1、conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Encourages the party branch Secretary of the practice of party members give a Party lecture. Production line of advanced party members reported, their own experiences, enhance the attraction and appeal
2、 of party lecture. 4. Organization of online communication. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Boot party communist networks, mobile phone, TV, micro-learning and distance education platforms. Boot party member home participation in networked learning, inte
3、raction and three lessons, offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5. carry out the responsibility. Each branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning,
4、timely understanding of party members and cadres to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems. Party Committee should do a good job leadership learning at the same time, guidance to branch based on the development of learning programmes, and urged the implementation of three lessons system a
5、nd implementing learning requirements. To take reports, customized research, participate in discussions, attend meetings of the Organization, such as supervision, and effective transmission of pressure. About consolidation of weak and lax party branches, through true strong team, promote transformat
6、ion improving branch to issue that stands out, to be dealt with first in place, further study and education. 6. play the lead role. Leadership, leading cadres should set an example, and to lead by example, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect o
7、f linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot lamp black, and flashlight man as himself. To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talki
8、ng about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7. grasp the integrated. To stick a
9、round the Center, serving the overall situation, the two combining education and completed various tasks, and implement the County Thirteen-Five combines planning, and the XX combination of scientific development and leaping development, both hands, two, avoiding two peels. By studying education, in
10、spire party members and cadres undertaking enthusiasm, in establishing and implementing five development philosophy, solid industrial restructuring, deepening reform, poverty alleviation crucial, improving peoples livelihood and other work in the front, for example. Promotion of cadres work hard, ag
11、gressive, push development to test the effectiveness of educational work. Township two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme the Party (total) branch: for advance full strictly rule party, according to XX municipal on in city members in the carried out learn Constitution Party rules, a
12、nd learn series speech, do qualified members learning education implementation programme, and XX municipal organization Department on two learn a do learning arrangements of specific动漫设计与制作专业人才培养方案与核心课程标准 江西外语外贸职业学院 二一四年四月目 录第一部分 动漫设计与制作专业人才培养方案1一、专业名称与专业代码1二、招生对象、学制、学历层次1三、专业培养目标及人才培养模式1四、职业岗位及职业能力
13、要求2五、核心岗位资格证书3六、课程体系构建与核心课程内容3第二部分 动漫设计与制作专业核心课程标准12一、设计素描与速写课程标准12二、MAYA基础课程标准17三、高级材质与渲染课程标准21四、高级绑定课程标准26五、Photoshop课程标准34六、影视合成课程标准40七、毕业项目创作课程标准48安全生产岗位责任制和责任追究制度是工区各项安全管理制度的核心,须认真执行,使工区的安全管理工作层层有人负责、事事有人管理,使安全生产工作的管理纵向到底、横向到边。programme, and XX city learning education implementation programme s
14、pirit and town party implementation programme requirements, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, Promotion of all party members and consciously respect the party Constitution, abide by party rules, armed with
15、 XI series of important speech by General Secretary head, guide, and promote the work, be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI
16、 series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1, Constitution Party rules learning of the party Constitution, a d
17、eep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs
18、disciplinary regulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights Ordinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2, and learning series speech to XI General Secretary series impo
19、rtant speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty work to dream into really-XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line immediately on do documentary and XI General Secretary on immediately on do important discusses, for basic textbook, learning understand XI General Secretary series impor
