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1、2019-2020学年度第二学期人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit9单元测试卷一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)( )1There is _ water in the glass. You can drink.AfewBa fewClittleDa little( )2What is the _ of the mountain? Its 4,000 metersAhigh Btall Cheight Dweight( )3How kind you are! You always do what you can _ othersAhelpBhelpingChelpsDto help( )4Te

2、ll me your story, please. Ill be all ears.AI have many ears. BI like all kinds of earsCIm listening to you carefully. DI dont want to listen to you.( )5What would you like for _ breakfast, Jack?Two eggs and _ cup of tea, please.Aa; theB不填; aC不填; theDa; a( )6Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom,

3、 they stopped _ at once.Awalk; tellingBentering; to speakCenter; to tellDwalking; talking( )7Is David from Australia or Canada?_.AYes, he is from CanadaBYes, he is from AustraliaCHe is from Australia and CanadaDHe is from Australia( )8Shes a kind . She often helps other .Aperson; peoples Bpeople; pe

4、rsonCpeople; personsDperson; people( )9 What an interesting story she told us!Yes, and her voice sounded _.Asweet Bsmall Cclearly Dsadly( )10Do you know where he _? Sorry, Im new here.AliveBlivingClivesDto live( )11My sister is good _ old people.Afor Bat Cwith Dof( )12Tim _ his father and his father

5、 _ very young.Alooks;looksBlooks like;looksClooks;looks likeDlooks like;looks like( )13A(n)_can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things.AactorBscientistCartistDdoctor( )14_ Lin Xinru have long _ short hair? She has long hairADoes;and BDoes;or CIs;or DIs

6、;and( )15Mike and Jim are going to _swimming this afternoon.Ago Bgoing Cgoes Dto go( )16Is that Mary?No,it isnt.Mary _ thin and _ a round face.Ais;is Bhas;has Cis;has Dhas;is( )17Theres _ tea in the cup and you can drink it.Akind of Ba lot Ca little Dtoo many( )18He _ straight hair and is _ handsome

7、.Ais;a little Bhas;a little Chas;little Dis;little( )19Would you like _apple? No,thanks.Im full.Aother Banother Cthe other Dany( )20What _you going to _in ten years?Aare;are Bbe;be Cbe;are Dare;be二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Do you know the beautiful girl on the stage(舞台)?She is dancing. 21 name is Jenny Green

8、.Green is her fathers 22 name.She was born on August 25th.Jennys father 23 in New York.She goes to visit him when she is 24 on weekends.Jenny is 25 medium height and she 26 long black hair.Her favorite 27 are tennis and baseball.She likes 28 music and she likes PE.classes,too.She is young but she is

9、 a famous 29 now.We can often see her in the movie or on TV.I love her 30 movie very much and always ask my friends to watch it.( )21ASheBHerCYourDMy( )22AfamilyBoneCtwoDsecond( )23AworksBsleepsCeatsDgoes( )24AtiredBbusyCexcitedDfree( )25AofBatCinDabout( )26AwearsBhasCisDwith( )27AcolorsBbooksCsport

10、sDanimals( )28AhearingBlistening toChearDlisten to( )29AteacherBactorCactressDstudent( )30AoneBfirstCaDthe三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)AIm Leo. There is a great artist in my family. She is Lisa. Lisa likes drawing a lot. Here are her three drawings(图画). There is an animal in the first drawing. It has two big e

11、yes, a big mouth and two small ears. It has long arms and long legs. It is black and white. There are some apples in its hands. It looks very happy. What is it? I dont know, but Lisa says it is a panda.There is a woman in the second drawing. She is thin. She has straight blonde hair, a small mouth,

12、a big nose and two big eyes. She looks angry. Who is she? Lisa says she is our mom. But Mom has curly blonde hair, small eyes and a small nose.There is an animal in the third drawing, too. Its head is an apple. Its hair and tail(尾巴)are leaves(树叶). It has a long mouth, and it is a banana. Its two leg

13、s are carrots. What is it? Lisa says it is a horse(马), but it doesnt look like a horse.Lisa is really a great artist, isnt she?( )31The animal in the first drawing _.Alooks very happy Bis eating apples Chas big eyes and big ears Dhas short arms and short legs( )32Leos mom has _.Aa big mouth Bcurly b

14、londe hair Ctwo big eyes Da big nose( )33From the passage, we can know Lisa is Leos _.Amother Bcousin CSister Dclassmate( )34The underlined word “it” refers to(指代)“_”.Athe hair Bthe head Cthe tail Dthe mouth( )35Which of the following is RIGHT?ALisas horse likes to eat carrots. BLisa likes drawing v

15、ery much.CLisa draws an animal and two women. DThe woman in the second drawing looks happy.BAmerican people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit.You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the

16、 salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sister

17、s.“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that someone wants to walk past you without touching you. Its not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You

18、should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.Lets learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. ( )36You should say “Thank you” when _ . Ayou say something kind to othersByou help othersCsomeone helps youDyou want others to help you( )37From the passage we know “Thank you” i

19、s _.Aused in the worldBused more often than “Excuse me”Cused only by AmericansDused only between friends( )38You should say “Excuse me” if you want to _.AcoughBmake some noiseCgo firstDall of the above( )39When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “_”.AThank youBThats ver

20、y kind of youCExcuse meDIm sorry( )40This passage mainly tells us the way _.Ato be happyBto be politeCto help othersDto learn from AmericansCMy father is tall and has short, gray(灰白的) hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In

