牛津译林版四年级下册《英语》期末测试卷(含答案) .doc

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1、学校_ _ 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_装订线盐城市秦南小学2019学年度第二学期四年级英语学业检测试卷一、单项选择(30分)( )1. I cant swim. I cant swim _.A.too B. twoC. either( )2. Have a _, Bobby. Yeah! I can fly. A. A.Look at B. look C. try( )3.Look at dogs under the tree. Theyre very cute.A. they B. that C. those( )4. How many _ do you have? _.A. mango; Tw

2、o B. mangoes; TwoC. mangoes; Too( )5. Heres _ egg for you. Thank you. What _ big egg! A.an; aB. an; anC. a; a( )6. This is our snowman. His nose _ small. His eyes _ big. A. is; isB. are; areC. is; are( )7. Where is your aunt? - _ in the living room. A. Im B. Shes C. Hes( )8. -Do you have _ apple? -

3、No. I have _ oranges. A. an, an B. an, some C. an, any( )9. Id like to drink two of . A. cups; coffees B. cups ; coffee C. cup; coffee( )10. -Where the cakes ? - in the fridge. A. is ; Theyre B.are ; Theyre C. is ; Its( )11. Where _ my pens? A. is B. are C. am( )12.A: Your school bag is nice. B: _A.

4、 Yes. B. No, it isnt. C. Thank you. ()13. A:_would you like? B: _like some noodles. A.Whats ; I B What ; Id C How ; Id ( )14.Im hungry. Id like _.A some tea B. a sandwich C. some coffee( )15. Do you have_toy animals? A some B any C a ( )16. Whose classroom is this? Its_ classroom. A. we B. us C. our

5、( )17.His father is very _. A. big B.tall C.long( )18._ you like a pie? Yes,please A. Do B. Would C. do( )19. Can you play football? Yes, I _. A. do B. can C. cant( )20. _ _ crayons do you have? Twelve. A. How many B. How nice C. How much二、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(10分)( )1. What is this? A. Its time fo

6、r bed( )2.What do you like? B. Thanks.( )3.Would you like a cake? C. Id like a toy panda.( )4.Look at my dog. D. No, I dont( )5.How much is it? E. Its a toy monkey.( )6.What would you like? F. Its fifty yuan.( )7.Its nine oclock. G. Yes, please.( )8.How many pencils do you have? H. Its cute.( )9.Her

7、e you are. I. Four.( )10.Do you like tigers? J. I like monkeys.阅读理解(30分)(A)阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。A:Whats this,Jack? B: Its my playhouse(玩具屋)Come in, Mike. A: Are these toys? B: Yes, they are all new. Look, I have ten cars. A: They are beautiful. How many balls do you have? B: Lets count(数数)

8、A: One, two, three . six. B: Do you like your new toys? A: Yes, I do. But (可是)I like my old(旧的)toys, too.They are my birthday presents(礼物).( )1. Jack has nine cars. 新( ) 2.Jacks cars are beautiful.( ) 3. Jack has five balls. ( ) 4. They like the toys. ( ) 5. Mike likes his old toys too. (B)阅读短文,从题中所

9、给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与短文内容相符的选项 My school bag is my good friend. Its black and red. There is a blue cat on my bag. The cats eyes(眼睛) are big and the nose(鼻子) is white and small. Its very lovely! My school bag is not big, but beautiful and useful( 有用的). My textbooks(教科书),my pencil box and my exercise-books(

10、练习本) are all in my school bag. I like my school bag.1.My school bag is ( ). A. blue and white B.black and white C.black and red 2. There is a ( ) on my bagA. a blue cat B.a white cat C.a blue dog3. The cats nose is ( )A.small B big C.red.4. My schoolbag is ( ).A.lovely B.big C.not big新5. Which one i

11、s not in my schoolbag(不在我的书包里)?A. Textbooks B. Pencilbox C.purse(钱包) (C)阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。 Helen has a happy family. She lives in Suzhou with her parents. Helen is a student. She gets up at 6:30 every morning and goes to school on foot. Her father is a policeman. He goes to work by bus.

12、And her mother is a doctor. She goes work by bike. What do they usually do on Sundays? Helen usually goes shopping with her mother. But her father doesnt like going shopping. He usually reads books at home.( )1. Helen lives in Suzhou with her parents. ( )2. Helen isnt a student. ( )3. Helens father

13、is a policeman. ( )4. Helens mother likes reading books at home. ( )5. Helens father doesnt like going shopping.四、看图写单词或词组。(16分)五.补全对话。(14分)1我喜欢语文和美术。l like and .2苏海有一节游泳课。Su Hai a .3他的衬衫太大。 is too .4. 我喜欢葡萄。 I _ _.5. 看我的T恤衫. _ _ my T-shirt.6. 我想要一个鸡蛋。 Id like _ _.参考答案:一1-5: C B C B A 6-10:C B B B B11-15: B C B B B 16-20:C B B B A二 E J G H F C A I B D三A. F T F T TB. C A A C CC. T F T F T四1. go to bed 2.eighteen 3.skate 4.horse 5.gloves 6.swim 7.jump 8.banana. 五1.Chinese Art 2.has swimming lesson3.His shirt big4.like grapes5.Look at6. an egg


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