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1、1Test for Unit 4(B)姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 30%一、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。6%1 2 3 ()()()4 5 6 ()()()二、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。6%()1 A may B many C much()2 A safe B safety C safely()3 A must B mustnt C cant()4 A travel B tired C traffic()5 A light B right C quiet()6 A excited B exciting C except三、听录音,根据所听问题给下列答句排序。7

2、%()A No,they dont.()B By bus.()C Yes,you can.()D Yes,I do.()E We must look out for cars.()F No,they mustnt.()G Because some children are crossing the road.2四、听录音,根据所听对话及问题选择相应的答句。6%()1 A At 6:10.B At 5:50.C At 6:30.()2 A Football.B Basketball.C Baseball.()3 A Red.B Yellow.C Green.()4 A No,there aren

3、t.B Yes,there are.C Yes,they are.()5 A Watch TV.B Go to bed.C Have dinner.()6 A On foot.B By taxi.C By bike.五、听录音,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。5%()1 We must follow the traffic rules.()2 We must look right first in China.()3 We must look carefully before we cross the road.()4 The traffic rules are the s

4、ame all over the world.()5 In the UK,drivers drive on the left side of the road.笔试部分 70%一、选择填空。10%()1 Look at the man.We should stop.A red B green C yellow()2 We must on the road.A run quickly B look out for cars C play football()3 We smoke in the library.A can B must C mustnt()4 Dont speak in the l

5、ibrary.A loudly B loud C high()5 There are some elephants the road.A go B on C in()6 In ,people drive on the right side of the road.A Hong Kong B Beijing C Macau3()7 Follow the and stay on the road.A rule;safely B rules;safe C rules;safety()8 The men walked the forest.A cross B through C crossing()9

6、 do the cars stop?an old man is crossing the road.A What;So B Why;Because C Why;So()10 Some people the bus now.A wait for B is waiting for C are waiting for二、选出每组单词中画线部分的发音与众不同的单词。4%()1 A safe B pavement C traffic ()2 A crossing B stop C cola()3 A side B drive C easily()4 A must B rule C run()5 A sh

7、ort B sport C visitor()6 A about B cousin C shout()7 A pear B hear C year()8 A cool B food C cook三、用所给词的适当形式填空。5%1 You cant (run)on the road.2 You must walk slowly.Then the drivers can see you (easy).3 Look!Some old people (cross)the road.4 The bus (stop)on the road now.5 There (be)any cars here.四、根

8、据汉语提示填入相应的词。1 How many (马路)can you see?2 How can we go through the forest (安全地)?43 We (必须)look for a zebra crossing.4 We can see a lot of traffic (灯).5 Students should (遵守)the classroom rules.五、根据上下文完成对话,每空一词。10%A:Hello,Mike.(1)you go to school on foot every day?B:Yes.Look at the traffic(2).What(3)i

9、s it?A:Its(4).We should stop!B:Now its yellow.We should(5).A:How can we cross the road(6)?B:We should look(7),then(8)and then left again.A:The light is(9)now.We can(10)the road.六、完形填空。5%It is Sunday morning.Helen and Mike are going to the cinema 1 bike.They 2 to a crossing.Helen:Stop,Mike!Mike:Why?I

10、ts late.We should be 3 .Helen 4 the lights and says,“Its the red man,so we must 5 .”()1 A by B on C take()2 A comes B coming C are coming()3 A quick B quickly C quiet()4 A point at B points at C pointing at()5 A stop B start C end七、阅读短文,选择正确答案。5%In 1923,people in America first used a traffic light.I

11、t was a little different from todays traffic light.It had two parts.One said“Go”and the other said“Stop”.When people see“Go”,they can cross the road.Safe crossing!In 1951,people first walked on a zebra crossing in England.A zebra crossing is white and black.The drivers can see it 5easily.People walk

