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1、1Test for Unit 6(A)姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 30%一、听录音,给下列图片排序。6%A B C ()()()D E F ()()()二、听录音,判断译文是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。6%()1 孩子们将在下周学习有关澳大利亚的内容。()2 体育爱好者将会喜欢美式足球比赛。()3 你将会在澳大利亚找到大堡礁。()4 英国的天气有时候是多云的。()5 他正在烧鱼和做西红柿沙拉。()6 明天我将去图书馆寻找有关澳大利亚的书籍。三、听录音,根据所听问句选择相应的答句。6%()1 A Sunday.B Its hot.C Its warm and sunny.()2 A Y

2、esterday morning.B On Fridays.C At five this afternoon.()3 A Yes,he is.B No,he cant.C Hes going to the cinema.()4 A In the UK.B In Australia.C In the USA.()5 A Some fish and vegetables.B Some ice cream.C A little fruit.()6 A He will play football.B He plays football.C He is playing football.2四、听录音,补

3、全句子。12%1 They want to about this country before class.2 Miss Liu pick apples on the farm next .3 Youll find interesting Big Ben and Tower Bridge.4 People in this welcome .5 I want to be a .I want to read a book about .6 Ill ask my in Australia.He can me some photos.笔试部分 70%一、选择填空。10%()1 Youll find i

4、n Australia.A Stonehenge B Yellowstone National Park C The Great Barrier Reef ()2 Helen borrow some books tomorrow.A want to B is going C will ()3 Mike and I watch news on the Internet this afternoon.A am going to B are going to C is going to ()4 I want to more about your city.Will you me some photo

5、s?A know;going to send B know;send C know;sending ()5 I finish my homework last night,but Ill it before lunch today.A didnt;finish B dont;finish C didnt;finished ()6 Sanya fresh air and view is fair too.A has;its B has;its C is;it ()7 What animals can we see in Australia?A Koalas and tigers.B Pandas

6、 and kangaroos.C Kangaroos and koalas.()8 She to eat the bread.A cant B cant wait C want ()9 I will buy a book Canada.A about B for C with ()10 Where his cousin come from?The UK.A is B does C/二、翻译下列词组。10%1 欢迎参观者 2 for example 3 来自 4 find out 35 学习关于 6 an exciting football game 7 这个国家 8 many interest

7、ing places 9 下周 10 send some photos 三、根据句意,选择正确的单词填空。5%1 People in (Australian/Australia)like these animals.2 The students are (excited/exciting)about this party.3 There are some (visit/visitors)in our school.4 He is reading a book about (cook/cooking).5 My father often reads (newspapers/newspaper)a

8、fter dinner.四、从II栏中找出I栏的应答句。10%I II()1 Will you make a toy for me?A Yes,I am.()2 What do you think?B Im dancing.()3 Where are you going?C Its great!()4 What are you doing?D Im going to the cinema.()5 Are you going to the park next week?E Yes,just wait a moment.()6 How will they get there?F The US.()

9、7 Is London a beautiful city?G Lots of pictures.()8 Do they like Australian football games?H Yes,very much.()9 What will you find on the Internet?I Yes,it is.()10 Where does Mr King come from?J By plane,I think.五、根据上下文填空,每空一词。10%A:(1)will you do this weekend?B:Well(2)a picnic.A:(3)(4)you go with?B:I

10、ll go(5)my parents.(6)about you?A:Ill(7)the zoo,and then Ill(8)to the(9)to see a film.B:Well all have a lot of(10)this weekend.六、根据所给汉语完成句子。20%1 我将在网上了解不同国家的情况。I will about different the Internet.2 近几年有许多游客到澳大利亚游玩。Many Australia in these years.3 你今晚准备去超市买什么?我准备买点鱼和两个土豆。4What you buy at the supermark

11、et this?I will buy some and two .4 英国的天气经常是多雨的。It is in the UK.5 爱丽丝今晚会给她的中国网友写封邮件。Alice will write to her in China.6 汤姆不太擅长烹饪。Tom is not very .7 露茜正忙着做家务。Lucy is the .七、阅读短文,选择正确答案。5%Liu Taos timetableIn July and August7:30 a.m.8:30 a.m.morning exercise8:30 a.m.9:30 a.m.homework10:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.

12、play with friends2:00 p.m.3:00 p.m.play table tennis6:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.take a walkGo to Shanghai with parents()1 This timetable is about Liu Taos .A summer holiday B winter holiday C Spring Festival()2 When will Liu Tao do morning exercise in August?A From 7:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m.B From 7:30 a.m.to 8:30

13、 p.m.C From 7:20 a.m.to 8:30 a.m.()3 What sport does Liu Tao like?A Running.B Swimming.C Playing table tennis.()4 Who will go to Shanghai with Liu Tao?A His father and mother.B His uncle.C His grandparents.()5 Does Liu Tao often take a walk in the morning?A Yes,he does.B No,he doesnt.C No,he isnt.5T

14、est for Unit 6(A)听力原文一、1 Youll find Stonehenge in the UK.2 Billy often learns about cooking on the Internet.3 Australian football games are very exciting.4 Yang Ling will sweep the floor tomorrow morning.5 I like koalas very much.6 Mrs Brown is reading a book happily.二、1 The children will learn abou

15、t Australia next week.2 Sport-lovers will like Australian football games.3 You will find the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.4 It is sometimes rainy in the UK.5 He is cooking fish and making a potato salad.6 I will go to the library and look for books about China tomorrow.三、1 How is the weather in B

16、eijing in spring?2 When will you do your homework?3 Is Mike going to the cinema or the supermarket this afternoon?4 Where can you find the London Eye?5 What will your mother cook for you?6 What will your brother do after school?四、1 They want to find out about this country before class.2 Miss Liu wil

17、l pick apples on the farm next month.3 Youll find interesting places like Big Ben and Tower Bridge.4 People in this country welcome visitors.5 I want to be a cook.I want to read a book about cooking.6 Ill ask my e-friend in Australia.He can send me some photos.参考答案听力部分一、A 3 B 5 C 2 D 1 E 6 F 4 二、1 T

18、 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F三、1 C 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 A四、1 find out 2 will,month 3 places,like 4 country,visitors 5 cook,cooking 6 e-friend,send笔试部分一、1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 B 二、1 welcome visitors 2 比如3 come from/be from 4 发现,查明 5 learn about 6 一场令人兴奋的足球比赛7 this country 8 许多有趣的地方9 next week 10

19、发送一些照片 三、1 Australia 2 excited 3 visitors 4 cooking 5 newspapers6四、1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 J 7 I 8 H 9 G 10 F五、1 What 2 have 3 Who 4 will 5 with 6 What/How 7 visit 8 go 9 cinema 10 fun六、1 learn,countries,on 2 visitors,visit 3 will,evening,fish,potatoes 4 often,rainy 5 an,email,e-friend 6 good,at,cooking 7 busy,with,housework七、1 A 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B


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