英语人教新起点(一起)四年级下册-Unit 3 Lesson 2 Travel plans教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 3 Lesson 2 Travel plans教学设计何丹 磨子桥小学分校 18084820411课例类型会话课教学主题Travel plans教材及年级名称人教版新起点四下单元Unit3教学理念“会话课”英语教学中一个非常重要的课型。教师需要从学生的生活实际和已有知识出发,创设情境,帮助学生理解、听懂、模仿,最后能在相似的情景中初步运用所学的英语结构进行交流。本单元的主题是“旅行计划”,通过询问“Where is it?What can we do in Sanya?Do you want to go to Sanya this summer vacation?”让学生自然卷入其中

2、,自然导入本课功能句型:“Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to.”并学习。最后通过make a survey,为学生创设真实的情景,进行真实的交流。最终培养学生的综合语言运用能力。教学内容本课选自人教版新起点四年级下册 Unit3 “Travel plans”第二课时,包括Part A Look, Listen and repeat, B do a survey and report, C lets write. A部分借助对话录音和图片呈现四个功能句型:Where

3、do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to., 通过让学生看,听,说,演,做等途径来感受并学习这些句型在交际情境中的运用。B 部分通过读对话填表格,帮助学生熟悉这些句型,并体会这些句型在交际情境中的运用,以及在实际交际情境中运用。C部分为让学生根据所给的信息提示,选择本课所学句型完成句子,同时强化良好的书写习惯。学情分析学生特点:四年级学生学习英语的兴趣较为浓厚,有积极参与课堂活动的热情,敢于发表自己的见解,愿意与他人进行交流。对图文并茂,集知识性、趣味性、生活化于一体的教学资源非常感

4、兴趣。知识基础:学生在四年级上册Unit3学习了表示交通方式的短语:by car、ship,subway,train,boat,plane,on foot等;在四年级下册Unit2学习了询问问路的句型及回答:How can I get there? You can.;在四年级下册Unit3 lesson2学习了表示活动项目的词汇和短语:ski,eat seafood,visit the Mogao Cave,row a boat,visit the Great Wall,take photos等,这些句型、词汇、短语的学习都为这节课的顺利学习打下了良好的知识基础。能力起点:经过三年多的学习,学

5、生能够在图片、手势等帮助下,听懂简单的话语。能听懂老师的指令,能够较好地与同伴合作,用英语进行交流。教学目标知识与技能目标:1.能够听懂、理解、会说本课的对话;2.能够听懂、会说询问某人想去某地的问句和答句:Where do you want to go? I want to go to.及某人在某地想做什么事的问句和答句: What do you want to do there? I want to.能力目标:1.能够在一定的情境中初步运用功能句型:Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there

6、? I want to.;进行问答;2.能够运用功能句进行调查;3.能够正确规范地书写功能句型。Where do you want to go?及What do you want to do there?的答句情感目标:引导学生根据自己的真实情况,合理安排旅行计划教学重难点1. 在一定的情景下运用本课核心句型:Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to.,进行问答。2. Vacation的发音 。 教学辅助多媒体、课件、图片教学方法自主学习、合作学习、探究学习;教学步骤教学

7、活动设计意图Step1 Warm-upActivity1:GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning. Miss He Activity2:Sing a songT: Everyone,stand up, show me your hands, lets sing a song.S: I want to visit the Great Wall I want some Beijing duck,. So lets go to Beijing.热身阶段安排了两个活动,能够迅速拉近师生关系,营造轻松和谐的氛围,调动学生的学习兴趣,

8、并聚焦于本课话题“Travel plans”。Step 2 ReviewStep3 lead-in1.Free talk T:Look at this beautiful picture. Where is it?Ss:Its Sanya.T:What can we do in Sanya?S1:We can eat seafood.S2:We can swim in the sea.S3:.T:So,we can do many things ,do you want to go to Sanya this summer vacation?S:Yes/ No.T:Why?S:because.

