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1、Book FourUnit SixTask 1:Risks in jobsTask 2:Risks in entertainingTask 3:Risks in successTask 1Task 2Task 3Risk is the probability of losing something of value.Since we value life above other things,the greatest risk for most people is the risk of death.Other things we value include health,safety,mon

2、ey,property,relationships and happiness.Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 1Directions:Many jobs involve risks.Some even have several risks.Work in pairs to classify the following list of jobs.coal-miner stockbroker policemanpresident fireman singer lawyer teacher businessman pilot model writer farmer factory w

3、orker psychiatristchemical engineer computer programmer Task 1Task 2Task 3Physical RisksFinancial RisksEmotional Riskscoal-minerpolicemanteacher pilotfiremanwriterfactory workerchemical engineercomputer programmer businessmanstockbroker farmerwriterpsychiatristlawyerpresident teacher singerpsycholog

4、istwritermodelTask 1Task 1Task 2Task 3Directions:Though many jobs involve different types of risks,we still have to do it.Watch the video and discuss with your group members the following questions.Do you think people in the video are doing a risky job?Do you wish to run the risk?What do you think i

5、s the most risky job?Why?Task 1Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 1Click to stop and click again to continueTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 2People nowadays are no longer content to those traditional holiday experiences.They are seeking more thrilling activities.Watch the flash,you will see a kind of exciting but very r

6、isky activity.幻灯放映后在画面上点右键选播放幻灯放映后在画面上点右键选播放Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 2Directions:Do you like the activity in the flash?Think about the following questions and tell the class your answers.List as many as possible the activities you think are exciting and risky as well.Choose the most risky one and tell

7、 why you think so.Do you prefer more traditional one or more thrilling one?Task 1Task 2Task 3 Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks.Yet most people dont.They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.Philip Andrew Adams However

8、well organized the foundations of life may be,life must always be full of risks.Henry Havelock EllisTask 3Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 3 Achieving success always involves hard work and risks.With no courage to overcome the difficulties and challenge the risks,there will not be success.Watch the video of a

9、 story and tell the story“To Catch The Tiger Cub,One Must Enter The Tigers Lair”to your classmates in English.And say if Ban Chao hadnt run the risk,what would have happened?Task 1Task 2Task 3To Catch the Tiger Cub,One Must Enter the Tigers LairTask 3Click to stop and click again to continueTask 1Ta

10、sk 2Task 3To Catch The Tiger Cub,One Must Enter The Tigers LairTask 3Ban Chao was a famous military scientist and diplomat in the Easter Han Dynasty.At the time,the Huns aristocrats grew increasingly powerful.They captured and ruled the wide Western Region,and ruthlessly suppressed the people living

11、 there and menaced the Eastern Han Kingdom.Some small countries in the Western Regions feared the Huns,but they also did not want to become estranged with Han Kingdom.The emperor of the Han Kingdom dispatched Ban Chao to those countries to establish friendly relations with them.Leading an entourage

12、of 36 men,Ban Chao first reached the state of Shanshan.In the beginning,the king of Shanshan showed great hospitality.But several days later,the king became hesitant and even cold to Ban Chao.After investigating,Ban discovered that the Huns had also sent an envoy to Shanshan,using both threats and i

13、nducement to coerce the king of Shanshan.Task 1Task 2Task 3Ban soon called his men together:“Now we are in danger.If the king sought refuge with the Huns,he will betray us and we will be taken prisoners.What do you think we should do now?”His men said resolutely:“Whether we live or die,we will follo

14、w you.”So Ban said firmly and decisively:“So how can you catch the tiger cub without entering the tigers liar?What is left for us to do now is to sneak into the Huns envoys campsite at night,take the Huns by surprise.”That night Ban and his men attached the Huns.They set on fire,and with the help of

15、 the wind,they wiped the Huns out in one blow.The next day,Ban explained the whole thing to the king of Shanshan.The king admired his bravery and wisdom and agreed immediately to establish long-standing friendship with the Han kingdom.This story gave rise to the proverb implying nothing ventured,not

