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1、Unit 1Making new friendsWelcome to China!Where are you from?How old are you?GreetingsIntroductionsFarewellsTalking about peoples namesWhere people are from and their phone numbersTalking about someones age,class and grade Identifying thingsUnit 1Making new friendsWelcome to ChinaWhere are you from?H

2、ow old are you?通过创设情境如在机场、在通过创设情境如在机场、在学校、在户外等,学习问候、学校、在户外等,学习问候、介绍感谢和道别的句型介绍感谢和道别的句型。学习介绍自己,了解他人信学习介绍自己,了解他人信息,如电话号码、年龄、国息,如电话号码、年龄、国籍等学习十以内的数字;通籍等学习十以内的数字;通过一些体育明星标志性建筑、过一些体育明星标志性建筑、自然风光、国旗来学习一些自然风光、国旗来学习一些国名。国名。七年级备课组七年级备课组继续介绍自己,了解他人继续介绍自己,了解他人的年龄及所在的年级、班的年龄及所在的年级、班级,谈论电话号码;学习级,谈论电话号码;学习二十以内的数字;

3、初步学二十以内的数字;初步学习可数名词的单复数及其习可数名词的单复数及其使用使用。Section A.教学目标:教学目标:1,学习字母,学习字母OZ;2,继续学习日常问候语继续学习日常问候语3,学习告别用语。学习告别用语。Unit 1 topic 1 教学目标:目标:1,问候及认识,问候及认识别人。别人。2,学习字母,学习字母AG.3,学习新词汇。学习新词汇。Section B Section CSection D教学目标教学目标:1,学习字母学习字母H-N;2,学习学习介绍他人相互认识的句型;介绍他人相互认识的句型;3,复习并继续学习问候语,复习并继续学习问候语。教学目标:教学目标:1,把,

4、把26个字母按读个字母按读音归类;音归类;2,复习问候和告别语;,复习问候和告别语;3,复习介绍他人和自我介绍用,复习介绍他人和自我介绍用语。语。Welcome to China!Im Kangkang.Are you Maria?Nice to meet you.This is Miss Wang.Nice to see you.How do you do?How are you?Im fine,thank you.See you later .see you.Bye .复习重点知识单词和问复习重点知识单词和问候语候语Section C Unit 1 Topic 2Section DSect

5、ion BSection A。教学目标:教学目标:1,继续学习,继续学习am/is /are的疑问句及回答;的疑问句及回答;2,学习主格人称代词;学习主格人称代词;3,学习,学习如何询问他人姓名、籍贯及回如何询问他人姓名、籍贯及回答答教学目标:教学目标:1,学习,学习who问句;问句;2,继续学习主格人称代词的用法;,继续学习主格人称代词的用法;3,了解句子的语调,了解句子的语调教学目标:教学目标:1,学习数字,学习数字010;2,了解单词的音节和重音;,了解单词的音节和重音;3,学习问别人的电话号码及回答。,学习问别人的电话号码及回答。教学目标:教学目标:1,复习数字;,复习数字;2,总结主

6、格人称代词的用法总结主格人称代词的用法3,复,复习习 be 动词的一般疑问句和简单动词的一般疑问句和简单的的wh-问句问句.Excuse me ,are you?Where are you/is he/she from.?Are you from?Who is he/she?Where is he/she from?What s your name?Whats your telephone number?人称代词的主格形式和用法人称代词的主格形式和用法Unit 1 topic 3Section ASection BSection CSection D教学目标:教学目标:1,学习如何询问,学习如

