Unit 2 Natural disasters Extended Reading (ppt课件)(4)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit2 Natural disastersExtended readingThe last Days of PompeiiStep 1 Lead-in Pompeii is an ancient Roman city which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.The city has been unearthed gradually and nowadays becomes an international tourist destination.Introduction of PompeiiLearning-aims By the end of

2、 this calss,we will be able to1.Get to grasp the main idea of this passage2.Get to master the usage of these key wordsStep 2 Pre-readingAccording to the title,Can you guess what is the novel The Last Days of Pompeii about?.Guidance and explorationWatch the videoMatch the main idea of each paragraph

3、Description of Pompeii and Mount VesuviusSigns before the volcanic eruption Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Reactions and feelings of people Rediscovery of the cityPara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Complete the mind map The last Days of PompeiiBefore the volcanic eruption(setting)During the volcanic eruption

4、After the volcanic eruptionPara.1Para.2-4Para.5Para.2Paras.3 Paras.4VolcanoThe earth_Roofs _Mountain-cloud_Ashes and stones_The earthquake came.PeoplesactionThe crowd looked upwards,and saw with unspeakable fear.Women cried.Men were silent.Peoplesfeelingfearfulfly,runpress,pushhurryscared,frightened

5、hopeless,desperateA huge cloud shot from the top of the volcano.shookfellrolledshowered Edward Bulwer-Lytton(1803-1873)was a talented British writer who left his mark on the English language.His classic novel The Last Days of Pompeii imagines life in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in the year 79,

6、when Mount Vesuvius erupted.This terrible natural disaster destroyed Pompei completely,but it also kept the ancient city as it was for future ages.Since 1748,Pompeii has been systematically unearthed.Today it is an international tourist destination.talent(n)天赋天赋-talented(adj)有天赋的有天赋的 be talented in

7、在在.方面有天赋方面有天赋 erupt(v)爆发爆发-eruption(n)爆发爆发erupt into 突然变为或发展为突然变为或发展为erupt into laughter/shouting 突然大笑、突然大喊起来突然大笑、突然大喊起来.when Mount Vesuvius erupted当维苏威火山爆发时。erupt vi.&vt.(火山)(of a volcano)become active and ejectlava,ash,and gases;to start suddenly and violently 爆发;突然发生e.g.Mount Pinatubo began erupt

8、ing in June.迪纳图博山6月开始喷发。1)The extinct volcanos _(erupt)would mean adisaster for the city.2)Finally their argument erupted _fierce fighting.3)Violence _(erupt)in the city after the footballmatch.eruptionintoeruptedIntroductionleave ones mark on sth在某物上留下某人的印记在某物上留下某人的印记NoImagehttps:/ was a typical Ro

9、man city.In its little shops,its tiny palaces,its forum,its wine bars,its theatre-in the energy and skill of its people,you saw a model of the whole Roman Empire.Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas,along with golden pleasure boats for the rich,were crowded togethe

10、r in the glassy water of the port.The boats of the fishermen moved rapidly in all directions.Above all,the cloud-capped top of Mount Vesuvius appeared.Its ashy rocks,now dark,now light,told a story of past eruptions that might have warned the city what was to come!type(n)类型类型(v)打字打字-typical(adj)典型的典

11、型的energy(n)精力,能量精力,能量-energetic(adj)精力充沛的精力充沛的crowd(v)拥挤拥挤(n)人群人群-crowded(adj)拥挤的拥挤的be crowed with 挤满挤满Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas,.把进口货物运到城里或把出口货物运往海外的商船,import n./v.a product that is brought from one country into another so that it can be sold there,or t

12、he business of doingthis进口产品,输入的产品The action of bringing goods or fashions into a country 引进e.g.They dont like eating food imports.他们不喜欢吃进口食品。The import of cotton goods went up sharply.棉制品的进口急剧增加。The country has to import most of its raw materials.这个国家原料大部分靠进口。import.from 从.进口import.into 进口.到.NoImag

13、ehttps:/ Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas,along with golden pleasure boats for the rich,were crowded.(Lines 9-11)1.They _(进口棉花和羊毛到.)their country to meet peoples needs.2.The goods on the truck will _(出口到.)the US and Canada.import cotton and wool intobe exported

14、 toNoImagehttps:/ Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas,along with golden pleasure boats for the rich,were crowded.(Lines 9-11)NoImagehttps:/ as well as;(together/along/combined)with;rather than;except;besides;butin addition to;apart from,like including 时谓语动词习惯性要和与其

