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1、2022年湖北省十堰市房县中考一模英语试题 一、听录音选图片1 ABC2 ABC3 ABC4 ABC5 ABC二、听长对话选答案听材料,回答问题。6What food does the man feel like eating?AFrench foodBItalian foodCJapanese food7Where are the two speakers going probably?ATo the Pizzeria. BTo the Trattoria. CTo the Parlor. 听材料,回答问题。8Who did the man go shopping with on Satur

2、day?AHis sister. BHis parents. CHis roommate. 9What does Jason love doing in the yard?AExercising. BReading. CSinging. 听材料,回答问题。10Who will give a speech?AA writer. BAn inventor. CA reporter. 11Where will Mike and Sherry meet?AIn the classroom. BOpposite the library. CIn front of the hall. 12When wil

3、l Mike and Sherry meet?AAt 2:00. BAt 2:20. CAt 2:30. 听材料,回答问题。13What did the girl think of the theme of todays class?AInteresting. BBoring. CUseful. 14How often does the girl review her notes after class?AEvery day. BTwice a week. COnce a week. 15What subject is the girl best at?AHistory. BChinese.

4、CEnglish. 三、听短文选答案听材料,回答问题。16How old is Sara?A14.B15.C16.17What do Sara and Cathy both like to do?ARead novels. BMake desserts. CPlay sports. 18What music does Cathy like?AMusic that isnt too loud. BMusic that has great lyrics. CMusic that she can sing along with. 19What did Sara and Cathy always do

5、 together when they were in primary school?AThey rode their bikes. BThey sang in the club. CThey swam at the pool. 20How often does Cathy come back home?AOnce a week. BTwice a month.COnce a month. 四、听短文填表听材料,完成表中各小题的信息记录,每空不超过两个词。Classroom rules1Speak _21_ inside the classroom. Its a good way to get

6、 more_22_ practice. 2Be on time. Lessons start at _23_ oclock. Its not very _24_ to arrive 20 minutes late. 3Never use mobile phone during the lesson. Turn _25_ off completely. 五、单项选择26There is nothing on the desk except _ empty pencil box and _ ugly picture. Aa; aBan; anCa; anDan; a27Did you see Wa

7、ng Yapings 5-year-old daughter cheering her before the Shenzhou-13 spaceship took off?Yes, she must take pride _ her mother. AofBonCinDfor28I found _ impossible to learn a foreign language without memorizing words. AitBthatCthisDwhich29Tom, was your school far away from your home?Yes. I _ walk three

8、 kilometers to go to school every day.Ause toBused toCgot used toDam used to30Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Anna?It _ be her. She is on the plane to Kunming at the moment.AcantBwouldntCmustntDshouldnt31Traditional Chinese medicine is _ used in Chinas fight against COVID-19. AnearlyBpolitely

9、CprivatelyDwidely32You must make an effort _ smoking. Its bad for your health. Youre right. It might be hard, but its worth _. Ato stop; to tryBto stop; tryingCstopping; to tryDstopping; trying33Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?Yes. Colors do have the _ to influence our feelings.

10、 AwealthBfaultCpowerDweight34Chinese is getting more and more popular. It _ in many schools all over the world. AteachesBtaughtCis taughtDwas taught35Im going to be a volunteer at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Good for you! _ valuable the experience will be!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a36Did you s

11、ee two policemen _ a tall man? What happened? The man stole an old ladys purse. Apassing byBpaying forClooking afterDrunning after37I dont know _ during the winter vacation. Any advice?How about doing a part-time Job?Awhat should I doBwhat I should doCwhere should I goDwhere I should go38Do you know

12、 who Su Bingtian is?Yes, he is a famous runner _ set the new Asian record of 9.83 second in mens 100-meter race at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. AwhoBwhomCwhoseDwhich39Will you go camping with us on Saturday, Gina?_. Ill go if its fine. AEnjoy your tripBGood luck to youCIt depends on the weatherDYou seem

13、 to have a point40I dont think students should spend too much time on their clothes._. They should pay more attention to their studies. ATake it easyBI agree with youCDont mention itDIm sorry to hear that六、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。“Joanna, love is simple. You dont have t

14、o do much to make others happy.” That was what my _41_ told me when I was a kid. But I didnt fully understand it until last year. My friend Carly told me about her fantastic trip to a small town called Gary. I _42_ to go there, too. When I told my parents about my thought, they didnt _43_ at first.

