-人教新目标版七年级下册《英语》Unit 9晨读与听写.rar

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  • 2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》Unit 9晨读与听写
    • Unit 9 A晨读听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 B晨读听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 review晨读听写.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 9 晨读本.docx--点击预览


Unit 9 What does he look like?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人_Section A重点单词重点单词写出下列单词(每个 1 分,共 17 分)1.卷曲的 adj._2.直的 adj._3.高的 adj._4.中等的 adj._5.身高;高度 n._6.瘦的 adj._7.重的 adj._8.(在)今晚;(在)今夜 adv.&n._9.小的 adj._10.也许;可能;可以 modal v._11.电影院 n._12.眼镜 n._13.以后 adv._14.英俊的 adj._15.演员 n._16.女演员 n._17.人 n._写出下列单词变形(每个 1 分,共 16 分)1.curly_(反义词)2.later_(形容词)3.thin(瘦的)_/_(反义词)4.curly_(反义词)5.glass_(复数)6.high_(名词)7.little-_(同义词)8.act(动词)_/_/_(名词)9.short_/_(对应词)10.ugly_/_(对应词)11.people_(同义词)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语(每个 2 分,共 42 分)1.中等身高 _2.点儿;少量 _=_=_3.长直发_4.准备做 _=_5.卷发 _6.看电影_=_7.认识某人 _8.在前面_9.黑发 _10.看起来像 _11.戴着眼镜 _12.长直发_13.短发 _14.长发 _15.在七点钟 _16.棕色头发 _17.戴眼镜_重点句子重点句子完成下列句子(每空 1 分,共 25 分)1.他长什么样?他长得确实高。What does he _ _?He _ _ tall.2.她长什么样?她留着长直发。_ _ she look like?She _ long straight hair.3.他们留着直发还是卷发?他们留着卷发。_ they _ straight _ curly hair?They have curly hair.4.他个头高还是矮呢?他既不髙也不矮,中等个头。_ he tall _ short?He _ tall _ short.Hes _ medium height.5.你最喜欢的老师长什么样?What _ your favorite teacher _ _?6.她中等个子,而且留着长长的直发.Shes _ medium _,and she _ long straight hair.7.对,但是我可能晚一点儿。Yeah,but I _ _ a little late.8.这个人中等个子。This person _ _ medium height.Unit 9 What does he look like?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人_Section B重点单词重点单词写出下列单词(每个 1 分,共 19 分)1.鼻子 n._2.(头发)金黄色的 adj._3.嘴 n._4.圆形的 adj._5.脸 n._6.眼睛 n._7.歌手 n._8.艺术家 n._9.犯罪活动 n._10.罪犯 n._11.放 v._12.每个;各自 adj.&pron._13.方式;路线 n._14.描述 v._15.不同地 adv._16.另一;又一 adj.&pron._17.结尾;尽头 n._18.真正的;真实的 adj._19.牛仔裤 n._写出下列单词变形(每个 1 分,共 11 分)1.sing(动词)_(名词)2.mouth_(复数)3.art_(名词)画家4.describe(动词)_(名词)5.real_(副词)6.differently(副词)_(形容词)7.I_(同音词)8.every_(同义词)9.finish_(同义词)_/_(对应词)重点短语重点短语写出下列短语(每个 1.5 分,共 45 分)1.和/与谈话 _=_2.最后 _=_3.一个大鼻子_4.一张圆脸 _5.大眼睛_6.首先 _7.穿牛仔裤 _8.告诉某人某事 _9.放在里_10.想要做某事_=_11.三十岁_12.金色卷发 _13.同样的方式_14.一张的照片_15.黑色的短发_16.一张小嘴 _17.一张长脸 _18.金发 _19.让某人做某事 _=_20.一份非常有趣的工作_21.一位警方画像师_22.在电视上 _23.每名罪犯 _24.一个矮胖的老人_25.同样的人 _26.画一张的画_重点句子重点句子完成下列句子(每空 1 分,共 25 分)1.乔布朗有一份非常有趣的工作。Joe Brown has a very _ _.2.一些人目睹犯罪活动,然后跟乔谈话。Some people _ crimes and then _ _ Joe.3.他想画好每个罪犯的肖像,但是这项工作有时是困难的。He wants to draw a _ _ of _ criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult.4.许多人并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们可能会将同一个人描述得不一样。Many people _ _ see things the _ _ so they may describe the same person _.5.最后,真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的老年人,而且他留着一头黑色的短发。_ _ _,the real criminal is a short _ heavy old man,and he _ short black hair!6.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样子。They tell him _ the criminal _ _.7.乔画罪犯的照片,警方把它登在报纸和电视上来找到他。