Unit 4 Words 单词讲解(ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、devote oneself to致力于,献身于,专心于致力于,献身于,专心于形容词 devoted 忠实的名词 devotion 关爱,关照;奉献,忠诚be devoted to(doing)sthdevote sth(ones life/time/energy)to(doing)sth把奉献于/献身于*earnest adj.非常认真的;诚实的,真诚的非常认真的;诚实的,真诚的The earnest young doctor answered all our questions.这个认真的年轻医生回答了我们所有的问题。in earnest 严肃地,;正式地*butterfly n.蝴蝶蝴蝶

2、have butterflies in ones stomach (做某事前)心慌,紧张literature n.文学,文学作品文学,文学作品literary adj.文学的;书面的classic literature 经典文学*shell n.A child and a man were walking on the beach when the child found a shell and held it to his ear.(P.44)The duckling jumps free from his shell.这只小鸭子挣脱蛋壳跳了出来。贝壳;壳贝壳;壳in store(for s

3、b.)即将发生(在某人身上),等待着(某人)即将发生(在某人身上),等待着(某人)Some such experience as this lies in store for us when we begin the study of literature.(P.44)当我们开始学习文学时,我们可能就会有一些像这样的体验。storage n.贮存;存储appeal vi.vi.有吸引力;申诉;呼吁有吸引力;申诉;呼吁n.n.吸引力;申诉;呼吁吸引力;申诉;呼吁The animal rights group launched an appeal to stop commercial whalin

4、g.动物权益保护组织呼吁停止商业捕鲸。appealing adj.有吸引力的,有感染力的appeal to 向某人呼吁;上诉;对有吸引力appeal to sb to do sth/for sth=make an appeal to sb to do sth/for sth 呼吁某人做某事determinevt.vt.确定;支配;决心确定;支配;决心 vi.vi.决决心心The first step is to determine some of its significant qualities.(P.44)第一步是确定它(文学)的一些重要特质。determined adj.坚决的,坚定的d

5、etermination n.决心determine to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth 决定做某事(表示动作)be determined to do sth 决心做某事(表示状态)significant adj.有重要意义的,显著的有重要意义的,显著的The apple has had a significant change in the looking.这个苹果在外观上产生了显著的变化。The first step is to determine some of its significant qualities.(P.44)第一步是确定它(文学)

6、的一些重要特质。significance n.It is significant that.很明显attach significance to.认为重要be of significance to.对有重要意义description n.描述,形容,说明描述,形容,说明Could you please give me a description of these graphs?你能给我描述一下这些图表吗?The first quality of literature is its description of truth and beauty.(P.45)文学的第一个特质是对真与美的描写。des

7、cribe vt.描写;描述;形容descriptive adj.描写的;叙述的beyond description 难以描述give a detailed/brief description of sb/sth 对作详细的简短的说明sensitive adj.感觉敏锐的;体贴的;敏感的;灵敏的感觉敏锐的;体贴的;敏感的;灵敏的be sensitive to.对敏感;对体贴名词 sense 常识,见识;感觉官能;判断力;意义形容词 sensible 明智的;意识到的soul n.灵魂;心性,内心灵魂;心性,内心heart and soul 全心全意地She has the soul of pe

8、rseverance as she runs even in rainy days.她有坚忍不拔的精神,下雨天也照常跑步。reflect vt.&vi.反映,显示;映出(影像);反射(声、光、热等);沉思反映,显示;映出(影像);反射(声、光、热等);沉思reflect on/upon sth 认真思考;反省某事on reflection 再三考虑be reflected in 倒映在中;反映在中例句:我认为你应该反思一下你的成功和失败。I think you should reflect on your successes and failures.名词 reflection 反射;反映;映

9、像形容词 reflective 沉思的;深思的capable adj.有能力,有才能;能力强的有能力,有才能;能力强的She is a capable worker who is very good at multitasking.她是一个能干的员工,非常擅长处理多个任务。单词变形名词 capability形容词 incapablebe capable of (doing)sth 有能力做某事have the capability to do sth 有做某事的能力beyond the capability of.超出.的能力范围awaken vt.&vi.唤起,被唤起;(使)醒来唤起,被唤起

