六年级上册英语教案- Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing .-外研社(三起).docx

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1、Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing教学设计教材出版社外语教学与研究出版社年级六年级上册课题Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing.课时安排4课时第(1)课时学习目标(一)、听懂会说单词miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,shop,并能书写shop.(二)、能够听懂、会说目标语句:There is a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There is

2、Chinese dancing .(三)、技能目标: 能够能灵活运用功能语句在真实的生活情景中描述某地特征。(四)、情感目标: 1、让学生初步了解美国纽约唐人街,激起一种民族自豪感。 2、培养学生的合作意识。学习重点、难点能在真实情境中熟练运用目标语句There is a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 描述地方特征。导学流程教师活动学生活动教学添补教学目标一、自学展问。(10)分钟?1. Warm-upT: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

3、 Ok, now lets watch a video. (播放there be 句型的翻译顺序微课视频,约2分钟)。T:Children,do you know America? Tell me more about America.T:Please watch carefully.(播放小视频)Try your best, if you cant say it in English, Chinese is OK.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Yu.Ss: Yes.Ss: Lots of Chinese people.T: Oh,really?(生单词)T:(回看) Ye

4、s. There are lots of Chinese. (贴出there are句型条) T: Children, do you know where it is? Why so many Chinese people there?T:(出示唐人街图片)Because this is Chinatown. Today, we will learn a story about Chinatown.播放there be 句型的翻译顺序微课视频,为下面的学习打好基础;而美国纽约短片的一个小talk。希望可以起到更好的效果,并且缓解课堂紧张气氛。二、互动探究。(18)分钟T: Look at th

5、is map. A small part of New York. What can you find out?T:Yes.Thereisa Chinatown in New York.(贴出there is句型条) Now,look around our classroom,what can you see in our classroom?(给出背景图片提示)Pay attention here. Look!(教师多次变化讲台上的物品来演示there is / there are让学生明白他们的用法区别)T: (首先拿出一支钢笔)There is a .T: (Take out two p

6、ens)Now, there . T:Ok, lets listen for the second time and think:Whats in Chinatown? (听完后,出示图片,逐一学习重点句型和单词)T:(出示图片)There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Look,(出示商店和餐馆图片学习生单词)this is ashop.T: How to spell?T: Yes.(Write on the board.)S3: Chinatown.S4: There is a pen on the desk.S!: Th

7、ere are two pens.S5: There are some pencils on the desk.S6: There are some desks and chairs in our classroom.Ss: No.S7:There are some teachers in our classroom.Ss: Shop.Ss: S-H-O-P shop.Ss: Restaurant.Ss:(Repeat)S8:Theres a Chinatown in New York. S9:There are lotsof Chinese shops andrestaurants ther

8、e.S10: Theres Chinese dancing.a. 男女生分角色朗读 b.同桌分角色读(1.5分钟内完成然后展示) (5)Act it out (4组生展示,评出最佳小组,教师适当点评)T: Yes. There are some English teachers there . They are visiting our school.Our school is beautiful. But whats in our school and how to introduce? After learning, I believe you can do it. Damingand S

9、imon,our friends, also come to us. Please listen to the tape and tell meWhat are they talking about? Ss: Chinatown. T: Yes.They are talking aboutChinatown in America.(先安排小组讨论,再由组代表展示,作品可用投影仪投出。) (先让学生参照模板写一写,然后起来展示) ( First, T gives Ss a model like this: This is our school. There is _. There are som

10、e_ and _. Our school is beautiful. Welcome to our school.)通过说说教室,来练习功能句型,并通过实物让学生直接感知There is/There are的区别。三、拓展提升。(10)分钟 (出示图片限时5秒,让学生观察图中有什么,并用there is/there are描述。)T: Please use Theres / There are. to describe what you see in the pictures.You have 5seconds for each picture.S3: There is a cat on th

11、e chair.S11:.There is_ . Theres _. There are _.You can use this sentence pattern to describe something in somewhere.先安排小组讨论,再由组代表展示,作品可用投影仪投出。) (先让学生参照模板写一写,然后起来展示四、小结微课展示出来:(一)、本课单词(二)、句型There is/There are五、作业用5个There is/There are句型介绍自己家里有什么东西。板书设计Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing. 单词miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,shop 句型 There is a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There is Chinese dancing .教学反思(一)、主要特色与创新之处1、 注重在真实情境中熟练运用目标语句。2、微课的使用,体现了现代化的新形势,新要求,大大提高课堂教学效果3、 参照模板写一写环节,为今后写作打下良好基础(二)、 存在的问题与不足时间安排欠合理,拓展环节的时间可能不够充裕。


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