Joe draws a picture of the criminal,and the police _ _ _ newspapers and _ television to find him.Unit 9 What does he look like?满分:满分:100 分分 学号学号 _ 姓名姓名 _得分得分 _ 批改人批改人 _ReviewI.写出词汇思维图(每空 1 分,共 37 分)II.阅读 Section A 2d 的对话,根据对话内容在短文横线处填入一个正确的单词形式。(每空 2 分,共 20 分)Tony and Mike are going to the 1._ tonight.They are 2._ at seven,but Mike may be a 3._ late.His friend David is going,too.Mike wants Tony 4._ meet David in front of the cinema.But Tony doesnt 5._ him and asks what David 6._ like.Mike tells Tony that David has brown 7._ and wears 8._.He isnt 9._ or short.Hes of 10._ height.III.阅读 Section B 2b 的课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的单词。(每空 2 分,共 18 分)Joe Brown is a police artist.His job is 1._ but hard.Some people see crimes and then tell him what the criminal 2._ like.Then he draws a picture of the criminal,and the police put it in 3._ and on television to find him.Its difficult for 4._ to draw a good picture of each criminal because many people may 5._ the same person differently.Also,they dont always 6._ well.One woman says the criminal is of medium 7._ and young with long straight brown hair and big eyes.Another woman says he is tall and thin with 8._ blond hair and hes about thirty years old.In the end,the 9._ criminal is a short and heavy old man with short black hair.IV.阅读短文,在没有汉语提示的空格处,根据首字母、音标或语境的提示填入 1 个适当的单词;在有汉语提示的空格处,填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。(每空 2.5 分,共 25 分)Good evening,everyone!Tonight,let me introduce two of my friends,Tina and Johnny.Tina is a singer.She 1._ long curly blonde hair.She is not too tall or too short.She is 2._(中等身高).She has a round face,a small mouth and two big 3._/az/.Tinas brother,Johnny,is an 4._.He is handsome with a small nose.He is of medium build so he isnt too 5._ or heavy.He has short straight hair.He often wears jeans and a pair of glasses.Johnny often went to the 6._/snm/and drew pictures of actors or actresses when he was a child.Later he often helps the police draw a picture of the criminal.It may be 7._(有点儿)difficult for him,because people describe the same 8._ or crime differently.Johnny has to draw a picture of the criminal from one way to 9._.But 10._(最后),he can always draw a clear picture of the real criminal.I think his job is very cool and fun.Do you think so?I.详见晨读本II.1.movie 2.meeting 3.little 4.to 5.know 6.looks 7.hair 8.glasses 9.tall 10.mediumIII.1.interesting 2.looks/is 3.newspapers 4.him 5.describe 6.remember 7.height 8.curly 9.realIV.1.has 2.of medium height 3.eyes 4.artist 5.thin 6.cinema 7.a little/kind of/a bit 8.person 9.another 10.in the end/at lastUnit 9 What does he look like?Section A重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词1.*curly/k:(r)li/adj.卷曲的2.*straight/stret/adj.直的3.tall/t:l/adj.高的4.*medium/mi:dim/adj.中等的5.*height /hat/n.身高;高度6.thin/n/adj.瘦的7.heavy/hevi/adj.重的8.tonight/tnat/adv.&n.(在)今晚;(在)今夜9.little/ltl/adj.小的10.may/me/modal v.也许;可能;可以11.*cinema/snm/n.电影院12.*glasses/gl:sz/,/glsz/n.(pl.)眼睛13.later/let(r)/adv.以后14.