15、They said I didnt know much about the place. They worried about my _44_ there. After I explained my plan to them in detail(详细地), they _45_ said yes. When our group arrived in Gary, I _46_ the town was so different from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town, so you would be

16、_47_ enough to find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills and _48_ of them had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to _49_ their houses. The work days were long and hot, _50_ it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day. The

17、kids there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The small things could make them _51_. I couldnt find words to describe their joy when they received an ice-cream, a ball or _52_ a hug. The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and

18、was ready to _53_ help._54_ a wonderful experience I had in Gary! I truly learned the _55_ of what my mother said. You dont need to do much to make a difference to others lives. 41AmotherBfatherCfriendDteacher42Aplayed a partBhad a lookCmade a messDmade a decision43AcompareBrepeatCmindDagree44Adiffi


20、hatDWho55AabilityBmeaningCreasonDskill七、阅读单选阅读下列信息表,根据其内容,选择最佳选项。The worlds shortest man, He Pingping, died at the age of 21, a Guinness World Records spokesman said. Pinging was 29 inches tall. He was in Italy when he developed chest(胸部)problems. The Chinese-born man, who became a record-holder in

21、March 2008, was taken to hospital in Rome. But he died.A Vietnamese man who has the worlds longest hair, died on February 25, 2010. His hair was so long and it looked like a boa constrictor(蟒蛇). The exact length of Tran Van Hays unwashed hair was unclear but the Vietnam News said it was 6.8 meters l

22、ong (over 22 feet). The Thanh Nien Daily said Hays hair was measured(测量) at 6.2 meters in 2006.Karl and Denise Shaughnessy show the picture of their white-haired dog Chanel in Port Jefferson Station, N. Y. on Long Island. Chanel, who was regarded as the worlds oldest dog died on Friday, August 28, 2

23、009.Chinas Donghai Bridge(across the sea in Hangzhou Bay(海湾) is 32.5 kilometers long. It is regarded as the longest bridge in the world. It was learned that the bridge from the design, construction(建设), management, technical standards(技术标准)have created a precedent(先例)in the history of Chinas bridge-

24、building.56How tall is the worlds shortest man?A32.5 inches .B29 inches.C6.8 inches.D22 inches.57Who has the longest hair in the world in 2006?AHe Pingping.BTran Van Hay.CDenise Shaughnessy.DKarl.58What color is the longest-life dog?AWhite.BBlack.CYellow.DRed.59Which of the following is wrong?AThe w

25、orlds shortest man died on Long Island.BThe exact length of Tran Van Hays hair is over 22 feet.CDonghai Bridge is the longest bridge in the world.DChanel was regarded as the worlds oldest dog.60Where can you probably read all these articles?AIn a science fiction.BIn a notice.CIn a story book.DIn Gui

26、nness Worlds Records.阅读短文,根据其内容,选择最佳选项。What would you do if you see an old man lying on the side of the road? If you know first aid (急救)and have received first aid training, you can provide him with help before professional help arrives. Experts say the first 10 minutes after an accident are importa

27、nt for saving a life. Just as its name suggests, first aid is the first steps before a person gets professional medical help. It includes making the person stay safe, and helping him or her feel better and stay calm. It also includes getting help, either by telling an adult or calling 120. First aid

28、 is an important life skill that everyone should learn. By learning it, you may save someones life someday. But in China, less than 1 percent of adults have first aid knowledge. The Ministry of Education(MOE) has realized this. Last August, it asked all public schools in China to provide first aid c

29、ourses as part of their health classes. A 2019 research showed that 64.6 percent of schools already have these courses. However, the results have not been good. According to the MOE, future results are expected to be better. Other countries have also made a big effort to provide first aid training t

30、o their people. In1966 the US government said police officers, firefighters, middle school teachers and college teachers must receive CPR training. In Switzerland,all people learn first aid skills. And in Germany, 80 percent of people have received first aid training. According to a report, 1.2 mill

