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1、河北省廊坊市文安县联衡中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听句子选信息1 AdealBmealCdear2 AgreetBagreedCargued3 AbasketballBfootballCvolleyball4 Awork outBlook outCput out5 AJim didnt find his teacher.BJim found his teacher until class began.CJim found his teacher after school.二、听句子选答语6 ANo, I dont.BI lik

2、e it.CYes, sure.7 AYes, I am.BNo, you cant.CYes, I can.8 AIts a good meal.BSo I like it.CBecause its interesting.9 AThank you.BIts Lucys dog.CIts a lovely dog.10 ASorry, I dont have any money.BIts Sunday today.CYoure welcome.三、听录音选图片11Whats the matter with Tom ? ABC12What should the girl do? ABC四、听长

3、对话选答案听对话,回答以下各小题。13Where does the boy want to go?AA hospital.BA supermarket.CThe police station.14Who is the boy talking to?AHis friend.BHis mother.CA policeman.听对话,回答以下各小题。15Whats wrong with the young man?AHe has a cold.BHe has a fever.CHe has a headache.16Does he have a fever?AYes, he does.BNo, he

4、 doesnt.CWe dont know.17What has he been doing these days?APlaying computer games.BSleeping all day.CDrinking all day.18How often should he take the medicine?ATwice a day.BThree times a day.COnce a day.五、听短文选答案听短文,回答以下各小题。19What does Nick enjoy doing?ATeaching the children to read.BPlaying football.

5、CPlaying with kids.20What is John good at?AReading funny stories.BTelling stories and jokes.CVisiting sick kids in the hospital.21Why does Anna sing?ATo raise money for homeless people.BTo make money for herself.CTo practice singing.听短文,回答以下各小题。22How old is Wang Fang?A14.B16.C18.23What did she see f

6、rom next door ?AMany people.BSome flowers.CA lot of smoke.24Why couldnt Grandpa Sun get out of the house?ABecause hes blind.BBecause he hurt his leg.CBecause he was sleeping.25What did she do?AShe called 119.BShe asked her parents for help.CShe poured water on the fire and helped Grandpa Sun out.六、单

7、项选择26Though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _.Aalone, lonelyBlonely, aloneCalone, aloneDlonely, lonely27 Im not going swimming this afternoon. _. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.ASo am I.BSo I am.CNeither am I.DNeither I am.28Would you mind if I turn on the radio?_. The baby is sleeping in

8、 the next room.ANo, I dont mindBNot at allCBetter notDThats all right29Its very cold outside. Could you please _ the door?Adont openBto not openCnot openDnot to open30Mr. Li asks us to remember that_ careful we are, _mistakes we will make .Athe more; the fewerBthe fewer; the moreCthe more; the moreD

9、the less; the fewer31I argued with my friend. I dont know _. Can you give me some _?Awhat to do; adviceBwhat to do; advicesChow to do; adviceDhow to do; advices32He is too lazy to _ the trash.Atake outBtake overCtake upDtake off33 _ is it from your school to the zoo? Its about six minutes walk.AHow

10、muchBHow manyCHow longDHow far34 There are still a few bananas. Would you like to have _ one? No, thanks.Athe otherBotherCothersDanother35Im really _ tired. I dont want to do _ work now.Atoo much, much tooBtoo many, too muchCmuch too, too manyDmuch too, too much七、完形填空When you are free, you can outsi

11、de to play in the street. You can also stay at home to surf the Internet. _36_ do you think is safer? Maybe some people think surfing the Internet at home is _37_. In fact, surfing the Internet at home is not safe. So you should be _38_ when you surf the Internet. Here are some _39_ for you.Be caref

12、ul about strangers on the Internet, just as you _40_ strangers in the street. Of course, we know the strangers are the persons whom we dont know.If someone says some dirty words to you, dont _41_ and just leave.You should _42_ tell others about your real name, home address or telephone number. They