*handsome/hnsm/adj.英俊的15.actor/kt(r)/n.演员16.actress/ktrs/n.女演员17.person/p:(r)sn/n.人朗读下列单词变形1.curlystraight(反义词)2.laterlate(形容词)3.thin(瘦的)heavy/fat(反义词)4.curlystraight(反义词)5.glassglasses(复数)6.highheight(名词)7.littlesmall(同义词)8.act(动词)actor/actress/action(名词)9.shorttall/long(对应词)10.uglyhandsome/beautiful(对应词)11.peoplepersons(同义词)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语1.(be)of medium height 中等身高2.a little点儿;少量=a bit=kind of3.long straight hair 长直发4.be going to do 准备做=want to do5.curly hair 卷发6.go to the movies 看电影=watch movies7.know sb.认识某人8.in front of 在前面9.black hair 黑发10.look like 看起来像11.wear glasses 戴着眼镜12.long straight hair 长直发13.short hair 短发14.long hair 长发15.at seven 在七点钟16.brown hair 棕色头发17.wear glasses 戴眼镜重点句子重点句子朗读下列句子1.他长什么样?他长得确实高。What does he look like?Hes really tall.2.她长什么样?她留着长直发。What does she look like?She has long straight hair.3.他们留着直发还是卷发?他们留着卷发。Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair.4.他个头高还是矮呢?他既不髙也不矮,中等个头。Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.5.你最喜欢的老师长什么样?What does your favorite teacher look like?6.她中等个子,而且留着长长的直发.Shes of medium height,and she has long straight hair.7.对,但是我可能晚一点儿。Yeah,but I may be a little late.8.这个人中等个子。This person is of medium height.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识1c 1.Shes of medium height,and she has long straight hair.她中等身高,留着长长的直发。表示某人高矮、胖瘦、美丽、丑陋、帅气等外貌时,用am/is/are,表示某人留什么发型时,用 have/has。1)Dao Liangyu is very tall.刀亮宇很高。2)Peng Jiahao is very heavy.彭家豪很胖。3)Zhou Guowei has short hair.周国伟留着短发。2d 2.Just meet him in front of the cinema first.先在电影院前面见吧!在.前面:in front of(范围外);in the front of(范围内)1)There is a desk in the front of the classroom.教室前面有一张书桌。2)There is a bird in front of the classroom.教室前面有一只鸟。3.He isnt tall or short.他不高也不矮。or 用于否定句或疑问句的并列,肯定句的并列用 and。1)I dont know Mr.Yang or Mr.Wang.杨老师和王老师我都不认识。2)Is Jim tall or short?吉姆长得高还是矮?Section BSection B重点单词重点单词朗读下列单词1.*nose/nz/n.鼻子2.*blonde/blnd/,/bl:nd/adj.金黄色的3.*mouth/ma/n.嘴4.*round/rand/adj.圆形的5.face/fes/n.脸6.*eye/a/n.眼睛7.*singer/s(r)/n.歌手8.*artist/:(r)tst/n.艺术家9.*crime/kram/n.犯罪活动10.*criminal/krmnl/n.罪犯11.put/pt/v.放12.each/i:t/adj.&pron.每个;各自13.way/we/n.方式;路线14.*describe/dskrab/v.描述15.differently/dfrntli/adv.不同地16.another/n(r)/adj.&pron.另一;又一17.end/end/n.结尾;尽头18.real/rl/adj.真正的;真实的19.*jeans /di:nz/n.牛仔裤朗读下列单词变形1.sing(动词)singer(名词)2.mouthmouths(复数)3.artartist(名词)画家4.describe(动词)description(名词)5.realreally(副词)6.differently(副词)different(形容词)7.Ieye(同音词)8.everyeach(同义词)9.finishend(同义词)start/begin(对应词)重点短语重点短语朗读下列短语1.talk to 和/与谈话=talk with2.in the end 最后=at last3.a big nose 一个大鼻子4.a round face 一张圆脸5.big eyes 大眼睛6.first of all 首先7.wear jeans 穿牛仔裤8.tell sb.sth.告诉某人某事9.putin 放在里10.want to do sth.想要做某事=would like to do sth.11.thirty years old 三十岁12.curly blonde hair 金色卷发13.the same way 同样的方式14.a picture of 一张的照片15.short black hair 黑色的短发16.a small mouth 一张小嘴17.a long face 一张长脸18.blonde hair 金发19.let sb.do sth.