Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking (ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 Environmental protectionReading and thinkingDiscuss climate changeClimate change requires the worlds Climate change requires the worlds attentionattentionLead-inPre-readingwhile-reading post-readingPart 1 Lead-in1.Whats happening in the photo?1.Whats happening in the photo?2.2.What will happe

2、n if glaciers What will happen if glaciers are melting faster than before?are melting faster than before?3.Why did it happen?3.Why did it happen?Rising sea levels.The ice is melting.The ice is melting.Because of the global warming.Because of the global warming.global warmingglobal warmingmelting ice

3、melting icedroughtdroughtfloodfloodno no habitathabitatanimals dyinganimals dyingnatural disastersnatural disasterscoastal cities coastal cities submergedsubmergedsea level sea level rise rise What other consequences may global warming bring about?What other consequences may global warming bring abo

4、ut?faminefamines snatural natural disastersdisasterseconomic losseseconomic lossescoastal cities coastal cities submergedsubmergedextreme weatherextreme weatherunpredictable unpredictable future of humanfuture of humanWhat other consequences may global warming bring about?What other consequences may

5、 global warming bring about?global global warmingwarminganimals dyinganimals dyingEarth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs,Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs,but not every mans greed.but not every mans greed.Mohandas K.Gandhi Mohandas K.Gandhi1.What is the difference between

6、1.What is the difference between“needs”and“greed”?“needs”and“greed”?2.How do you understand the quote?2.How do you understand the quote?3.How is it related to the theme of 3.How is it related to the theme of the unit?the unit?Part 2pre-reading1.What is the graph about?1.What is the graph about?2.Wha

7、t information can you get from it?2.What information can you get from it?The graph is about the change of global surface temperature.The graph is about the change of global surface temperature.1.What happened to the polar bear in the photo?1.What happened to the polar bear in the photo?2.What might

8、be the story behind it?2.What might be the story behind it?1.The polar bear in the photo 1.The polar bear in the photo died of starvation.died of starvation.2.The story is that the polar 2.The story is that the polar bear starved to death because it bear starved to death because it could not find en

9、ough to eat.could not find enough to eat.What is the purpose of writing this text?What is the purpose of writing this text?The authors purpose is to The authors purpose is to inform the readers and inform the readers and inspire them to do whatever inspire them to do whatever they can to deal with t

10、his they can to deal with this problem.problem.1.Whats the type of this text?1.Whats the type of this text?A.Essay A.Essay 论文论文 B.Biography B.Biography 传记传记C.Exposition.C.Exposition.说明文说明文 D.Argumentation.D.Argumentation.议论文议论文2.Whats its purpose?2.Whats its purpose?A.A.To inform readers to deal wit

11、h climate change To inform readers to deal with climate change B.B.To persuade readers to focus on limited resourcesTo persuade readers to focus on limited resources3.In which part of a newspaper or magazine may we find 3.In which part of a newspaper or magazine may we find this passage?this passage

12、?A.Entertainment B.Economy C.Education D.EnvironmentA.Entertainment B.Economy C.Education D.EnvironmentPart 3While-readingPara1.The influences of the rise in temperature.Para2.The solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Para3.An exact example of climate change.Para4.A problem of climate chang

13、e.Para5.The causes of the increase in the global temperature.Reading Reading for main idea.for main idea.Read and find out the development of the passage.Read and find out the development of the passage.probleproblem mexampleexamplereasonsreasonsinfluencesinfluencessolutionssolutionsphenomenonphenom

14、enoncausecauseconsequenceconsequence solutiosolution n k kspspz zt tr r Expository writingExpository writing1.1.Whats the function of the first paragraph?Whats the function of the first paragraph?A.To introduce the topic.B.To tell us climate change has been known for decades.C.To show the evidence o