16、hing gained.If one does not enter into the heart of danger,one cannot attain success.In-Class ReadingRisks are always a matter of probability rather than certainty.(Para.1-3)comparison between hypochondria and anxiety about the risks of life:SimilarityDifferenceHypochondriaAnxiety about the Risks of

17、 LifeIn both cases,the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information.The hypochondriac can turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situation.Risks are a matter of probability rather than certainty.We can inform ourselves about the relevant risks before any decision-making by meas

18、uring the level of a risk.(Para.4-7)Conclusion(para.8)It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned,because with many risks,the situation is not as simple.(Line 15)whensth.is concerned:就就来说,就来说,就而言;而言;有时常用有时常用 as far as sth.is concerned 表示。表示。谈到谈到政策,我得说几句。政策,我得说几句。As

19、far as policy is concerned,I have to say something.就就我们我们而言而言,你什么时候走都行。你什么时候走都行。When were concerned,you can go whenever youwant.It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned,because with many risks,the situation is not as simple.(Line 15)但当涉及到但当涉及到其它形式的风险时,事情就要困其它形式的风

20、险时,事情就要困难得多,因为对许多风险来说,情况并不那难得多,因为对许多风险来说,情况并不那么简单。么简单。what if?相当于相当于 what would happen if意为:意为:“如果如果那又怎么办呢?那又怎么办呢?”如果如果她改变主意不来她改变主意不来怎么办怎么办?要是要是他妈妈不喜欢这个女孩该他妈妈不喜欢这个女孩该怎怎么办么办?如果如果我们对家人和朋友不忠我们对家人和朋友不忠怎么办怎么办?他他最后成了最后成了公司的主管。公司的主管。你要继续行窃你要继续行窃终归得终归得进监狱。进监狱。一开始我们并不喜欢它,可一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后最后我们却为之欢呼。我们却为之欢呼。如果他继

21、续那样开车的话,如果他继续那样开车的话,最后会最后会送命的。送命的。The party _ of Auld Lang Syne.ended up with the singing youll end up nowhere请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。He jumped into the river to save the child but _.ended up trapped by the waterweeds倘若倘若你的车侧面被撞,你的车侧面被撞,结果你被困在结果你被困在车里,车里,又因安全带装置遭破坏而无法挣脱,又因安全带装置遭破坏而无法挣脱,那怎么那怎么办呢办呢?这是一个简单句,

22、主干结构为这是一个简单句,主干结构为we would find the relative safety,of引起的介词短语作定语引起的介词短语作定语修 饰 前 面 的 名 词修 饰 前 面 的 名 词relative safety,by dividingin each是句子的方式状语,句首的是句子的方式状语,句首的In the case just discussed为状语,意思是为状语,意思是“在刚刚讨论的情况中在刚刚讨论的情况中”。结尾中出现了两个。结尾中出现了两个each都指的是都指的是each activity,“每一项活动每一项活动”。以以6除除30,答案为,答案为5。三十除以六三十除

23、以六等于五。等于五。在刚才讨论的例子中在刚才讨论的例子中,我们可以,我们可以用用每一项活动每一项活动中死亡的人数中死亡的人数除以除以参与该活动的总人数,从而参与该活动的总人数,从而找出汽车旅行与采煤的相对安全性。找出汽车旅行与采煤的相对安全性。本句是一个主从复合句,从句本句是一个主从复合句,从句Once we understandsafe 中,谓语中,谓语 understand后有两个后有两个由由that引导的并列宾语从句,主句引导的并列宾语从句,主句we will then seeway中中,动词动词see也带了一个由也带了一个由that引导的宾引导的宾语从句,从句的主要结构为语从句,从句的

