Unit 4 Everyday Economics Language points(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、1.She couldnt,however,hide the line of sweat running down her forehead,which was caused partly by the heat of the television studio,but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her.which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰主句引导非限制性定语从句,修饰主句现在现在分词分词短语短语作定语,修饰作定语,修饰sweatbut连接两个并列连接两个并列by短语短语过去过去分词分词短语短语作定语,修饰作定语,修饰

2、the four people【拓展拓展】fore-fore-the front part of sth (某物的某物的)前部前部 e.g.foreground (图片图片或照片或照片的的)前景前景fore-before 预先预先;先,先,前前 e.g.forewarn 预先警告;事先告诫预先警告;事先告诫fore-placed at the front (在在)前面的前面的 e.g.foreleg 前腿前腿forehead n.the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair 额额,前额前额e.g.Shes got a hig

3、h forehead.2.They stared back,their blank faces giving no clue as to what they would say next.their blank faces是是giving的逻辑主语的逻辑主语独立结构表伴随独立结构表伴随分词短语作状语时,分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语一般与它的逻辑主语一般与句子主语一致。但有句子主语一致。但有时它有自己独立的逻时它有自己独立的逻辑上的主语,这种结辑上的主语,这种结构称为构称为独立结构独立结构。本句中的本句中的their blank faces giving no clue as to what

4、they would say next是一个是一个“名名词词+现在分词现在分词”的独的独立结构,表示立结构,表示伴随伴随。独立结构除表示伴随动作外,还可以用来表示时间、原因、独立结构除表示伴随动作外,还可以用来表示时间、原因、条件等。条件等。e.g.The shower being over,we continued to march.(时间时间)There being no taxis,they had to walk.(原因原因)Were playing golf this afternoon weather permitting.(条件条件)as to:about 关于;至于关于;至于e

5、.g.Im at a loss as to how to explain the error.Theres no decision as to when the work might start.as to/for:changing the subject to(表示表示转到另一个转到另一个话题话题)至于至于,关于关于e.g.As to where well get the money from,well talk about that later.as to:according to,by 按照;根据按照;根据e.g.The eggs are graded as to size and co

6、lor.阅阅读中读中as出现多次,含义各不相同。请找出相应的句子。出现多次,含义各不相同。请找出相应的句子。1)prep.used to describe the purpose or quality of sb.or sth.以以的身份;作为的身份;作为2)conj.while;during the time that 当当时候时候;随着;随着Feeling dizzy,Zhang Yue took a deep breath as she struggled to finish her presentation,.Surrounded by roses as she was growing

7、 up,she paid them little attention.As someone who grew up in the country,Zhang already knew about growing plants.3)conj.in the same way 以以的的方式;方式;如同如同那样那样;像像4)conj.because 因为,由于因为,由于As she spoke,Zhang Yue put her hands behind her back to hide that they were shaking.As people say,It takes a village t

8、o raise a child.”All over the world,an increasing number of enterprising young people are thinking of starting their own business,as the growing economy creates more opportunities.3.The place where this happens is a valley,a world away from any television studio.a world away from:completely differen

9、t from 完全不同于完全不同于 e.g.This small village is a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city.where引导定语从句修饰引导定语从句修饰the place4.Zhang never thought that this was something she would end up doing.end up:finally be or do something 结果为结果为,以,以结束结束 e.g.The result was that the engine ended up at the botto

10、m of the canal(运河运河).(翻译翻译)结结果引擎最终沉到了运河底。果引擎最终沉到了运河底。end updoing sth.以做某事而告终以做某事而告终(伴随动作,强调结果伴随动作,强调结果)with 以以结束结束(+表具体事物的名词表具体事物的名词)in 以以结束结束(+表抽象概念的名词表抽象概念的名词/地点名词地点名词)as 最终成为最终成为(+表职位表职位/身份的名词身份的名词)e.g.The conference ended up signing no agreement.The party ended up with a beautiful song.If you go

11、 on like this,youll end up in prison.He could end up as headmaster.(翻译翻译)大会结束了,没有签署任何协议。大会结束了,没有签署任何协议。聚会一首美妙的歌曲结束。聚会一首美妙的歌曲结束。你如果继续这样,早晚得进监狱。你如果继续这样,早晚得进监狱。他没准儿哪天会当上校长。他没准儿哪天会当上校长。【拓展拓展】end短语短语 bring sth.to an end 使某事结束使某事结束 put/bring an end to sth.结束某事结束某事 come to an end 结束结束 in the end 最后,终于最后,终于

12、 e.g.Having agreed upon the matter of payment,he brought the interview to an end.(翻译翻译)在付款问题上达成一致之后,他结束了会议。在付款问题上达成一致之后,他结束了会议。5.It was only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents that Zhang realised the potential.强强调调句。句。强调时间状语强调时间状语only after graduating from u

13、niversity overseas and returning to visit her parents。正常正常语序语序为为:Only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents,Zhang realised the potential.被强调部分被强调部分强调强调句句结构结构:It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that.当被强调部分指人时,可用当被强调部分指人时,可用who代替代替that。在强调句中,被强。在强调句中,被强调部分可以是主语、宾语、状语调部分可以是主语、宾