9、T:How can we get there? S1;We can get there by car.S2:We can get there by train.S3:.2. 介绍评价方式T: Ok, today we go to Sanya by plane, lets do a competition“Which group arrive first. the one is winner.”呈现主情境图: Ask questions:T: Now, look this picture. Who is he? S1:Andy.T:Who is she?S2:Andys mother.T:Wha

10、t are they doing?S3:They are talking travel plans通过师生问答激活旧知,What can we do in Sanya?Ican eat seafood.并通过Do you want to go to Sanya this summer vacation? 让学生迅速卷入本课的学习。介绍评价方式,激发学生的好胜心及兴趣。学生认真观察图片思考、回答问题,并给出依据,培养学生的读图能力。引出本课话题:Travel PlansStep4 Presentation1.Discuss in four.T: So,where does Andy want t

11、o go this summer vacation? Four people discuss. S1+S2+S3+S4: Discuss. T: Who want try?S1:he wants to go to Sanya.S2:.2.听音验证.T:Maybe,lets listen and find the answer.(第一遍听音频,无字幕)T:再抽人答S1: he wants to do to Sanya.S2: .3.听音跟读. T: Now, girls stand up, try to read like mother(播放Mother的音频)Girl: Where do yo

12、u want to go this summer vacation(板书句型)T:now,boys stand up, try to like Andy(播放Andy的音频)Boys: I want to go to Sanya(板书句型)T: Wonderful, this summer vacation, do you know?(PPT呈现7,8月份图)Ss:暑假.T: Summer vacation, summer vacation,暑假,暑假,go.Ss: Summer.T: How about this one? (PPT呈现1,2月份图)Ss: Winter vacation.

13、4.Discuss in four.T: We know Andy wants go to go to Sanya. Why? What does Andy want to do there? Four people discuss. S1+S2+S3+S4: Discuss. T: Who want try.S1: He wants to swim in the sea and eat seafood.S2:. S3:.5.听音验证.T: Maybe, lets listen.(播放动画,无文字)T:再抽人答S1: He wants to swim in the sea and eat se

14、afood. S2:. 6. 听音跟读. T: Excellent, goup1+2 stand up, try to like Mother(播放Mother的音频)Group1+2:what do you want to do there? (板书句型)T: Very good, group3+4 stand up, try to like Andy. (播放Andy的音频)Group3+4: I want to swim in the sea and eat seafood. (板书句型)学生观察图片,根据图片进行猜测、回答。培养学生图文解码能力。四人小组合作,降低难度,也为孩子们提供更

15、多的口语练习机会。培养学生听的能力纯正的语音熏陶,有利于形成正确的语音和语调 运用月份图片的支撑和教读的方式,学生能够更容易、理解会说寒暑假。学生观察图片,根据图片进行猜测、回答。培养学生图文解码能力。四人小组合作,降低难度,也为孩子们提供更多的口语练习机会。培养学生听的能力纯正的语音熏陶,有利于形成正确的语音和语调Step5 Practice Activity1: Repeat.T:Today, Andy and her mother wants to go to travel.Mother says_(指着相应的句型)Ss: Where do you want to go this sum

16、mer vacationT:Andy says_Ss: I want to go to Sanya.T:Mother says_Ss: What do you want to do there?T:Andy says_Ss: I want to swim in the sea and eat seafood.Activity2: Listen and repeat T:Open your book, turn to page 25,lets listen and repeat. Finger, point it.(play the tape)Ss:Listen and repeat.Activ

17、ity3:自读T: Now, read the passage by yourself one minute.Ss: ReadActivity4: Role-playT: Now, practice in pairsS1+S2:.T: Who want to try?S1+S2:.S3+S4:.Activity5:Make a survey and report.T: Ok,lets do a survey, look carefully and answer my questions.(播放动画)Ss: look.T: Who is he?Ss: BillT: Where does Bill

18、 want to go?Ss: He wants to go to Dunhuang.T: What does Bill want to do there?S: He wants to visit the Mogao Caves.T: So,Bill wants to go to Dunhuang with his parents, they want to visit the Mogao Caves.T: Now, finish PartB, like this, Whats your name?S1:MarkT: Hello,Mark,where do you want to go thi

19、s summer vacation?S1: I want to go to Beijing.T: What do you want to do there?S: I want to visit the Great Wall.T: Now, do the survey in pairs.S1+S2: Practice T: Who want try?S1+S2:.S3+S4:. 在板书和老师的提示下,对Andy的旅行计划进行完整的描述,再次建构旅行计划的语言表达逻辑框架。文本的整体输入,有利于学生对文本的整体构建。纯正的语音熏陶,有利于形成正确的语音和语调学生自读课文,内化本课所学内容。角色扮演