12、 on a zebra crossing when they cross the road.This can keep them safe from cars.()1 people first used the traffic light.A Chinese B English C American()2 The first traffic light had part(s).A one B two C three()3 People can see a zebra crossing easily because .A it is white and black B it is in Engl

13、and C many people like zebras()4 The first traffic light is todays traffic light.A the same as B different from C bigger than()5 The passage is about .A the traffic light B keeping off from cars C the history of the traffic signs八、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。4%A I have a fever.B Oh,I see.Its the red man.C How c

14、an we get to the hospital?D Whats the matter with you,dear?E Oh,you cant cross the road now.F Lets go by taxi.G Let me see.You cant go to school today.Lets go to see the doctor.H Look!There is a taxi on the other side of the road.Lets go.九、根据首字母提示填空。12%If you(1)t the school bus to school,there are s

15、ome important(2)r you should(3)k .When you are(4)w for the bus,you should wait at the bus(5)s .When you get(6)o the bus,make sure you and the(7)d can see each other.(8)N go back for anything on the bus when 6it is starting.You should(9)c the street at a crosswalk and wait for the light to(10)t green

16、.It is important to look(11)c to the left,then right and then left again.(12)D run between parked cars or buses.十、写作。6%请以“Classroom rules”为题,为自己的班级制定几条班规。要求:1 用上We must./We mustnt.2 不少于五句话。7Test for Unit 4(B)听力原文 一、1 To keep safe,we should walk on the pavement.2 The boy is playing with his yo-yo on

17、the road.3 We can cross the road with other people.4 This is a busy road.5 You must look for a zebra crossing first.6 Its not safe to use a mobile phone on the road.二、1 There are many busy roads in the city.2 We should know something about road safety.3 You mustnt cross the road now.4 In a big city,

18、the traffic is very heavy.5 We must wait for the green light.6 Everyone is here except Liu Tao.三、1 Here is the green man.Can I cross the road now?2 Must people run quickly on the road?3 Do people drive on the right side of the road in the UK?4 How do you go to school every day?5 What must you do on

19、a busy road?6 Why are those cars stopping?7 Do you always follow the traffic rules?四、1 A:When did you get up this morning,Yang Ling?B:I got up at half past six.A:How about your parents?B:My mother got up at ten to six.My father got up at ten past six.Q:When did Yang Lings father get up this morning?

20、2 A:Are you good at playing football,Wang Bing?B:No,but Im good at playing basketball.How about you,Mike?A:Im good at playing basketball,too.Q:Whats Mike good at?3 A:Look at the traffic lights,Liu Tao.You mustnt cross the road now.B:OK!Q:What colour is the light now?4 A:There arent any traffic light

21、s here.Why is the bus stopping?8B:Because some monkeys are crossing the road.Q:Are there any traffic lights here?5 A:Mum,can I watch TV?B:No,you cant.Its late.You must go to bed now.Q:What must the boy do now?6 A:Did you go shopping on foot,Mum?B:No,I took a taxi.Q:How did Mum go shopping?五、To stay

22、safe on the road,we must follow the traffic rules.We must use the zebra crossing to cross the road.We must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.When there is no zebra crossing,we must look out for cars and buses.We must look left,then right and then left again.In the UK,the traffic

23、rules are different.Drivers drive on the left side of the road,so we must look right first,then left and then right again.参考答案听力部分 一、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T二、1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C三、A 3 B 4 C 1 D 7 E 5 F 2 G 6四、1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 B五、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 笔试部分 一、1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 B 9 B

24、10 C 二、1 C 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C三、1 run 2 easily 3 are crossing 4 is stopping 5 arent 四、1 roads 2 safely 3 must 4 lights 5 follow五、1 Do 2 light 3 colour 4 red 5 wait 6 safely 7 left 8 right 9 green 10 cross六、1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A 七、1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 八、D A G C F H E B 九、1 take 2 rules 3 know 4 waiting 5 stop 6 off 7 drivers 8 Never 9 cross 10 turn 11 carefully 12 Dont


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