英语人教新起点(一起)四年级下册-Unit 2 Cities(lesson 3)教案.docx

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1、游仙区凤凰乡小学 肖玲 课文标题Cities单元名称Unit 2 Lesson 3教材版本人教版新起点授课年级四年级下册 课型阅读教学一、教学内容分析本课为人教版新起点小学英语四年级下册二单元第三课中的阅读教学课。本单元第一课学习了city,street,sports centre, hotel and square等表示城市中常见场所的词汇,以及buy toys, see a film, go boating等表示活动的短语,学生能够根据语境恰当使用;第二课学习了询问去某地乘坐何种交通工具的问句及答句: How can I get.? You can take.,并能够初步在情境中进行口头运

2、用。因此,第三课在第一二课的基础上,对城市地点学习进行巩固和拓展延伸。根据学生的实际情况,为了调动学生的学习兴趣,在教学过程的实施中将课本问题按place- location- transportation- activities进行步骤拆分,循序渐进,一步一步引导学生提取文本信息,并形成有效的阅读学习策略,发展阅读学习能力。二、学情分析 经过三年半的英语学习,四年级的学生对英语学习有了一定的了解,学习的积极性有了明显的提高,基本掌握了英语学习的方法与技巧。但由于学习习惯的差异,班级当中两极分化比较明显,表现为部分学生课前不预习,课中不敢说,课后不会做。因此,在日常的教育教学中,应充分的考虑后

3、进生的实际情况,采取一带一,小组合作等方式,提高后进生的学习能力。同时,在课堂教学中,鼓励学生积极参与活动操练,增强英语学习的自信心,提高英语学习的积极性。三、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:、能够读懂介绍城市场所的短文,并能从短文中提取信息完成阅读任务。、能狗比较流利地朗读短文。2. 过程与方法目标:能够根据阅读内容正确填空,学会举一反三;并且做到书写正确、规范。3. 情感与态度目标:、体会阅读的乐趣。、积极参与合作学习,敢于表达。、能够体会到城市的魅力,并热爱我们的城市。四、教学重、难点1. 教学重点:能够清楚理解短文内容,并提取出location、transportation和activi

4、ties等重点信息。2. 教学难点:能够根据短文的内容回答具体问题。五、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)Step 1: Warm-up1. Daily greeting: T: Good morning,boys and girls. Lets sing together! (play the song “Hello”, sing and do the action together)T: Pretty good. How are you today?S: Im fine, Miss Xiao. How about you?T: Im fine, too. What day is it tod

5、ay?S1: Its . T: Whats the date today?S2: Its . T: Whats the weather like today?S3: Its . T: OK, very good. Its time for our class. Firstly, I will divide you into two groups: boys and girls. If you do well in the class, I will give you an apple. We will choose the English Star from the winner after

6、the class. Come on everybody!.(提前将课堂评比图板书在黑板上,在提问过程中,将天气、日期、星期板书在黑板左上角。) 2. BrainstormingT: Now, think about the places we learned before. Then tell me the places you remembered.(板书:different places, 并将学生想到的单词板书在黑板上)设计意图:通过课前唱歌做动作、头脑风暴等活动,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,复习梳理旧知,拓宽学生思维空间,自然过渡到阅读教学中。Step 2: Presentation1.

7、 Lead-in T:Look out the window, its sunny today. What do you want to do today?S: I want to go fishing, climb a hill, play basketball.T: Good. But I want to travel today. Let me show you the city I want to go (show the picture in part A). Is it beautiful?S: Yes, its so beautiful. T: Do you want to go

8、 with me?S:Yes/ Sure/ Of course.T: OK. Lets travel together. This is Star Hotel.We are going to live there. Read part 1and tell me where is it. (Students read part 1 and find out the answers)T: Where is Star Hotel? Raise your hands, please!S1:Its in the centre of the hotel.T:Pretty good. In this cit

9、y, there are many fun places to see and things to do. Lets go somewhere interesting. 设计意图:part A部分分为四个小文段,后三个小文段内容格式类似。因此我将第一个文段提取出来,用去城市旅游的方式带领学生学习第一个文段,并由此引出后三个文段。2. Help the students to extract information from the passage step by step.A: Guide the students to find out the places in the other thr

10、ee texts.Q: Where can we go? Find the answer in the article.(要求学生用下划线的形式勾出地点)(板书:sports centre, Central Square, City Museum)B: Guide the students to find out the location of the places.Q: Where is the sports centre/ Central Square/ City Museum? (要求学生用画圈的方式圈出三个地点对应的位置)(板书:King Street, Hill Street, Dr

11、eam Street)C: Guide the students to find out the transportation we can take .Q:How can we get there? (要求学生用三角形符号标注出文段中的交通方式)(板书:by subway, by bus, on foot)Then ask the students to use the sentence structure:” _ is on _. You can go there by _.” to make sentences according to the passage.D: Guide the

12、students to find out the activities we can do there. Q: What can we do there?(要求学生用波浪线的方式划出文段中的活动) (板书:贴篮球、游泳、风筝、相机图片,并板书see interesting old things) Then ask the students to use the sentence structure:” _ is on _. You can go there by _.You can _ there.” to make sentences according to the passage. 设计

13、意图:考虑到后进生阅读困难的问题,按照places- location- transportation- activities 这4个步骤,循序渐进地进行教学,可以有效地解决学生畏难的情绪,帮助他们一步一步地从文段中提取信息,也可以激发他们阅读的兴趣。在提取信息后进行句型的操练可以让学生更好的理解文段意思,同时巩固复习旧知。Step 3. Practice1. Match the pictures with the right paragraph. (将文段上方和下方的图片分别打乱顺序与文段进行匹配)2. Fill in the blacks in part A.3. Read again a

14、nd write.Q1: Where is the sports centre?Q2: How can you get there from the hotel?Q3: What can you do there? 设计意图:通过图片匹配和教材习题的作答进一步巩固学生对文段的理解,同时考查了学生能否流利地朗读短文,能否做到书写正确、规范。Step 4. Production.Activity: Im a tour guide.T: Suppose you are a tour guide. You will tell your guests about something interestin

15、g places. What will you say? Work in pairs and think about it. Write down your idea. Hello! Im _. Our city is very beautiful. There are many fun places to see and things to do. You can go to _. Its on _. You can go there by _. You can _there.(给学生提供一篇范文,启发学生的思路)设计意图:通过进行我是小导游的活动,能够让学生将今天的信息进行一个有效的整合,

16、培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受英语阅读学习的乐趣。Step 5 Sum-upStep 6 Homework 1. Read the article after the record beautifully.2. Write about our city((可以仿照导游词)七、板书设计Brainstorming:黑板左下位置placesUnit 2 Cites黑板中间:King StreetHill StreetDream Street by subwayby buson foot _ is on _. You can go_ . You can _.see interesting old thingssports centre Central SquareCity Museum


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