24、主要结构为the issue is notbut rather。一旦一旦打开书本学习,就不接电话、不看电视、不读打开书本学习,就不接电话、不看电视、不读报纸了。报纸了。对环境对环境一旦一旦造成破坏,就要花很多年的时间才能使造成破坏,就要花很多年的时间才能使整个系统恢复。整个系统恢复。一旦一旦我们懂得在任何情况下都不能完全排除危我们懂得在任何情况下都不能完全排除危险,因而任何事情都不是绝对安全的,险,因而任何事情都不是绝对安全的,我们就我们就会明白会明白问题不在于彻底避免危险而在于如何理问题不在于彻底避免危险而在于如何理智地对付危险。智地对付危险。She was allowed to keep

25、the book indefinitely.indefinitely(adv.)(Line 10,Para.1)那个关键的商务谈判不能被那个关键的商务谈判不能被无限期无限期地推迟。地推迟。That key business talk should not be postponed indefinitely.for a period of time without a fixed limit 无限期地无限期地definite indefinite indefinitely definiteadj.clearly known,seen,or stated;without any uncertain

26、ty 明确的明确的,一定的一定的Lets fix _ for the next match.a definite date a definite answer请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。providing a last decision that cannot be questioned or changed;conclusive 确定的,决定性的,有权威的确定的,决定性的,有权威的definitive(adj.)(Line 13,Para.2)The definitive decision The definitive edition 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。That d

27、epartment could provide you with _.(appraisal)a piece ofdefinitive appraisalpartial(Line 12,Para.2)adj.1)not complete 部分的,不完全的部分的,不完全的在那座城堡的顶端可以欣赏在那座城堡的顶端可以欣赏到城市的到城市的部分景致部分景致。A partial view of the city can be available at the top of the castle.partial to infml having a strong liking for(非正式非正式)过分喜欢,

28、偏爱过分喜欢,偏爱 我非常我非常喜欢喜欢吃甜食。吃甜食。Im very partial to sweet food.adj.3)unfairly supporting one person or one group against another 偏向一方的,偏袒的,不公正的偏向一方的,偏袒的,不公正的was clearly partial toward to keep your judgment away from 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。any partial attitudesaccidentally(Line 26,Para.3)adv.happening by chanc

29、e,not by plan or intention 偶然地,意外地偶然地,意外地他他在一个偶然的机会在一个偶然的机会被那位著名导演看中,因此被那位著名导演看中,因此有机会在一部偶像剧中扮演关键角色。有机会在一部偶像剧中扮演关键角色。His _ discouraged the whole team.accidental failure The accidental appearance 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。形容词形式:形容词形式:accidental adj.happening by chance,not by plan or intention 意外的意外的,偶然的偶然的in

30、flate(Line 27,Para.3)v.1)to fill with air or gas to make bigger (使)充满气体,(使)膨胀(使)充满气体,(使)膨胀给那件救生衣给那件救生衣(life jacket)充气充气需要特殊的技巧。需要特殊的技巧。2)to raise(a price)by inflation 使使通货膨胀通货膨胀名词形式:名词形式:inflation(n.)充气,膨胀;通货膨胀充气,膨胀;通货膨胀,(,(物价物价)暴涨暴涨otherwise(Line 28,Para.3)picnicWe were going to picnic,but it was s

31、o hot that we decided to do otherwise.She said that young contestant would lose,but I thought otherwise.adv.1)in a different way;differently 不同地不同地2)apart from that;in other ways (在)其他方面(在)其他方面请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。It was a bit long,but _.那影片是长了一点儿,那影片是长了一点儿,其它方面倒还不错其它方面倒还不错。His nephew is noisy,but _.他的

32、外甥爱吵闹,他的外甥爱吵闹,但在但在其他方面倒是一个好孩子其他方面倒是一个好孩子。otherwise a nice boyotherwise it was a good filmconj.3)if not(在不同情况下)否则(在不同情况下)否则Youd better go now,otherwise youll miss your train.Ive got one more page to write;otherwise Ive already finished.reduceto(Line 33,Para.4)He was reduced from a millionaire to a be