让某人做某事=make sb.do sth.20.a very interesting job 一份非常有趣的工作21.a police artist 一位警方画像师22.on television 在电视上23.each criminal 每名罪犯24.a short and heavy old man 一个矮胖的老人25.the same person 同样的人26.draw a picture of 画一张的画重点句子重点句子朗读下列句子1.乔布朗有一份非常有趣的工作。Joe Brown has a very interesting job.2.一些人目睹犯罪活动,然后跟乔谈话。Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe.3.他想画好每个罪犯的肖像,但是这项工作有时是困难的。He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult.4.许多人并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们可能会将同一个人描述得不一样。Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.5.最后,真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的老年人,而且他留着一头黑色的短发。In the end,the real criminal is a short and heavy old man,and he has short black hair!6.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样子。They tell him what the criminal looks like.7.乔画罪犯的照片,警方把它登在报纸和电视上来找到他。Joe draws a picture of the criminal,and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.重点知识重点知识朗读并记忆下列知识2b1.Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe.有的人看到了罪犯,然后告诉乔。talk to/with+人,跟.说/倾诉/交流;talk about+物,谈论1)I want to talk to/with you after class.下课后我想跟你谈谈。2)Lets talk about this movie.让我们谈谈这部电影吧。2.He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult.他想画好每个罪犯的图片,但有时这份工作很难。want to do sth.想要做某事1)Li Hailong wants to be a police.(be)李海龙想要做一名警察。2)Mike wants to go to the cinema.(go)麦克想要去看电影。3.Also,they dont always remember well.而且,他们并不是记得很清楚。(补充)remember to do sth.记得要去做.(没做),remember doing sth.记得做过.(已做)1)I remembered meeting you before.(meet)我记得以前见过你。2)Remembering to go home today.(go)今天记得回家。词汇思维图词汇思维图生词成文生词成文Good evening,everyone!Tonight,let me introduce two of my friends,Tina and Johnny.Tina is a singer.She has long curly blonde hair.She is not too tall or too short.She is of medium height.She has a round face,a small mouth and two big eyes.Tinas brother,Johnny,is an artist.He is handsome with a small nose.He is of medium build so he isnt too thin or heavy.He has short straight hair.He often wears jeans and a pair of glasses.Johnny often went to the cinema and drew pictures of actors or actresses when he was a child.Later he often helps the police draw a picture of the criminal.It may be a little difficult for him,because people describe the same person or crime differently.Johnny has to draw a picture of the criminal from one way to another.But in the end,he can always draw a clear picture of the real criminal.I think his job is very cool and fun.Do you think so?话题范文话题范文My Net Friend MaryI have many net friends,and Mary is one of them.Let me tell you something about her.Mary is from Sydney,Australia.The girl is fifteen years old and is studying at Apple Tree School.She is of medium height and a little bit heavy.She has big eyes and long black curly hair.She likes to wear blue clothes.She likes reading books and chatting online.In her free time,she often practices playing the guitar.She studies hard.Her favorite animal is the panda.She hopes to come to China one day.Mary is a good girl.I like her very much.
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