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1、1.make sth.clear(同义词同义词)_2.talk(同义词同义词)_3.not allow(同义词同义词)_4.worried(同义词同义词)_5.get along with(同义词同义词)_municate(名词)(名词)_7.old(比较级比较级)_一、按要求写出下列词汇或词组一、按要求写出下列词汇或词组get on withcommunicateexplainrefuse nervouscommunicationolder/elder根据课本内容,完成下列句子。根据课本内容,完成下列句子。1.你看上去很疲劳,怎么了?你看上去很疲劳,怎么了?You _ tired.Whats

2、 _ _?2.昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有睡足觉。睡足觉。I studied _ _ last night so I didnt _ _ sleep.until midnight look the matterget enough3.我应该做什么?我应该做什么?_ _I do?4.你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,但那不是一件大事。但那不是一件大事。_ _ you forget about it?_ shes wrong,its not _ _ _.What shouldWhy dontAlthoughbig deala

3、5.他应当如何做?他应当如何做?_ _ he do?6.他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能向他道谦。向他道谦。He _ _ _ his friend _ _ he can say hes sorry.What should should talk toso that7.或许你应当去他家。或许你应当去他家。_ you _ go to his house.8.我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。I guess I _,but I dont want to _ _.Maybe couldcouldsurprise him1.掌握提出问题的方法

4、,掌握提出问题的方法,Whats wrong?Whats the matter?Whats the problem/the trouble?并能讨论所给出的建议。并能讨论所给出的建议。with sb.2.情态动词情态动词should,could等等should,shouldnt“(不)应该(不)应该”,常,常用来提出请求和建议用来提出请求和建议 could “可以可以”可也用来给出建议。可也用来给出建议。用用could 给出建议一般是指自己不太肯定,给出建议一般是指自己不太肯定,或者只是很多建议中的某一个或者只是很多建议中的某一个,仅供参,仅供参考;而考;而should就是自己很肯定的或唯一就

5、是自己很肯定的或唯一的最好的一个建议的最好的一个建议。should(shall)could(can)情态动词情态动词+v,可表示说话人的语气,可表示说话人的语气,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,没可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,没有人称和数的变化有人称和数的变化。表建议的句型:表建议的句型:You should/could+v.Why dont you+v.?Why not+v.?Could you please+v.?Youd better(not)+v.Would you mind doing?What about/How about+n./doing?1.We shouldnt _(ar

6、gue)with our parents.2.You shouldnt _(use)the phone in the classroom.3.Could I use your dictionary?Well,you _.A.can B.could C.should D.mightargueuseA4.Youd better _(go)to school by bike.5.How about _(go)hiking this afternoon?gogoingIts not good habits to copy others homework.抄袭别人的作业不是好习惯。抄袭别人的作业不是好习

7、惯。1.copy v.复制;复印复制;复印2.return v.回来;回去回来;回去They didnt return until yesterday afternoon.直到昨天直到昨天下午他们才回家。下午他们才回家。拓展拓展:return 归还归还=give backYou must return these book and magazines in a week.你必须在一周之内归还这些书籍你必须在一周之内归还这些书籍和杂志。和杂志。4aFill in the blanks with although,so that or until.1.A:Whats wrong?B:My sist

8、er borrows my clothes without asking.What should I do?A:Well,you could tell her that this makes you angry _ shell ask you next time.so that点拨:点拨:so that 意为意为“因此因此”,引导目的状语从引导目的状语从句句,表示前一句所表述的动作的目的。,表示前一句所表述的动作的目的。在从句中常使用在从句中常使用can/could/will/may/should等词。等词。拓展拓展:so that 意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,常用于结果状语从句常用于结

9、果状语从句,表示上文动作所产,表示上文动作所产生生 结果。结果。e.g.When the fans saw Beckham,they were so excited that they cried out.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆时,他们如此当球迷们看到贝克汉姆时,他们如此激动,以至于都哭了出来。激动,以至于都哭了出来。2.A:I dont have any friends at my new school.What should I do?B:_ you dont have any now,youll soon make some.Although点拨:点拨:although 意为意为“尽管尽管

10、但是但是”,不能说,不能说,thoughbut。句意。句意“尽管你尽管你现在没有朋友,但不久你就会有朋友现在没有朋友,但不久你就会有朋友的。的。”3.A:Im worried about my school grades.Whats your advice?B:You shouldnt wait _ the last minute to study for a test.until点拨:点拨:until 用于否定句中,表示句子的用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点发生,即表示动作的起点。notuntil一般译为一般

11、译为“直到直到才才”。拓展拓展:until 用在肯定句中,用在肯定句中,表示句子的动作一直持续到表示句子的动作一直持续到until短语所表短语所表示的时间为止,即表示动作的终点示的时间为止,即表示动作的终点。一般。一般可译为可译为“直到直到时时(为止为止)”或或“在在以以前前”。在这种用法中,。在这种用法中,句子的谓语动词必句子的谓语动词必须是持续动词须是持续动词(非瞬间动词非瞬间动词),e.g.She was a bank clerk until the war,when she trained as a nurse.她战前是个银行职员,战时受训当了护她战前是个银行职员,战时受训当了护 士。

12、士。4.A:Mike is my best friend,but he always copies my homework.What should I do?B:_ hes your best friend,you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.Although点拨点拨:句意:句意“尽管尽管他是你的最好的朋友,他是你的最好的朋友,但你还是应当告诉他,抄袭别人的作业是但你还是应当告诉他,抄袭别人的作业是不对的。不对的。”,可知空格处应用,可知空格处应用although。4bWrite one piece o

13、f advice for each problem.Then compare your advice with your partners and decide whether the advice is good or bad.1.Im very shy.Advice:_ _Why dont you talk loudly in front of your classmates for many times?2.My sister and I fight all the time.Advice:_ _ _Maybe you should think about what you always

14、 fight about and try to have a talk with her about it.3.My sister spends all evening on the phone.Advice:_ _4.My cousin borrows my things without returning them.Advice:_ _You could tell her you need a good rest to study well at school tomorrow.Maybe hes forgetful.You could call him and tell him you

15、need them recently.5.My parents wont be let me have a pet.Advice:_ _When you get a good grade at school,you could talk about it with her.Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice.Decide which classmate has the best advice.ProblemsYou left your homework at home.Your best friend is

16、 more popular than you.You are afraid of speaking in front of people.Your best friend does not trust you any more.You parents always argue.4cMy best friend is more popular than me.I want to be like him.What should I do?You could try to be friendlier.You should just be yourself.What problems do you h

17、ave?at schooltoo much homeworktoo many examinationscant get good gradeshave to go to school earlyhave to wear the school uniformtoo many rules to obey at schoolat homehave to get up too earlyhave no enough moneyhave no time to watch TVargument between parentsA:Whats the matter?B:What should I do?A:Why dont youGive advice to your partners problems and make conversations.discuss with teachers to have fewer examstry to do things quickly and go to bed earlytry to spend less moneywork harder at school用下列词组造句。用下列词组造句。put up,hand out,call up,cheer up,come up with,give out,put off


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