10、;(使)醒来She was awakened by the birds song.awaken to the truth 幡然醒悟launch vt.使(船)下水;开始从事,使(船)下水;开始从事,发动,发射;发行发动,发射;发行They launched the rocket into the sky.他们向空中发射火箭。launch an attack 发起攻击launch the new products 发行新产品launch a satellite 发射卫星permanence n.永久,持久性永久,持久性The permanence of the stone lion means

11、it has been with my family for generations.permanent adj.持久的;永恒的ever-lasting 永久的,经久不变的 contain vt.包含,含有,容纳,抑制;控制(感情等);克制包含,含有,容纳,抑制;控制(感情等);克制She was unable to contain her excitement.container 集装箱;容器contain通常用于表示所包含之物的全部或部分,通常指容器空间里所有东西。include主语和宾语属于同一范畴,用于表示后面的东西是前面的一部分,即整体与部分的关系element n.要素,基本部分要

12、素,基本部分The letters in the table represent different chemical elements.表中的字母代表不同的化学元素。elementary adj.基本的;初级的;元素的universal adj.普遍的,共同的;普遍存在的普遍的,共同的;普遍存在的The mobile phones make universal communication possible.手机使世界通讯成为了可能。universe n.宇宙;世界;领域the universe 宇宙universally adv.普遍地 It is universally acknowled

13、ged that.众所周知的是.summary n.总结,概括,概要总结,概括,概要I made a summary of this article.我对这篇文章做了一下总结。summarize vt./vi.总结;概括 in summary 总的来说 =to sum up in conclusion to concludefeature n.&vi.n.n.特色,特征特色,特征vi.vi.以以为特色,是为特色,是的特征的特征A unique feature of this plant is its birdlike flower.author n.作者,作家作者,作家co-author 合著

14、者 therefore adv.因此,所以因此,所以People are holding their umbrellas up;therefore,it must be raining outside.thus 因此issue n.&vt.n.n.重要议题,争论的问题;问题,担忧;(报刊)一期重要议题,争论的问题;问题,担忧;(报刊)一期vt.vt.宣布,公布宣布,公布Food standards for fish are an important issue being talked about in the news.鱼类食用标准成了最近新闻讨论的重要问题。a key issue 关键的问

15、题raise the issue of.提出.的问题have any issue about.在.有任何问题issue a statement 发布声明novel n.(长篇)小说;(长篇)小说;新颖的,新奇的新颖的,新奇的novelist n.小说家novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒draw on凭借,利用凭借,利用The older boy can draw on his past experience to help his little brother.哥哥可以利用过去的经验来帮助弟弟。draw up 拟订;起草draw up a contract/list 拟订合同名单

16、draw a conclusion 得出结论upper adj.上部的;上面的上部的;上面的The upper floor is the working area,while the lower floor is the reception.楼上是办公区域,楼下是接待处。gain/get/have the upper hand 占上风;处于有利地位;有优势gap n.差距;间隙差距;间隙I leaped across the narrow gap in the mountain.我跃过山间一条狭长的缝隙。generation gap 代沟bridge/narrow the gap 缩小差距 c

17、ontext n.(事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉;(事情发生的)背景,环境,来龙去脉;上下文,语境上下文,语境We need the context to choose the right answer.out of context 脱离上下文in/within the context 在.背景下specific adj.特定的;明确的,具体的特定的;明确的,具体的specifically adv.to be specific 具体来说 ought to modal v.modal v.应该,应当应该,应当When you study,you ought to sit up straigh

18、t.ought to do sth=should do sth =be supposed to do sth 应当做某事ought to have doneshould have donebe supposed to have done应该做某事(实际上没有做)(虚拟语气)particular adj.特别的,格外的;特指的;挑剔的特别的,格外的;特指的;挑剔的The names are listed in no particular order.这些名字的排列没有特定的顺序。particularly adv.特别地;尤为;格外in particular 尤其,特别be particular

19、about/over.讲究;对挑剔topic n.话题;题目;标题话题;题目;标题The topic of our discussion is saving the Earth.collection n.(同类)收藏品;作品集;募捐(同类)收藏品;作品集;募捐He has a fine collection of stamps.他收集了一些精美的邮票。collect v.collective adj.section n.部分,部门;部件,散件部分,部门;部件,散件We can see different sections of the house.这栋房子中存在不同的区域。mean adj.吝