21、the picture, hes 15 years old. Hes short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and its really straight. Hes wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”. Im 15 years old now. Im medium height and I have short hair. My hair isnt yellow, its blue. My dad thinks

22、 its strange(奇怪的), but my friends think its great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. Theyre so cool! I have an earring(耳环) in one ear, too. Dad really cant understand(明白) that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy(松的) pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictu

23、res of my favorite rock bands(摇滚乐队) on them.( )41What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? He wears _.Aglasses with heavy, black frames Bglasses with bright red framesClong and yellow glasses Dglasses with small, round frames( )42What color is my hair? Its _.Ayellow Bblue C

24、gray Dred( )43What do I like to wear? I like to wear _.Ablue jeans and a T-shirt Byellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word “love”Cbig and baggy pants and long T-shirts Dblue jeans and an earring( )44Whats on my fathers T-shirt?AThe word “love”. BHeavy and black frames. CPictures of rock bands. DAn e

25、arring.( )45Who has an earring in one ear?AMy dad does. BI do. CMy father does. DMy Friends do.DMy father is tall and has short gray hair.He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框架)Today I find a picture of him in 1968.What a surprise!In the picture,hes 15 years old.Hes short and he has glasses wit

26、h small round frames.He has long black hair and its really straight.Hes wearing blue jeans and a Tshirt with the word “Love”Im 15 years old now.Im of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isnt black,but its brown.My dad thinks its strange,but my friends think its great.I wear glasses,b

27、ut my glasses have square(方的) red frames.They are so cool.I never wear blue jeans.I like big and baggy pants and long Tshirts.Most of my Tshirts have pictures of my favorite actors or singers on them.( )46What kind of glasses did the father wear when he was 15 years old?AGlasses with

28、 heavy black frames. BLong and yellow glasses.CGlasses with bright red frames. DGlasses with small round frames.( )47The color of the writers hair is _.Ayellow Bbrown Cgray Dred( )48The underlined word “strange” means _ in Chinese.A酷的 B华丽的 C可爱的 D奇怪的( )49According to(根据) the passage,the writer likes

29、to wear _.Ablue jeans and a TshirtByellow jeans and a Tshirt with the word“Love”Cbig and baggy pants and long TshirtsDblue jeans and long Tshirts( )50Whats on the fathers Tshirt?AThe word “Love” BHeavy and black frames. CPictures of a singer. DPictures of an actor.四、单

30、词拼写:根据汉语或首字母提示,完成下列单词(每小题1分,共10分)。51How _(重的) is that box?52Shes the most _(为大众喜爱的) teacher in our school.53Who was the first _(人) to swim across the English Channel(英吉利海峡)?54He is wearing a pair of _(眼镜) on his nose.55Can you _(记得) what her telephone number is?56She is quiet, she_(从不)_talks with ot

31、hers.57Allan Green is the _(队长) in our team.58He looks cool ,he often w_ glasses.59HanMei is m _ build.60She has long s_ hair.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)61She _ (watch) TV last night.62Mr Green enjoys _ (work) in China.63He wants _ (be) an English teacher in the future (将来).64He _(look)like his fathe

32、r.65I like_(play)chess.66Listen! Who _ (sing) in the room?67Tom usually _ (get) up at six oclock in the morning.68She _ (have) two pictures.69Mrs Li _ (live) in China last year.70Look! The boys _ (play) football over there.六、按要求完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)71My uncle is tall_and_thin(对画线部分提问)_ does your uncle _

33、_?72He isnt heavy or thin.(改为同义句)He is _ _ _.73That man may be a doctor.(改为同义句)_ that man _a doctor.74Is he tall?Is he short?(两句合并为一句)_ he tall _ short?75They have straight curly hair.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ straight curly hair?七、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词(每小题2分,共10分)76李鑫正在画他的宠物画像。Li Xin is _ _ _ _ his pet now77最后,他找到

34、了那本书。_ _ _ ,he found that book78你能告诉我你妹妹长什么样吗?Can you tell me _ your sister_ _79许多人并非总是以同样的方式看待事物。Many people dont always see things_ _ _ 80他留着棕色的短直发。He has _ _ _ hair八、书面表达(10分)假如你是Ann,Mary是你的好朋友,你们俩看上去很不一样。请你根据以下内容写一篇不少于60词的短文,描述一下你和Mary的情况。姓名性格眼睛的颜色头发体型Annquietblackblack, long, straight tall and

35、thinMarylike talkingblue brownshort, curlyshort and heavy_参考答案一、单项选择1-5 DCDCB 6-10 DDDAC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CCBBD 二、完型填空21-25 BAADA 26-30 BCBCB 三、阅读理解31-35 ABCDB 36-40 CADCB 41-45 DBCAB 46-50 DBDCA 四、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词51heavy52popular53person54glasses55remember56. never57. captain58. wears59. medium60. s

36、traight五、用所给单词的正确形式填空61watched62working 63to be 64looks 65playing 66is singing67gets68has 69lived 70are playing六、根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词71What look like 72of medium build 73Maybe is 74Is or 75Do have七、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词76drawing a picture of 77In the end 78what looks like 79the same way 80short straight brown

37、八、书面表达My name is Ann, and my friends name is Mary. We are very good friends but we look very different. I have black eyes and black hair; she has blue eyes and brown hair. My hair is long and straight, her hair is short and curly. Im tall and thin, and shes short and heavy. Im a little bit shy and always keep quiet. But Mary likes talking very much and never stops talking.


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