second round of the final.

36、Su started to practice snowboarding when he was 4 years old because his parents both love snowboarding. His first snowboard came from his father and it was a lot taller than Su was back then. However, Su almost fell in love with the sport immediately. Su used to be a child film star. But 7 years ago

37、 when China won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, he realized this could be a life-changing opportunity (机会). So, Su decided to focus fully on snowboarding.“I only have one word to describe my feelings for snowboarding; its love, deep from my heart,” Su said. “Its my happiest moment when I

38、 stand on the snowboard. No matter how long I train, even for 7 or 8 hours in a row, I feel happy. Love is what has been supporting me all the time. And I want to tell teenage snowboarders, the most important thing is to go after their love. I hope my story could encourage more young people to take

39、part in winter sports and face challenges in their lives.”Su Yiming, an 18-year-old boy, is _39_ for his excellent performance at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Su started to practice snowboarding when he was 4 years old because his parents both love snowboarding. It was his father who _40_ him t

40、he first snowboard. _41_ it was much taller than Su, he still fell in love with the sport at once. Su used to be a child film star. But 7 years ago, when China got the chance to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, he realized this could be a life-changing opportunity (机会). Su made a _42_ to pay attention

41、 to snowboarding. Finally, Su made history for China by winning the mens snowboard slopestyle silver and the mens snowboard big air gold medal at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. What he wants to tell young people is to do what they love to do and deal with challenges in their lives _43_.七、多任务

42、混合阅读请阅读下面短文,按要求完成所给任务。 Xu Yuanchong, one of the most famous Chinese translators, died on Jun. 17, 2021.Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in 1921, Xu studied under Qian Zhongshu, Wu Mi and other Chinese masters at The National Southwest Associated University from 1938. He went to University of Paris

43、 for further study after graduating from Tsinghua University. In 1951, he came back to China and worked as the English and French professor in some foreign schools. He had taught international culture course at Peking University until he retired in 1991.This is a poem from one of Xus famous translat

44、ion works, 300 Tang Poems.Happy Rain on a Spring NightGood rain knows its time right;It will fall when comes spring.With wind it steals in night;Mute, it wets everything.Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads;In boat a lantern looms.Dawn sees saturated reds;The towns heavy with blooms.Xu devoted himself

45、 to translation for more than 60 years. He translated about 120 works. He tried to make translated works as beautiful as the originals. Instead of directly translating words from one language to another, he changed wording in translation when necessary. Thanks to his translation, English and French

46、readers are able to better understand Chinese literature.Xu was a hard worker. He lived in an old house near Peking University. Every day, he would translate about 1,000 words, work until 3 or 4 am, then sleep for about three hours and get up at 6 am to continue working. He succeeded in translation

47、and gained some prizes. In 2014, he got one of the highest prizes for a translator and became the first Asian winner.To everyone, he once sent a wish: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better, and your better is best.”Some Facts about Xu Yuanchong44How old was Xu Yuanchong when he died?_45Who is the author of Xus translation work Happy Rain on a Spring


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