15、较远的主语保持统一形式。Nobody but two students is in the classroom 除了这两个学生,没有人NoImagehttps:/ Its ashy rocks,now dark,now light,told a story of past eruptions that might have warned the city what was to come!(line 12-13)句意:火山岩忽明忽暗,讲述着几度喷发的往事,这原本可以警告这座城市里的人们,即将到来的是什么!might have done 过去本可以做而实际未做含有轻微的责备或惋惜之意例:1.要不

16、是妈妈坚持让她去,她可能就失去这个机会了。She _ if her mother hadnt insisted on her going.might have lost2.如果你多给她点机会,她可能已经取得更大的成绩。She _(achieve)greater progress,if you had given her more chances.might have achievedNoImagehttps:/ The crowd looked upwards,and saw,with unspeakable fear,a huge cloud shooting from the top of

17、 the volcano.(line 16-17)句意:民众抬头一看,只见一片巨大的云块从火山顶上喷了出来,他们有一种说不出的恐惧。shoot shoot 发射发射 分词短语作宾语补足语分词短语作宾语补足语The awful night rolled slowly away,and the dawn greyly broke on THE LAST DAY OF POMPEI!The crowd looked upwards,and saw,with unspeakable fear,a huge cloud shooting from the top of the volcano.It to

18、ok the form of a huge tree:the trunk,blackness,the branches,fire!This fire moved and changed in colour with every moment:now it was wildly bright,now of a pale and dying red,and now again it burnt with an unbearable light!took the form of 呈现呈现.的形状的形状 采取采取.的形式的形式NoImagehttps:/ It took the form of a h

19、uge tree:the trunk,blackness,the branches,fire!(line 17-18)它变成了一棵大树的形状:树干是黑色的,它变成了一棵大树的形状:树干是黑色的,树枝是火!树枝是火!NoImagehttps:/ This fire moved and changed in colour with every moment:now it was wildly bright,now of a pale and dying red,and now again it burnt with an unbearable light!l wildly adv.疯狂地;粗暴地,

20、野蛮地 wildly bright 非常地亮非常地亮pale adj.浅色的;暗淡的dying adj.临终的;垂死的 burnt with an unbearable light这堆火每时每刻都在移动,颜色也在变化:这堆火每时每刻都在移动,颜色也在变化:一会儿非常明亮,一会儿是苍白和衰败的红一会儿非常明亮,一会儿是苍白和衰败的红色,一会儿又燃烧着发出令人难以忍受的光色,一会儿又燃烧着发出令人难以忍受的光芒!芒!and now again it burnt with an unbearable light!一会儿又燃烧成难以忍受的光!unbearable adj.Not able to be

21、endured or tolerated 难耐的,无法忍受的e.g.The heat was getting unbearable.热得叫人无法忍受。The cries of women broke out;the men looked at each other,but were silent.At that moment,they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet;beyond in the distance,they heard the crash of falling roofs.A moment later,the mountain-

22、cloud seemed to roll towards them,dark and rapid,like a river;at the same time,it threw out a shower of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone!Over the empty streets-over the forum-far and wide-with many a noisy crash in the stormy sea-fell that awful shower!break out(战争,火灾(战争,火灾.)爆发爆发silent(adj)沉默的

23、沉默的-silence(n)沉默沉默in silence 沉默地沉默地distant(adj)远处的远处的-distance(n)远处远处in the distance 在远处在远处NoImagehttps:/ The cries of women broke out;the men looked at each other,but were silent.(line 21)句意:女人们开始尖叫;男人们面面相觑,却都一言不发。break out(战争、瘟疫、灾害等)突然开始;爆发例:After COVID-19 _,medical workers tried their best to pre

24、vent the spread of it.broke out【拓展】break相关短语break into break inbreak up break down非法闯入非法闯入闯入;打断;插嘴打碎,分散,解散出故障,垮掉,失败NoImagehttps:/ 练习:用练习:用break相关短语填空。相关短语填空。1.这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。The old rules must be _.2.昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。Last night a thief _ and stole away his camera.3.听到这个悲哀的消息,这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。Hearing th

25、e sad news,the old woman _ tears.4.让我们化整为零。Lets _ the whole into parts.broken downbroke inbroke intobreak upNoImagehttps:/ At that moment,they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet;beyond in the distance,they heard the crash of falling roofs.(line 21-22)句意:就在那一刻,他们感到脚下的大地在晃动;从另一边的远处传来屋顶坍塌的巨响。dis