15、f climate change.D.To confirm that Earth is getting warmer and warmer.2.What is the evidence of climate change?2.What is the evidence of climate change?Para.1 problemPara.1 problem A warming ocean and atmosphereA warming ocean and atmosphere along with along with melting icemelting ice and and risin

16、g rising sea levelssea levels.How climate change have influenced the polar How climate change have influenced the polar bears life?bears life?climate climate changechangelow sea-ice levelslow sea-ice levelsbears could not huntbears could not hunthad to travel greater distances had to travel greater

17、distances to find foodto find foodstarved to starved to deathdeathits dead body foundits dead body foundPara.2 examplePara.2 example1 1.Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?2.Why is the“natural”greenhouse effect 2.Why is the“natural”greenhouse effect

18、important and necessary?important and necessary?3 3.What are the consequences of high greenhouse What are the consequences of high greenhouse gas emissions?gas emissions?High greenhouse gas emissions lead to more heat energyHigh greenhouse gas emissions lead to more heat energybeing trapped in the a

19、tmosphere and rising temperatures.being trapped in the atmosphere and rising temperatures.The“greenhouse effect”has two common meanings.Because it warms the Earths surface and keeps it Because it warms the Earths surface and keeps it habitable.habitable.Para.3 causesPara.3 causesFind the key precess

20、 about“greenhouse effect”.Find the key precess about“greenhouse effect”.Greenhouse Greenhouse effecteffectnatural natural greenhouse greenhouse effecteffectkeeping Earths keeping Earths climate warm and climate warm and habitablehabitableman-made man-made greenhouse greenhouse effecteffectcausing Ea

21、rths causing Earths surface temperature surface temperature to rise quickly if to rise quickly if too much heat energy too much heat energy is trappedis trapped2.Draw a mind map to show the relationship of this paragraph.2.Draw a mind map to show the relationship of this paragraph.The rise in The ri

22、se in temperaturetemperatureextreme weather/extreme weather/natural disastersnatural disastersextreme rainstorms,extreme rainstorms,heat wavesheat wavesserious damage,costing serious damage,costing human lives,economic human lives,economic losseslossesleads toleads toexamplesexamplesresultsresults1.

23、Why did the author mention the climate scientists warning?1.Why did the author mention the climate scientists warning?Para.4 influencesPara.4 influencesClimate scientists have warned that if we do not take Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions,this warming trend w

24、ill probably continue appropriate actions,this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay.and there will be a higher price to pay.What can we do to fight global warmingWhat can we do to fight global warming?Para.5 solutionsPara.5 solutions*Governments:make policies

25、and take appropriate actions and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions*Individuals:restrict the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce to reduce our“carbon footprint”Part 4Post-reading Diagrams are very useful tools that can be used to brainstorm idea,map out processes,show cause and

26、effect relationships,explain a new idea of concept,and so on.When you read an essay about scientific issues,you can try drawing a diagram,which will not only allow you to visualize the problems more clearly but also can help demonstrate your creative thinking and problem-solving.Tips:draw a diagramT

27、ips:draw a diagram Use a Use a diagramdiagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.describing how the greenhouse effect works.The greenhouse effect点击添加内容1.What examples of extreme weather and 1.What examples of extreme weather and disasters do you know?disasters do you know?Make a list of them

28、.Make a list of them.2.Do you think it is human activity that caused 2.Do you think it is human activity that caused global climate change?Give your reasons?global climate change?Give your reasons?Yes.Human beings burn too much fossil fuels and produce large quantities of carbon dioxide,causing the

29、temperature to go up steadily.Tsunami(海啸),floods(洪水),landslides(滑坡),sandstorms(沙尘暴),thunderstorms(雷雨),earthquakes,hail(冰雹),heatwaves(热浪),cold waves(寒潮),typhoons(台风),tornados(龙卷风).Why is a question left at the end?Why is a question left at the end?To leave readers deep thoughts of how to reduce To leave readers deep thoughts of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.greenhouse gas emissions.Thanks


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