20、游戏,为学生提供操练的平台,练习口语的机会。也增加了学习兴趣,也是对学生是否掌握本课核心知识的反馈。Make a survey这个活动为学生创设真实的语言交流环境,学生在调查采访同伴的过程中,真实地运用本课的功能句型,是有意义的操练。通过师生问答,帮助学生理解Part B的内容,培养学生图文解码能力先师生示范,降低学生的难度。Step6 Extension1. Enjoy some pictures of scene in other cities. 2. Make your own travel plan 欣赏其他国家城市的景色,渗透世界的美丽。学生根据自己的真实情况,制定合理的旅行计划。S

21、tep7 Homework1. Listen and repeat.2. Introduce your travel plans to your parents. 板书设计: Unit 8 Travel plans Lesson2三亚景色图 Mother(头饰):Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Andy(头饰):I want to go to Sanya. Mother(头饰):What do you want to do there?Andy (头饰):I want to swim in the sea and eat G1 G2

22、G3 G4 seafood.教学反思在这堂课结束后,我总结了以下几点:一 好的方面:1.创设各种情景:用歌曲和图片等创设了一个去三亚旅游的情境,并通过描绘在三亚的各种活动,比如:swim in the sea and eat seafood等,让学生身临其境;利用歌曲,动画,微笑,语音语调及图片等创设民主、有趣、和谐的学习气氛,激发他们的学习兴趣。2.鼓励学生,大胆的使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的英语和错误采取宽容的态度。当让他们猜测Andy这个暑假想去哪儿时,有人回答的是Beijing,在这时,我是表扬了孩子并请他坐下;当孩子在两人一组展示时,某些单词发音有问题的时候,先表扬了孩子,在纠正的


24、他所在那一组;当某一组表现好,就奖励那一组。7.关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学生,尽可能的为他们创造语言的机会。我们班上有些孩子学习不是很好,当他们举手时,我第一时间请这些学生。8.教学中,注重交际活动。PartA和PartB语言训练中常开展二人活动。二.不足的地方:1.设计的教学内容太多以至于每个环节都很匆忙,没有给学生留下充分活动、感知、体验的时间。2.运用教学语言不够熟练,出现了几次口误。这是不应该的,因为在这节课中明辩质量和重量的区别对教师来说是很重要的。三 改进措施:1.教学设计应更严密、更科学。尤其要预留出学生活动的时间。2.实行弹性教学,在本节课未能充分进行的环节移到练习课上加以

25、延伸。应多找几组同学,使学生充分感知。3.提高自己的教学素养,提高自己教学语言表达能力。多听、多学、多练。教学实录Unit 3 Lesson 2 Travel plans一 教学理念:“会话课”英语教学中一个非常重要的课型。教师需要从学生的生活实际和已有知识出发,创设情境,帮助学生理解、听懂、模仿,最后能在相似的情景中初步运用所学的英语结构进行交流。本单元的主题是“旅行计划”,通过询问“Where is it?What can we do in Sanya?Do you want to go to Sanya this summer vacation?”让学生自然卷入其中,自然导入本课功能句型

26、:“Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to.”并学习。最后通过make a survey,为学生创设真实的情景,进行真实的交流。最终培养学生的综合语言运用能力。二 教学内容:本课选自人教版新起点四年级下册 Unit3 “Travel plans”第二课时,包括Part A Look, Listen and repeat, B do a survey and report, C lets write. A部分借助对话录音和图片呈现四个功能句型:Where do you w

27、ant to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to., 通过让学生看,听,说,演,做等途径来感受并学习这些句型在交际情境中的运用。B 部分通过读对话填表格,帮助学生熟悉这些句型,并体会这些句型在交际情境中的运用,以及在实际交际情境中运用。C部分为让学生根据所给的信息提示,选择本课所学句型完成句子,同时强化良好的书写习惯。学情分析:1.学生特点:四年级学生学习英语的兴趣较为浓厚,有积极参与课堂活动的热情,敢于发表自己的见解,愿意与他人进行交流。对图文并茂,集知识性、趣味性、生活化于一体的教学资源非常感兴趣。2.