26、tance n.遥远;久远;距离;差异;疏远in the distance 在远处distant adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的例:1.远处山峦叠起。Mountains rose _.2.他是市长的远房亲戚。Hes a _ relative of the mayor.in the distancedistantNoImagehttps:/ A moment later,the mountain-cloud seemed to roll towards them,dark and rapid,like a river;at the same time,it threw out a shower

27、of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone!roll v 翻滚,翻动,翻身,卷起 n.名单,一卷,一管,翻滚 roll call 点名 roll toward sb 朝某人翻滚过来 throw-threw-thrown v 投,抛,扔,摔,使什么进展不顺NoImagehttps:/ A moment later,the mountain-cloud seemed to roll towards them,dark and rapid,like a river;at the same time,it threw out a shower of ashes

28、and huge pieces of burning stone!NoImagehttps:/ A moment later,the mountain-cloud seemed to roll towards them,dark and rapid,like a river;at the same time,it threw out a shower of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone!shower n.淋浴间;一阵;送礼聚会 a shower of 一阵 p piece n.块;碎片;部件p huge pieces of burning sto

29、ne 大块的燃烧的石头翻译:片刻之后,山上的云似乎向他们翻滚而来,云是黑色的,移动速度很快,像一条河流;与此同时,它“吐出”一大批灰烬和大块燃烧的石头!NoImagehttps:/ Over the empty streetsover the forumfar and widewith many a noisy crash in the stormy seafell that awful shower!圆周句,掉尾句句意:可怕的熔岩雨砸下来了,落在空荡荡的街道上、广场上、到处都是,落在波涛汹涌的大海里,发出阵阵巨响。【圆周句、掉尾句】最重要的信息以主句形式出现在最后,次要的信息出现在句首。这种

30、句式能抓住读者的注意力,在末尾形这种句式能抓住读者的注意力,在末尾形成高潮,有力地表达重要的信息。成高潮,有力地表达重要的信息。判断:下面哪句是圆周句?It is important to learn English well.To learn English well is important.To repair cars in the garage is his job.It is his job to repair cars in the garage.Each turned to fly-each running,pressing,pushing against the other.I

31、f,in the darkness,wife was separated from husband,or parent from child,there was no hope of their meeting again.Each hurried blindly and fearfully on.So came the earthquake.and so ended life in Pompeii.separate(v)分开分开be separated from 与与.分开分开divide.into.把把.分成分成.NoImagehttps:/ Each turned to flyeach

32、running,pressing,pushing against the other.If,in the darkness,wife was separated from husband,or parent from child,there was no hope of their meeting again.Each hurried blindly and fearfully on.So came the earthquake.and so ended life in Pompeii.be separated from 与.分离p 采用了省略,还原:wife was separated fr

33、om husband,or parent was separated from child.p 完全倒装:so the earthquake came,and so life in Pompeii ended.Nearly seventeen centuries had rolled away before the city of Pompeii was dug from its silent resting place.Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday;not a single colour changed on the rich pa

34、ttern of its floors.In its forum,the half-finished columns seemed as if just left by the workman s hand.Long after fire and ash came for the people of Pompeii,the remains of their beautiful city survive to remind us that human lives burn bright and short.as if/as though 倘若,好像倘若,好像even if/even though

35、 即使即使remain(v)保持,剩余 (n)剩余物,遗迹remind(v)提醒,使想起提醒,使想起-reminder(n)提醒物提醒物remind sb of sth/sb 使某人想起某人使某人想起某人/某物某物remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事remind sb that+句子句子 提醒某人提醒某人.Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday;.它的墙壁是暂新的,仿佛是昨天粉刷过的as if painted是省略了的状语从句,补充完整为as if theywere painted。e.g.After takin

36、g the medicine,she felt much better.服药后,她感觉好多了。While at college,I began to know him,a strange but ablestudent.我在上大学时就开始认识他,一个奇怪但有能力的学生。NoImagehttps:/ NoImagehttps:/ walls were fresh as if painted yesterday.The half-finished columns seemed as if just left by the workmans hand.as if 用法;省略句用法;省略句Para.5 Long after fire and ash came for the people of Pompeii,the remains of their beautiful city survive to remind us that human lives burn bright and short.翻译 在大火和火山灰吞噬庞贝城的人们很久很久之后,在大火和火山灰吞噬庞贝城的人们很久很久之后,这座美丽城市的遗迹幸存下来,提醒我们人类的这座美丽城市的遗迹幸存下来,提醒我们人类的生命灿烂而短暂。生命灿烂而短暂。Para.5


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