13、are your personal information. If you tell others about that, that may get you _43_ danger.Never _44_ to meet someone you know on the Internet. He or she might be a bad person!Dont make too many net friends. If you have free time, you should _45_ time with your real friends in your real life.36AWhic

14、hBWhyCWhenDHow37Amore dangerousBsaferCmore comfortableDcheaper38AcarefulBhelpfulCworriedDpleased39AstoriesBlessonCquestionsDsuggestions40Aare interested inBstay away fromCgive upDlook like41AanswerBstopCkeepDcatch42AalwaysBneverCoftenDusually43AforBoffConDin44ArefuseBagreeChelpDhave45AspendBbringCpa

15、yDcost八、阅读单选Erin, 14, ParisMy deskmate (同桌), Lana, often asks me questions in class, so I cant hear what the teacher is saying. The other students are quite angry with us.May, 13, BeijingIm going to take the mid-term exam next month. Will I do well in it? Will my parents be angry if I dont? I am rea

16、lly worried. I cant eat well and Im not sleeping very well.Mary, 14, WashingtonAlice, my good friend, will have her 15th birthday party next week. She has invited me to it, but I dont have money to buy her a gift. What should I do?46What is the best advice for Erin?ATry to relax.BYou could make a gi

17、ft to give her.CYou could write him a letter.DTell her to ask questions after class.47What is the matter with Mary?AShe cant go to her friends birthday party.BShe cant hear the teacher clearly in class.CShe did badly in an exam.DShe has no money to buy a gift.48_ is under too much pressure and shoul

18、d learn to relax.AErinBMaryCMayDAlice49Which of the following is TRUE?AErin and Mary are the same age.BMay lives in England.CLana is very popular in class.DAlice is Erins good friend.50What is the best title for this text?ACan I Help You?BWhat Should I Do?CHow to Make Friends?DWhy Not Tell Him?Here

19、are some students problems and advice from a magazine.ProblemsAdviceMy parents dont let me go out. They always ask me to stay at home and study all the time.GraceTell your parents that you need to do some outdoor sports to relax. You can also ask your friends for help.Sometimes I cant fall asleep at

20、 night. What should I do?JimMake sure not to be too excited before going to bed. Drinking some milk may also help you.I was late for school today. My teacher was angry with me.AliceYou should go to bed and get up early. Youd better set an alarm before going to bed.I often argue with my classmates. P

21、lease tell me what do do.JohnI think you should be friendly to your classmates and learn to be tolerant(宽容的) of others.51Why does Grace always stay at home?ABecause its quiet at home.BBecause she wants to watch TV.CBecause her parents ask her to study.DBecause she has to do the housework.52Whats Jim

22、s problem?AHe cant fall asleep at night.BHe isnt good at his lessons.CHe doesnt like drinking milk.DHis parents dont let him go out.53Who should set an alarm before going to bed?AGrace.BJohn.CJim.DAlice.54John often _ with his classmates.AreadsBarguesCsingsDdances55Which of the following is TRUE?ATh

23、e table is from a magazine.BGrace enjoys her school life a lot.CAlice goes to school early every day.DJohn gets on well with his classmates.Studying or working in a foreign country is an exciting experience. However, before starting such an experience, you should decide where to live. Will you share

24、 an apartment with others? Or will you live with a host family? For me, living with a French family is the best choice(选择) I made, and here is why.Firstly, a host family can show you around the city, help you get used to the new life and stop you from feeling lonely. My host family were friendly. Th

25、ey showed me which bus to take to get to work, cooked dinner for me so we could eat together, and took me with them on trips to the beach.Whats more, living with a host family helps you improve your foreign language. My host family were happy to answer my questions and give me advice about learning

26、French.Finally, the experience of living abroad(在国外) is one that you will remember forever. Your host family might become your friends for life. I will keep in touch with(与保持联系) my host family after I leave France. I might go back for their birthdays, weddings(婚礼), and much more. Thats because when