33、ggar as a result of taking drugs.1)bring someone or something to(a lower or weaker state,condition or role)使某人陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态使某人陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或状况中或状况中2)change(something)to(its parts);present a problem or subject in(a simplified form)将某事物概括或简化成某种形式将某事物概括或简化成某种形式请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。The earthquake _.地震地震将

34、房屋变成了瓦砾将房屋变成了瓦砾(rubble)。The presidents speech can _.总统的演讲总统的演讲可以被归纳为三点可以被归纳为三点。be reduced to three reduced themain pointshouse to rubbleaccordingly(Line 34,Para.4)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Please inform us of your decision and _.请告知我们你的决定,请告知我们你的决定,我们将会采取相应的行动我们将会采取相应的行动。we will act His friends all consider

35、ed him their leader and _.他的朋友把他视做领袖并且他的朋友把他视做领袖并且用对待领袖的方式对待用对待领袖的方式对待他他。treated him accordinglyadv.1)in a way that is appropriate to the situation 相应地相应地accordingly2)as a result of something 因此,从而因此,从而超级女生李宇春有男孩子的气质,超级女生李宇春有男孩子的气质,因此因此,她能够得到,她能够得到无数的女歌迷的支持。无数的女歌迷的支持。有无数的读者对于武侠小说如痴如醉。有无数的读者对于武侠小说如痴如

36、醉。因此因此,金庸先,金庸先生才能够在当今中国文坛享有很高的地位。生才能够在当今中国文坛享有很高的地位。There are a great number of readers who are crazy for martial arts novels.Accordingly,Mr.Jin Yong could enjoy a high status in todays Chinese literature.assess(Line 50,Para.6)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。The value of that Chen Yifeis painting _.那幅陈逸飞的油画那幅陈逸飞的

37、油画被估价为被估价为50万美元万美元。was They will go to Beijing to _.他们将前往北京他们将前往北京邀请几位专家来为那些古玩邀请几位专家来为那些古玩(curio)估价估价。invite several experts to v.1)calculate what something costs or is worth 估价,估计估价,估计assessed at$500,000assess those curios2)carefully consider a situation,person,or problem in order to make a judgmen

38、t 评价,评定评价,评定现在现在评价评价那部新法规的效果还为时尚早。那部新法规的效果还为时尚早。在在评价评价别人的时候,不要有任何的偏见。别人的时候,不要有任何的偏见。名词形式:名词形式:assessmentn.1)估计估计,估算估算 2)评估,评价评估,评价ratio(Line 54,Para.6)n.a relationship between two things expressed by two numbers or amounts 比,比率,比例比,比率,比例20比比10相当于相当于2比比1。那所小学的师生那所小学的师生比例比例是是1比比30。这一地区,男子人数这一地区,男子人数以三

39、比一超过以三比一超过女子人数。女子人数。versus(Line 56,Para.7)prep.(Abbr.v.or vs.)in opposition to or against especially in a game of sports(尤指在体育比赛中)(尤指在体育比赛中)对对,以,以 为对手;与为对手;与相比相比本赛季的本赛季的NBA总决赛将会总决赛将会在在休斯敦火箭队和底特律活休斯敦火箭队和底特律活塞队塞队之间展开之间展开。Its going to be The Huston Rockets versus The Detroit Pistons in this seasons NBA

40、 Finals.有必要对减税带来的好处与民众有必要对减税带来的好处与民众 消费增长所带来消费增长所带来的好处进行的好处进行对比对比。Its necessary to weigh up the benefits of tax cuts versus those of increased public spending.Modern life is full of all manner of threats.Risks are almost always a matter of probabilities rather than certainty.Our uncertainties multip