28、知识基础:学生在四年级上册Unit3学习了表示交通方式的短语:by car、ship,subway,train,boat,plane,on foot等;在四年级下册Unit2学习了询问问路的句型及回答:How can I get there? You can.;在四年级下册Unit3 lesson2学习了表示活动项目的词汇和短语:ski,eat seafood,visit the Mogao Cave,row a boat,visit the Great Wall,take photos等,这些句型、词汇、短语的学习都为这节课的顺利学习打下了良好的知识基础。能力起点:经过三年多的学习,学生能够

29、在图片、手势等帮助下,听懂简单的话语。能听懂老师的指令,能够较好地与同伴合作,用英语进行交流。三 教学目标:1.知识与技能目标:(1)能够听懂、理解、会说本课的对话;(2)能够听懂、会说询问某人想去某地的问句和答句:Where do you want to go?I want to go to.及某人在某地想做什么事的问句和答句: What do you want to do there? I want to.2.能力目标:(1)能够在一定的情境中初步运用功能句型:Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do

30、 there? I want to.;进行问答;(2)能够运用功能句进行调查;(3)能够正确规范地书写功能句型。Where do you want to go?及What do you want to do there?的答句。3.情感目标:(1)欣赏其他国家的文化.(2)引导学生根据自己的真实情况,合理安排旅行计划。四 教学重难点:在一定的情景下运用本课核心句型:Where do you want to go? I want to go to.; What do you want to do there? I want to.,进行问答。五 教学步骤:Step1 Warm-upActivit

31、y1:Greeting Activity2:Sing a songStep2 Review1.Free talk T:Where is it?T:What can we do in Sanya?T:So,we can do many things ,do you want to go to Sanya this summer vacation?T:Why?T:How can we get there? 3. 介绍评价方式T: Ok, today we go to Sanya by plane, lets do a competition“Which group arrive first. th

32、e one is winner.”Step3 lead-in呈现主情境图: Ask questions:T: Now, look this picture. Who is he? T:Who is she?T:What are they doing?Step4 Presentation1.Discuss in four.T: So,where does Andy want to go this summer vacation? Four people discuss. T: Who want try?2.听音验证.T:Maybe,lets listen and find the answer.

33、(第一遍听音频,无字幕)T:再抽人答3.听音跟读. T: Now, girls stand up, try to read like mother(播放Mother的音频)Girl:.(板书句型)T:now,boys stand up, try to like Andy(播放Andy的音频)Boys:.(板书句型)T: Wonderful, this summer vacation, do you know?(PPT呈现7,8月份图)T: How about this one?4.Discuss in four.T: We know Andy wants go to go to Sanya.

34、Why? What does Andy want to do there? Four people discuss. T:T: Who want try.5.听音验证.T: Maybe, lets listen.(播放动画,无文字)T:再抽人答7. 听音跟读. T: Excellent, now, Group1+2 stand up, try to like mother. (播放Mother的音频)Group1+2:.(板书句型)T: Very good, Group3+4 stand up, try to like Andy. (播放Andy的音频)Group3+4:. (板书句型)4.D

35、iscuss in four.T: We know Andy wants go to go to Sanya. Why? What does Andy want to do there? Four people discuss. T: Who want try.Step5 Practice.Activity1: Repeat.T:Today, Andy and her mother wants to go to travel.Mother says_(指着相应的句型)Andy says_Mother says_Andy says_Activity2: listen and repeat.T:O

36、pen your book, turn to page 25,lets listen and repeat. Finger, point it.(play the tape)Activity3:自读T: now, read the passage by yourself one minute.Ss: readActivity4:role-playT:Now, practice in pairsT:Who want to try?Activity5:Make a survey and report.1.观看视频T:Ok,lets do a survey, look carefully and a

37、nswer my questions.(播放动画)2.回答问题T:Who is he?T:where does Bill want to go?T:what does Bill want to do there?T:so,Bill wants to go to Dunhuang with his parents, they want to visit the Mogao Caves.3.师生示范T: Now, finish PartB, like this, Whats your name?T: Hello,Mark,where do you want to go this summer va

38、cation?T:what do you want to do there?4.两人合作问答,分享旅行计划T: Now, do the survey in pairs.T: Who want try?Step6 Extension1.Enjoy some pictures of scene in other cities. 2.Make your own travel plan. Step7 Homework.1.Listen and repeat.2.Introduce your travel plans to your parents.板书设计: Unit 8 Travel plans 三亚景色图 Lesson2Mother(头饰):Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Andy(头饰):I want to go to Sanya. Mother(头饰):What do you want to do there?Andy (头饰):I want to swim in the sea and eat G1 G2 G3 G4 seafood.


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