-人教新目标版八年级下册《英语》 Unit 6 知识归纳.docx

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1、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A1. Yu Gong Moves a Mountain愚公移山2. Hou Yi Shoots the Sun后羿射日3. Nu Wa Repairs the Sky女娲补天4. a story called Journey to the West一个叫做西游记的故事5. a TV program called Monkey一个叫做美猴王的电视节目6. shoot the animals射杀动物7. shoot at the objects瞄准物体8. once upon a time

2、很久很久以前9. It takes a long time to do sth.做某事花很久的时间10. walk to the other side走到另一边11. put the earth and stone into the sea把泥土和石头投入大海12. Its big enough to hold everything.足够大,可以容纳一切13. start digging开始挖掘14. the next day第二天15. the rest of the story故事的剩下部分16. work on sth.致力于17. old and weak又老又弱18. be weak

3、 in doing sth.在某方面很弱19. after he died=after his death他死后20. day after day日复一日21. year after year年复一年22. remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事23. remind (sb.) that+句子 提醒某人24. remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事25. solve the problem解决这个问题26. the solution to the problem问题的解决方法27. a little (bit) silly/stupid有点傻28. It seem

4、s impossible to do sth.=It doesnt seem possible to do sth.做某事好像不可能29. keep doing sth.坚持做某事30. give up放弃31. instead of doing sth.而不是做某事32. have different opinions about the story对于这个故事有不同的观点33. neither of you你们都不(单复数都可以,常用单数)34. neither nor既不是也不是(就近原则)35. for the first time 第一次36. be new to sb. 对某人来说

5、很新鲜37. the main character主角38. in fact实际上39. make 72 changes to his shape and size在形状和大小方面作72种变化40. turn himself into different animals and objects 把他自己变成不同的动物和物体41. objective and subjective客观的和主观的42. hide his tail 隐藏自己的尾巴43. use a magic stick使用金箍棒44. come out出版/开花45. excite sb.使某人激动46. western chil

6、dren西方的孩子们47. fit sb.=be fit/suitable for sb.适合某人48. keep fit保持健康49. marry sb.=get/be married to sb.和某人结婚50. prince and princess王子和公主51. fall in love with sb.爱上某人52. new couple新婚夫妻53. a couple of hours.两三个小时54. smile at sb.向某人微笑55. laugh at sb.嘲笑某人Section B1. The Emperors New Clothes皇帝的新衣2. silk and

7、 gold丝绸和黄金3. golden age黄金年龄4. cheat the emperor欺骗皇帝5. walk through the city走过城市6. fairy tale通话7. scene one场景一8. wife and husband妻子和丈夫9. leave with their stepmother和继母住在一起10. leave the children to die in the forest把孩子们留在森林里自生自灭11. the whole family=all the family全家人12. in the moonlight在月光下13. a house

8、made of food由食物做成的房子14. because of the shining moon由于明亮的月光15. shine bright 明亮地照耀(bright是副词)16. a bright future光明顶额未来(bright是形容词)17. shine (vi.)-shone-shone照耀18. shine (vt.)-shined-shined擦亮19. lead us to the new house带领我们去那座新房子20. lead sb. to a place带领某人去某地21. lead sb. to do sth.带领某人做某事22. lead to the failure导致了失败23. on the ground在地面24. an old womans voice一个老妇人的声音25. speak in loud/low voice 高声/低声讲话26. be brave enough to do sth.足够勇敢做某事27. do sth. bravely勇敢地做某事


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