六年级英语上册课件Unit 1 How can I get there- Review of Unit 1人教(PEP)(共29张PPT).ppt

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1、Review of Unit 1PEP六年级上册六年级上册闯关游戏闯关游戏123Do you want to get candies?Now please finish 3 tasks,you can get more.123Task 1:Words and phrases.大声清晰快速Translate and read the following words as loudly as you can.Recite the key words.科学科学博物馆博物馆书店书店 电影院电影院医院医院sciencemuseumbookstorecinemahospital十字路口十字路口转弯转弯左左

2、笔直地笔直地右右邮局邮局crossingturnleftstraightrightpost office问问(对男子的礼(对男子的礼貌称呼)先生貌称呼)先生有趣的有趣的意大利的意大利的餐馆餐馆比萨饼比萨饼大街;街道大街;街道asksirinterestingItalianrestaurantpizzastreet到达到达全球(卫星)全球(卫星)定位系统定位系统提供;交给提供;交给(过去式)(过去式)特点特点跟着跟着较远的较远的告诉告诉getGPSgavefeaturefollowfartellscience museumItalian restaurantBeihai ParkPalace M

3、useumgo straight科学博物馆意大利餐馆北海公园故宫博物院直走Recite the key phrases.左/右转挨着在前面在十字路口在东方大街上turn left/rightnext toin front of.at the crossingon Dongfang Street【即时演练即时演练】1.I want to buy some storybooks in the b_.2.Sarah is ill.She should go to the h_ and see the doctor.根据句意及首字母完成单词。根据句意及首字母完成单词。bookstorehospital

4、3.I can see the movie Spiderman 蜘蛛侠蜘蛛侠at the c_.4.I am going to send a letter.I can go to the p_ o_.5.Lets see the talking robot in the s_ m_cinemapostofficesciencemuseum【即时演练即时演练】看图片,写出相应的单词或短语。看图片,写出相应的单词或短语。1._2._3._4._crossingturn rightgo straightturn left【即时演练即时演练】单词选择我最棒!单词选择我最棒!1.Look!Mike is

5、 _ front of the Palace Museum.A.in B.on C.at2.The hospital is _ the park.A.behind B.in front C.near to3.The library is next _ the cinema.A./B.to C.at【即时演练即时演练】火眼金睛选不同。火眼金睛选不同。1.A.interesting B.behind C.far2.A.left B.right C.turn3.A.near B.get C.ask4.A.here B.where C.how5.A.large B.feature C.small123

6、Task 2:Sentences.问路用语及其答语问句问句答语答语Where is the+地点?Its+表示地点的短语.【即时演练即时演练】翻译:博物馆的商店在哪儿?翻译:博物馆的商店在哪儿?在大门附近。在大门附近。Where is the museum shop?Its near the door.翻译:医院在哪?翻译:医院在哪?它在银行附近。它在银行附近。Where is the hospital?Its near the bank.问路用语及其答语问句问句答语答语How can+主语+get(to)+地点Turn+方向+表示地点的介词短语【即时演练即时演练】翻译:我们怎么到那儿?翻译:

7、我们怎么到那儿?到书店左转。然后到医院右转。到书店左转。然后到医院右转。How can we get there?Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.连词成句。1.can get How there we (?)_2.right the Turn at restaurant (.)_How can we get there?Turn right at the restaurant.【即时演练即时演练】123Task 3:Writing.假如你打算周日和朋友们去书店,但还有人不清楚怎么去。请你根据以下提示,用英语写

8、一篇指路的短文,要求不少于五句话。提示:提示:The bookstore is next to/Its not far from/Go straight/Turn left/right at读读范文读读范文How to get to the bookstore We are going to the bookstore on Sunday.The bookstore is next to the science museum.Its not far from our school.So we can go straight from our school.Then turn left at t

9、he cinema.The bookstore is on the right.We will get to the bookstore easily tomorrow.1.时态:本文是一篇有关指路的短文,所以除了第一句及最后总结用了一般将来时,其他均采用了一般现在时态来进行写作。2.写作思路:本文属于用英语来指路的短文,所以短文围绕如何到达目的地进行了具体描写。由于短文内容的空间观念比较强,写作时需要较强的逻辑思维。理理思路理理思路3.写作模板:开头首先说明出发时间和出发地We are going to.on.中间然后详细介绍去书店的路线The bookstore is next to.It

10、 s not far from.Go straight.Turn left/right at.Its on the right/left.结尾最后表达自己的感想或期待I think.We will.Mike要和他的朋友一起去一家意大利餐馆吃比要和他的朋友一起去一家意大利餐馆吃比萨,请你根据提示写一写他们的行进路线。要求不萨,请你根据提示写一写他们的行进路线。要求不少于五句话。少于五句话。提示:提示:Italian restaurantpizza post office go straight bookstore turn lefthospital turn right练练典题练练典题_123I get the candies.


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