27、I was away from my friends and loved ones, they welcomed me and made me part of their family.56If we choose to live with a host family, we can _.Aget used to the new life quicklyBtravel around the worldCdrive their car to workDimprove our English57The host family _.Ataught the writer EnglishBcooked

28、every meal for the writerCgave the writer advice on learning FrenchDhad a party to welcome the writer58After the writer leaves France, he might _.Aforget the host familyBnever go back to FranceCsend e-mails to the host familyDinvite the host family to visit China59According to the passage, a host fa

29、mily is _.Aa place that looks like a hotelBa family who provides necessary things for big festivalsCa place where people can have parties in a foreign countryDa family people stay with when they visit another country60What is the best title of the passage?ARemember Your Friends for LifeBLive with a

30、Host FamilyCHow to Improve Your FrenchDHow to Find a Host Family九、听短文填表听短文填空。Information SheetA _61_ traffic accident happend on Highway 77.About _62_ students were seriously hurt.The truck driver had both his _63_ broken.It is said that bad _64_ caused the accident.The police told drivers to be mor

31、e _65_ on the highway.十、多任务混合阅读Many parents think that its very difficult to get their children to do chores. But I think its easy to get children to do chores.My daughter is ten years old. At night, I write down her chores for the following day. Then I stick(贴) the paper with chores on her door. Us

32、ually she gets three to eight chores a day. It depends on how she does chores. If she does all of her chores well, she can get fewer chores the next day. Some chores are easy, such as sweeping the floor, folding the clothes and cleaning the table after dinner.For my other two children, the chores ar

33、e different because they are too young. They both know how to put their empty dinner plates in the dishwasher(洗碗机)My 19-month-old son helps me put the dirty clothes in the washing machine(洗衣机) when I am washing the clothes. They can also help me when Im working in the yard. They help me pick up the

34、sticks(树枝) and throw them away.1、2完成句子;3回答问题;4找出并写下全文的主题句;5翻译划线句子。66The writer always asks her children to _.67The writer has _ chidren, and one of them is only 19 months old.68How does the writers ten-year-old daughter know her chores?_69_70_十一、短文综合填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在空白处填上一个适当单词(有的空给了首字母提示)I hardly tal

35、ked to my parents, because they liked to c_71_ me with my sister. And that made me a_72_ and sad.However, I wanted to show them that I could do things as _73_ (good) as my sister. Then I began to spend most of my spare time _74_ (paint) in my bedroom. Luckily, my art teacher, Miss Brown, supported(支

36、持) me a lot. She thought I am _75_ (talent) in painting. And she was the only person I would like to talk with.One day, I told Miss Brown about my problem. She encouraged(鼓励) me to take part in a painting competition. In _76_ (she) opinion, the best way to communicate _77_ my parents was to prove(证明

37、) myself to them. I took her a_78_ .After a few weeks _79_ (wait), the result finally came out. I was very happy and excited, because I got the first prize! When I took the prize home, my parents were very surprised! But I could see that they were very happy. And they began to care more about me. No

38、w, I get _80_ well with my parents. And I think its very important to have someone to talk to.十二、将所给单词连成句子81his, whats, throat, with, matter, the_?82like, put off, plan, would, the, you, to_?83to, should, you, learn, yourself, take care of_.84push, on, dont, much, her, pressure_.85have to, compete,

39、classmates, with, I, school, at, my_.十三、讲稿86请你以“Learn to Get on with our Parents”为题,在班内写一篇演讲稿。内容要点如下:1.现象:经常跟父母吵架,甚至几天不说话。2.原因:父母过于关注分数,因而不想与父母沟通。3.措施:1)应该和父母沟通。2)帮助做些家务。3)在课业和爱好之间取得平衡(achieve a balance)。4.要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。2)必须包含所有有关信息,并作适当发挥。3)不少于80词,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Learn to Get on with our ParentsHello! Everyone,Today my speech topic is “Learn to Get on with our Parents”. These days, Most of us feel it hard to get on with our parents._Thats all for my speech. Thank you!试卷第11页,共11页


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