7、何询问他人的年龄、班级和年级;他人的年龄、班级和年级;2,复习数字复习数字010,学习数字,学习数字11-20.教学目标:教学目标:1,学习识别单数物体;,学习识别单数物体;2,掌握不定冠词,掌握不定冠词 和和 的用法;的用法;3,学习单词拼写的表达;学习单词拼写的表达;4,学习如何表达感谢及应答语。,学习如何表达感谢及应答语。教学目标:教学目标:1,学习识别复,学习识别复数物体数物体2,学习可数名词的,学习可数名词的单数和复数形式单数和复数形式教学目标:教学目标:1,学习以短文的形学习以短文的形式谈论姓名、年式谈论姓名、年龄、学校、班级龄、学校、班级和电话号码等个和电话号码等个人信息人信息2

8、,能读懂短文,能读懂短文并能从简单的名并能从简单的名片中获得信息片中获得信息。What s this /that?Is this /that a/an?Can you spell it ,please.What are these/those?They are .掌握一般疑问句的简单回答掌握一般疑问句的简单回答What class are you in?What grade are you in?How old are you?Describing peoplesappearancesPresent simple to have W-questions-whatIndentifyingcolo

9、rs Describing peoplesappearances and clothesPossessivepronouns Talking about possessionsUnit2 Looking differentTopic 2 What does She look Like?Topic 1I havea small noseTopic3 Whosecapis it?The possessivecaseParts of the babyAdjectivesUseful expressionsDoes he havelong hair?Yes,he doesNo,he doesntnos

10、e,face,hairleg,foot.Unit2 topic1We/you/theyhave roundfaces big/smalllong/short I have a small noseclothesColorssentence patterns What color is it?Its pinkblack pink brown green We dont havethe same looks T-shirt capskirt.Unit 2Topic 2sentence patternsNew wordsWhose capis it,then?It is SallysIs this

11、yourcap?Yes,its mine.bike bagjacket.Unit2 Topic3mine hers ourus him.Wh-questionsTalking about occupationsPresent simplePersonalpronounsMaking requestsMaking suggestionsUseful expressions Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns Topic1Dos he speak Chinese?Topic2What doesyour motherdo?Topic3 What would y

12、ou like to drink?Identifying familynumberGettingtogetherUnit 3Present simplePersonalpronounsMaking requestsTopic1Dos he speak Chinese?Do you want a pen pal?Does he speak Chinese?ObjectpronounsObjectpronounsCould you please tell meyourname?Do you like Chinese?Unit 3 1 Topic1Identifying familymembersW

13、h-questionsTalking about occupationsMother,fatherParentUncle,brotherSonWhat doesYour mother do?Unit3 topic2Doctor,workerDriver,farmerCooknurseWhat doesyour motherdo?Where doeshe work?Unit 3 Topic 2 Countable nouns and uncountable nounsWh-questions Making suggestionsTopic3 What would you like to drin

14、k?Fish rice apple pearWhat would you like to do?What do you usually have for breakfast?Would you like to have dinner with me?Unit 3 1 Topic1Learn how to make a Shopping list Useful expressionsWrite telephonemessagesMake a Telephone call Know about declarative exclamatory sentencesTalk about the Poin

15、t of time Read simple storiesUnit4 Having FunTopic 2 Would you like to cook with us?Topic 1What can I do for you?Topic3What time is it now?Grasp the following numbers Talk about daily routinesnumbersKnow how to answer when someone saysUseful expressionsWhat can I do for you?Thirty forty fifty sixtyO

16、ne hundred nine hundred and ninety-nineCan I try it on?Whatcan I do for you?Unit4 topic1Thanks a lot.Not at all Unit 4 Topic 1Write telephone messages Make a telephoneCall.consonantssentence patternsThis is Kang kang.Whats up?Would you like to go to?Dont forget to bring your guitar.one,two,threefour

17、.nine,tenWould you like to?How about?What about?K g f v Unit 4 topic2Wouldyou like to Cook with us?Unit 4 Topic 2Sentence patternsThe point of timeBe able to read simple stories.Talk about Daily routines Whats wrong with you?I can t find my way home.Shopping oneCatch the main ideaPast to的用法的用法 Topic 3What time is it now.Unit 4 Topic 3


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