14、语、状语等。等。e.g.It was she who/that gave me the money.(强调主语强调主语)It is Allan that/who I want to make friends with,not Tom.(强调宾语强调宾语)It was in Britain that I became a true soldier.(强调状语强调状语)It was only then that the locals began to believe me.课文中还有一课文中还有一个强调句,你个强调句,你能找出来吗?能找出来吗?【语境应用语境应用】用强调句型翻译下列句子。用强调句型

15、翻译下列句子。1)是是Tom在负责这个班级。在负责这个班级。(强调主语强调主语)2)他是在他是在18岁时对体育产生兴趣的。岁时对体育产生兴趣的。(强调状语强调状语)3)我喜欢喝的是茶而不是咖啡。我喜欢喝的是茶而不是咖啡。(强调宾语强调宾语)It is Tom that/who is in charge of the class.It was at the age of 18 that he showed interest in sports.It is tea that I like to drink,not coffee.6.She is not the only young person

16、to have been bitten by the start-up bug.bug n.a very strong enthusiasm for sth.突然的兴趣,迷恋突然的兴趣,迷恋 be bitten by the bug:to develop a very strong interest in sth.,and start doing it a lot 迷恋,热衷迷恋,热衷 e.g.I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug.Hes been bitten by the sailing bug.She was nev

17、er interested in fitness before but now shes been bitten by the bug.7.However,like any entrepreneur who was just starting out,she still had a lot to learn.start out:to begin a journey or life or profession,or an important period of time出发出发,启程启程;开始开始(生生活活/职业职业/重重要阶段要阶段)e.g.It was pouring today,so I

18、didnt start out as planned.She started out as a model.start out:begin happening or existing in a particular way,especially when this changes later 起初起初,最初最初,开始时开始时 e.g.The leaves start out a pale green,and later get darker.8.The biggest challenge at the initial phase was to persuade people to work f

19、or me,which was totally outside my experience.at/in the initial phase:at the beginning of a period 开始阶段,初期开始阶段,初期 e.g.The exploration to the universe is still at the initial phase.The project is only in the initial phase as yet,but its looking quite promising.outside ones experience:beyond the limit

20、s or range of ones experience 没有没有经验,缺乏体验经验,缺乏体验e.g.Its outside my experience,Im afraid.I couldnt accomplish the work for it was out of my experience.【拓展拓展】Whats the meaning of the following phrases?outside interests outside ones price rangeoutside ones job description outside working hours业余爱好业余爱好价

21、格超出某人能承受的范围价格超出某人能承受的范围超出某人的职责范围超出某人的职责范围工作时间以外工作时间以外9.Though she welcomes the new entrepreneurial spirit,she advises that people be realistic and seek guidance from expert consultants before rushing into things.that引导引导的的宾语宾语从句从句使用了虚拟语气使用了虚拟语气。表表示坚持、愿望、建议、命令、请求等示坚持、愿望、建议、命令、请求等动词及其动词及其对应名词之对应名词之后的后

22、的that从句从句中,中,谓语动词谓语动词常用常用“should+动词原形动词原形”,should常常省略常常省略。e.g.The doctor suggested that I(should)stay in bed for another three days.The doctors suggestion is that I(should)stay in bed for another three days.表示表示坚持、愿望、建议、命令、请求坚持、愿望、建议、命令、请求等词等词可归纳为:可归纳为:一坚持一坚持(insist),二二命令命令(order,command),三建议三建议(adv

23、ise,suggest,propose),四要求四要求(demand,desire,request,require)。e.g.Lucy insisted that she(should)go abroad.The captain commanded that everyone(should)leave the building immediately.It is required that all of us(should)be present at the meeting.My order is that nobody get here later than 8:00 tomorrow mo

24、rning.【注意注意】insist:坚:坚持认为,持认为,坚持说、坚持说、suggest:暗示,表明,其后的从暗示,表明,其后的从句不用句不用虚拟虚拟语气,语气,要要用陈述语气用陈述语气。e.g.We insisted that we had never learned this word before.Your silence suggests that you agree with me.下列下列动词的名词形式你动词的名词形式你 知道知道吗?吗?suggest:suggestion advise:advice require:requirement propose:proposal de

25、mand:demand order:order request:requestguidance:help and advice that is given to someone about their work,education,or personal life 指导,引导指导,引导e.g.I went to a counselor(顾问顾问)for guidance on my career.(翻译翻译)我我去找了一位顾问给我作职业指导去找了一位顾问给我作职业指导。【拓展拓展】guidance短语短语 seek guidance from sb.向某人寻求指导向某人寻求指导 look fo

26、r guidance 寻求指导寻求指导 provide guidance 提供指导提供指导 under ones guidance=under the guidance of sb.在某人的指导下在某人的指导下【拓展拓展】guide v.指导,引导;带领指导,引导;带领 n.指南;导游指南;导游guide sb.to/through/around 带某人到带某人到/穿过穿过/参观参观e.g.Teenagers need adults to guide them.青少年需要成人来指导。青少年需要成人来指导。a Guide to Family Health 家庭健康指南家庭健康指南 a tour

27、guide 导游导游 a guided tour 有导游的观光有导游的观光Complete the sentences.1)David requested that we _ early the next day.2)The manager demanded that the work be completed _.3)She insisted that the work _.4)The boys model planes suggested that he had _.be outside ones experience,start off,at the initial phase,be bitten by the bugstart off at the initial phase was outside her experiencebeen bitten by the bug


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