20、tant speech of basic spirit, learning understand Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand XI General Secretary on Fujian, and A series of important instructions of the XX and XX of important ideas, inheriting and carrying forward the
21、General Secretary during the XXs sigewan and will do it right away and other fine traditions and work style, mastery and improvement of self-cultivation, fulfill the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Grasp to master the following main aspects: (1) which
22、is the spirit of the ideals and beliefs of calcium, establish a correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and values, (2) is the national dream, Chinese dream the dreams, the dreams of the people of the nation, is the dream of the Chinese nation in modern times most of the great core Essentials is the
23、national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, (3) China Color Socialist is achieved Chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) four a full strategy layout is new of history conditions Xia party ruling acting
24、political total strategy, consciously with four a full led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship China development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core value
25、s, Carrying forward socialist morality and the traditional Chinese virtues, (7) comprehensive strictly administering the party is a joint responsibility of all party members, each branch must be implemented and第一部分 动漫设计与制作专业人才培养方案一、专业名称与专业代码(一)专业名称:动漫设计与制作(完美动力合作班)(二)专业代码:二、招生对象、学制、学历层次(一)招生对象:全日制普通
31、制作;2、能够熟练完成镜头中灯光布置,完成镜头最终材质设置及。3.有很好的现实灯光阴影感觉,熟练使用三维灯光创作。4. 能够熟练应用PhotoShop等软件绘制纹理。5.较强的解决问题的能力和好的审美观,有美术基础者优先。6.具有很好的团队合作精神和良好的沟通能力。五、核心岗位资格证书1、计算机等级证一级为必考证2、职业技能水平三维动画师(高级)国家职业资格证书3、完美动力职业鉴定资格证书典型工作行动领域学习领域现场勘查及调研栏目策划栏目审定客户交流设计审美表达方案设计与表达表现快速设计表现动漫设计方案快速表达效果图展示渲染软件应用方案设计说明客户洽谈方案修改与确认角色动画栏目包装展示角色动画
33、教学目标通过本课程的教学,初步认识三维软件概念、三维制作流程、目前发展趋势、所需掌握的技能等。教学方式(组织实施)讲授、案例分析、实践操作考核方式作品检测高级材质与渲染开设学期三周学时16总学时112支撑的相关职业能力企业材质的高级应用,综合材质的作品完成教学目标通过本课程的教学,掌握各种物体的色彩特征以及maya材质的综合运用。教学方式(组织实施)讲授、案例分析、实践绘图考核方式作品测试高级绑定开设学期四周学时20总学时80支撑的相关职业能力让你的模型走起来、跑起来、跳起来。教学目标由浅入深,对不同动画类型进行讲解分析。了解动画基础知识,学习路径动画、Graph Editor、小球弹跳并渗入
36、视包装的标准工作流程及电视包装的发展历程。了解创意策划对包装项目的重要性。以经典的商业包装案例为驱动力,带动学习。教学方式(组织实施)讲授、案例分析、实践绘图考核方式作品检测毕业项目创作开设学期六周学时20总学时480支撑的相关职业能力综合能力考核 强化前期学习模块知识,综合应用于企业的能力教学目标深度研究影视特效及栏目包装的制作效果,制作个人作品DEMO,在职位竞争中占据绝对优势地位。教学方式(组织实施)讲授、案例分析、实践绘图考核方式就业DEMO考核七、运行与实施见:附表一67动漫设计专业专业课程设置表模块名称序号课程名称课程类型课程 性质专业核心课程考核方式计划学时数每学期周学时数学分理
37、论实践实训小计一二三四五六基本素质养成模块1思想道德修养与法律基础A必修课笔试+技能测试4545332毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论A必修课笔试+技能测试6464443计算机应用B必修课笔试+技能测试6262 1244484体育B必修课笔试+技能测试10118128222285心理健康B必修课笔试+技能测试1812302226入学教育(含安全教育)军事理论与技能训练B必修课笔试+技能测试366096第一学期前18天集中进行3专业知识与技能模块1设计素描与速写B必修课技能测试3232644 42PhotoshopB必修课技能测试3232644 43Maya基础B必修课技能测试32326
38、48 44动画速写B必修课技能测试4050901-5周18节45CorelDRAW广告设计B必修课技能测试54541086-12周18节46三大构成B必修课技能测试36367213-15周18节47道具模型B必修课技能测试4040801-4周20节28场景模型B必修课技能测试40601005-10周20节29角色模型B必修课技能测试703010011-15周20节410场景布光B必修课技能测试30306016-18周20节411视听语言B必修课技能测试3636721-4周18节212高级贴图绘制C必修课技能测试90905-9周18节413高级材质与渲染C必修课技能测试727210-12周18节
39、414高级绑定C必修课技能测试727213-15周18节415高级动画C必修课技能测试727217-18周18节416数字动力学C必修课技能测试100100 1-5周20节417剪辑制作C必修课技能测试80806-9周20节418影视合成C必修课技能测试12012010-15周20节319电视包装商业案例实战B必修课技能测试406010016-18周20节320毕业项目创作C必修课技能测试250250 企业实训(1-10周25节)321顶岗实习C必修课技能测试396396第六学期进行16职业素质拓展模块1职业规划A必修课笔试44正式上课后第一个月内完成12就业指导与训练B必修课技能测试266
40、32223实用文体写作A必修课笔试+技能测试1616114演讲与口才/国际贸易地理B公共选修课笔试+技能测试161834225音乐欣赏/基础会计/商务礼仪/市场营销学/网页设计制作B公共选修课笔试+技能测试141832226当代世界经济与政治A公共选修课笔试3636227社会实践C公共选修课技能测试36 362总 计829207429032728 26 25 22 25 127总学时及比例总学时:2903学时, 理论教学:829学时,占总学时29%。实践/实训教学:2074学时,占总学时 71%。34门课:A类课程5门,占总课程15%;B类课程19门,占总课程55%;C类课程10门,占总课30
41、%。注:1第一学期按15周计算,第二学期按16周计算,第三学期按17周计算,第四学期按16周计算,第五学期按10周计算。2形势与政策第一至第五学期以专题讲座、视频教学形式开展,总计1学分。3课程类型分为三类:A类(纯理论课)、B类(理论+实训课)、C类(纯实训课)。4课程性质分为三类:必修课、专业选修课、公共选修课。5考核方式分为三类:笔试、技能测试、笔试+技能测试。6社会实践:由学院统一组织的社会实践活动,可冲抵选修2学分。7“”标注课程为专业核心课程。8“*”标注课程为规定必修课。第二部分 动漫设计与制作专业核心课程标准设计素描与速写课程标准一、课程定位 该课程是一门专业课,是学生进入设计
42、类课程前必须具备的重要的专业基础能力之一,要求学生利用抽象的造型元素组织形,创造形,对色彩能够灵活运用,培养对造型的直感能力并掌握造型最基本的原理。二、课程教学目标在二维场景及三维场景中,学习利用造型方法设计制作各种形态的色彩、肌理、质感,培养学生图形的想象能力及造型能力,提高学生实际动手制作的能力,从而为专业设计打下基础。三、课程设计思路以工作过程的课程开发、培养学生图形的想象能力及造型能力,提高学生实际动手制作的能力,从而为专业设计打下基础。四、教学内容安排及学时分配表一教学内容安排及学时分配序号教学内容(章节、单元、项目、主题等)主要内容学时一第一章:理论篇1从传统到现代从模仿走向创意22从基础到应用原理化为现实2二第二章 方法篇3写生训练 石膏像写生104人物写生(手、头像、人物)45写生训练 静物与风景写生106创意训练元素的联想67技法训练质感表现48技法训练结构素描10三第三章 应用篇9素描在影视、广告、服装设计中的应用410素描在产品、家具、交通工具设计中的应用411素描在动漫、建筑、环境设计表现中的应用4