41、ly indefinitely.现代生活中充满了诸多威胁。现代生活中充满了诸多威胁。危险几乎总是一个可能而非确定。危险几乎总是一个可能而非确定。我们的疑虑无休止的增加。我们的疑虑无休止的增加。Should I wear a seat belt?我应该系安全带吗?我应该系安全带吗?Nothing we do is completely safe.The point is to act accordingly.我们做的事没一件是百分之百安全的。我们做的事没一件是百分之百安全的。关键在于见机行事。关键在于见机行事。In the case just discussed从刚才讨论的情况看从刚才讨论的情况

42、看The latter turns out to be four times riskier than the former.后者其实比前者危险四倍。后者其实比前者危险四倍。顺译法顺译法 倒置法倒置法汉译英长句翻译汉译英长句翻译 进行汉译英长句翻译时,应该先通览原文的大概进行汉译英长句翻译时,应该先通览原文的大概意思,再弄清楚原文的句法结构,分析句子各个层次意思,再弄清楚原文的句法结构,分析句子各个层次的含义和相互间的逻辑关系,再根据英语表达特点,的含义和相互间的逻辑关系,再根据英语表达特点,正确翻译出原文含义。翻译完毕后,应再次审读译文,正确翻译出原文含义。翻译完毕后,应再次审读译文,检查译


44、是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、湖泊和其他用地。地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、湖泊和其他用地。China is a large country with eighty percent of the population engaged in agriculture,but only one tenth of the land is farmland,the rest being mountains,forests,rivers and places for other uses.顺译法:顺译法:有有些些汉语句子的内容结构与英语表达方式比

45、较一致,汉语句子的内容结构与英语表达方式比较一致,在翻译时则可按照原文顺序进行翻译。在翻译时则可按照原文顺序进行翻译。我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。When we had tea,I could not take my eyes from her small,delicate hands,the graceful way she moved,her bright,black eyes,and expressionless clear

46、face.倒置法:倒置法:也叫逆序法。有的汉语句子与英语表达习惯不同,甚也叫逆序法。有的汉语句子与英语表达习惯不同,甚至完全相反,则翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。至完全相反,则翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。中国乒乓球大奖赛的最后一天,刘国梁在男子单打比赛中一中国乒乓球大奖赛的最后一天,刘国梁在男子单打比赛中一举夺魁后,干脆利落地夺得大奖赛的举夺魁后,干脆利落地夺得大奖赛的4项冠军。项冠军。Liu Guoliang completed a clean sweep of four titles after winning the mens singles championship on t

47、he final day of the Chinese Table-Tennis Grand Prix.插入法:插入法:即用同位语、插入语或定语从句来处理一些解释性成即用同位语、插入语或定语从句来处理一些解释性成分,用破折号、括号或前后逗号插入译句中。分,用破折号、括号或前后逗号插入译句中。他才三十岁,正处在篮球事业和赚取金钱的鼎盛时期,因此他才三十岁,正处在篮球事业和赚取金钱的鼎盛时期,因此大多数人认为他上周宣布退役为时过早,大多数人认为他上周宣布退役为时过早,但是根据他的说法,但是根据他的说法,这一决定完全出于自愿,并非是匆忙之举这一决定完全出于自愿,并非是匆忙之举。He is thirt

48、y and at the height of his performing and earning power,and last weeks announcement of retirement was premature in most peoples opinions-but it was quite on his willingness,by his own account,not taken hastily.写作实践写作实践例文例文:Making the World a Better Place to Live相关链接相关链接Writing ActivitiesDirections:F

49、or this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a passage entitled Making the World a Better Place to Live.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below:1近年来环境灾害频繁发生;近年来环境灾害频繁发生;2环境灾害危害严重;环境灾害危害严重;3保护环境,创造美好家园。保护环境,创造美好家园。Writing ActivitiesMaking the World a Better Place

50、to Live People around the world may feel that environmental disasters have frequently occurred in recent years.Flood and drought in some places are the result of inappropriate human intervention(干预)in the natural environment.Because of pesticide abuse or improper management of metals,some chemicals


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