20、啬的,小气的;不善良的,刻薄的吝啬的,小气的;不善良的,刻薄的be mean with sth.在某方面吝啬be mean to sb 对某人刻薄mean to do sth 打算做某事mean doing sth 意味着做某事be meant to do sth 注定做某事transport vt.vt.运输,运送运输,运送n.n.交通运输系统;交通车辆;运输交通运输系统;交通车辆;运输Airplanes,ships,trains and trucks are means of transporting goods.飞机、轮船、火车和卡车是运输货物的方式。transport system 运

21、输系统transport goods 运送货物transfer 转移;调动;转让;transform 改变形态,改变外观 translate 翻译transplant 移植turkey n.火鸡;火鸡肉火鸡;火鸡肉Turkey n.土耳其generosity n.慷概,大方,宽宏大量慷概,大方,宽宏大量be generous with 在.慷慨/大方be generous in doing.乐于.chapter n.章节;篇章章节;篇章Please open your books to the first chapter.poetry n.诗集,诗歌诗集,诗歌poem n 诗poet n 诗人

22、stage n.n.舞台;阶段;步舞台;阶段;步骤骤vt.vt.上演,举办上演,举办on(the)stage 在舞台上in the early stages 在早期阶段stage by stage 逐步地set the stage for.为作好准备stage 当“阶段”讲,作先行词时,表示抽象地点,其后定语从句常用where引导。*autobiography n.自传自传词根词缀auto自己+bio生命,生物+graphy记述记述自己的人生autobiography自传*biography n.传记,传记作品传记,传记作品extremely adv.极其,非常,极端极其,非常,极端Compa

23、red with the Earth,the sun is extremely large.和地球相比,太阳非常大。destroy vt.摧毁,毁灭,破坏摧毁,毁灭,破坏My dog destroyed my sofa.destruction n.毁灭;破坏destructive adj.毁灭性的defeat vt.vt.击败,战胜击败,战胜n.n.失败,战败;击失败,战败;击败败admit defeat 认输a narrow defeat 惜败attempt vt.&n.努力,尝试,试图努力,尝试,试图attempt to do sth 尝试做某事make an attempt to do

24、试图做某事in an attempt to do sth 尝试做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试attempted 未遂的straighten vt.vt.vt.挺直;(使)变直,变挺直;(使)变直,变正正straight adj.直的;笔直的;正直的 adv.直接地;坦率地*strain n.用劲,使力;压力,拉力;重负用劲,使力;压力,拉力;重负Her kids summer course fees put her under great financial strain.孩子的暑假班费用使她面临巨大的经济压力。alongside adv.在在旁边;与旁边;与一起一

25、起A car pulled up alongside.一辆骑车在旁边停下。*accomplish vt.完成完成accomplishment n.成就;完成a sense of accomplishment 成就感noble adj.贵族的,高贵的;崇高的;宏伟的贵族的,高贵的;崇高的;宏伟的nobly adv.崇高地;高贵地;华丽地nobility n.贵族;高贵confused adj.糊涂的,迷惑的;不清楚的,混乱的糊涂的,迷惑的;不清楚的,混乱的confuse vt.使困惑;混淆confusing adj.令人困惑的confusion n.困惑;混淆be/get/feel confus

26、ed about 对.感到迷惑clear up(头脑)清醒;使整洁,清理;放(头脑)清醒;使整洁,清理;放晴晴The sky clears up after the rain has fallen.雨后的天空放晴了。It is difficult for me to clear up in the morning without a cup of coffee.我早晨不喝一杯咖啡就很难清醒。be on the point of doing sth.正要做某事正要做某事She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.她正要出去,

27、电话铃响了。*weave vi.&vt.(weaved,weaved)(weaved,weaved)迂回行进,穿行;迂回行进,穿行;(wove,woven)(wove,woven)编编weave sth(into sth)(把.)编成She was weaving in and out of the traffic.She wove the flowers into a garland(花环).*mushy adj.糊状的,软而稠的糊状的,软而稠的flash n.n.闪光;闪现闪光;闪现vt.&vi.vt.&vi.(使)闪光;(使)闪(使)闪光;(使)闪现现There was a flash when he took a picture.在他拍照时,一道闪光亮起。a flash of lightning 一道闪电in/like a flash 立即flash through sbs mind/head 在某人头脑中闪过a flash of anger/inspiration 怒上心头/突发奇想


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