31、ion emergency cases(突发事件) have taken place every year in China in recent years. Its time for all of us to learn more about first aid. 61What is mainly explained in Paragraph 2?AWhat first aid is.BWhy first aid is important.CHow to stay calm in an accident. DWhen to get professional medical help. 62T

32、he underlined word this in Paragraph 3 refers to the fact that _.Afirst aid is an important life skillBfew Chinese adults have first aid knowledgeCpeople save someones life by providing first aidDthe first 10 minutes after an accident are important63What can we learn from the 2019 research?AThe firs

33、t aid training courses didnt go well.BStudents were interested in learning first aid. CThe first aid training went better than expected. DStudents didnt get high scores in their courses. 64Paragraph 5 is written to show _. Aits not easy to teach people first aid skillsBteachers should learn first ai

34、d knowledgeCfirst aid training is common in Asian countriesDother countries have provided first aid training for their people65From the passage, we can know that _. Astudents are expected to give first aidBmore people will need first aid in the futureCwe need more people to train others in first aid

35、DChina is making first aid training part of its school courses八、阅读填表阅读下面短文,完成表格。People from all over the world like giving chocolate as a gift. Made from Cocoa bean(可可豆), chocolate was a drink in the beginning. It was first drunk by Central America thousands of years ago. In the 16th century, Spanis

36、h explorers(探险家) brought cocoa beans to Europe. At the time, only rich people could drink chocolate because it was expensive. About 170 years ago, people started to eat chocolate.Nowadays, everybody can enjoy chocolate. Studies suggest that eating a little chocolate once a week can help lower your b

37、lood pressure and keep you from heart disease. Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate because it has more cocoa. However, too much chocolate is unhealthy because its rich in sugar and fat.We often hear fun news about chocolate. Here are two pieces of them.Every year in the United States, a cho

38、colate company holds a competition and the prize is a chocolate hotel room. Almost everything in the room is made of chocolate and even the walls are covered with chocolate. The lucky winners can eat as much chocolate as they like in the room.Do you know that chocolate can also be used to run a car?

39、 A special truck once ran 4,500 miles from the UK across the Sahara Desert to West Africa. And it ran on fuel (燃料) made from waste chocolate.ChocolateHistoryIt appeared as a _66_ in Central America thousands of years ago.Coca beans were brought to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 16th Century.Peop

40、le have eaten chocolate for about _67_.Advantages&disadvantagesA little chocolate a week is _68_ in lowering blood pressure and keeping heart disease away.Too much chocolate is _69_ our health.Fun newsThe winners of a competition can stay in a chocolate hotel room and eat as much chocolate as they w

41、ant.Waste chocolate can be used for _70_.九、多任务混合阅读阅读短文,根据其内容,完成下列任务。Parents always tell their kids to dream big. A 12-year-old girl in Texas, the US has taken that to heart. She dreams of becoming a NASA engineer by age 16. It may sound _, but Alena is not a common girl she is both clever and hard-w

42、orking. She is also learning Spanish and Arabic by herself. Alena Wicker is now studying at her dream university. She shows great interest in engineering _ her love for building things. She would love to build a rover (探测器) to go to space. Believe it or not, the story started with Lego (乐高积木). Ever

43、since she was 4, Alena has loved playing around with different types of Lego and developed a great love for building things. Little Alena used to look at the stars and said seriously, “Mommy, Im going to work for NASAIm going to go up there. ”Alena is planning to write a childrens book and build a w

44、ebsite (网站). “Id like to encourage more girls to follow their dreams. Girls should also dream big and become whatever they want to be in the world,” she said. Alena wont let anything stop her from achieving her dream. “I have a goal and I am working towards it. No matter what youre planning to do, j

45、ust go for it,” she says. “No one can hold us down. Just reach for the stars.”1、请根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出、处所缺单词。2、从短文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。3、请把上文中处划线的句子翻译成汉语。4、5请根据短文内容回答问题。71_72Whatever youre planning to do, just go and do it. _73_74When did Alena begin to play with different types of Lego?_75Will Alena make her dream come true?_


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